package downloader
import (
syncproto "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/p2p/stream/protocols/sync"
sttypes "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/p2p/stream/types"
// doLongRangeSync does the long range sync.
// One LongRangeSync consists of several iterations.
// For each iteration, estimate the current block number, then fetch block & insert to blockchain
func (d *Downloader) doLongRangeSync() (int, error) {
var totalInserted int
defer d.finishSyncing()
for {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(d.ctx)
iter := &lrSyncIter{
bc: d.bc,
p: d.syncProtocol,
ih: d.ih,
d: d,
ctx: ctx,
config: d.config,
logger: d.logger.With().Str("mode", "long range").Logger(),
if err := iter.doLongRangeSync(); err != nil {
return totalInserted + iter.inserted, err
totalInserted += iter.inserted
if iter.inserted < lastMileThres {
return totalInserted, nil
// lrSyncIter run a single iteration of a full long range sync.
// First get a rough estimate of the current block height, and then sync to this
// block number
type lrSyncIter struct {
bc blockChain
p syncProtocol
ih insertHelper
d *Downloader
gbm *getBlocksManager // initialized when finished get block number
inserted int
config Config
ctx context.Context
logger zerolog.Logger
func (lsi *lrSyncIter) doLongRangeSync() error {
if err := lsi.checkPrerequisites(); err != nil {
return err
bn, err := lsi.estimateCurrentNumber()
if err != nil {
return err
lsi.logger.Info().Uint64("target number", bn).Msg("estimated remote current number")
return lsi.fetchAndInsertBlocks(bn)
func (lsi *lrSyncIter) checkPrerequisites() error {
return lsi.checkHaveEnoughStreams()
// estimateCurrentNumber roughly estimate the current block number.
// The block number does not need to be exact, but just a temporary target of the iteration
func (lsi *lrSyncIter) estimateCurrentNumber() (uint64, error) {
var (
cnResults = make(map[sttypes.StreamID]uint64)
lock sync.Mutex
wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i != lsi.config.Concurrency; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
bn, stid, err := lsi.doGetCurrentNumberRequest()
if err != nil {
lsi.logger.Err(err).Str("streamID", string(stid)).
Msg("getCurrentNumber request failed. Removing stream")
if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
cnResults[stid] = bn
if len(cnResults) == 0 {
select {
case <-lsi.ctx.Done():
return 0, lsi.ctx.Err()
return 0, errors.New("zero block number response from remote nodes")
bn := computeBlockNumberByMaxVote(cnResults)
return bn, nil
func (lsi *lrSyncIter) doGetCurrentNumberRequest() (uint64, sttypes.StreamID, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(lsi.ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
bn, stid, err := lsi.p.GetCurrentBlockNumber(ctx, syncproto.WithHighPriority())
if err != nil {
return 0, stid, err
return bn, stid, nil
// fetchAndInsertBlocks use the pipeline pattern to boost the performance of inserting blocks.
// TODO: For resharding, use the pipeline to do fast sync (epoch loop, header loop, body loop)
func (lsi *lrSyncIter) fetchAndInsertBlocks(targetBN uint64) error {
gbm := newGetBlocksManager(lsi.bc, targetBN, lsi.logger)
lsi.gbm = gbm
// Setup workers to fetch blocks from remote node
for i := 0; i != lsi.config.Concurrency; i++ {
worker := &getBlocksWorker{
gbm: gbm,
protocol: lsi.p,
ctx: lsi.ctx,
go worker.workLoop()
// insert the blocks to chain. Return when the target block number is reached.
