a portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library
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#include <mcl/lagrange.hpp>
void benchAddDblG1()
#ifndef NDEBUG
puts("skip in debug");
const int C = 100000;
G1 P1, P2, P3;
hashAndMapToG1(P1, "a");
hashAndMapToG1(P2, "b");
P1 += P2;
P2 += P1;
printf("z.isOne()=%d %d\n", P1.z.isOne(), P2.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::add(1)", C, G1::add, P3, P1, P2);
printf("z.isOne()=%d %d\n", P1.z.isOne(), P2.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::add(2)", C, G1::add, P3, P1, P2);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::add(3)", C, G1::add, P3, P2, P1);
printf("z.isOne()=%d %d\n", P1.z.isOne(), P2.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::add(4)", C, G1::add, P3, P1, P2);
P1 = P3;
printf("z.isOne()=%d\n", P1.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::dbl(1)", C, G1::dbl, P3, P1);
printf("z.isOne()=%d\n", P1.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::dbl(2)", C, G1::dbl, P3, P1);
void benchAddDblG2()
#ifndef NDEBUG
puts("skip in debug");
const int C = 100000;
G2 P1, P2, P3;
hashAndMapToG2(P1, "a");
hashAndMapToG2(P2, "b");
P1 += P2;
P2 += P1;
printf("z.isOne()=%d %d\n", P1.z.isOne(), P2.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::add(1)", C, G2::add, P3, P1, P2);
printf("z.isOne()=%d %d\n", P1.z.isOne(), P2.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::add(2)", C, G2::add, P3, P1, P2);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::add(3)", C, G2::add, P3, P2, P1);
printf("z.isOne()=%d %d\n", P1.z.isOne(), P2.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::add(4)", C, G2::add, P3, P1, P2);
P1 = P3;
printf("z.isOne()=%d\n", P1.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::dbl(1)", C, G2::dbl, P3, P1);
printf("z.isOne()=%d\n", P1.z.isOne());
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::dbl(2)", C, G2::dbl, P3, P1);
template<class T>
void invAdd(T& out, const T& x, const T& y)
T::inv(out, x);
out += y;
void testBench(const G1& P, const G2& Q)
#ifndef NDEBUG
puts("testBench skip in debug");
G1 Pa;
G2 Qa;
Fp12 e1, e2;
pairing(e1, P, Q);
Fp12::pow(e2, e1, 12345);
Fp x, y;
const int C = 1000;
const int C3 = 100000;
#if 1
const int C2 = 3000;
mpz_class a = x.getMpz();
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::mulCT ", C, G1::mulCT, Pa, P, a);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::mul ", C, G1::mul, Pa, Pa, a);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::add ", C, G1::add, Pa, Pa, P);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::dbl ", C, G1::dbl, Pa, Pa);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::mulCT ", C, G2::mulCT, Qa, Q, a);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::mul ", C, G2::mul, Qa, Qa, a);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::add ", C, G2::add, Qa, Qa, Q);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::dbl ", C, G2::dbl, Qa, Qa);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("GT::pow ", C, GT::pow, e1, e1, a);
// CYBOZU_BENCH_C("GT::powGLV ", C, BN::param.glv2.pow, e1, e1, a);
G1 PP;
G2 QQ;
std::string s;
s = P.getStr();
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::setStr chk", C, PP.setStr, s);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G1::setStr ", C, PP.setStr, s);
s = Q.getStr();
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::setStr chk", C, QQ.setStr, s);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("G2::setStr ", C, QQ.setStr, s);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("hashAndMapToG1", C, hashAndMapToG1, PP, "abc", 3);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("hashAndMapToG2", C, hashAndMapToG2, QQ, "abc", 3);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::add ", C3, Fp::add, x, x, y);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::sub ", C3, Fp::sub, x, x, y);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::add 2 ", C3, Fp::add, x, x, x);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::mul2 ", C3, Fp::mul2, x, x);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::mulSmall8 ", C3, Fp::mulSmall, x, x, 8);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::mulUnit8 ", C3, Fp::mulUnit, x, x, 8);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::mul9 ", C3, Fp::mul9, x, x);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::mulUnit9 ", C3, Fp::mulUnit, x, x, 9);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::neg ", C3, Fp::neg, x, x);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::mul ", C3, Fp::mul, x, x, y);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::sqr ", C3, Fp::sqr, x, x);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::inv ", C3, invAdd, x, x, y);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp::pow ", C3, Fp::pow, x, x, y);
