# Harmony Explorer frontend ## Requirements ### Node.js 16.13.2 LTS Download and install Node.js from the official website: [https://nodejs.org/](https://nodejs.org/) ### yarn 1.22.17 ``` npm install --global yarn ``` ## Dev Environment ### First Install 1) Clone repo: ```bash git clone https://github.com/harmony-one/explorer-v2-frontend.git ``` 2) Install dependencies: ```bash cd explorer-v2-frontend yarn install ``` 3) Run project: ```bash yarn start ``` 4) Open app page http://localhost:3000/ ### Configuring app 1) Create a new file: `.env.local` 2) Copy env variables from `.env.example` to newly created file `.env.local` 3) Setup custom env variables values and restart the app ### Build To create production build run command: ``` yarn build ```