Exceptions used by pyhmy
class InvalidRPCReplyError( RuntimeError ):
"""Exception raised when RPC call returns unexpected result Generally
indicates Harmony API has been updated & pyhmy library needs to be updated
as well."""
def __init__( self, method, endpoint ):
super().__init__( f"Unexpected reply for {method} from {endpoint}" )
class InvalidValidatorError( ValueError ):
"""Exception raised Validator does not pass sanity checks."""
errors = {
1: "Invalid ONE address",
2: "Field not initialized",
3: "Invalid field input",
4: "Error checking blockchain",
5: "Unable to import validator information from blockchain",
def __init__( self, err_code, msg ):
self.code = err_code
self.msg = msg
super().__init__( msg )
def __str__( self ):
return f"[Errno {self.code}] {self.errors[self.code]}: {self.msg}"
class TxConfirmationTimedoutError( AssertionError ):
"""Exception raised when a transaction is sent to the chain But not
confirmed during the timeout period specified."""
def __init__( self, msg ):
super().__init__( f"{msg}" )