The core protocol of WoopChain
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

192 lines
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package harmony
import (
// HarmonyConfig contains all the configs user can set for running harmony binary. Served as the bridge
// from user set flags to internal node configs. Also user can persist this structure to a toml file
// to avoid inputting all arguments.
type HarmonyConfig struct {
Version string
General GeneralConfig
Network NetworkConfig
P2P P2pConfig
HTTP HttpConfig
WS WsConfig
RPCOpt RpcOptConfig
BLSKeys BlsConfig
TxPool TxPoolConfig
Pprof PprofConfig
Log LogConfig
Sync SyncConfig
Sys *SysConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Consensus *ConsensusConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Devnet *DevnetConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Revert *RevertConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Legacy *LegacyConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Prometheus *PrometheusConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
DNSSync DnsSync
type DnsSync struct {
Port int // replaces: Network.DNSSyncPort
Zone string // replaces: Network.DNSZone
LegacySyncing bool // replaces: Network.LegacySyncing
Client bool // replaces: Sync.LegacyClient
Server bool // replaces: Sync.LegacyServer
ServerPort int
type NetworkConfig struct {
NetworkType string
BootNodes []string
type P2pConfig struct {
Port int
IP string
KeyFile string
DHTDataStore *string `toml:",omitempty"`
type GeneralConfig struct {
NodeType string
NoStaking bool
ShardID int
IsArchival bool
3 years ago
IsBackup bool
IsBeaconArchival bool
IsOffline bool
DataDir string
type ConsensusConfig struct {
MinPeers int
AggregateSig bool
type BlsConfig struct {
KeyDir string
KeyFiles []string
MaxKeys int
PassEnabled bool
PassSrcType string
PassFile string
SavePassphrase bool
KMSEnabled bool
KMSConfigSrcType string
KMSConfigFile string
type TxPoolConfig struct {
BlacklistFile string
type PprofConfig struct {
Enabled bool
ListenAddr string
Folder string
ProfileNames []string
ProfileIntervals []int
ProfileDebugValues []int
type LogConfig struct {
Folder string
FileName string
RotateSize int
Verbosity int
VerbosePrints LogVerbosePrints
Context *LogContext `toml:",omitempty"`
type LogVerbosePrints struct {
Config bool
func FlagSliceToLogVerbosePrints(verbosePrintsFlagSlice []string) LogVerbosePrints {
verbosePrints := LogVerbosePrints{}
verbosePrintsReflect := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(&verbosePrints))
for _, verbosePrint := range verbosePrintsFlagSlice {
verbosePrint = strings.Title(verbosePrint)
field := verbosePrintsReflect.FieldByName(verbosePrint)
if field.IsValid() && field.CanSet() {
return verbosePrints
type LogContext struct {
IP string
Port int
type SysConfig struct {
NtpServer string
type HttpConfig struct {
Enabled bool
IP string
Port int
RosettaEnabled bool
RosettaPort int
type WsConfig struct {
Enabled bool
IP string
Port int
type RpcOptConfig struct {
DebugEnabled bool // Enables PrivateDebugService APIs, including the EVM tracer
RateLimterEnabled bool // Enable Rate limiter for RPC
RequestsPerSecond int // for RPC rate limiter
type DevnetConfig struct {
NumShards int
ShardSize int
HmyNodeSize int
// TODO: make `revert` to a separate command
type RevertConfig struct {
RevertBeacon bool
RevertTo int
RevertBefore int
type LegacyConfig struct {
WebHookConfig *string `toml:",omitempty"`
TPBroadcastInvalidTxn *bool `toml:",omitempty"`
type PrometheusConfig struct {
Enabled bool
IP string
Port int
EnablePush bool
Gateway string
type SyncConfig struct {
// TODO: Remove this bool after stream sync is fully up.
Enabled bool // enable the stream sync protocol
Downloader bool // start the sync downloader client
Concurrency int // concurrency used for stream sync protocol
MinPeers int // minimum streams to start a sync task.
InitStreams int // minimum streams in bootstrap to start sync loop.
DiscSoftLowCap int // when number of streams is below this value, spin discover during check
DiscHardLowCap int // when removing stream, num is below this value, spin discovery immediately
DiscHighCap int // upper limit of streams in one sync protocol
DiscBatch int // size of each discovery