a portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library
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#pragma once
@brief SHA-256, SHA-512 class
@author MITSUNARI Shigeo(@herumi)
@license modified new BSD license
#include <string>
5 years ago
#include <memory.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <cybozu/link_libeay32.hpp>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
namespace cybozu {
class Sha256 {
SHA256_CTX ctx_;
void clear()
void update(const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
SHA256_Update(&ctx_, buf, bufSize);
size_t digest(void *md, size_t mdSize, const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
if (mdSize < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH) return 0;
update(buf, bufSize);
SHA256_Final(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(md), &ctx_);
void update(const std::string& buf)
update(buf.c_str(), buf.size());
std::string digest(const std::string& buf)
return digest(buf.c_str(), buf.size());
std::string digest(const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
std::string md(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, 0);
digest(&md[0], md.size(), buf, bufSize);
return md;
class Sha512 {
SHA512_CTX ctx_;
void clear()
void update(const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
SHA512_Update(&ctx_, buf, bufSize);
size_t digest(void *md, size_t mdSize, const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
if (mdSize < SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH) return 0;
update(buf, bufSize);
SHA512_Final(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(md), &ctx_);
void update(const std::string& buf)
update(buf.c_str(), buf.size());
std::string digest(const std::string& buf)
return digest(buf.c_str(), buf.size());
std::string digest(const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
std::string md(SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH, 0);
digest(&md[0], md.size(), buf, bufSize);
return md;
} // cybozu
#include <cybozu/endian.hpp>
#include <memory.h>
#include <assert.h>
namespace cybozu {
namespace sha2_local {
template<class T>
T min_(T x, T y) { return x < y ? x : y;; }
inline uint32_t rot32(uint32_t x, int s)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
return _rotr(x, s);
return (x >> s) | (x << (32 - s));
inline uint64_t rot64(uint64_t x, int s)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
return _rotr64(x, s);
return (x >> s) | (x << (64 - s));
template<class T>
struct Common {
void term(uint8_t *buf, size_t bufSize)
assert(bufSize < T::blockSize_);
T& self = static_cast<T&>(*this);
const uint64_t totalSize = self.totalSize_ + bufSize;
buf[bufSize] = uint8_t(0x80); /* top bit = 1 */
memset(&buf[bufSize + 1], 0, T::blockSize_ - bufSize - 1);
if (bufSize >= T::blockSize_ - T::msgLenByte_) {
memset(buf, 0, T::blockSize_ - 8); // clear stack
cybozu::Set64bitAsBE(&buf[T::blockSize_ - 8], totalSize * 8);
void inner_update(const uint8_t *buf, size_t bufSize)
T& self = static_cast<T&>(*this);
if (bufSize == 0) return;
if (self.roundBufSize_ > 0) {
size_t size = sha2_local::min_(T::blockSize_ - self.roundBufSize_, bufSize);
memcpy(self.roundBuf_ + self.roundBufSize_, buf, size);
self.roundBufSize_ += size;
buf += size;
bufSize -= size;
if (self.roundBufSize_ == T::blockSize_) {
self.roundBufSize_ = 0;
while (bufSize >= T::blockSize_) {
assert(self.roundBufSize_ == 0);
buf += T::blockSize_;
bufSize -= T::blockSize_;
if (bufSize > 0) {
assert(bufSize < T::blockSize_);
assert(self.roundBufSize_ == 0);
memcpy(self.roundBuf_, buf, bufSize);
self.roundBufSize_ = bufSize;
assert(self.roundBufSize_ < T::blockSize_);
} // cybozu::sha2_local
class Sha256 : public sha2_local::Common<Sha256> {
friend struct sha2_local::Common<Sha256>;
static const size_t blockSize_ = 64;
static const size_t hSize_ = 8;
static const size_t msgLenByte_ = 8;
uint64_t totalSize_;
size_t roundBufSize_;
uint8_t roundBuf_[blockSize_];
uint32_t h_[hSize_];
static const size_t outByteSize_ = hSize_ * sizeof(uint32_t);
const uint32_t *k_;
template<size_t i0, size_t i1, size_t i2, size_t i3, size_t i4, size_t i5, size_t i6, size_t i7>
void round1(uint32_t *s, uint32_t *w, int i)
using namespace sha2_local;
uint32_t e = s[i4];
uint32_t h = s[i7];
h += rot32(e, 6) ^ rot32(e, 11) ^ rot32(e, 25);
uint32_t f = s[i5];
uint32_t g = s[i6];
h += g ^ (e & (f ^ g));
