package node
import (
hmy_crypto ""
proto_identity ""
proto_node ""
const (
// MinNumberOfTransactionsPerBlock is the min number of transaction per a block.
MinNumberOfTransactionsPerBlock = 6000
// MaxNumberOfTransactionsPerBlock is the max number of transaction per a block.
MaxNumberOfTransactionsPerBlock = 8000
// NumBlocksBeforeStateBlock is the number of blocks allowed before generating state block
NumBlocksBeforeStateBlock = 1000
// MaybeBroadcastAsValidator returns if the node is a validator node.
func ( node * Node ) MaybeBroadcastAsValidator ( content [ ] byte ) {
if node . SelfPeer . ValidatorID > 0 && node . SelfPeer . ValidatorID <= p2p . MaxBroadCast {
go p2p . BroadcastMessageFromValidator ( node . SelfPeer , node . Consensus . GetValidatorPeers ( ) , content )
// NodeHandler handles a new incoming connection.
func ( node * Node ) NodeHandler ( conn net . Conn ) {
defer conn . Close ( )
// Read p2p message payload
content , err := p2p . ReadMessageContent ( conn )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Read p2p data failed" , "err" , err , "node" , node )
// TODO: this is tree broadcasting. this needs to be removed later. Actually the whole logic needs to be replaced by p2p.
node . MaybeBroadcastAsValidator ( content )
consensusObj := node . Consensus
msgCategory , err := proto . GetMessageCategory ( content )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Read node type failed" , "err" , err , "node" , node )
msgType , err := proto . GetMessageType ( content )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Read action type failed" , "err" , err , "node" , node )
msgPayload , err := proto . GetMessagePayload ( content )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Read message payload failed" , "err" , err , "node" , node )
switch msgCategory {
case proto . Identity :
actionType := proto_identity . IdentityMessageType ( msgType )
switch actionType {
case proto_identity . Identity :
messageType := proto_identity . MessageType ( msgPayload [ 0 ] )
switch messageType {
case proto_identity . Register :
fmt . Println ( "received a identity message" )
// TODO(ak): fix it.
// node.processPOWMessage(msgPayload)
node . log . Info ( "NET: received message: IDENTITY/REGISTER" )
default :
node . log . Error ( "Announce message should be sent to IdentityChain" )
case proto . Consensus :
actionType := consensus . ConsensusMessageType ( msgType )
switch actionType {
case consensus . Consensus :
if consensusObj . IsLeader {
node . log . Info ( "NET: received message: Consensus/Leader" )
consensusObj . ProcessMessageLeader ( msgPayload )
} else {
node . log . Info ( "NET: received message: Consensus/Validator" )
consensusObj . ProcessMessageValidator ( msgPayload )
case proto . Node :
actionType := proto_node . MessageType ( msgType )
switch actionType {
case proto_node . Transaction :
node . log . Info ( "NET: received message: Node/Transaction" )
node . transactionMessageHandler ( msgPayload )
case proto_node . Block :
node . log . Info ( "NET: received message: Node/Block" )
blockMsgType := proto_node . BlockMessageType ( msgPayload [ 0 ] )
switch blockMsgType {
case proto_node . Sync :
decoder := gob . NewDecoder ( bytes . NewReader ( msgPayload [ 1 : ] ) ) // skip the Sync messge type
blocks := new ( [ ] * blockchain . Block )
decoder . Decode ( blocks )
if node . Client != nil && node . Client . UpdateBlocks != nil && blocks != nil {
node . Client . UpdateBlocks ( * blocks )
case proto_node . Client :
node . log . Info ( "NET: received message: Node/Client" )
clientMsgType := proto_node . ClientMessageType ( msgPayload [ 0 ] )
switch clientMsgType {
case proto_node . LookupUtxo :
decoder := gob . NewDecoder ( bytes . NewReader ( msgPayload [ 1 : ] ) ) // skip the LookupUtxo messge type
fetchUtxoMessage := new ( proto_node . FetchUtxoMessage )
decoder . Decode ( fetchUtxoMessage )
utxoMap := node . UtxoPool . GetUtxoMapByAddresses ( fetchUtxoMessage . Addresses )
p2p . SendMessage ( fetchUtxoMessage . Sender , client . ConstructFetchUtxoResponseMessage ( & utxoMap , node . UtxoPool . ShardID ) )
case proto_node . Control :
node . log . Info ( "NET: received message: Node/Control" )
