a portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library
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#pragma once
@brief lifted-ElGamal encryption
@author MITSUNARI Shigeo(@herumi)
@license modified new BSD license
Copyright (c) 2014, National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology All rights reserved.
This source file is subject to BSD 3-Clause license.
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cybozu/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <cybozu/exception.hpp>
#include <cybozu/itoa.hpp>
#include <cybozu/atoi.hpp>
#include <mcl/window_method.hpp>
namespace mcl {
template<class _Ec, class Zn>
struct ElgamalT {
typedef _Ec Ec;
struct CipherText {
Ec c1;
Ec c2;
(c1, c2) = (0, 0) is trivial valid ciphertext for m = 0
void clear()
add encoded message with encoded message
input : this = Enc(m1), c = Enc(m2)
output : this = Enc(m1 + m2)
void add(const CipherText& c)
Ec::add(c1, c1, c.c1);
Ec::add(c2, c2, c.c2);
mul by x
input : this = Enc(m), x
output : this = Enc(m x)
template<class N>
void mul(const N& x)
Ec::mul(c1, c1, x);
Ec::mul(c2, c2, x);
negative encoded message
input : this = Enc(m)
output : this = Enc(-m)
void neg()
Ec::neg(c1, c1);
Ec::neg(c2, c2);
std::istream& readStream(std::istream& is, int ioMode)
c1.readStream(is, ioMode);
c2.readStream(is, ioMode);
if (!is) throw cybozu::Exception("ElgamalT:CipherText:readStream");
return is;
void getStr(std::string& str, int ioMode = 0) const
const char *sep = fp::getIoSeparator(ioMode);
str = c1.getStr(ioMode);
str += sep;
str += c2.getStr(ioMode);
std::string getStr(int ioMode = 0) const
std::string str;
getStr(str, ioMode);
return str;
void setStr(const std::string& str, int ioMode = 0)
std::istringstream is(str);
readStream(is, ioMode);
friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CipherText& self)
int ioMode = fp::detectIoMode(Ec::Fp::BaseFp::getIoMode(), os);
return os << self.getStr(ioMode);
friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, CipherText& self)
int ioMode = fp::detectIoMode(Ec::Fp::BaseFp::getIoMode(), is);
return self.readStream(is, ioMode);
// obsolete
std::string toStr() const { return getStr(); }
void fromStr(const std::string& str) { setStr(str); }
Zero Knowledge Proof
cipher text with ZKP to ensure m = 0 or 1
struct Zkp {
Zn c0, c1, s0, s1;
std::istream& readStream(std::istream& is, int ioMode)
c0.readStream(is, ioMode);
c1.readStream(is, ioMode);
s0.readStream(is, ioMode);
s1.readStream(is, ioMode);
if (!is) throw cybozu::Exception("ElgamalT:Zkp:readStream");
return is;
void getStr(std::string& str, int ioMode = 0) const
const char *sep = fp::getIoSeparator(ioMode);
str = c0.getStr(ioMode);
str += sep;
str += c1.getStr(ioMode);
str += sep;
str += s0.getStr(ioMode);
str += sep;
str += s1.getStr(ioMode);
std::string getStr(int ioMode = 0) const
std::string str;
getStr(str, ioMode);
return str;
void setStr(const std::string& str, int ioMode = 0)
std::istringstream is(str);
readStream(is, ioMode);
friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Zkp& self)
int ioMode = fp::detectIoMode(Ec::Fp::BaseFp::getIoMode(), os);
return os << self.getStr(ioMode);
friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Zkp& self)
int ioMode = fp::detectIoMode(Ec::Fp::BaseFp::getIoMode(), is);
return self.readStream(is, ioMode);
// obsolete
std::string toStr() const { return getStr(); }
void fromStr(const std::string& str) { setStr(str); }
class PublicKey {
size_t bitSize;
Ec f;
Ec g;
Ec h;
bool enableWindowMethod_;
fp::WindowMethod<Ec> wm_f;
fp::WindowMethod<Ec> wm_g;
fp::WindowMethod<Ec> wm_h;
template<class N>
void mulDispatch(Ec& z, const Ec& x, const N& n, const fp::WindowMethod<Ec>& pw) const
if (enableWindowMethod_) {
pw.mul(z, n);
} else {
Ec::mul(z, x, n);
template<class N>
void mulF(Ec& z, const N& n) const { mulDispatch(z, f, n, wm_f); }
template<class N>