h += k_[i];
h += w[i];
s[i3] += h;
uint32_t a = s[i0];
uint32_t b = s[i1];
uint32_t c = s[i2];
h += rot32(a, 2) ^ rot32(a, 13) ^ rot32(a, 22);
h += ((a | b) & c) | (a & b);
s[i7] = h;
@param buf [in] buffer(64byte)
void round(const uint8_t *buf)
using namespace sha2_local;
uint32_t w[64];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
w[i] = cybozu::Get32bitAsBE(&buf[i * 4]);
for (int i = 16 ; i < 64; i++) {
uint32_t t = w[i - 15];
uint32_t s0 = rot32(t, 7) ^ rot32(t, 18) ^ (t >> 3);
t = w[i - 2];
uint32_t s1 = rot32(t, 17) ^ rot32(t, 19) ^ (t >> 10);
w[i] = w[i - 16] + s0 + w[i - 7] + s1;
uint32_t s[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
s[i] = h_[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) {
round1<0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7>(s, w, i + 0);
round1<7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6>(s, w, i + 1);
round1<6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5>(s, w, i + 2);
round1<5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4>(s, w, i + 3);
round1<4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3>(s, w, i + 4);
round1<3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2>(s, w, i + 5);
round1<2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1>(s, w, i + 6);
round1<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0>(s, w, i + 7);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
h_[i] += s[i];
totalSize_ += blockSize_;
void clear()
static const uint32_t kTbl[] = {
0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc, 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13, 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208, 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2
k_ = kTbl;
totalSize_ = 0;
roundBufSize_ = 0;
h_[0] = 0x6a09e667;
h_[1] = 0xbb67ae85;
h_[2] = 0x3c6ef372;
h_[3] = 0xa54ff53a;
h_[4] = 0x510e527f;
h_[5] = 0x9b05688c;
h_[6] = 0x1f83d9ab;
h_[7] = 0x5be0cd19;
void update(const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
inner_update(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buf), bufSize);
size_t digest(void *md, size_t mdSize, const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
if (mdSize < outByteSize_) return 0;
update(buf, bufSize);
term(roundBuf_, roundBufSize_);
char *p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(md);
for (size_t i = 0; i < hSize_; i++) {
cybozu::Set32bitAsBE(&p[i * sizeof(h_[0])], h_[i]);
return outByteSize_;
void update(const std::string& buf)
update(buf.c_str(), buf.size());
std::string digest(const std::string& buf)
return digest(buf.c_str(), buf.size());
std::string digest(const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
std::string md(outByteSize_, 0);
digest(&md[0], md.size(), buf, bufSize);
return md;
class Sha512 : public sha2_local::Common<Sha512> {
friend struct sha2_local::Common<Sha512>;
static const size_t blockSize_ = 128;
static const size_t hSize_ = 8;
static const size_t msgLenByte_ = 16;
uint64_t totalSize_;
size_t roundBufSize_;
uint8_t roundBuf_[blockSize_];
uint64_t h_[hSize_];
static const size_t outByteSize_ = hSize_ * sizeof(uint64_t);
const uint64_t *k_;
template<size_t i0, size_t i1, size_t i2, size_t i3, size_t i4, size_t i5, size_t i6, size_t i7>
void round1(uint64_t *S, const uint64_t *w, size_t i)
using namespace sha2_local;
uint64_t& a = S[i0];
uint64_t& b = S[i1];
uint64_t& c = S[i2];
uint64_t& d = S[i3];
uint64_t& e = S[i4];
uint64_t& f = S[i5];
uint64_t& g = S[i6];
uint64_t& h = S[i7];
uint64_t s1 = rot64(e, 14) ^ rot64(e, 18) ^ rot64(e, 41);
uint64_t ch = g ^ (e & (f ^ g));
uint64_t t0 = h + s1 + ch + k_[i] + w[i];
uint64_t s0 = rot64(a, 28) ^ rot64(a, 34) ^ rot64(a, 39);
uint64_t maj = ((a | b) & c) | (a & b);
uint64_t t1 = s0 + maj;
d += t0;
h = t0 + t1;
@param buf [in] buffer(64byte)
void round(const uint8_t *buf)
using namespace sha2_local;
uint64_t w[80];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
w[i] = cybozu::Get64bitAsBE(&buf[i * 8]);
for (int i = 16 ; i < 80; i++) {
uint64_t t = w[i - 15];
uint64_t s0 = rot64(t, 1) ^ rot64(t, 8) ^ (t >> 7);
t = w[i - 2];
uint64_t s1 = rot64(t, 19) ^ rot64(t, 61) ^ (t >> 6);
w[i] = w[i - 16] + s0 + w[i - 7] + s1;
uint64_t s[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
s[i] = h_[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i += 8) {
round1<0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7>(s, w, i + 0);
