"""Wrapper for Harmony's CLI.
This module makes it easy for one to interact with the Harmony CLI.
It also natively manages all of the keystore related features to help with scripting.
Below is a demo of how to import, manage keys, and interact with the CLI::
>>> from pyhmy import cli
>>> cli.single_call("hmy keys add test1")
'**Important** write this seed phrase in a safe place, it is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password
craft ... tobacco'
>>> cli.get_accounts_keystore()
{'test1': 'one1aqfeed538xf7n0cfh60tjaeat7yw333pmj6sfu'}
>>> check_addr = cli.get_accounts_keystore()["test1"]
>>> cli.get_accounts(check_addr)
>>> cli.single_call("hmy keys list", timeout=2)
'NAME \t\t ADDRESS\n\ntest1 \tone1aqfeed538xf7n0cfh60tjaeat7yw333pmj6sfu\n'
>>> cli.get_accounts_keystore()
This module refers to `accounts` as the NAME/ALIAS of an `address` given to by the
CLI's account keystore.
Below is a demo of how to set the CLI binary used by the module::
>>> import os
>>> env = cli.download("./bin/test", replace=False)
>>> cli.environment.update(env)
>>> new_path = os.getcwd() + "/bin/test"
>>> new_path
>>> from pyhmy import cli
>>> cli.set_binary(new_path)
>>> cli.get_binary_path()
For more details, reference the documentation here: TODO gitbook docs
import subprocess
import pexpect
import os
import shutil
import re
import stat
import sys
from multiprocessing import Lock
from pathlib import Path
import requests
from .util import get_bls_build_variables, get_gopath
if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
_libs = {"libbls384_256.so", "libcrypto.so.10", "libgmp.so.10", "libgmpxx.so.4", "libmcl.so"}
_libs = {"libbls384_256.dylib", "libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib", "libgmp.10.dylib", "libgmpxx.4.dylib", "libmcl.dylib"}
_accounts = {} # Internal accounts keystore, make sure to sync when needed.
_account_keystore_path = "~/.hmy/account-keys" # Internal path to account keystore, will match the current binary.
_binary_path = "hmy" # Internal binary path.
_arg_prefix = "__PYHMY_ARG_PREFIX__"
_keystore_cache_lock = Lock()
environment = os.environ.copy() # The environment for the CLI to execute in.
# TODO: completely remove caching... we need to improve getting address better internally to REDUCE single calls....
def _cache_and_lock_accounts_keystore(fn):
Internal decorator to cache the accounts keystore and
prevent concurrent accesses with locks.
cached_accounts = {}
last_mod = None
def wrap(*args):
nonlocal last_mod
files_in_dir = str(os.listdir(_account_keystore_path))
dir_mod_time = str(os.path.getmtime(_account_keystore_path))
curr_mod = hash(files_in_dir + dir_mod_time + _binary_path)
if curr_mod != last_mod:
last_mod = curr_mod
accounts = cached_accounts.copy()
return accounts
return wrap
def _get_current_accounts_keystore():
Internal function that gets the current keystore from the CLI.
:returns A dictionary where the keys are the account names/aliases and the
values are their 'one1...' addresses.
curr_addresses = {}
response = single_call("hmy keys list")
lines = response.split("\n")
if "NAME" not in lines[0] or "ADDRESS" not in lines[0]:
raise ValueError("Name or Address not found on first line of key list")
if lines[1] != "":
raise ValueError("Unknown format: No blank line between label and data")
for line in lines[2:]:
columns = line.split("\t")
if len(columns) != 2:
break # Done iterating through all of the addresses.
name, address = columns
curr_addresses[name.strip()] = address
return curr_addresses
def _set_account_keystore_path():
Internal function to set the account keystore path according to the binary.
global _account_keystore_path
response = single_call("hmy keys location").strip()
if not os.path.exists(response):
_account_keystore_path = response
def _sync_accounts():
Internal function that UPDATES the accounts keystore with the CLI's keystore.
new_keystore = _get_current_accounts_keystore()
for key in new_keystore.keys():
if key not in _accounts.keys():
_accounts[key] = new_keystore[key]
acc_keys_to_remove = [k for k in _accounts.keys() if k not in new_keystore.keys()]
for key in acc_keys_to_remove:
del _accounts[key]
def _make_call_command(command):
Internal function that processes a command String or String Arg List for
underlying pexpect or subprocess call.
Note that single quote is not respected for strings.
if isinstance(command, list):
command_toks = command
all_strings = sorted(re.findall(r'"(.*?)"', command), key=lambda e: len(e), reverse=True)
for i, string in enumerate(all_strings):
command = command.replace(string, f"{_arg_prefix}_{i}")
command_toks_prefix = [el for el in command.split(" ") if el]
command_toks = []
for el in command_toks_prefix:
if el.startswith(f'"{_arg_prefix}_') and el.endswith(f'"'):
index = int(el.replace(f'"{_arg_prefix}_', '').replace('"', ''))
if re.match(".*hmy", command_toks[0]):
command_toks = command_toks[1:]
return command_toks
def get_accounts_keystore():
:returns A dictionary where the keys are the account names/aliases and the
values are their 'one1...' addresses. The returned dictionary
will be maintained as keys gets added and removed.
return _accounts
def is_valid_binary(path):
:param path: Path to the Harmony CLI binary (absolute or relative).