controlType := msgPayload [ 0 ]
if proto_node . ControlMessageType ( controlType ) == proto_node . STOP {
if node . Chain == nil {
node . log . Debug ( "Stopping Node" , "node" , node , "numBlocks" , len ( node . blockchain . Blocks ) , "numTxsProcessed" , node . countNumTransactionsInBlockchain ( ) )
sizeInBytes := node . UtxoPool . GetSizeInByteOfUtxoMap ( )
node . log . Debug ( "UtxoPool Report" , "numEntries" , len ( node . UtxoPool . UtxoMap ) , "sizeInBytes" , sizeInBytes )
avgBlockSizeInBytes := 0
txCount := 0
blockCount := 0
totalTxCount := 0
totalBlockCount := 0
avgTxSize := 0
for _ , block := range node . blockchain . Blocks {
if block . IsStateBlock ( ) {
totalTxCount += int ( block . State . NumTransactions )
totalBlockCount += int ( block . State . NumBlocks )
} else {
byteBuffer := bytes . NewBuffer ( [ ] byte { } )
encoder := gob . NewEncoder ( byteBuffer )
encoder . Encode ( block )
avgBlockSizeInBytes += len ( byteBuffer . Bytes ( ) )
txCount += len ( block . Transactions )
blockCount ++
totalTxCount += len ( block . TransactionIds )
totalBlockCount ++
byteBuffer = bytes . NewBuffer ( [ ] byte { } )
encoder = gob . NewEncoder ( byteBuffer )
encoder . Encode ( block . Transactions )
avgTxSize += len ( byteBuffer . Bytes ( ) )
if blockCount != 0 {
avgBlockSizeInBytes = avgBlockSizeInBytes / blockCount
avgTxSize = avgTxSize / txCount
node . log . Debug ( "Blockchain Report" , "totalNumBlocks" , totalBlockCount , "avgBlockSizeInCurrentEpoch" , avgBlockSizeInBytes , "totalNumTxs" , totalTxCount , "avgTxSzieInCurrentEpoch" , avgTxSize )
} else {
node . log . Debug ( "Stopping Node (Account Model)" , "node" , node , "CurBlockNum" , node . Chain . CurrentHeader ( ) . Number , "numTxsProcessed" , node . countNumTransactionsInBlockchainAccount ( ) )
os . Exit ( 0 )
case proto_node . PING :
node . pingMessageHandler ( msgPayload )
case proto_node . PONG :
node . pongMessageHandler ( msgPayload )
case proto . Client :
actionType := client . ClientMessageType ( msgType )
node . log . Info ( "NET: received message: Client/Transaction" )
switch actionType {
case client . Transaction :
if node . Client != nil {
node . Client . TransactionMessageHandler ( msgPayload )
default :
node . log . Error ( "Unknown" , "MsgCateory:" , msgCategory )
func ( node * Node ) transactionMessageHandler ( msgPayload [ ] byte ) {
txMessageType := proto_node . TransactionMessageType ( msgPayload [ 0 ] )
switch txMessageType {
case proto_node . Send :
if node . Chain != nil {
txs := types . Transactions { }
err := rlp . Decode ( bytes . NewReader ( msgPayload [ 1 : ] ) , & txs ) // skip the Send messge type
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Failed to deserialize transaction list" , "error" , err )
node . addPendingTransactionsAccount ( txs )
} else {
txDecoder := gob . NewDecoder ( bytes . NewReader ( msgPayload [ 1 : ] ) ) // skip the Send messge type
txList := new ( [ ] * blockchain . Transaction )
err := txDecoder . Decode ( & txList )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Failed to deserialize transaction list" , "error" , err )
node . addPendingTransactions ( * txList )
case proto_node . Request :
reader := bytes . NewBuffer ( msgPayload [ 1 : ] )
txIDs := make ( map [ [ 32 ] byte ] bool )
buf := make ( [ ] byte , 32 ) // 32 byte hash Id
for {
_ , err := reader . Read ( buf )
if err != nil {
var txID [ 32 ] byte
copy ( txID [ : ] , buf )
txIDs [ txID ] = true
var txToReturn [ ] * blockchain . Transaction
for _ , tx := range node . pendingTransactions {
if txIDs [ tx . ID ] {
txToReturn = append ( txToReturn , tx )
// TODO: return the transaction list to requester
case proto_node . Unlock :
txAndProofDecoder := gob . NewDecoder ( bytes . NewReader ( msgPayload [ 1 : ] ) ) // skip the Unlock messge type
txAndProofs := new ( [ ] * blockchain . Transaction )
err := txAndProofDecoder . Decode ( & txAndProofs )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Failed deserializing transaction and proofs list" , "node" , node )
node . log . Debug ( "RECEIVED Unlock MESSAGE" , "num" , len ( * txAndProofs ) )
node . addPendingTransactions ( * txAndProofs )
// WaitForConsensusReady ...