round1<7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6>(s, w, i + 1);
round1<6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5>(s, w, i + 2);
round1<5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4>(s, w, i + 3);
round1<4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3>(s, w, i + 4);
round1<3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2>(s, w, i + 5);
round1<2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1>(s, w, i + 6);
round1<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0>(s, w, i + 7);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
h_[i] += s[i];
totalSize_ += blockSize_;
void clear()
static const uint64_t kTbl[] = {
0x428a2f98d728ae22ULL, 0x7137449123ef65cdULL, 0xb5c0fbcfec4d3b2fULL, 0xe9b5dba58189dbbcULL, 0x3956c25bf348b538ULL,
0x59f111f1b605d019ULL, 0x923f82a4af194f9bULL, 0xab1c5ed5da6d8118ULL, 0xd807aa98a3030242ULL, 0x12835b0145706fbeULL,
0x243185be4ee4b28cULL, 0x550c7dc3d5ffb4e2ULL, 0x72be5d74f27b896fULL, 0x80deb1fe3b1696b1ULL, 0x9bdc06a725c71235ULL,
0xc19bf174cf692694ULL, 0xe49b69c19ef14ad2ULL, 0xefbe4786384f25e3ULL, 0x0fc19dc68b8cd5b5ULL, 0x240ca1cc77ac9c65ULL,
0x2de92c6f592b0275ULL, 0x4a7484aa6ea6e483ULL, 0x5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4ULL, 0x76f988da831153b5ULL, 0x983e5152ee66dfabULL,
0xa831c66d2db43210ULL, 0xb00327c898fb213fULL, 0xbf597fc7beef0ee4ULL, 0xc6e00bf33da88fc2ULL, 0xd5a79147930aa725ULL,
0x06ca6351e003826fULL, 0x142929670a0e6e70ULL, 0x27b70a8546d22ffcULL, 0x2e1b21385c26c926ULL, 0x4d2c6dfc5ac42aedULL,
0x53380d139d95b3dfULL, 0x650a73548baf63deULL, 0x766a0abb3c77b2a8ULL, 0x81c2c92e47edaee6ULL, 0x92722c851482353bULL,
0xa2bfe8a14cf10364ULL, 0xa81a664bbc423001ULL, 0xc24b8b70d0f89791ULL, 0xc76c51a30654be30ULL, 0xd192e819d6ef5218ULL,
0xd69906245565a910ULL, 0xf40e35855771202aULL, 0x106aa07032bbd1b8ULL, 0x19a4c116b8d2d0c8ULL, 0x1e376c085141ab53ULL,
0x2748774cdf8eeb99ULL, 0x34b0bcb5e19b48a8ULL, 0x391c0cb3c5c95a63ULL, 0x4ed8aa4ae3418acbULL, 0x5b9cca4f7763e373ULL,
0x682e6ff3d6b2b8a3ULL, 0x748f82ee5defb2fcULL, 0x78a5636f43172f60ULL, 0x84c87814a1f0ab72ULL, 0x8cc702081a6439ecULL,
0x90befffa23631e28ULL, 0xa4506cebde82bde9ULL, 0xbef9a3f7b2c67915ULL, 0xc67178f2e372532bULL, 0xca273eceea26619cULL,
0xd186b8c721c0c207ULL, 0xeada7dd6cde0eb1eULL, 0xf57d4f7fee6ed178ULL, 0x06f067aa72176fbaULL, 0x0a637dc5a2c898a6ULL,
0x113f9804bef90daeULL, 0x1b710b35131c471bULL, 0x28db77f523047d84ULL, 0x32caab7b40c72493ULL, 0x3c9ebe0a15c9bebcULL,
0x431d67c49c100d4cULL, 0x4cc5d4becb3e42b6ULL, 0x597f299cfc657e2aULL, 0x5fcb6fab3ad6faecULL, 0x6c44198c4a475817ULL
k_ = kTbl;
totalSize_ = 0;
roundBufSize_ = 0;
h_[0] = 0x6a09e667f3bcc908ull;
h_[1] = 0xbb67ae8584caa73bull;
h_[2] = 0x3c6ef372fe94f82bull;
h_[3] = 0xa54ff53a5f1d36f1ull;
h_[4] = 0x510e527fade682d1ull;
h_[5] = 0x9b05688c2b3e6c1full;
h_[6] = 0x1f83d9abfb41bd6bull;
h_[7] = 0x5be0cd19137e2179ull;
void update(const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
inner_update(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buf), bufSize);
size_t digest(void *md, size_t mdSize, const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
if (mdSize < outByteSize_) return 0;
update(buf, bufSize);
term(roundBuf_, roundBufSize_);
char *p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(md);
for (size_t i = 0; i < hSize_; i++) {
cybozu::Set64bitAsBE(&p[i * sizeof(h_[0])], h_[i]);
return outByteSize_;
void update(const std::string& buf)
update(buf.c_str(), buf.size());
std::string digest(const std::string& buf)
return digest(buf.c_str(), buf.size());
std::string digest(const void *buf, size_t bufSize)
std::string md(outByteSize_, 0);
digest(&md[0], md.size(), buf, bufSize);
return md;
} // cybozu
5 years ago
namespace cybozu {
hmac must have 32 bytes buffer
inline void hmac256(void *hmac, const void *key, size_t keySize, const void *msg, size_t msgSize)
const uint8_t ipad = 0x36;
const uint8_t opad = 0x5c;
uint8_t k[64];
Sha256 hash;
if (keySize > 64) {
hash.digest(k, 32, key, keySize);
keySize = 32;
} else {
memcpy(k, key, keySize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < keySize; i++) {
k[i] = k[i] ^ ipad;
memset(k + keySize, ipad, 64 - keySize);
hash.update(k, 64);
hash.digest(hmac, 32, msg, msgSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
k[i] = k[i] ^ (ipad ^ opad);
hash.update(k, 64);
hash.digest(hmac, 32, hmac, 32);
} // cybozu