a portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library
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large prime sample for 64-bit arch
#include <mcl/fp.hpp>
#include <cybozu/benchmark.hpp>
#include <sstream>
typedef mcl::FpT<> Fp;
typedef mcl::fp::Unit Unit;
using namespace mcl::fp;
//#include "../src/low_gmp.hpp"
const size_t N = 12;
#if 0
void mulPre768(Unit *pz, const Unit *px, const Unit *py)
W = 1 << H
(aW + b)(cW + d) = acW^2 + (ad + bc)W + bd
ad + bc = (a + b)(c + d) - ac - bd
const size_t H = N / 2;
low_mul_G<H>(pz, px, py); // bd
low_mul_G<H>(pz + N, px + H, py + H); // ac
Unit a_b[H + 1];
Unit c_d[H + 1];
a_b[H] = low_addNC_G<H>(a_b, px, px + H); // a + b
c_d[H] = low_addNC_G<H>(c_d, py, py + H); // c + d
Unit work[N + H] = {};
low_mul_G<H>(work, a_b, c_d);
if (c_d[H]) low_addNC_G<H + 1>(work + H, work + H, c_d);
if (a_b[H]) low_addNC_G<H + 1>(work + H, work + H, a_b);
work[N] -= low_subNC_G<H>(work, work, pz);
work[N] -= low_subNC_G<H>(work, work, pz + N);
low_addNC_G<H + N>(pz + H, pz + H, work);
void testMul()
mcl::fp::Unit ux[N], uy[N], a[N * 2], b[N * 2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
ux[i] = -i * i + 5;
uy[i] = -i * i + 9;
low_mul_G<12>(a, ux, uy);
mulPre768(b, ux, uy);
for (size_t i = 0; i < N * 2; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) {
printf("ERR %016llx %016llx\n", (long long)a[i], (long long)b[i]);
puts("end testMul");
CYBOZU_BENCH("mulPre768", mulPre768, ux, ux, uy);
void mulGmp(mpz_class& z, const mpz_class& x, const mpz_class& y, const mpz_class& p)
z = (x * y) % p;
void compareGmp(const std::string& pStr)
std::string xStr = "2104871209348712947120947102843728";
std::string s1, s2;
Fp x(xStr);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("mul by mcl", 1000, Fp::mul, x, x, x);
std::ostringstream os;
os << x;
s1 = os.str();
const mpz_class p(pStr);
mpz_class x(xStr);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("mul by GMP", 1000, mulGmp, x, x, x, p);
std::ostringstream os;
os << x;
s2 = os.str();
if (s1 != s2) {
void test(const std::string& pStr, mcl::fp::Mode mode)
printf("test %s\n", mcl::fp::ModeToStr(mode));
Fp::init(pStr, mode);
const mcl::fp::Op& op = Fp::getOp();
printf("bitSize=%d\n", (int)Fp::getBitSize());
mpz_class p(pStr);
Fp x = 123456;
Fp y;
Fp::pow(y, x, p);
std::cout << y << std::endl;
if (x != y) {
std::cout << "err:pow:" << y << std::endl;
const size_t N = 24;
mcl::fp::Unit ux[N], uy[N];
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
ux[i] = -i * i + 5;
uy[i] = -i * i + 9;
CYBOZU_BENCH("mulPre", op.fpDbl_mulPre, ux, ux, uy);
CYBOZU_BENCH("sqrPre", op.fpDbl_sqrPre, ux, ux);
CYBOZU_BENCH("add", op.fpDbl_add, ux, ux, ux, op.p);
CYBOZU_BENCH("sub", op.fpDbl_sub, ux, ux, ux, op.p);
if (op.fpDbl_addNC) {
CYBOZU_BENCH("addNC", op.fpDbl_addNC, ux, ux, ux);
CYBOZU_BENCH("subNC", op.fpDbl_subNC, ux, ux, ux);
CYBOZU_BENCH("mont", op.fpDbl_mod, ux, ux, op.p);
CYBOZU_BENCH("mul", Fp::mul, x, x, x);
void testAll(const std::string& pStr)
test(pStr, mcl::fp::FP_GMP);
test(pStr, mcl::fp::FP_GMP_MONT);
test(pStr, mcl::fp::FP_LLVM);
test(pStr, mcl::fp::FP_LLVM_MONT);
int main()
const char *pTbl[] = {
for (size_t i = 0; i < CYBOZU_NUM_OF_ARRAY(pTbl); i++) {
// testMul();
} catch (std::exception& e) {
printf("err %s\n", e.what());
puts("make clean");
puts("make CFLAGS_USER=\"-DMCL_MAX_OP_BIT_SIZE=768\"");
return 1;