package node
import (
proto_node ""
bls_cosi ""
nodeconfig ""
// BroadcastCXReceipts broadcasts cross shard receipts to correspoding
// destination shards
func ( node * Node ) BroadcastCXReceipts ( newBlock * types . Block , lastCommits [ ] byte ) {
//#### Read payload data from committed msg
if len ( lastCommits ) <= 96 {
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) . Int ( "lastCommitsLen" , len ( lastCommits ) ) . Msg ( "[BroadcastCXReceipts] lastCommits Not Enough Length" )
commitSig := make ( [ ] byte , 96 )
commitBitmap := make ( [ ] byte , len ( lastCommits ) - 96 )
offset := 0
copy ( commitSig [ : ] , lastCommits [ offset : offset + 96 ] )
offset += 96
copy ( commitBitmap [ : ] , lastCommits [ offset : ] )
//#### END Read payload data from committed msg
epoch := newBlock . Header ( ) . Epoch ( )
shardingConfig := shard . Schedule . InstanceForEpoch ( epoch )
shardNum := int ( shardingConfig . NumShards ( ) )
myShardID := node . Consensus . ShardID
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Int ( "shardNum" , shardNum ) . Uint32 ( "myShardID" , myShardID ) . Uint64 ( "blockNum" , newBlock . NumberU64 ( ) ) . Msg ( "[BroadcastCXReceipts]" )
for i := 0 ; i < shardNum ; i ++ {
if i == int ( myShardID ) {
go node . BroadcastCXReceiptsWithShardID ( newBlock , commitSig , commitBitmap , uint32 ( i ) )
// BroadcastCXReceiptsWithShardID broadcasts cross shard receipts to given ToShardID
func ( node * Node ) BroadcastCXReceiptsWithShardID ( block * types . Block , commitSig [ ] byte , commitBitmap [ ] byte , toShardID uint32 ) {
myShardID := node . Consensus . ShardID
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Uint32 ( "toShardID" , toShardID ) . Uint32 ( "myShardID" , myShardID ) . Uint64 ( "blockNum" , block . NumberU64 ( ) ) . Msg ( "[BroadcastCXReceiptsWithShardID]" )
cxReceipts , err := node . Blockchain ( ) . ReadCXReceipts ( toShardID , block . NumberU64 ( ) , block . Hash ( ) )
if err != nil || len ( cxReceipts ) == 0 {
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Err ( err ) . Uint32 ( "ToShardID" , toShardID ) . Int ( "numCXReceipts" , len ( cxReceipts ) ) . Msg ( "[BroadcastCXReceiptsWithShardID] No ReadCXReceipts found" )
merkleProof , err := node . Blockchain ( ) . CXMerkleProof ( toShardID , block )
if err != nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Warn ( ) . Uint32 ( "ToShardID" , toShardID ) . Msg ( "[BroadcastCXReceiptsWithShardID] Unable to get merkleProof" )
groupID := nodeconfig . NewGroupIDByShardID ( nodeconfig . ShardID ( toShardID ) )
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Uint32 ( "ToShardID" , toShardID ) . Str ( "GroupID" , string ( groupID ) ) . Msg ( "[BroadcastCXReceiptsWithShardID] ReadCXReceipts and MerkleProof Found" )
// TODO ek – limit concurrency
go node . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] nodeconfig . GroupID { groupID } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 0 ) , proto_node . ConstructCXReceiptsProof ( cxReceipts , merkleProof , block . Header ( ) , commitSig , commitBitmap ) ) )
// BroadcastMissingCXReceipts broadcasts missing cross shard receipts per request
func ( node * Node ) BroadcastMissingCXReceipts ( ) {
sendNextTime := [ ] core . CxEntry { }
it := node . CxPool . Pool ( ) . Iterator ( )
for entry := range it . C {
cxEntry := entry . ( core . CxEntry )
toShardID := cxEntry . ToShardID
blk := node . Blockchain ( ) . GetBlockByHash ( cxEntry . BlockHash )
if blk == nil {
blockNum := blk . NumberU64 ( )
nextHeader := node . Blockchain ( ) . GetHeaderByNumber ( blockNum + 1 )
if nextHeader == nil {
sendNextTime = append ( sendNextTime , cxEntry )
sig := nextHeader . LastCommitSignature ( )
bitmap := nextHeader . LastCommitBitmap ( )