select {
case <-lsi.ctx.Done():
return lsi.ctx.Err()
return nil
func (lsi *lrSyncIter) insertChainLoop(targetBN uint64) {
var (
gbm = lsi.gbm
t = time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
resultC = make(chan struct{}, 1)
trigger := func() {
select {
case resultC <- struct{}{}:
for {
select {
case <-lsi.ctx.Done():
case <-t.C:
// Redundancy, periodically check whether there is blocks that can be processed
case <-gbm.resultC:
// New block arrive in resultQueue
case <-resultC:
blockResults := gbm.PullContinuousBlocks(blocksPerInsert)
if len(blockResults) > 0 {
lsi.processBlocks(blockResults, targetBN)
// more blocks is expected being able to be pulled from queue
if lsi.bc.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() >= targetBN {
func (lsi *lrSyncIter) processBlocks(results []*blockResult, targetBN uint64) {
blocks := blockResultsToBlocks(results)
for i, block := range blocks {
if err := lsi.ih.verifyAndInsertBlock(block); err != nil {
lsi.logger.Warn().Err(err).Uint64("target block", targetBN).
Uint64("block number", block.NumberU64()).
Msg("insert blocks failed in long range")
lsi.gbm.HandleInsertError(results, i)
func (lsi *lrSyncIter) checkHaveEnoughStreams() error {
numStreams := lsi.p.NumStreams()
if numStreams < lsi.config.MinStreams {
return fmt.Errorf("number of streams smaller than minimum: %v < %v",
numStreams, lsi.config.MinStreams)
return nil
// getBlocksWorker does the request job
type getBlocksWorker struct {
gbm *getBlocksManager
protocol syncProtocol
ctx context.Context
func (w *getBlocksWorker) workLoop() {
for {
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
batch := w.gbm.GetNextBatch()
if len(batch) == 0 {
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
blocks, stid, err := w.doBatch(batch)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
err = errors.Wrap(err, "request error")
w.gbm.HandleRequestError(batch, err, stid)
} else {
w.gbm.HandleRequestResult(batch, blocks, stid)
func (w *getBlocksWorker) doBatch(bns []uint64) ([]*types.Block, sttypes.StreamID, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(w.ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
blocks, stid, err := w.protocol.GetBlocksByNumber(ctx, bns)
if err != nil {
return nil, stid, err
if err := validateGetBlocksResult(bns, blocks); err != nil {
return nil, stid, err
return blocks, stid, nil
// getBlocksManager is the helper structure for get blocks request management
type getBlocksManager struct {
chain blockChain
targetBN uint64
requesting map[uint64]struct{} // block numbers that have been assigned to workers but not received
processing map[uint64]struct{} // block numbers received requests but not inserted
retries *prioritizedNumbers // requests where error happens
rq *resultQueue // result queue wait to be inserted into blockchain
resultC chan struct{}
logger zerolog.Logger
lock sync.Mutex
func newGetBlocksManager(chain blockChain, targetBN uint64, logger zerolog.Logger) *getBlocksManager {
return &getBlocksManager{
chain: chain,
targetBN: targetBN,
requesting: make(map[uint64]struct{}),
processing: make(map[uint64]struct{}),
retries: newPrioritizedNumbers(),
rq: newResultQueue(),
resultC: make(chan struct{}, 1),
logger: logger,
// GetNextBatch get the next block numbers batch
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) GetNextBatch() []uint64 {
defer gbm.lock.Unlock()
cap := numBlocksByNumPerRequest
bns := gbm.getBatchFromRetries(cap)
cap -= len(bns)
if gbm.availableForMoreTasks() {
addBNs := gbm.getBatchFromUnprocessed(cap)
bns = append(bns, addBNs...)