func ( node * Node ) WaitForConsensusReady ( readySignal chan struct { } ) {
node . log . Debug ( "Waiting for Consensus ready" , "node" , node )
var newBlock * blockchain . Block
timeoutCount := 0
for { // keep waiting for Consensus ready
retry := false
// TODO(minhdoan, rj): Refactor by sending signal in channel instead of waiting for 10 seconds.
select {
case <- readySignal :
time . Sleep ( 100 * time . Millisecond ) // Delay a bit so validator is catched up.
case <- time . After ( 200 * time . Second ) :
retry = true
node . Consensus . ResetState ( )
timeoutCount ++
node . log . Debug ( "Consensus timeout, retry!" , "count" , timeoutCount , "node" , node )
//node.log.Debug("Adding new block", "currentChainSize", len(node.blockchain.Blocks), "numTxs", len(node.blockchain.GetLatestBlock().Transactions), "PrevHash", node.blockchain.GetLatestBlock().PrevBlockHash, "Hash", node.blockchain.GetLatestBlock().Hash)
if ! retry {
if len ( node . blockchain . Blocks ) > NumBlocksBeforeStateBlock {
// Generate state block and run consensus on it
newBlock = node . blockchain . CreateStateBlock ( node . UtxoPool )
} else {
// Normal tx block consensus
for {
// Once we have pending transactions we will try creating a new block
if len ( node . pendingTransactions ) >= MaxNumberOfTransactionsPerBlock {
node . log . Debug ( "Start selecting transactions" )
selectedTxs , crossShardTxAndProofs := node . getTransactionsForNewBlock ( MaxNumberOfTransactionsPerBlock )
if len ( selectedTxs ) < MinNumberOfTransactionsPerBlock {
node . log . Debug ( "No valid transactions exist" , "pendingTx" , len ( node . pendingTransactions ) )
} else {
node . log . Debug ( "Creating new block" , "numAllTxs" , len ( selectedTxs ) , "numCrossTxs" , len ( crossShardTxAndProofs ) , "pendingTxs" , len ( node . pendingTransactions ) , "currentChainSize" , len ( node . blockchain . Blocks ) )
node . transactionInConsensus = selectedTxs
node . CrossTxsInConsensus = crossShardTxAndProofs
newBlock = blockchain . NewBlock ( selectedTxs , node . blockchain . GetLatestBlock ( ) . Hash , node . Consensus . ShardID )
// If not enough transactions to run Consensus,
// periodically check whether we have enough transactions to package into block.
time . Sleep ( 1 * time . Second )
// Send the new block to Consensus so it can be confirmed.
if newBlock != nil {
node . BlockChannel <- * newBlock
// WaitForConsensusReadyAccount ...
func ( node * Node ) WaitForConsensusReadyAccount ( readySignal chan struct { } ) {
node . log . Debug ( "Waiting for Consensus ready" , "node" , node )
var newBlock * types . Block
timeoutCount := 0
for { // keep waiting for Consensus ready
retry := false
select {
case <- readySignal :
time . Sleep ( 100 * time . Millisecond ) // Delay a bit so validator is catched up.
case <- time . After ( 200 * time . Second ) :
retry = true
node . Consensus . ResetState ( )
timeoutCount ++
node . log . Debug ( "Consensus timeout, retry!" , "count" , timeoutCount , "node" , node )
if ! retry {
for {
if len ( node . pendingTransactionsAccount ) >= 1000 {
// Normal tx block consensus
selectedTxs , _ := node . getTransactionsForNewBlockAccount ( MaxNumberOfTransactionsPerBlock )
err := node . Worker . UpdateCurrent ( )
if err != nil {
node . log . Debug ( "Failed updating worker's state" , "Error" , err )
err = node . Worker . CommitTransactions ( selectedTxs , pki . GetAddressFromPublicKey ( node . SelfPeer . PubKey ) )
if err == nil {
block , err := node . Worker . Commit ( )
if err != nil {
node . log . Debug ( "Failed commiting new block" , "Error" , err )
} else {
newBlock = block
} else {
node . log . Debug ( "Failed to create new block" , "Error" , err )
// If not enough transactions to run Consensus,
// periodically check whether we have enough transactions to package into block.
time . Sleep ( 1 * time . Second )
// Send the new block to Consensus so it can be confirmed.
