// contracts/TokenVesting.sol // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 pragma solidity 0.8.11; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol"; /** * @title TokenVesting */ contract TokenVesting is Ownable, ReentrancyGuard{ using SafeMath for uint256; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; struct VestingSchedule{ bool initialized; // beneficiary of tokens after they are released address beneficiary; // cliff period in seconds uint256 cliff; // start time of the vesting period uint256 start; // duration of the vesting period in seconds uint256 duration; // duration of a slice period for the vesting in seconds uint256 slicePeriodSeconds; // whether or not the vesting is revocable bool revocable; // total amount of tokens to be released at the end of the vesting uint256 amountTotal; // amount of tokens released uint256 released; // whether or not the vesting has been revoked bool revoked; } // address of the ERC20 token IERC20 immutable private _token; bytes32[] private vestingSchedulesIds; mapping(bytes32 => VestingSchedule) private vestingSchedules; uint256 private vestingSchedulesTotalAmount; mapping(address => uint256) private holdersVestingCount; event Released(uint256 amount); event Revoked(); /** * @dev Reverts if no vesting schedule matches the passed identifier. */ modifier onlyIfVestingScheduleExists(bytes32 vestingScheduleId) { require(vestingSchedules[vestingScheduleId].initialized == true); _; } /** * @dev Reverts if the vesting schedule does not exist or has been revoked. */ modifier onlyIfVestingScheduleNotRevoked(bytes32 vestingScheduleId) { require(vestingSchedules[vestingScheduleId].initialized == true); require(vestingSchedules[vestingScheduleId].revoked == false); _; } /** * @dev Creates a vesting contract. * @param token_ address of the ERC20 token contract */ constructor(address token_) { require(token_ != address(0x0)); _token = IERC20(token_); } receive() external payable {} fallback() external payable {} /** * @dev Returns the number of vesting schedules associated to a beneficiary. * @return the number of vesting schedules */ function getVestingSchedulesCountByBeneficiary(address _beneficiary) external view returns(uint256){ return holdersVestingCount[_beneficiary]; } /** * @dev Returns the vesting schedule id at the given index. * @return the vesting id */ function getVestingIdAtIndex(uint256 index) external view returns(bytes32){ require(index < getVestingSchedulesCount(), "TokenVesting: index out of bounds"); return vestingSchedulesIds[index]; } /** * @notice Returns the vesting schedule information for a given holder and index. * @return the vesting schedule structure information */ function getVestingScheduleByAddressAndIndex(address holder, uint256 index) external view returns(VestingSchedule memory){ return getVestingSchedule(computeVestingScheduleIdForAddressAndIndex(holder, index)); } /** * @notice Returns the total amount of vesting schedules. * @return the total amount of vesting schedules */ function getVestingSchedulesTotalAmount() external view returns(uint256){ return vestingSchedulesTotalAmount; } /** * @dev Returns the address of the ERC20 token managed by the vesting contract. */ function getToken() external view returns(address){ return address(_token); } /** * @notice Creates a new vesting schedule for a beneficiary. * @param _beneficiary address of the beneficiary to whom vested tokens are transferred * @param _start start time of the vesting period * @param _cliff duration in seconds of the cliff in which tokens will begin to vest * @param _duration duration in seconds of the period in which the tokens will vest * @param _slicePeriodSeconds duration of a slice period for the vesting in seconds * @param _revocable whether the vesting is revocable or not * @param _amount total amount of tokens to be released at the end of the vesting */ function createVestingSchedule( address _beneficiary, uint256 _start, uint256 _cliff, uint256 _duration, uint256 _slicePeriodSeconds, bool _revocable, uint256 _amount ) public onlyOwner{ require( this.getWithdrawableAmount() >= _amount, "TokenVesting: cannot create vesting schedule because not sufficient tokens" ); require(_duration > 0, "TokenVesting: duration must be > 0"); require(_amount > 0, "TokenVesting: amount must be > 0"); require(_slicePeriodSeconds >= 1, "TokenVesting: slicePeriodSeconds must be >= 1"); bytes32 vestingScheduleId = this.computeNextVestingScheduleIdForHolder(_beneficiary); uint256 cliff = _start.add(_cliff); vestingSchedules[vestingScheduleId] = VestingSchedule( true, _beneficiary, cliff, _start, _duration, _slicePeriodSeconds, _revocable, _amount, 0, false ); vestingSchedulesTotalAmount = vestingSchedulesTotalAmount.add(_amount); vestingSchedulesIds.push(vestingScheduleId); uint256 currentVestingCount = holdersVestingCount[_beneficiary]; holdersVestingCount[_beneficiary] = currentVestingCount.add(1); } /** * @notice Revokes the vesting schedule for given identifier. * @param