return bns
// HandleRequestError handles the error result
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) HandleRequestError(bns []uint64, err error, stid sttypes.StreamID) {
defer gbm.lock.Unlock()
gbm.logger.Warn().Err(err).Str("stream", string(stid)).Msg("get blocks error")
// add requested block numbers to retries
for _, bn := range bns {
delete(gbm.requesting, bn)
// remove results from result queue by the stream and add back to retries
removed := gbm.rq.removeResultsByStreamID(stid)
for _, bn := range removed {
delete(gbm.processing, bn)
// HandleRequestResult handles get blocks result
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) HandleRequestResult(bns []uint64, blocks []*types.Block, stid sttypes.StreamID) {
defer gbm.lock.Unlock()
for i, bn := range bns {
delete(gbm.requesting, bn)
if blocks[i] == nil {
} else {
gbm.processing[bn] = struct{}{}
gbm.rq.addBlockResults(blocks, stid)
select {
case gbm.resultC <- struct{}{}:
// HandleInsertResult handle the insert result
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) HandleInsertResult(inserted []*blockResult) {
defer gbm.lock.Unlock()
for _, block := range inserted {
delete(gbm.processing, block.getBlockNumber())
// HandleInsertError handles the error during InsertChain
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) HandleInsertError(results []*blockResult, n int) {
defer gbm.lock.Unlock()
var (
inserted []*blockResult
errResult *blockResult
abandoned []*blockResult
inserted = results[:n]
errResult = results[n]
if n != len(results) {
abandoned = results[n+1:]
for _, res := range inserted {
delete(gbm.processing, res.getBlockNumber())
for _, res := range abandoned {
gbm.rq.addBlockResults([]*types.Block{res.block}, res.stid)
delete(gbm.processing, errResult.getBlockNumber())
removed := gbm.rq.removeResultsByStreamID(errResult.stid)
for _, bn := range removed {
delete(gbm.processing, bn)
// PullContinuousBlocks pull continuous blocks from request queue
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) PullContinuousBlocks(cap int) []*blockResult {
defer gbm.lock.Unlock()
expHeight := gbm.chain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() + 1
results, stales := gbm.rq.popBlockResults(expHeight, cap)
// For stale blocks, we remove them from processing
for _, bn := range stales {
delete(gbm.processing, bn)
return results
// getBatchFromRetries get the block number batch to be requested from retries.
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) getBatchFromRetries(cap int) []uint64 {
var (
requestBNs []uint64
curHeight = gbm.chain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
for cnt := 0; cnt < cap; cnt++ {
bn := gbm.retries.pop()
if bn == 0 {
break // no more retries
if bn <= curHeight {
requestBNs = append(requestBNs, bn)
return requestBNs
// getBatchFromRetries get the block number batch to be requested from unprocessed.
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) getBatchFromUnprocessed(cap int) []uint64 {
var (
requestBNs []uint64
curHeight = gbm.chain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
bn := curHeight + 1
// TODO: this algorithm can be potentially optimized.
for cnt := 0; cnt < cap && bn <= gbm.targetBN; cnt++ {
for bn <= gbm.targetBN {
_, ok1 := gbm.requesting[bn]
_, ok2 := gbm.processing[bn]
if !ok1 && !ok2 {
requestBNs = append(requestBNs, bn)
return requestBNs
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) availableForMoreTasks() bool {
return gbm.rq.results.Len() < softQueueCap
func (gbm *getBlocksManager) addBatchToRequesting(bns []uint64) {
for _, bn := range bns {
gbm.requesting[bn] = struct{}{}
func validateGetBlocksResult(requested []uint64, result []*types.Block) error {
if len(result) != len(requested) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of blocks delivered: %v / %v", len(result), len(requested))
for i, block := range result {
if block != nil && block.NumberU64() != requested[i] {
return fmt.Errorf("block with unexpected number delivered: %v / %v", block.NumberU64(), requested[i])
return nil
// computeBlockNumberByMaxVote compute the target block number by max vote.
func computeBlockNumberByMaxVote(votes map[sttypes.StreamID]uint64) uint64 {
var (
nm = make(map[uint64]int)
res uint64
maxCnt int
for _, bn := range votes {
_, ok := nm[bn]
if !ok {
nm[bn] = 0
cnt := nm[bn]
if cnt > maxCnt || (cnt == maxCnt && bn > res) {
res = bn
maxCnt = cnt
return res