if newBlock != nil {
node . BlockChannelAccount <- newBlock
// SendBackProofOfAcceptOrReject is called by consensus participants to verify the block they are running consensus on
func ( node * Node ) SendBackProofOfAcceptOrReject ( ) {
if node . ClientPeer != nil && len ( node . CrossTxsToReturn ) != 0 {
node . crossTxToReturnMutex . Lock ( )
proofs := [ ] blockchain . CrossShardTxProof { }
for _ , txAndProof := range node . CrossTxsToReturn {
proofs = append ( proofs , * txAndProof . Proof )
node . CrossTxsToReturn = nil
node . crossTxToReturnMutex . Unlock ( )
node . log . Debug ( "SENDING PROOF TO CLIENT" , "proofs" , len ( proofs ) )
p2p . SendMessage ( * node . ClientPeer , client . ConstructProofOfAcceptOrRejectMessage ( proofs ) )
// BroadcastNewBlock is called by consensus leader to sync new blocks with other clients/nodes.
// NOTE: For now, just send to the client (basically not broadcasting)
func ( node * Node ) BroadcastNewBlock ( newBlock * blockchain . Block ) {
if node . ClientPeer != nil {
node . log . Debug ( "NET: SENDING NEW BLOCK TO CLIENT" )
p2p . SendMessage ( * node . ClientPeer , proto_node . ConstructBlocksSyncMessage ( [ ] blockchain . Block { * newBlock } ) )
// VerifyNewBlock is called by consensus participants to verify the block they are running consensus on
func ( node * Node ) VerifyNewBlock ( newBlock * blockchain . Block ) bool {
if newBlock . AccountBlock != nil {
accountBlock := new ( types . Block )
err := rlp . DecodeBytes ( newBlock . AccountBlock , accountBlock )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Failed decoding the block with RLP" )
return node . VerifyNewBlockAccount ( accountBlock )
if newBlock . IsStateBlock ( ) {
return node . UtxoPool . VerifyStateBlock ( newBlock )
return node . UtxoPool . VerifyTransactions ( newBlock . Transactions )
// VerifyNewBlockAccount is called by consensus participants to verify the block (account model) they are running consensus on
func ( node * Node ) VerifyNewBlockAccount ( newBlock * types . Block ) bool {
err := node . Chain . ValidateNewBlock ( newBlock , pki . GetAddressFromPublicKey ( node . SelfPeer . PubKey ) )
if err != nil {
node . log . Debug ( "Failed verifying new block" , "Error" , err , "tx" , newBlock . Transactions ( ) [ 0 ] )
return false
return true
// PostConsensusProcessing is called by consensus participants, after consensus is done, to:
// 1. add the new block to blockchain
// 2. [leader] move cross shard tx and proof to the list where they wait to be sent to the client
func ( node * Node ) PostConsensusProcessing ( newBlock * blockchain . Block ) {
if newBlock . IsStateBlock ( ) {
// Clear out old tx blocks and put state block as genesis
if node . db != nil {
node . log . Info ( "Deleting old blocks." )
for i := 1 ; i <= len ( node . blockchain . Blocks ) ; i ++ {
blockchain . Delete ( node . db , strconv . Itoa ( i ) )
node . blockchain . Blocks = [ ] * blockchain . Block { }
if node . Consensus . IsLeader {
// Move crossTx-in-consensus into the list to be returned to client
for _ , crossTxAndProof := range node . CrossTxsInConsensus {
crossTxAndProof . Proof . BlockHash = newBlock . Hash
// TODO: fill in the signature proofs
if len ( node . CrossTxsInConsensus ) != 0 {
node . addCrossTxsToReturn ( node . CrossTxsInConsensus )
node . CrossTxsInConsensus = [ ] * blockchain . CrossShardTxAndProof { }
node . SendBackProofOfAcceptOrReject ( )
node . BroadcastNewBlock ( newBlock )
accountBlock := new ( types . Block )
err := rlp . DecodeBytes ( newBlock . AccountBlock , accountBlock )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Failed decoding the block with RLP" )
node . AddNewBlock ( newBlock )
node . UpdateUtxoAndState ( newBlock )
// AddNewBlockAccount is usedd to add new block into the blockchain.
func ( node * Node ) AddNewBlockAccount ( newBlock * types . Block ) {
num , err := node . Chain . InsertChain ( [ ] * types . Block { newBlock } )
if err != nil {
node . log . Debug ( "Error adding to chain" , "numBlocks" , num , "Error" , err )
if node . Consensus != nil {
fmt . Println ( "SHARD ID" , node . Consensus . ShardID )
// AddNewBlock is usedd to add new block into the utxo-based blockchain.