void mulG(Ec& z, const N& n) const { mulDispatch(z, g, n, wm_g); }
template<class N>
void mulH(Ec& z, const N& n) const { mulDispatch(z, h, n, wm_h); }
: bitSize(0)
, enableWindowMethod_(false)
void enableWindowMethod(size_t winSize = 10)
wm_f.init(f, bitSize, winSize);
wm_g.init(g, bitSize, winSize);
wm_h.init(h, bitSize, winSize);
enableWindowMethod_ = true;
const Ec& getF() const { return f; }
void init(size_t bitSize, const Ec& f, const Ec& g, const Ec& h)
this->bitSize = bitSize;
this->f = f;
this->g = g;
this->h = h;
enableWindowMethod_ = false;
encode message
input : m
output : c = (c1, c2) = (g^u, h^u f^m)
template<class RG>
void enc(CipherText& c, const Zn& m, RG& rg) const
Zn u;
mulG(c.c1, u);
mulH(c.c2, u);
Ec t;
mulF(t, m);
Ec::add(c.c2, c.c2, t);
encode message
input : m = 0 or 1
output : c (c1, c2), zkp
template<class RG, class Hash>
void encWithZkp(CipherText& c, Zkp& zkp, int m, Hash& hash, RG& rg) const
if (m != 0 && m != 1) {
throw cybozu::Exception("elgamal:PublicKey:encWithZkp") << m;
Zn u;
mulG(c.c1, u);
mulH(c.c2, u);
if (m) {
Ec::add(c.c2, c.c2, f);
Zn r1;
Ec R01, R02, R11, R12;
Ec t1, t2;
mulG(t1, zkp.s0);
Ec::mul(t2, c.c1, zkp.c0);
Ec::sub(R01, t1, t2);
mulH(t1, zkp.s0);
Ec::mul(t2, c.c2, zkp.c0);
Ec::sub(R02, t1, t2);
mulG(R11, r1);
mulH(R12, r1);
std::ostringstream os;
os << R01 << R02 << R11 << R12 << c.c1 << c.c2 << f << g << h;
const std::string digest = hash.digest();
Zn cc;
cc.setArrayMask(digest.c_str(), digest.size());
zkp.c1 = cc - zkp.c0;
zkp.s1 = r1 + zkp.c1 * u;
} else {
Zn r0;
Ec R01, R02, R11, R12;
mulG(R01, r0);
mulH(R02, r0);
Ec t1, t2;
mulG(t1, zkp.s1);
Ec::mul(t2, c.c1, zkp.c1);
Ec::sub(R11, t1, t2);
mulH(t1, zkp.s1);
Ec::sub(t2, c.c2, f);
Ec::mul(t2, t2, zkp.c1);
Ec::sub(R12, t1, t2);
std::ostringstream os;
os << R01 << R02 << R11 << R12 << c.c1 << c.c2 << f << g << h;
const std::string digest = hash.digest();
Zn c;
c.setArrayMask(digest.c_str(), digest.size());
zkp.c0 = c - zkp.c1;
zkp.s0 = r0 + zkp.c0 * u;
verify cipher text with ZKP
template<class Hash>
bool verify(const CipherText& c, const Zkp& zkp, Hash& hash) const
Ec R01, R02, R11, R12;
Ec t1, t2;
mulG(t1, zkp.s0);
Ec::mul(t2, c.c1, zkp.c0);
Ec::sub(R01, t1, t2);
mulH(t1, zkp.s0);
Ec::mul(t2, c.c2, zkp.c0);
Ec::sub(R02, t1, t2);
mulG(t1, zkp.s1);
Ec::mul(t2, c.c1, zkp.c1);
Ec::sub(R11, t1, t2);
mulH(t1, zkp.s1);
Ec::sub(t2, c.c2, f);
Ec::mul(t2, t2, zkp.c1);
Ec::sub(R12, t1, t2);
std::ostringstream os;
os << R01 << R02 << R11 << R12 << c.c1 << c.c2 << f << g << h;
const std::string digest = hash.digest();
Zn cc;
cc.setArrayMask(digest.c_str(), digest.size());
return cc == zkp.c0 + zkp.c1;
rerandomize encoded message
input : c = (c1, c2)
output : c = (c1 g^v, c2 h^v)
template<class RG>
void rerandomize(CipherText& c, RG& rg) const
Zn v;
Ec t;
mulG(t, v);
Ec::add(c.c1, c.c1, t);
mulH(t, v);
Ec::add(c.c2, c.c2, t);
add encoded message with plain message
input : c = Enc(m1) = (c1, c2), m2
ouput : c = Enc(m1 + m2) = (c1, c2 f^m2)
template<class N>
void add(CipherText& c, const N& m) const
Ec fm;
mulF(fm, m);
Ec::add(c.c2, c.c2, fm);
std::istream& readStream(std::istream& is, int ioMode)
std::string s;
is >> s;
bitSize = cybozu::atoi(s);
char c;
is.read(&c, 1);
if (c != ' ') throw cybozu::Exception("ElgamalT:PublicKey:readStream:bad separator") << int(c);
f.readStream(is, ioMode);
g.readStream(is, ioMode);
h.readStream(is, ioMode);
if (!is) throw cybozu::Exception("ElgamalT:PublicKey:readStream");
init(bitSize, f, g, h);
return is;
void getStr(std::string& str, int ioMode = 0) const
const char *sep = fp::getIoSeparator(ioMode);
str = cybozu::itoa(bitSize);
str += ' ';
str += f.getStr(ioMode);
str += sep;
str += g.getStr(ioMode);
str += sep;
str += h.getStr(ioMode);
std::string getStr(int ioMode = 0) const
std::string str;
getStr(str, ioMode);
return str;
void setStr(const std::string& str, int ioMode = 0)
std::istringstream is(str);
