package blockchain
import (
var (
// zeroHash is the zero value for a Hash and is defined as
// a package level variable to avoid the need to create a new instance
// every time a check is needed.
zeroHash TxID
type Transaction struct {
ID [32]byte // 32 byte hash
TxInput []TXInput
TxOutput []TXOutput
PublicKey [32]byte
Signature [64]byte
Proofs []CrossShardTxProof // The proofs for crossShard tx unlock-to-commit/abort
// TXOutput is the struct of transaction output in a transaction.
type TXOutput struct {
Amount int // TODO: Switch to big int or uint32
Address [20]byte // last 20 bytes of the hash of public key
ShardID uint32 // The Id of the shard where this UTXO belongs
type TxID = [32]byte
// Output defines a data type that is used to track previous
// transaction outputs.
// TxID is the transaction id
// Index is the index of the transaction ouput in the previous transaction
type OutPoint struct {
Index uint32
// NewOutPoint returns a new transaction outpoint point with the
// provided txID and index.
func NewOutPoint(txID *TxID, index uint32) *OutPoint {
return &OutPoint{
TxID: *txID,
Index: index,
// TXInput is the struct of transaction input (a UTXO) in a transaction.
type TXInput struct {
PreviousOutPoint OutPoint
Address [20]byte // TODO: @minh do we really need this?
ShardID uint32 // The Id of the shard where this UTXO belongs
// NewTXInput returns a new transaction input with the provided
// previous outpoint point, output address and shardID
func NewTXInput(prevOut *OutPoint, address [20]byte, shardID uint32) *TXInput {
return &TXInput{
PreviousOutPoint: *prevOut,
Address: address,
ShardID: shardID,
// The proof of accept or reject in the cross shard transaction locking phase.
// This is created by the shard leader, filled with proof signatures after consensus, and returned back to the client.
// One proof structure is only tied to one shard. Therefore, the utxos in the proof are all with the same shard.
type CrossShardTxProof struct {
Accept bool // false means proof-of-reject, true means proof-of-accept
TxID [32]byte // Id of the transaction which this proof is on
TxInput []TXInput // The list of Utxo that this proof is on. They should be in the same shard.
BlockHash [32]byte // The hash of the block where the proof is registered
// Signatures
// This is a internal data structure that doesn't go across network
type CrossShardTxAndProof struct {
Transaction *Transaction // The cross shard tx
Proof *CrossShardTxProof // The proof
// DefaultCoinbaseValue is the default value of coinbase transaction.
const DefaultCoinbaseValue = 1000
// SetID sets ID of a transaction (32 byte hash of the whole transaction)
func (tx *Transaction) SetID() {
var encoded bytes.Buffer
var hash [32]byte
enc := gob.NewEncoder(&encoded)
err := enc.Encode(tx)
if err != nil {
hash = sha256.Sum256(encoded.Bytes())
tx.ID = hash
func (tx *Transaction) Sign(priKey kyber.Scalar) error {
signature, err := schnorr.Sign(crypto.Ed25519Curve, priKey, tx.GetContentToVerify())
if err != nil {
copy(tx.Signature[:], signature)
return err
func (tx *Transaction) IsCrossShard() bool {
shardIds := make(map[uint32]bool)
for _, value := range tx.TxInput {
shardIds[value.ShardID] = true
for _, value := range tx.TxOutput {
shardIds[value.ShardID] = true
return len(shardIds) > 1
func (tx *Transaction) GetContentToVerify() []byte {
tempTx := *tx
tempTx.Signature = [64]byte{}
tempTx.Proofs = []CrossShardTxProof{}
return tempTx.Serialize()
// NewCoinbaseTX creates a new coinbase transaction
func NewCoinbaseTX(toAddress [20]byte, data string, shardID uint32) *Transaction {
if data == "" {
data = fmt.Sprintf("Reward to '%b'", toAddress)
txin := NewTXInput(NewOutPoint(&TxID{}, math.MaxUint32), toAddress, shardID)
txout := TXOutput{DefaultCoinbaseValue, toAddress, shardID}
tx := Transaction{ID: [32]byte{}, TxInput: []TXInput{*txin}, TxOutput: []TXOutput{txout}, Proofs: nil}
// TODO: take care of the signature of coinbase transaction.
return &tx
// Used for debuging.
func (txInput *TXInput) String() string {
res := fmt.Sprintf("TxID: %v, ", hex.EncodeToString(txInput.PreviousOutPoint.TxID[:]))
res += fmt.Sprintf("TxOutputIndex: %v, ", txInput.PreviousOutPoint.Index)
res += fmt.Sprintf("Address: %v, ", txInput.Address)
res += fmt.Sprintf("ShardId: %v", txInput.ShardID)
return res
// Used for debuging.
func (txOutput *TXOutput) String() string {
res := fmt.Sprintf("Amount: %v, ", txOutput.Amount)
res += fmt.Sprintf("Address: %v", txOutput.Address)
res += fmt.Sprintf("ShardId: %v", txOutput.ShardID)
return res
// Used for debuging.
func (proof *CrossShardTxProof) String() string {
res := fmt.Sprintf("Accept: %v, ", proof.Accept)
res += fmt.Sprintf("TxId: %v, ", hex.EncodeToString(proof.TxID[:]))
res += fmt.Sprintf("BlockHash: %v, ", hex.EncodeToString(proof.BlockHash[:]))
res += fmt.Sprintf("TxInput:\n")
for id, value := range proof.TxInput {
res += fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v\n", id, value.String())
return res
// Used for debuging.
func (tx *Transaction) String() string {
res := fmt.Sprintf("ID: %v\n", hex.EncodeToString(tx.ID[:]))
res += fmt.Sprintf("TxInput:\n")
for id, value := range tx.TxInput {
res += fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v\n", id, value.String())
res += fmt.Sprintf("TxOutput:\n")
for id, value := range tx.TxOutput {
res += fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v\n", id, value.String())
for id, value := range tx.Proofs {
res += fmt.Sprintf("Proof:\n")
res += fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v\n", id, value.String())
res += fmt.Sprintf("PublicKey: %v\n", hex.EncodeToString(tx.PublicKey[:]))
res += fmt.Sprintf("Sig: %v\n", hex.EncodeToString(tx.Signature[:]))
return res
func (tx *Transaction) Serialize() []byte {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
for _, value := range tx.TxInput {
for _, value := range tx.TxOutput {
for _, value := range tx.Proofs {
return buffer.Bytes()
func (txInput *TXInput) Serialize() []byte {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
fourBytes := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(fourBytes, txInput.ShardID)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(fourBytes, txInput.PreviousOutPoint.Index)
return buffer.Bytes()
func (txOutput *TXOutput) Serialize() []byte {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
fourBytes := make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(fourBytes, txOutput.ShardID)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(fourBytes, uint32(txOutput.Amount)) // TODO(RJ): make amount a bigInt
return buffer.Bytes()
func (crossProof *CrossShardTxProof) Serialize() []byte {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
for _, value := range crossProof.TxInput {
if crossProof.Accept {
} else {
return buffer.Bytes()