:return: If the file at the path is a CLI binary.
path = os.path.realpath(path)
os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
proc = subprocess.Popen([path, "version"], env=environment,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()
if not err:
return False
return "harmony" in err.decode().strip().lower()
except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError, subprocess.SubprocessError):
return False
def set_binary(path):
:param path: The path of the CLI binary to use.
:returns If the binary has been set.
Note that the exposed keystore will be updated accordingly.
global _binary_path
path = os.path.realpath(path)
assert os.path.exists(path)
os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
if not is_valid_binary(path):
return False
_binary_path = path
return True
def get_binary_path():
:return: The absolute path of the CLI binary.
return os.path.abspath(_binary_path)
def get_version():
:return: The version string of the CLI binary.
proc = subprocess.Popen([_binary_path, "version"], env=environment,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = proc.communicate()
if not err:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not get version.\n"
f"\tGot exit code {proc.returncode}. Expected non-empty error message.")
return err.decode().strip()
def get_account_keystore_path():
:return: The absolute path to the account keystore of the CLI binary.
return os.path.abspath(_account_keystore_path)
def check_address(address):
:param address: A 'one1...' address.
:return: Boolean of if the address is in the CLI's keystore.
return address in get_accounts_keystore().values()
def get_address(name):
:param name: The alias of a key used in the CLI's keystore.
:return: The associated 'one1...' address.
return get_accounts_keystore().get(name, None)
def get_accounts(address):
:param address: The 'one1...' address
:return: A list of account names associated with the param
Note that a list of account names is needed because 1 address can
have multiple names within the CLI's keystore.
return [acc for acc, addr in get_accounts_keystore().items() if address == addr]
def remove_account(name):
Note that this edits the keystore directly since there is currently no
way to remove an address using the CLI.
:param name: The alias of a key used in the CLI's keystore.
:raises RuntimeError: If it failed to remove an account.
if not get_address(name):
keystore_path = f"{get_account_keystore_path()}/{name}"
except (shutil.Error, FileNotFoundError) as err:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to delete dir: {keystore_path}\n"
f"\tException: {err}") from err
def remove_address(address):
:param address: The 'one1...' address to be removed.
for name in get_accounts(address):
def single_call(command, timeout=60, error_ok=False):
:param command: String or String Arg List of command to execute on CLI.
:param timeout: Optional timeout in seconds
:param error_ok: Optional flag to allow errors and return whatever possible
:returns: Decoded string of response from hmy CLI call
:raises: RuntimeError if bad command
command_toks = [_binary_path] + _make_call_command(command)
return subprocess.check_output(command_toks, env=environment, timeout=timeout).decode()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
if not error_ok:
raise RuntimeError(f"Bad CLI args: `{command}`\n "
f"\tException: {err}") from err
return err.output.decode()
def expect_call(command, timeout=60):
:param command: String or String Arg List of command to execute on CLI.
:param timeout: Optional timeout in seconds
:returns: A pexpect child program
:raises: RuntimeError if bad command
command_toks = _make_call_command(command)
proc = pexpect.spawn(f"{_binary_path}", command_toks, env=environment, timeout=timeout)
proc.delaybeforesend = None
except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect as err:
raise RuntimeError(f"Bad CLI args: `{command}`\n "
f"\tException: {err}") from err
return proc
def download(path="./bin/hmy", replace=True, verbose=True):
Download the CLI binary to the specified path.
Related files will be saved in the same directory.
:param path: The desired path (absolute or relative) of the saved binary.
:param replace: A flag to force a replacement of the binary/file.
:param verbose: A flag to enable a report message once the binary is downloaded.
:returns the environment to run the saved CLI binary.
path = os.path.realpath(path)
parent_dir = Path(path).parent
assert not os.path.isdir(path), f"path `{path}` must specify a file, not a directory."
if not os.path.exists(path) or replace:
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
os.makedirs(parent_dir, exist_ok=True)
hmy_script_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, "hmy.sh")
with open(hmy_script_path, 'w') as f:
os.chmod(hmy_script_path, os.stat(hmy_script_path).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
same_name_file = False
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(parent_dir, "hmy")) and Path(path).name != "hmy": # Save same name file.
same_name_file = True
os.rename(os.path.join(parent_dir, "hmy"), os.path.join(parent_dir, ".hmy_tmp"))
if verbose:
subprocess.call([hmy_script_path, '-d'])
subprocess.call([hmy_script_path, '-d'], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
os.rename(os.path.join(parent_dir, "hmy"), path)
if same_name_file:
os.rename(os.path.join(parent_dir, ".hmy_tmp"), os.path.join(parent_dir, "hmy"))
if verbose:
print(f"Saved harmony binary to: `{path}`")
env = os.environ.copy()
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): # Dynamic linking for darwin
files_in_parent_dir = set(os.listdir(parent_dir))
if files_in_parent_dir.intersection(_libs) == _libs:
env["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] = parent_dir
elif os.path.exists(f"{get_gopath()}/src/github.com/harmony-one/bls") \
and os.path.exists(f"{get_gopath()}/src/github.com/harmony-one/mcl"):
raise RuntimeWarning(f"Could not get environment for downloaded hmy CLI at `{path}`")
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeWarning(f"Could not get environment for downloaded hmy CLI at `{path}`") from e
return env