package pprof
import (
// Config is the config for the pprof service
type Config struct {
Enabled bool
ListenAddr string
Folder string
ProfileNames [ ] string
ProfileIntervals [ ] int
ProfileDebugValues [ ] int
type Profile struct {
Name string
Interval int
Debug int
ProfileRef * pprof . Profile
func ( p Config ) String ( ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "%v, %v, %v, %v/%v/%v" , p . Enabled , p . ListenAddr , p . Folder , p . ProfileNames , p . ProfileIntervals , p . ProfileDebugValues )
// Constants for profile names
const (
CPU = "cpu"
// Service provides access to pprof profiles via HTTP and can save them to local disk periodically as user settings.
type Service struct {
config Config
profiles map [ string ] Profile
var (
initOnce sync . Once
svc = & Service { }
cpuFile * os . File
cpuLock sync . Mutex
// NewService creates the new pprof service
func NewService ( cfg Config ) * Service {
initOnce . Do ( func ( ) {
svc = newService ( cfg )
} )
return svc
func newService ( cfg Config ) * Service {
if ! cfg . Enabled {
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Msg ( "pprof service disabled..." )
return nil
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) . Str ( "cfg" , cfg . String ( ) ) . Msg ( "pprof" )
svc . config = cfg
profiles , err := cfg . unpackProfilesIntoMap ( )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "could not unpack pprof profiles into map" )
svc . profiles = profiles
return svc
// Start start the service
func ( s * Service ) Start ( ) error {
dir , err := filepath . Abs ( s . config . Folder )
if err != nil {
return err
err = os . MkdirAll ( dir , os . FileMode ( 0755 ) )
if err != nil {
return err
go func ( ) {
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Str ( "address" , s . config . ListenAddr ) . Msg ( "starting pprof HTTP service" )
http . ListenAndServe ( s . config . ListenAddr , nil )
} ( )
if _ , ok := s . profiles [ CPU ] ; ok {
// The nature of the pprof CPU profile is fundamentally different to the other profiles, because it streams output to a file during profiling.
// Thus it has to be started outside of the defined interval.
go restartCpuProfile ( dir )
for _ , profile := range s . profiles {
scheduleProfile ( profile , dir )
return nil
// Stop stop the service
func ( s * Service ) Stop ( ) error {
dir , err := filepath . Abs ( s . config . Folder )
if err != nil {
return err
for _ , profile := range s . profiles {
if profile . Name == CPU {
stopCpuProfile ( )
} else {
err := saveProfile ( profile , dir )
if err != nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( fmt . Sprintf ( "could not save pprof profile: %s" , profile . Name ) )
return nil
// APIs return all APIs of the service
func ( s * Service ) APIs ( ) [ ] rpc . API {
return nil
// scheduleProfile schedules the provided profile based on the specified interval (e.g. saves the profile every x seconds)
func scheduleProfile ( profile Profile , dir string ) {
go func ( ) {
if profile . Interval > 0 {
ticker := time . NewTicker ( time . Second * time . Duration ( profile . Interval ) )
defer ticker . Stop ( )
for {
select {
case <- ticker . C :
if profile . Name == CPU {
err := restartCpuProfile ( dir )
if err != nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "could not start pprof CPU profile" )
} else {
err := saveProfile ( profile , dir )
if err != nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( fmt . Sprintf ( "could not save pprof profile: %s" , profile . Name ) )
} ( )
// saveProfile saves the provided profile in the specified directory
func saveProfile ( profile Profile , dir string ) error {
f , err := newTempFile ( dir , profile . Name , ".pb.gz" )
if err != nil {
return err
defer f . Close ( )
if profile . ProfileRef == nil {
return nil
err = profile . ProfileRef . WriteTo ( f , profile . Debug )
if err != nil {
return err
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Msg ( fmt . Sprintf ( "saved pprof profile in: %s" , f . Name ( ) ) )
return nil
// restartCpuProfile stops the current CPU profile, if any and then starts a new CPU profile. While profiling in the background, the profile will be buffered and written to a file.
func restartCpuProfile ( dir string ) error {
cpuLock . Lock ( )
defer cpuLock . Unlock ( )
stopCpuProfile ( )
f , err := newTempFile ( dir , CPU , ".pb.gz" )
if err != nil {
return err
pprof . StartCPUProfile ( f )
cpuFile = f
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Msg ( fmt . Sprintf ( "saved pprof CPU profile in: %s" , f . Name ( ) ) )
return nil
// stopCpuProfile stops the current CPU profile, if any
func stopCpuProfile ( ) {
pprof . StopCPUProfile ( )
if cpuFile != nil {
cpuFile . Close ( )
cpuFile = nil
// unpackProfilesIntoMap unpacks the profiles specified in the configuration into a map
func ( config * Config ) unpackProfilesIntoMap ( ) ( map [ string ] Profile , error ) {
result := make ( map [ string ] Profile , len ( config . ProfileNames ) )
if len ( config . ProfileNames ) == 0 {
return nil , nil
for index , name := range config . ProfileNames {
profile := Profile {
Name : name ,
Interval : 0 , // 0 saves the profile when stopping the service
Debug : 0 , // 0 writes the gzip-compressed protocol buffer
// Try set interval value
if len ( config . ProfileIntervals ) == len ( config . ProfileNames ) {
profile . Interval = config . ProfileIntervals [ index ]
} else if len ( config . ProfileIntervals ) > 0 {
profile . Interval = config . ProfileIntervals [ 0 ]
// Try set debug value
if len ( config . ProfileDebugValues ) == len ( config . ProfileNames ) {
profile . Debug = config . ProfileDebugValues [ index ]
} else if len ( config . ProfileDebugValues ) > 0 {
profile . Debug = config . ProfileDebugValues [ 0 ]
// Try set the profile reference
if profile . Name != CPU {
if p := pprof . Lookup ( profile . Name ) ; p == nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "pprof profile does not exist: %s" , profile . Name )
} else {
profile . ProfileRef = p
result [ name ] = profile
return result , nil
// newTempFile returns a new output file in dir with the provided prefix and suffix.
func newTempFile ( dir , name , suffix string ) ( * os . File , error ) {
prefix := name + "."
currentTime := time . Now ( ) . Unix ( )
f , err := os . OpenFile ( filepath . Join ( dir , fmt . Sprintf ( "%s%d%s" , prefix , currentTime , suffix ) ) , os . O_RDWR | os . O_CREATE | os . O_EXCL , 0666 )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "could not create file of the form %s%d%s" , prefix , currentTime , suffix )
return f , nil