// Consensus package implements the Cosi PBFT consensus
package consensus // consensus
import (
// Consensus data containing all info related to one round of consensus process
type Consensus struct {
state ConsensusState
// Commits collected from validators. A map from node Id to its commitment
commitments *map[uint16]kyber.Point
finalCommitments *map[uint16]kyber.Point
aggregatedCommitment kyber.Point
aggregatedFinalCommitment kyber.Point
bitmap *crypto.Mask
finalBitmap *crypto.Mask
// Challenges
challenge [32]byte
finalChallenge [32]byte
// Responses collected from validators
responses *map[uint16]kyber.Scalar
finalResponses *map[uint16]kyber.Scalar
// map of nodeId to validator Peer object
validators map[uint16]p2p.Peer
// Leader
leader p2p.Peer
// Public keys of the committee including leader and validators
publicKeys []kyber.Point
// private/public keys of current node
priKey kyber.Scalar
pubKey kyber.Point
// Whether I am leader. False means I am validator
IsLeader bool
// Leader or validator Id - 2 byte
nodeId uint16
// Consensus Id (View Id) - 4 byte
consensusId uint32
// Blockhash - 32 byte
blockHash [32]byte
// BlockHeader to run consensus on
blockHeader []byte
// Array of block hashes.
blockHashes [][32]byte
// Shard Id which this node belongs to
ShardID uint32
// global consensus mutex
mutex sync.Mutex
// Validator specific fields
// Blocks received but not done with consensus yet
blocksReceived map[uint32]*BlockConsensusStatus
// Commitment secret
secret kyber.Scalar
// Signal channel for starting a new consensus process
ReadySignal chan struct{}
// The verifier func passed from Node object
BlockVerifier func(*blockchain.Block) bool
// The post-consensus processing func passed from Node object
// Called when consensus on a new block is done
OnConsensusDone func(*blockchain.Block)
Log log.Logger
// This used to keep track of the consensus status of multiple blocks received so far
// This is mainly used in the case that this node is lagging behind and needs to catch up.
// For example, the consensus moved to round N and this node received message(N).
// However, this node may still not finished with round N-1, so the newly received message(N)
// should be stored in this temporary structure. In case the round N-1 finishes, it can catch
// up to the latest state of round N by using this structure.
type BlockConsensusStatus struct {
blockHeader []byte // the block header of the block which the consensus is running on
state ConsensusState // the latest state of the consensus
// NewConsensus creates a new Consensus object
// TODO(minhdoan): Maybe convert it into just New
// FYI, see https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html?#package-names
func NewConsensus(ip, port, ShardID string, peers []p2p.Peer, leader p2p.Peer) *Consensus {
consensus := Consensus{}
if leader.Port == port && leader.Ip == ip {
consensus.IsLeader = true
} else {
consensus.IsLeader = false
consensus.commitments = &map[uint16]kyber.Point{}
consensus.finalCommitments = &map[uint16]kyber.Point{}
consensus.validators = make(map[uint16]p2p.Peer)
consensus.responses = &map[uint16]kyber.Scalar{}
consensus.finalResponses = &map[uint16]kyber.Scalar{}
consensus.leader = leader
for _, peer := range peers {
consensus.validators[utils.GetUniqueIdFromPeer(peer)] = peer
// Initialize cosign bitmap
allPublicKeys := make([]kyber.Point, 0)
for _, validatorPeer := range consensus.validators {
allPublicKeys = append(allPublicKeys, validatorPeer.PubKey)
allPublicKeys = append(allPublicKeys, leader.PubKey)
mask, err := crypto.NewMask(crypto.Ed25519Curve, allPublicKeys, consensus.leader.PubKey)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to create mask")
finalMask, err := crypto.NewMask(crypto.Ed25519Curve, allPublicKeys, consensus.leader.PubKey)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to create final mask")
consensus.publicKeys = allPublicKeys
consensus.bitmap = mask
consensus.finalBitmap = finalMask
// For now use socket address as 16 byte Id
// TODO: populate with correct Id
consensus.nodeId = utils.GetUniqueIdFromPeer(p2p.Peer{Ip: ip, Port: port})
// Set private key for myself so that I can sign messages.
consensus.priKey = crypto.Ed25519Curve.Scalar().SetInt64(int64(consensus.nodeId))
consensus.pubKey = pki.GetPublicKeyFromScalar(consensus.priKey)
consensus.consensusId = 0 // or view Id in the original pbft paper
myShardID, err := strconv.Atoi(ShardID)
if err != nil {
panic("Unparseable shard Id" + ShardID)
consensus.ShardID = uint32(myShardID)
// For validators to keep track of all blocks received but not yet committed, so as to catch up to latest consensus if lagged behind.
consensus.blocksReceived = make(map[uint32]*BlockConsensusStatus)
if consensus.IsLeader {
consensus.ReadySignal = make(chan struct{})
// send a signal to indicate it's ready to run consensus
// this signal is consumed by node object to create a new block and in turn trigger a new consensus on it
// this is a goroutine because go channel without buffer will block
go func() {
consensus.ReadySignal <- struct{}{}
consensus.Log = log.New()
return &consensus
func (consensus *Consensus) signMessage(message []byte) []byte {
signature, err := schnorr.Sign(crypto.Ed25519Curve, consensus.priKey, message)
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to sign message with Schnorr signature.")
return signature
func (consensus *Consensus) getValidatorPeers() []p2p.Peer {
validatorPeers := make([]p2p.Peer, 0)
for _, validatorPeer := range consensus.validators {
validatorPeers = append(validatorPeers, validatorPeer)
return validatorPeers
// Reset the state of the consensus
func (consensus *Consensus) ResetState() {
consensus.state = FINISHED
consensus.commitments = &map[uint16]kyber.Point{}
consensus.finalCommitments = &map[uint16]kyber.Point{}
consensus.responses = &map[uint16]kyber.Scalar{}
consensus.finalResponses = &map[uint16]kyber.Scalar{}
consensus.secret = nil
// Returns a string representation of this consensus
func (consensus *Consensus) String() string {
var duty string
if consensus.IsLeader {
duty = "LDR" // leader
} else {
duty = "VLD" // validator
return fmt.Sprintf("[duty:%s, priKey:%s, ShardID:%v, nodeId:%v, state:%s]",
duty, consensus.priKey.String(), consensus.ShardID, consensus.nodeId, consensus.state)