a portable and fast pairing-based cryptography library
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#include <mcl/she.hpp>
#include <mcl/elgamal.hpp>
#include <cybozu/benchmark.hpp>
using namespace mcl::she;
const mcl::EcParam& g_para = mcl::ecparam::secp256k1;
//const mcl::EcParam& g_para = mcl::ecparam::secp160k1;
void elgamal()
struct TagZn;
typedef mcl::FpT<> Fp;
typedef mcl::FpT<TagZn> Zn;
typedef mcl::EcT<Fp> Ec;
typedef mcl::ElgamalT<Ec, Zn> ElgamalEc;
Ec P;
mcl::initCurve<Ec, Zn>(g_para.curveType, &P);
const size_t bitSize = Zn::getBitSize();
cybozu::RandomGenerator rg;
ElgamalEc::PrivateKey sec;
sec.init(P, bitSize, rg);
sec.setCache(0, 60000);
const ElgamalEc::PublicKey& pub = sec.getPublicKey();
const int m1 = 123;
const int m2 = 654;
ElgamalEc::CipherText c1, c2;
pub.enc(c1, m1);
pub.enc(c2, m2);
Zn dec;
sec.dec(dec, c1);
std::cout << "dec=" << dec << std::endl;
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("enc", 1000, pub.enc, c1, m1);
int main()
// initialize system
initG1only(g_para, 1024);
SecretKey sec;
PublicKey pub;
PrecomputedPublicKey ppub;
int m1 = 123;
int m2 = 654;
CipherTextG1 c1, c2;
ppub.enc(c1, m1);
ppub.enc(c2, m2);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("pub.enc", 1000, pub.enc, c1, m1);
CYBOZU_BENCH_C("ppub.enc", 1000, ppub.enc, c1, m1);
add(c1, c1, c2);
int m = sec.dec(c1);
printf("Dec(Enc(%d) + Enc(%d)) = %d(%s)\n", m1, m2, m, m == m1 + m2 ? "ok" : "ng");
} catch (std::exception& e) {
printf("ERR %s\n", e.what());
return 1;