node . BroadcastCXReceiptsWithShardID ( blk , sig [ : ] , bitmap , toShardID )
node . CxPool . Clear ( )
// this should not happen or maybe happen for impatient user
for _ , entry := range sendNextTime {
node . CxPool . Add ( entry )
// VerifyBlockCrossLinks verifies the cross links of the block
func ( node * Node ) VerifyBlockCrossLinks ( block * types . Block ) error {
if len ( block . Header ( ) . CrossLinks ( ) ) == 0 {
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) . Msgf ( "[CrossLinkVerification] Zero CrossLinks in the header" )
return nil
crossLinks := & types . CrossLinks { }
err := rlp . DecodeBytes ( block . Header ( ) . CrossLinks ( ) , crossLinks )
if err != nil {
return ctxerror . New ( "[CrossLinkVerification] failed to decode cross links" ,
"blockHash" , block . Hash ( ) ,
"crossLinks" , len ( block . Header ( ) . CrossLinks ( ) ) ,
) . WithCause ( err )
if ! crossLinks . IsSorted ( ) {
return ctxerror . New ( "[CrossLinkVerification] cross links are not sorted" ,
"blockHash" , block . Hash ( ) ,
"crossLinks" , len ( block . Header ( ) . CrossLinks ( ) ) ,
for _ , crossLink := range * crossLinks {
cl , err := node . Blockchain ( ) . ReadCrossLink ( crossLink . ShardID ( ) , crossLink . BlockNum ( ) )
if err == nil && cl != nil {
// Add slash for exist same blocknum but different crosslink
return ctxerror . New ( "crosslink already exist!" )
if err = node . VerifyCrossLink ( crossLink ) ; err != nil {
return ctxerror . New ( "cannot VerifyBlockCrossLinks" ,
"blockHash" , block . Hash ( ) ,
"blockNum" , block . Number ( ) ,
"crossLinkShard" , crossLink . ShardID ( ) ,
"crossLinkBlock" , crossLink . BlockNum ( ) ,
"numTx" , len ( block . Transactions ( ) ) ,
) . WithCause ( err )
return nil
// ProcessCrossLinkMessage verify and process Node/CrossLink message into crosslink when it's valid
func ( node * Node ) ProcessCrossLinkMessage ( msgPayload [ ] byte ) {
// TODO: non-leader in beaconchain doesn't need process crosslink message, but still need to monitor leader's behavior
if node . NodeConfig . ShardID == 0 {
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) . Msgf ( "[ProcessingCrossLink] leader is processing..." )
var crosslinks [ ] types . CrossLink
err := rlp . DecodeBytes ( msgPayload , & crosslinks )
if err != nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Error ( ) .
Err ( err ) .
Msg ( "[ProcessingCrossLink] Crosslink Message Broadcast Unable to Decode" )
candidates := [ ] types . CrossLink { }
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) .
Msgf ( "[ProcessingCrossLink] Crosslink going to propose: %d" , len ( crosslinks ) )
for _ , cl := range crosslinks {
exist , err := node . Blockchain ( ) . ReadCrossLink ( cl . ShardID ( ) , cl . Number ( ) . Uint64 ( ) )
if err == nil && exist != nil {
// TODO: leader add double sign checking
utils . Logger ( ) . Err ( err ) .
Msgf ( "[ProcessingCrossLink] Cross Link already exists, pass. Block num: %d, shardID %d" , cl . Number ( ) , cl . ShardID ( ) )
if err = node . VerifyCrossLink ( cl ) ; err != nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Err ( err ) .
Msgf ( "[ProcessingCrossLink] Failed to verify new cross link for blockNum %d epochNum %d shard %d skipped: %v" , cl . BlockNum ( ) , cl . Epoch ( ) . Uint64 ( ) , cl . ShardID ( ) , cl )
candidates = append ( candidates , cl )
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) .
Msgf ( "[ProcessingCrossLink] Committing for shardID %d, blockNum %d" , cl . ShardID ( ) , cl . Number ( ) . Uint64 ( ) )
node . pendingCLMutex . Lock ( )
Len , _ := node . Blockchain ( ) . AddPendingCrossLinks ( candidates )
node . pendingCLMutex . Unlock ( )
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) .