readStream(is, ioMode);
friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PublicKey& self)
int ioMode = fp::detectIoMode(Ec::Fp::BaseFp::getIoMode(), os);
return os << self.getStr(ioMode);
friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, PublicKey& self)
int ioMode = fp::detectIoMode(Ec::Fp::BaseFp::getIoMode(), is);
return self.readStream(is, ioMode);
// obsolete
std::string toStr() const { return getStr(); }
void fromStr(const std::string& str) { setStr(str); }
create table f^i for i in [rangeMin, rangeMax]
struct PowerCache {
typedef CYBOZU_NAMESPACE_STD::unordered_map<Ec, int> Cache;
typedef std::map<Ec, int> Cache;
Cache cache;
void init(const Ec& f, int rangeMin, int rangeMax)
if (rangeMin > rangeMax) throw cybozu::Exception("mcl:ElgamalT:PowerCache:bad range") << rangeMin << rangeMax;
Ec x;
cache[x] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= rangeMax; i++) {
Ec::add(x, x, f);
cache[x] = i;
Ec nf;
Ec::neg(nf, f);
for (int i = -1; i >= rangeMin; i--) {
Ec::add(x, x, nf);
cache[x] = i;
return m such that f^m = g
int getExponent(const Ec& g, bool *b = 0) const
typename Cache::const_iterator i = cache.find(g);
if (i == cache.end()) {
if (b) {
*b = false;
return 0;
throw cybozu::Exception("Elgamal:PowerCache:getExponent:not found") << g;
if (b) *b = true;
return i->second;
void clear()
bool isEmpty() const
return cache.empty();
class PrivateKey {
PublicKey pub;
Zn z;
PowerCache cache;
input : f
output : (g, h, z)
Ec = <f>
g in Ec
h = g^z
template<class RG>
void init(const Ec& f, size_t bitSize, RG& rg)
Ec g, h;
Ec::mul(g, f, z);
Ec::mul(h, g, z);
pub.init(bitSize, f, g, h);
const PublicKey& getPublicKey() const { return pub; }
decode message by brute-force attack
input : c = (c1, c2)
output : m
M = c2 / c1^z
find m such that M = f^m and |m| < limit
@memo 7sec@core i3 for m = 1e6
void dec(Zn& m, const CipherText& c, int limit = 100000) const
const Ec& f = pub.getF();
Ec c1z;
Ec::mul(c1z, c.c1, z);
if (c1z == c.c2) {
m = 0;
Ec t1(c1z);
Ec t2(c.c2);
for (int i = 1; i < limit; i++) {
Ec::add(t1, t1, f);
if (t1 == c.c2) {
m = i;
Ec::add(t2, t2, f);
if (t2 == c1z) {
m = -i;
throw cybozu::Exception("elgamal:PrivateKey:dec:overflow");
powfm = c2 / c1^z = f^m
void getPowerf(Ec& powfm, const CipherText& c) const
Ec c1z;
Ec::mul(c1z, c.c1, z);
Ec::sub(powfm, c.c2, c1z);
set range of message to decode quickly
void setCache(int rangeMin, int rangeMax)
cache.init(pub.getF(), rangeMin, rangeMax);
clear cache
void clearCache()
decode message by lookup table if !cache.isEmpty()
brute-force attack otherwise
input : c = (c1, c2)
b : set false if not found
return m
int dec(const CipherText& c, bool *b = 0) const
Ec powfm;
getPowerf(powfm, c);
return cache.getExponent(powfm, b);
check whether c is encrypted zero message
bool isZeroMessage(const CipherText& c) const
Ec c1z;
Ec::mul(c1z, c.c1, z);
return c.c2 == c1z;
std::istream& readStream(std::istream& is, int ioMode)
pub.readStream(is, ioMode);
z.readStream(is, ioMode);
if (!is) throw cybozu::Exception("ElgamalT:CipherText:readStream");
return is;
void getStr(std::string& str, int ioMode = 0) const
const char *sep = fp::getIoSeparator(ioMode);
str = pub.getStr(ioMode);
str += sep;
str += z.getStr(ioMode);
std::string getStr(int ioMode = 0) const
std::string str;
getStr(str, ioMode);
return str;
void setStr(const std::string& str, int ioMode = 0)
std::istringstream is(str);
readStream(is, ioMode);
friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PrivateKey& self)
int ioMode = fp::detectIoMode(Ec::Fp::BaseFp::getIoMode(), os);
return os << self.getStr(ioMode);
friend inline std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, PrivateKey& self)
int ioMode = fp::detectIoMode(Ec::Fp::BaseFp::getIoMode(), is);
return self.readStream(is, ioMode);
std::string toStr() const { return getStr(); }
void fromStr(const std::string& str) { setStr(str); }
} // mcl