vestingScheduleId the vesting schedule identifier */ function revoke(bytes32 vestingScheduleId) public onlyOwner onlyIfVestingScheduleNotRevoked(vestingScheduleId){ VestingSchedule storage vestingSchedule = vestingSchedules[vestingScheduleId]; require(vestingSchedule.revocable == true, "TokenVesting: vesting is not revocable"); uint256 vestedAmount = _computeReleasableAmount(vestingSchedule); if(vestedAmount > 0){ release(vestingScheduleId, vestedAmount); } uint256 unreleased = vestingSchedule.amountTotal.sub(vestingSchedule.released); vestingSchedulesTotalAmount = vestingSchedulesTotalAmount.sub(unreleased); vestingSchedule.revoked = true; } /** * @notice Withdraw the specified amount if possible. * @param amount the amount to withdraw */ function withdraw(uint256 amount) public nonReentrant onlyOwner{ require(this.getWithdrawableAmount() >= amount, "TokenVesting: not enough withdrawable funds"); _token.safeTransfer(owner(), amount); } /** * @notice Release vested amount of tokens. * @param vestingScheduleId the vesting schedule identifier * @param amount the amount to release */ function release( bytes32 vestingScheduleId, uint256 amount ) public nonReentrant onlyIfVestingScheduleNotRevoked(vestingScheduleId){ VestingSchedule storage vestingSchedule = vestingSchedules[vestingScheduleId]; bool isBeneficiary = msg.sender == vestingSchedule.beneficiary; bool isOwner = msg.sender == owner(); require( isBeneficiary || isOwner, "TokenVesting: only beneficiary and owner can release vested tokens" ); uint256 vestedAmount = _computeReleasableAmount(vestingSchedule); require(vestedAmount >= amount, "TokenVesting: cannot release tokens, not enough vested tokens"); vestingSchedule.released = vestingSchedule.released.add(amount); address payable beneficiaryPayable = payable(vestingSchedule.beneficiary); vestingSchedulesTotalAmount = vestingSchedulesTotalAmount.sub(amount); _token.safeTransfer(beneficiaryPayable, amount); } /** * @dev Returns the number of vesting schedules managed by this contract. * @return the number of vesting schedules */ function getVestingSchedulesCount() public view returns(uint256){ return vestingSchedulesIds.length; } /** * @notice Computes the vested amount of tokens for the given vesting schedule identifier. * @return the vested amount */ function computeReleasableAmount(bytes32 vestingScheduleId) public onlyIfVestingScheduleNotRevoked(vestingScheduleId) view returns(uint256){ VestingSchedule storage vestingSchedule = vestingSchedules[vestingScheduleId]; return _computeReleasableAmount(vestingSchedule); } /** * @notice Returns the vesting schedule information for a given identifier. * @return the vesting schedule structure information */ function getVestingSchedule(bytes32 vestingScheduleId) public view returns(VestingSchedule memory){ return vestingSchedules[vestingScheduleId]; } /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens that can be withdrawn by the owner. * @return the amount of tokens */ function getWithdrawableAmount() public view returns(uint256){ return _token.balanceOf(address(this)).sub(vestingSchedulesTotalAmount); } /** * @dev Computes the next vesting schedule identifier for a given holder address. */ function computeNextVestingScheduleIdForHolder(address holder) public view returns(bytes32){ return computeVestingScheduleIdForAddressAndIndex(holder, holdersVestingCount[holder]); } /** * @dev Returns the last vesting schedule for a given holder address. */ function getLastVestingScheduleForHolder(address holder) public view returns(VestingSchedule memory){ return vestingSchedules[computeVestingScheduleIdForAddressAndIndex(holder, holdersVestingCount[holder] - 1)]; } /** * @dev Computes the vesting schedule identifier for an address and an index. */ function computeVestingScheduleIdForAddressAndIndex(address holder, uint256 index) public pure returns(bytes32){ return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(holder, index)); } /** * @dev Computes the releasable amount of tokens for a vesting schedule. * @return the amount of releasable tokens */ function _computeReleasableAmount(VestingSchedule memory vestingSchedule) internal view returns(uint256){ uint256 currentTime = getCurrentTime(); if ((currentTime < vestingSchedule.cliff) || vestingSchedule.revoked == true) { return 0; } else if (currentTime >= vestingSchedule.start.add(vestingSchedule.duration)) { return vestingSchedule.amountTotal.sub(vestingSchedule.released); } else { uint256 timeFromStart = currentTime.sub(vestingSchedule.start); uint secondsPerSlice = vestingSchedule.slicePeriodSeconds; uint256 vestedSlicePeriods = timeFromStart.div(secondsPerSlice); uint256 vestedSeconds = vestedSlicePeriods.mul(secondsPerSlice); uint256 vestedAmount = vestingSchedule.amountTotal.mul(vestedSeconds).div(vestingSchedule.duration); vestedAmount = vestedAmount.sub(vestingSchedule.released); return vestedAmount; } } function getCurrentTime() internal virtual view returns(uint256){ return block.timestamp; } }