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Basic pyhmy utils like is_shard_active
ONE address format conversion
Chain id (str) to int conversion
import json
import subprocess
import os
import sys
import datetime
from eth_utils import to_checksum_address
from .blockchain import get_latest_header
from .rpc.exceptions import ( RPCError, RequestsError, RequestsTimeoutError, )
from .account import is_valid_address
from .bech32.bech32 import bech32_decode, bech32_encode, convertbits
class Typgpy( str ):
"""Typography constants for pretty printing.
Note that an ENDC is needed to mark the end of a 'highlighted' text
HEADER = "\033[95m"
OKBLUE = "\033[94m"
OKGREEN = "\033[92m"
WARNING = "\033[93m"
FAIL = "\033[91m"
ENDC = "\033[0m"
BOLD = "\033[1m"
UNDERLINE = "\033[4m"
def chain_id_to_int( chain_id ):
If chain_id is a string, converts it to int.
If chain_id is an int, returns the int.
Else raises TypeError
chain_ids = dict(
Default = 0,
EthMainnet = 1,
Morden = 2,
Ropsten = 3,
Rinkeby = 4,
RootstockMainnet = 30,
RootstockTestnet = 31,
Kovan = 42,
EtcMainnet = 61,
EtcTestnet = 62,
Geth = 1337,
Ganache = 0,
HmyMainnet = 1,
HmyTestnet = 2,
HmyLocal = 2,
HmyPangaea = 3,
# do not validate integer chainids, only known strings
if isinstance( chain_id, str ):
assert (
chain_id in chain_ids
), f"Chain {chain_id} unknown, specify an integer chainId"
return chain_ids.get( chain_id )
if isinstance( chain_id, int ):
return chain_id
raise TypeError( "chainId must be str or int" )
def get_gopath():
:returns The go-path, assuming that go is installed.
return subprocess.check_output( [ "go", "env", "GOPATH" ] ).decode().strip()
def get_goversion():
:returns The go-version, assuming that go is installed.
return subprocess.check_output( [ "go", "version" ] ).decode().strip()
def convert_one_to_hex( addr ):
"""Given a one address, convert it to hex checksum address."""
if not is_valid_address( addr ):
return to_checksum_address( addr )
_, data = bech32_decode( addr )
buf = convertbits( data, 5, 8, False )
address = "0x" + "".join( f"{x:02x}" for x in buf )
return str( to_checksum_address( address ) )
def convert_hex_to_one( addr ):
"""Given a hex address, convert it to a one address."""
if is_valid_address( addr ):
return addr
checksum_addr = str( to_checksum_address( addr ) )
data = bytearray.fromhex(
checksum_addr[ 2 : ] if checksum_addr
.startswith( "0x" ) else checksum_addr
buf = convertbits( data, 8, 5 )
return str( bech32_encode( "one", buf ) )
def is_active_shard( endpoint, delay_tolerance = 60 ):
:param endpoint: The endpoint of the SHARD to check
:param delay_tolerance: The time (in seconds) that the shard timestamp can be behind
:return: If shard is active or not
curr_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
latest_header = get_latest_header( endpoint = endpoint )
time_str = latest_header[ "timestamp" ][ : 19 ] + ".0" # Fit time format
timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
).replace( tzinfo = None )
time_delta = curr_time - timestamp
return abs( time_delta.seconds ) < delay_tolerance
except ( RPCError, RequestsError, RequestsTimeoutError ):
return False
def get_bls_build_variables():
:returns The environment variables needed to build and/or run programs that
use the Harmony BLS & MCL repo.
:raises RuntimeError if openssl is not found.
Note that this assumes that the BLS & MCL repo are in the appropriate directory
as stated here:
variables = {}
openssl_dir = (
[ "which",
"openssl" ]
).decode().strip().split( "\n",
maxsplit = 1 )[ 0 ]
except ( IndexError, subprocess.CalledProcessError ) as exception:
raise RuntimeError( "`openssl` not found" ) from exception
hmy_path = f"{get_gopath()}/src/"
bls_dir = f"{hmy_path}/bls"
mcl_dir = f"{hmy_path}/mcl"
assert os.path.exists( bls_dir ), f"Harmony BLS repo not found at {bls_dir}"
assert os.path.exists( mcl_dir ), f"Harmony MCL repo not found at {mcl_dir}"
if sys.platform.startswith( "darwin" ):
] = f"-I{bls_dir}/include -I{mcl_dir}/include -I{openssl_dir}/include"
variables[ "CGO_LDFLAGS" ] = f"-L{bls_dir}/lib -L{openssl_dir}/lib"
variables[ "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
] = f"{bls_dir}/lib:{mcl_dir}/lib:{openssl_dir}/lib"
variables[ "DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH" ] = variables[ "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
variables[ "CGO_CFLAGS" ] = f"-I{bls_dir}/include -I{mcl_dir}/include"
variables[ "CGO_LDFLAGS" ] = f"-L{bls_dir}/lib"
variables[ "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ] = f"{bls_dir}/lib:{mcl_dir}/lib"
return variables
def json_load( string, **kwargs ):
:param string: The JSON string to load
:returns A dictionary loaded from a JSON string to a dictionary.
:raises The exception caused by the load (if present).
Note that this prints the failed input should an error arise.
return json.loads( string, **kwargs )
except Exception as exception:
print( f"{Typgpy.FAIL}Could not parse input: '{string}'{Typgpy.ENDC}" )
raise exception