Msgf ( "[ProcessingCrossLink] Add pending crosslinks, total pending: %d" , Len )
func ( node * Node ) verifyIncomingReceipts ( block * types . Block ) error {
m := make ( map [ common . Hash ] struct { } )
cxps := block . IncomingReceipts ( )
for _ , cxp := range cxps {
// double spent
if node . Blockchain ( ) . IsSpent ( cxp ) {
return ctxerror . New ( "[verifyIncomingReceipts] Double Spent!" )
hash := cxp . MerkleProof . BlockHash
// duplicated receipts
if _ , ok := m [ hash ] ; ok {
return ctxerror . New ( "[verifyIncomingReceipts] Double Spent!" )
m [ hash ] = struct { } { }
for _ , item := range cxp . Receipts {
if item . ToShardID != node . Blockchain ( ) . ShardID ( ) {
return ctxerror . New ( "[verifyIncomingReceipts] Invalid ToShardID" , "myShardID" , node . Blockchain ( ) . ShardID ( ) , "expectShardID" , item . ToShardID )
if err := node . Blockchain ( ) . Validator ( ) . ValidateCXReceiptsProof ( cxp ) ; err != nil {
return ctxerror . New ( "[verifyIncomingReceipts] verification failed" ) . WithCause ( err )
incomingReceiptHash := types . EmptyRootHash
if len ( cxps ) > 0 {
incomingReceiptHash = types . DeriveSha ( cxps )
if incomingReceiptHash != block . Header ( ) . IncomingReceiptHash ( ) {
return ctxerror . New ( "[verifyIncomingReceipts] Invalid IncomingReceiptHash in block header" )
return nil
// VerifyCrossLink verifies the header is valid
func ( node * Node ) VerifyCrossLink ( cl types . CrossLink ) error {
if node . Blockchain ( ) . ShardID ( ) != shard . BeaconChainShardID {
return ctxerror . New ( "Shard chains should not verify cross links" )
if cl . BlockNum ( ) <= 1 {
return ctxerror . New ( "CrossLink BlockNumber should greater than 1" )
if node . Blockchain ( ) . Config ( ) . IsCrossLink ( cl . Epoch ( ) ) {
return ctxerror . New ( "CrossLink Epoch should >= crosslink epoch" , "crossLinkEpoch" , node . Blockchain ( ) . Config ( ) . CrossLinkEpoch )
// Verify signature of the new cross link header
// TODO: check whether to recalculate shard state
shardState , err := node . Blockchain ( ) . ReadShardState ( cl . Epoch ( ) )
committee := shardState . FindCommitteeByID ( cl . ShardID ( ) )
if err != nil || committee == nil {
return ctxerror . New ( "[CrossLink] Failed to read shard state for cross link" , "shardID" , cl . ShardID ( ) , "blockNum" , cl . BlockNum ( ) ) . WithCause ( err )
var committerKeys [ ] * bls . PublicKey
parseKeysSuccess := true
for _ , member := range committee . Slots {
committerKey := new ( bls . PublicKey )
err = member . BlsPublicKey . ToLibBLSPublicKey ( committerKey )
if err != nil {
parseKeysSuccess = false
committerKeys = append ( committerKeys , committerKey )
if ! parseKeysSuccess {
return ctxerror . New ( "[CrossLink] cannot convert BLS public key" , "shardID" , cl . ShardID ( ) , "blockNum" , cl . BlockNum ( ) ) . WithCause ( err )
mask , err := bls_cosi . NewMask ( committerKeys , nil )
if err != nil {
return ctxerror . New ( "cannot create group sig mask" , "shardID" , cl . ShardID ( ) , "blockNum" , cl . BlockNum ( ) ) . WithCause ( err )
if err := mask . SetMask ( cl . Bitmap ( ) ) ; err != nil {
return ctxerror . New ( "cannot set group sig mask bits" , "shardID" , cl . ShardID ( ) , "blockNum" , cl . BlockNum ( ) ) . WithCause ( err )
aggSig := bls . Sign { }
sig := cl . Signature ( )
err = aggSig . Deserialize ( sig [ : ] )
if err != nil {
return ctxerror . New ( "unable to deserialize multi-signature from payload" ) . WithCause ( err )
hash := cl . Hash ( )
blockNumBytes := make ( [ ] byte , 8 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint64 ( blockNumBytes , cl . BlockNum ( ) )
commitPayload := append ( blockNumBytes , hash [ : ] ... )
if ! aggSig . VerifyHash ( mask . AggregatePublic , commitPayload ) {
return ctxerror . New ( "Failed to verify the signature for cross link" , "shardID" , cl . ShardID ( ) , "blockNum" , cl . BlockNum ( ) )
return nil
// ProcessReceiptMessage store the receipts and merkle proof in local data store
func ( node * Node ) ProcessReceiptMessage ( msgPayload [ ] byte ) {
cxp := types . CXReceiptsProof { }
if err := rlp . DecodeBytes ( msgPayload , & cxp ) ; err != nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "[ProcessReceiptMessage] Unable to Decode message Payload" )
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) . Interface ( "cxp" , cxp ) . Msg ( "[ProcessReceiptMessage] Add CXReceiptsProof to pending Receipts" )
// TODO: integrate with txpool
node . AddPendingReceipts ( & cxp )