a portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

240 lines
6.1 KiB

#pragma once
@brief converter between integer and string
@author MITSUNARI Shigeo(@herumi)
#include <memory.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <limits>
#include <cybozu/exception.hpp>
namespace cybozu {
namespace atoi_local {
template<typename T, size_t n>
T convertToInt(bool *b, const char *p, size_t size, const char (&max)[n], T min, T overflow1, char overflow2)
if (size > 0 && *p) {
bool isMinus = false;
size_t i = 0;
if (*p == '-') {
isMinus = true;
if (i < size && p[i]) {
// skip leading zero
while (i < size && p[i] == '0') i++;
// check minimum
if (isMinus && size - i >= n - 1 && memcmp(max, &p[i], n - 1) == 0) {
if (b) *b = true;
return min;
T x = 0;
for (;;) {
unsigned char c;
if (i == size || (c = static_cast<unsigned char>(p[i])) == '\0') {
if (b) *b = true;
return isMinus ? -x : x;
unsigned int y = c - '0';
if (y > 9 || x > overflow1 || (x == overflow1 && c >= overflow2)) {
x = x * 10 + T(y);
if (b) {
*b = false;
return 0;
} else {
throw cybozu::Exception("atoi::convertToInt") << cybozu::exception::makeString(p, size);
template<typename T>
T convertToUint(bool *b, const char *p, size_t size, T overflow1, char overflow2)
if (size > 0 && *p) {
size_t i = 0;
// skip leading zero
while (i < size && p[i] == '0') i++;
T x = 0;
for (;;) {
unsigned char c;
if (i == size || (c = static_cast<unsigned char>(p[i])) == '\0') {
if (b) *b = true;
return x;
unsigned int y = c - '0';
if (y > 9 || x > overflow1 || (x == overflow1 && c >= overflow2)) {
x = x * 10 + T(y);
if (b) {
*b = false;
return 0;
} else {
throw cybozu::Exception("atoi::convertToUint") << cybozu::exception::makeString(p, size);
template<typename T>
T convertHexToInt(bool *b, const char *p, size_t size)
if (size > 0 && *p) {
size_t i = 0;
T x = 0;
for (;;) {
unsigned int c;
if (i == size || (c = static_cast<unsigned char>(p[i])) == '\0') {
if (b) *b = true;
return x;
if (c - 'A' <= 'F' - 'A') {
c = (c - 'A') + 10;
} else if (c - 'a' <= 'f' - 'a') {
c = (c - 'a') + 10;
} else if (c - '0' <= '9' - '0') {
c = c - '0';
} else {
// avoid overflow
if (x > (std::numeric_limits<T>::max)() / 16) break;
x = x * 16 + T(c);
if (b) {
*b = false;
return 0;
} else {
throw cybozu::Exception("atoi::convertHexToInt") << cybozu::exception::makeString(p, size);
} // atoi_local
auto detect return value class
@note if you set bool pointer p then throw nothing and set *p = false if bad string
class atoi {
const char *p_;
size_t size_;
bool *b_;
void set(bool *b, const char *p, size_t size)
b_ = b;
p_ = p;
size_ = size;
atoi(const char *p, size_t size = -1)
set(0, p, size);
atoi(bool *b, const char *p, size_t size = -1)
set(b, p, size);
atoi(const std::string& str)
set(0, str.c_str(), str.size());
atoi(bool *b, const std::string& str)
set(b, str.c_str(), str.size());
inline operator signed char() const
return atoi_local::convertToInt<signed char>(b_, p_, size_, "128", -128, 12, '8');
inline operator unsigned char() const
return atoi_local::convertToUint<unsigned char>(b_, p_, size_, 25, '6');
inline operator short() const
return atoi_local::convertToInt<short>(b_, p_, size_, "32768", -32768, 3276, '8');
inline operator unsigned short() const
return atoi_local::convertToUint<unsigned short>(b_, p_, size_, 6553, '6');
inline operator int() const
return atoi_local::convertToInt<int>(b_, p_, size_, "2147483648", INT_MIN, 214748364, '8');
inline operator unsigned int() const
return atoi_local::convertToUint<unsigned int>(b_, p_, size_, 429496729, '6');
inline operator long long() const
return atoi_local::convertToInt<long long>(b_, p_, size_, "9223372036854775808", LLONG_MIN, 922337203685477580LL, '8');
inline operator unsigned long long() const
return atoi_local::convertToUint<unsigned long long>(b_, p_, size_, 1844674407370955161ULL, '6');
#if defined(__SIZEOF_LONG__) && (__SIZEOF_LONG__ == 8)
inline operator long() const { return static_cast<long>(static_cast<long long>(*this)); }
inline operator unsigned long() const { return static_cast<unsigned long>(static_cast<unsigned long long>(*this)); }
inline operator long() const { return static_cast<long>(static_cast<int>(*this)); }
inline operator unsigned long() const { return static_cast<unsigned long>(static_cast<unsigned int>(*this)); }
class hextoi {
const char *p_;
size_t size_;
bool *b_;
void set(bool *b, const char *p, size_t size)
b_ = b;
p_ = p;
size_ = size;
hextoi(const char *p, size_t size = -1)
set(0, p, size);
hextoi(bool *b, const char *p, size_t size = -1)
set(b, p, size);
hextoi(const std::string& str)
set(0, str.c_str(), str.size());
hextoi(bool *b, const std::string& str)
set(b, str.c_str(), str.size());
operator unsigned char() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<unsigned char>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator unsigned short() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<unsigned short>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator unsigned int() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<unsigned int>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator unsigned long() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<unsigned long>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator unsigned long long() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<unsigned long long>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator char() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<char>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator signed char() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<signed char>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator short() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<short>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator int() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<int>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator long() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<long>(b_, p_, size_); }
operator long long() const { return atoi_local::convertHexToInt<long long>(b_, p_, size_); }
} // cybozu