func ( node * Node ) AddNewBlock ( newBlock * blockchain . Block ) {
// Add it to blockchain
node . blockchain . Blocks = append ( node . blockchain . Blocks , newBlock )
// Store it into leveldb.
if node . db != nil {
node . log . Info ( "Writing new block into disk." )
newBlock . Write ( node . db , strconv . Itoa ( len ( node . blockchain . Blocks ) ) )
// Account model
accountBlock := new ( types . Block )
err := rlp . DecodeBytes ( newBlock . AccountBlock , accountBlock )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Failed decoding the block with RLP" )
node . AddNewBlockAccount ( accountBlock )
// UpdateUtxoAndState updates Utxo and state.
func ( node * Node ) UpdateUtxoAndState ( newBlock * blockchain . Block ) {
// Update UTXO pool
if newBlock . IsStateBlock ( ) {
newUtxoPool := blockchain . CreateUTXOPoolFromGenesisBlock ( newBlock )
node . UtxoPool . UtxoMap = newUtxoPool . UtxoMap
} else {
node . UtxoPool . Update ( newBlock . Transactions )
// Clear transaction-in-Consensus list
node . transactionInConsensus = [ ] * blockchain . Transaction { }
if node . Consensus . IsLeader {
node . log . Info ( "TX in New BLOCK" , "num" , len ( newBlock . Transactions ) , "ShardID" , node . UtxoPool . ShardID , "IsStateBlock" , newBlock . IsStateBlock ( ) )
node . log . Info ( "LEADER CURRENT UTXO" , "num" , node . UtxoPool . CountNumOfUtxos ( ) , "ShardID" , node . UtxoPool . ShardID )
node . log . Info ( "LEADER LOCKED UTXO" , "num" , node . UtxoPool . CountNumOfLockedUtxos ( ) , "ShardID" , node . UtxoPool . ShardID )
func ( node * Node ) pingMessageHandler ( msgPayload [ ] byte ) int {
ping , err := proto_node . GetPingMessage ( msgPayload )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Can't get Ping Message" )
return - 1
// node.log.Info("Ping", "Msg", ping)
peer := new ( p2p . Peer )
peer . IP = ping . Node . IP
peer . Port = ping . Node . Port
peer . ValidatorID = ping . Node . ValidatorID
peer . PubKey = hmy_crypto . Ed25519Curve . Point ( )
err = peer . PubKey . UnmarshalBinary ( ping . Node . PubKey [ : ] )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "UnmarshalBinary Failed" , "error" , err )
return - 1
// Add to Node's peer list
node . AddPeers ( [ ] p2p . Peer { * peer } )
// Send a Pong message back
peers := node . Consensus . GetValidatorPeers ( )
pong := proto_node . NewPongMessage ( peers , node . Consensus . PublicKeys )
buffer := pong . ConstructPongMessage ( )
for _ , p := range peers {
p2p . SendMessage ( p , buffer )
return len ( peers )
func ( node * Node ) pongMessageHandler ( msgPayload [ ] byte ) int {
pong , err := proto_node . GetPongMessage ( msgPayload )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "Can't get Pong Message" )
return - 1
// node.log.Info("Pong", "Msg", pong)
// TODO (lc) state syncing, and wait for all public keys
node . State = NodeJoinedShard
peers := make ( [ ] p2p . Peer , 0 )
for _ , p := range pong . Peers {
peer := new ( p2p . Peer )
peer . IP = p . IP
peer . Port = p . Port
peer . ValidatorID = p . ValidatorID
peer . PubKey = hmy_crypto . Ed25519Curve . Point ( )
err = peer . PubKey . UnmarshalBinary ( p . PubKey [ : ] )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "UnmarshalBinary Failed" , "error" , err )
peers = append ( peers , * peer )
if len ( peers ) > 0 {
node . AddPeers ( peers )
// Reset Validator PublicKeys every time we receive PONG message from Leader
// The PublicKeys has to be idential across the shard on every node
// TODO (lc): we need to handle RemovePeer situation
publicKeys := make ( [ ] kyber . Point , 0 )
// Create the the PubKey from the []byte sent from leader
for _ , k := range pong . PubKeys {
key := hmy_crypto . Ed25519Curve . Point ( )
err = key . UnmarshalBinary ( k [ : ] )
if err != nil {
node . log . Error ( "UnmarshalBinary Failed PubKeys" , "error" , err )
publicKeys = append ( publicKeys , key )
return node . Consensus . UpdatePublicKeys ( publicKeys )