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/// Struct responsible for syncing Prover
pub mod prover_sync;
pub use prover_sync::ProverSync;
use ethers::core::types::H256;
use rocksdb::DB;
use optics_base::db::UsingPersistence;
use optics_core::accumulator::{
merkle::{merkle_root_from_branch, MerkleTree, MerkleTreeError, Proof},
/// A depth-32 sparse Merkle tree capable of producing proofs for arbitrary
/// elements.
pub struct Prover {
count: usize,
tree: MerkleTree,
impl UsingPersistence<usize, H256> for Prover {
const KEY_PREFIX: &'static [u8] = "index_".as_bytes();
fn key_to_bytes(key: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
/// Prover Errors
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ProverError {
/// Index is above tree max size
#[error("Requested proof for index above u32::MAX: {0}")]
/// Requested proof for a zero element
#[error("Requested proof for a zero element. Requested: {index}. Tree has: {count}")]
ZeroProof {
/// The index requested
index: usize,
/// The number of leaves
count: usize,
/// Bubbled up from underlying
MerkleTreeError(#[from] MerkleTreeError),
/// Failed proof verification
#[error("Proof verification failed. Root is {expected}, produced is {actual}")]
VerificationFailed {
/// The expected root (this tree's current root)
expected: H256,
/// The root produced by branch evaluation
actual: H256,
impl Default for Prover {
fn default() -> Self {
let full = MerkleTree::create(&[], TREE_DEPTH);
Self {
count: 0,
tree: full,
impl Prover {
/// Given rocksdb handle `db` containing merkle tree leaves,
/// instantiates new prover and fills prover's merkle tree
pub fn from_disk(db: &DB) -> Self {
let mut prover = Self::default();
// Ingest all leaves in db into prover tree
let db_iter = Self::iterator(&db);
for leaf in db_iter {
prover.ingest(leaf).expect("!tree full");
/// Push a leaf to the tree. Appends it to the first unoccupied slot
/// This will fail if the underlying tree is full.
pub fn ingest(&mut self, element: H256) -> Result<H256, ProverError> {
self.count += 1;
self.tree.push_leaf(element, TREE_DEPTH)?;
/// Return the current root hash of the tree
pub fn root(&self) -> H256 {
/// Return the number of leaves that have been ingested
pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
/// Create a proof of a leaf in this tree.
/// Note, if the tree ingests more leaves, the root will need to be recalculated.
pub fn prove(&self, index: usize) -> Result<Proof, ProverError> {
if index > u32::MAX as usize {
return Err(ProverError::IndexTooHigh(index));
let count = self.count();
if index >= count {
return Err(ProverError::ZeroProof { index, count });
let (leaf, hashes) = self.tree.generate_proof(index, TREE_DEPTH);
let mut path = [H256::zero(); 32];
Ok(Proof { leaf, index, path })
/// Verify a proof against this tree's root.
pub fn verify(&self, proof: &Proof) -> Result<(), ProverError> {
let actual = merkle_root_from_branch(proof.leaf, &proof.path, TREE_DEPTH, proof.index);
let expected = self.root();
if expected == actual {
} else {
Err(ProverError::VerificationFailed { expected, actual })
impl<T> From<T> for Prover
T: AsRef<[H256]>,
fn from(t: T) -> Self {
let slice = t.as_ref();
Self {
count: slice.len(),
tree: MerkleTree::create(slice, TREE_DEPTH),
impl std::iter::FromIterator<H256> for Prover {
/// Will panic if the tree fills
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = H256>>(iter: I) -> Self {
let mut prover = Self::default();
impl std::iter::Extend<H256> for Prover {
/// Will panic if the tree fills
fn extend<I: IntoIterator<Item = H256>>(&mut self, iter: I) {
for i in iter {
self.ingest(i).expect("!tree full");
mod test {
use super::*;
use ethers::utils::hash_message;
use optics_core::test_utils;
fn it_produces_and_verifies_proofs() {
let test_cases = test_utils::load_merkle_test_json();
for test_case in test_cases.iter() {
let mut tree = Prover::default();
// insert the leaves
for leaf in test_case.leaves.iter() {
let hashed_leaf = hash_message(leaf);
// assert the tree has the proper leaf count
assert_eq!(tree.count(), test_case.leaves.len());
// assert the tree generates the proper root
let root = tree.root(); // root is type H256
assert_eq!(root, test_case.expected_root);
for n in 0..test_case.leaves.len() {
// assert the tree generates the proper proof for this leaf
let proof = tree.prove(n).unwrap();
assert_eq!(proof, test_case.proofs[n]);
// check that the tree can verify the proof for this leaf