Fr a, b, c;
a.setHashOf("abc", 3);
b.setHashOf("123", 3);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fr::add ", C3, Fr::add, a, a, b);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fr::sub ", C3, Fr::sub, a, a, b);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fr::neg ", C3, Fr::neg, a, a);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fr::add 2 ", C3, Fr::add, a, a, b);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fr::mul2 ", C3, Fr::mul2, a, a);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fr::mul ", C3, Fr::mul, a, a, b);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fr::sqr ", C3, Fr::sqr, a, a);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fr::inv ", C3, invAdd, a, a, b);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fr::pow ", C3, Fr::pow, a, a, b);
Fp2 xx, yy;
xx.a = x;
xx.b = 3;
yy.a = y;
yy.b = -5;
FpDbl d0, d1;
x = 9;
y = 3;
#if 1
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2::add ", C3, Fp2::add, xx, xx, yy);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2::sub ", C3, Fp2::sub, xx, xx, yy);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2::neg ", C3, Fp2::neg, xx, xx);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2::mul2 ", C3, Fp2::mul2, xx, xx);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2::mul ", C3, Fp2::mul, xx, xx, yy);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2::mul_xi ", C3, Fp2::mul_xi, xx, xx);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2::sqr ", C3, Fp2::sqr, xx, xx);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2::inv ", C3, invAdd, xx, xx, yy);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("FpDbl::addPre ", C3, FpDbl::addPre, d1, d1, d0);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("FpDbl::subPre ", C3, FpDbl::subPre, d1, d1, d0);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("FpDbl::add ", C3, FpDbl::add, d1, d1, d0);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("FpDbl::sub ", C3, FpDbl::sub, d1, d1, d0);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("FpDbl::mulPre ", C3, FpDbl::mulPre, d0, x, y);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("FpDbl::sqrPre ", C3, FpDbl::sqrPre, d1, x);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("FpDbl::mod ", C3, FpDbl::mod, x, d0);
Fp2Dbl D;
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2Dbl::mulPre ", C3, Fp2Dbl::mulPre, D, xx, yy);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("Fp2Dbl::sqrPre ", C3, Fp2Dbl::sqrPre, D, xx);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("GT::add ", C2, GT::add, e1, e1, e2);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("GT::mul ", C2, GT::mul, e1, e1, e2);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("GT::sqr ", C2, GT::sqr, e1, e1);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("GT::inv ", C2, GT::inv, e1, e1);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("pairing ", 3000, pairing, e1, P, Q);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("millerLoop ", 3000, millerLoop, e1, P, Q);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("finalExp ", 3000, finalExp, e1, e1);
std::vector<Fp6> Qcoeff;
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("precomputeG2 ", C, precomputeG2, Qcoeff, Q);
precomputeG2(Qcoeff, Q);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("precomputedML ", C, precomputedMillerLoop, e2, P, Qcoeff);
const size_t n = 7;
G1 Pvec[n];
G2 Qvec[n];
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char d = (char)(i + 1);
hashAndMapToG1(Pvec[i], &d, 1);
hashAndMapToG2(Qvec[i], &d, 1);
e2 = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
millerLoop(e1, Pvec[i], Qvec[i]);
e2 *= e1;
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("millerLoopVec ", 3000, millerLoopVec, e1, Pvec, Qvec, n);
inline void SquareRootPrecomputeTest(const mpz_class& p)
mcl::SquareRoot sq1, sq2;
bool b;
sq1.set(&b, p, true);
sq2.set(&b, p, false);
if (sq1 != sq2) {
void testSquareRoot()
if (BN::param.cp == mcl::BN254 || BN::param.cp == mcl::BLS12_381) {
void testLagrange()
const int n = 5;
const int k = 3;
Fr c[k];
Fr x[n], y[n];
for (size_t i = 0; i < k; i++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mcl::evaluatePolynomial(y[i], c, k, x[i]);
Fr xs[k], ys[k];
for (int i0 = 0; i0 < n; i0++) {
xs[0] = x[i0];
ys[0] = y[i0];
for (int i1 = i0 + 1; i1 < n; i1++) {
xs[1] = x[i1];
ys[1] = y[i1];
for (int i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < n; i2++) {
xs[2] = x[i2];
ys[2] = y[i2];
Fr s;
mcl::LagrangeInterpolation(s, xs, ys, k);