const { Account, Wallet } = require('@harmony/account'); const { isAddress, isPrivateKey, numberToHex, numToStr, hexToNumber, Unit, strip0x, } = require('@harmony/utils'); const { HttpProvider, Messenger } = require('@harmony/network'); const { Transaction, TransactionFactory } = require('@harmony/transaction'); const { arrayify, hexlify, BN, encode, decode, getContractAddress, recoverAddress, recoverPublicKey, keccak256, hexZeroPad, getAddressFromPublicKey, } = require('@harmony/crypto'); const { Harmony } = require('@harmony/core'); const msgr = new Messenger(new HttpProvider('')); const wallet = new Wallet(msgr); const transactions = new TransactionFactory(msgr); async function testEncrypt() { const mne = wallet.generateMnemonic(); console.log('---hint: please write these down'); console.log(`${mne}`); const newAcc = wallet.addByMnemonic(mne); const password = '123456'; console.log('---hint: we use this dump password to encrypt, lol'); console.log(`${password}`); await wallet.encryptAccount(newAcc.address, password); console.log('---hint: Encrypting...'); console.log('---hint: Done!'); console.log('---hint: Your account address is:'); const encrypted = wallet.getAccount(newAcc.address); console.log(`${encrypted.address}`); console.log('---hint: here is your keyStore file:'); console.log(`${encrypted.privateKey}`); } // testEncrypt(); async function testSign(prvKey, data) { const newAcc = wallet.addByPrivateKey(prvKey); const result = await newAcc.sign(data); console.log(result); } // testSign( // '0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123', // '0x06', // ); const txn = new Transaction({ to: '0xaa4cf82d745c3ead6c8275d782d6cb0a6beac617', data: '0x', gasLimit: '0xbfa8a6d03fa6', gasPrice: '0x', value: '0x7a92fecc67512737', nonce: '0xf8', chainId: 0, }); const acc = wallet.addByPrivateKey( '0xc3886f791236bf31fe8fd7522a7b12808700deb9c159826fc99236c74614118b', ); // console.log(txn.getRLPUnsigned()[0]); // const signed = wallet // .getAccount(acc.address) // .signTransaction(txn, false) // .then((tx) => { // const newTx = tx.recover(tx.unsignedTxnHash); // // console.log(newTx); // acc.signTransaction(newTx, false, 'rlp').then((signed) => { // const ttt = transactions.recover(signed.txnHash); // console.log(ttt); // }); // }); // recoverAddress(); // console.log(wallet.messenger); // console.log(hexlify(0)); // 0xda8003049401234567890123456789012345678901234567890580; // 0xda8003049401234567890123456789012345678901234567890580; /** * { name: 'nonce', length: 32, fix: false }, { name: 'gasPrice', length: 32, fix: false, transform: 'hex' }, { name: 'gasLimit', length: 32, fix: false, transform: 'hex' }, { name: 'to', length: 20, fix: true }, { name: 'value', length: 32, fix: false, transform: 'hex' }, { name: 'data', fix: false }, */ // const [nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit, to, value, data] = decode( // txn.getRLPUnsigned()[0], // ); // console.log({ // nonce: new BN(strip0x(hexToNumber(nonce))).toNumber(), // gasPrice: hexToNumber(gasPrice !== '0x' ? gasPrice : '0x00'), // gasLimit: hexToNumber(gasLimit !== '0x' ? gasLimit : '0x00'), // to: hexToNumber(to !== '0x' ? to : '0x00'), // value: hexToNumber(value !== '0x' ? value : '0x00'), // data: hexToNumber(data !== '0x' ? data : '0x00'), // }); // console.log(getContractAddress(acc.publicKey, 248)); const harmony = new Harmony(''); console.log(harmony);