# JNI for mcl (experimental) This library provides functionality to compute the optimal ate pairing over Barreto-Naehrig (BN) or BLS12-381 curves. # Initialization Load the library `mcljava`. ``` import com.herumi.mcl.*; System.loadLibrary(System.mapLibraryName("mcljava")); Mcl.SystemInit(curveType); // curveType = Mcl.BN254 or Mcl.BLS12_381 ``` # Classes * `G1` ; The cyclic group instantiated as E(Fp)[r] where where r = p + 1 - t. * `G2` ; The cyclic group instantiated as the inverse image of E'(Fp^2)[r]. * `GT` ; The cyclic group in the image of the optimal ate pairing. * `e : G1 x G2 -> GT` * `Fr` ; The finite field with characteristic r. # Methods and Functions ## Fr * `Fr::setInt(int x)` ; set by x * `Fr::setStr(String str)` ; set by str such as "123", "0xfff", etc. * `Fr::setByCSPRNG()` ; randomly set * `Mcl.neg(Fr y, Fr x)` ; `y = -x` * `Mcl.add(Fr z, Fr x, Fr y)` ; `z = x + y` * `Mcl.sub(Fr z, Fr x, Fr y)` ; `z = x - y` * `Mcl.mul(Fr z, Fr x, Fr y)` ; `z = x * y` * `Mcl.div(Fr z, Fr x, Fr y)` ; `z = x / y` ## G1 * `Mcl.neg(G1 y, G1 x)` ; `y = -x` * `Mcl.dbl(G1 y, G1 x)` ; `y = 2x` * `Mcl.add(G1 z, G1 x, G1 y)` ; `z = x + y` * `Mcl.sub(G1 z, G1 x, G1 y)` ; `z = x - y` * `Mcl.mul(G1 z, G1 x, Fr y)` ; `z = x * y` ## G2 * `Mcl.neg(G2 y, G2 x)` ; `y = -x` * `Mcl.dbl(G2 y, G2 x)` ; `y = 2x` * `Mcl.add(G2 z, G2 x, G2 y)` ; `z = x + y` * `Mcl.sub(G2 z, G2 x, G2 y)` ; `z = x - y` * `Mcl.mul(G2 z, G2 x, Fr y)` ; `z = x * y` ## GT * `GT::setStr(String str)` ; set by the result of `toString()` method * `Mcl.mul(GT z, GT x, GT y)` ; `z = x * y` * `Mcl.pow(GT z, GT x, Fr y)` ; `z = x ^ y` * `Mcl.inv(GT y, GT x)` ; `y = x^{-1}` ## pairing * `Mcl.pairing(GT e, G1 P, G2 Q)` ; e = e(P, Q) # BLS signature sample ``` G2 Q = new G2(); Mcl.hashAndMapToG2(Q, "abc".getBytes()); Fr s = new Fr(); s.setByCSPRNG(); // secret key G2 pub = new G2(); Mcl.mul(pub, Q, s); // public key = sQ String m = "signature test"; G1 H = new G1(); Mcl.hashAndMapToG1(H, m.getBytes()); // H = Hash(m) G1 sign = new G1(); Mcl.mul(sign, H, s); // signature of m = s H GT e1 = new GT(); GT e2 = new GT(); Mcl.pairing(e1, H, pub); // e1 = e(H, s Q) Mcl.pairing(e2, sign, Q); // e2 = e(s H, Q); assertBool("verify signature", e1.equals(e2)); ``` # Make test ``` cd ffi/java make test ``` # Sample code [MclTest.java](https://github.com/herumi/mcl/blob/master/ffi/java/MclTest.java)