package hmy
import (
internalCommon "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/internal/common"
commonRPC "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/rpc/common"
staking "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/staking/types"
var (
zero = numeric.ZeroDec()
bigZero = big.NewInt(0)
func (hmy *Harmony) readAndUpdateRawStakes(
epoch *big.Int,
decider quorum.Decider,
comm shard.Committee,
rawStakes []effective.SlotPurchase,
validatorSpreads map[common.Address]numeric.Dec,
) []effective.SlotPurchase {
for i := range comm.Slots {
slot := comm.Slots[i]
slotAddr := slot.EcdsaAddress
slotKey := slot.BLSPublicKey
spread, ok := validatorSpreads[slotAddr]
if !ok {
snapshot, err := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch(epoch, slotAddr)
if err != nil {
wrapper := snapshot.Validator
spread = numeric.NewDecFromBigInt(wrapper.TotalDelegation()).
validatorSpreads[slotAddr] = spread
commonRPC.SetRawStake(decider, slotKey, spread)
// add entry to array for median calculation
rawStakes = append(rawStakes, effective.SlotPurchase{
Addr: slotAddr,
Key: slotKey,
RawStake: spread,
EPoSStake: spread,
return rawStakes
func (hmy *Harmony) getSuperCommittees() (*quorum.Transition, error) {
nowE := hmy.BlockChain.CurrentHeader().Epoch()
if hmy.BlockChain.CurrentHeader().IsLastBlockInEpoch() {
// current epoch is current header epoch + 1 if the header was last block of prev epoch
nowE = new(big.Int).Add(nowE, common.Big1)
thenE := new(big.Int).Sub(nowE, common.Big1)
var (
nowCommittee, prevCommittee *shard.State
err error
nowCommittee, err = hmy.BlockChain.ReadShardState(nowE)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prevCommittee, err = hmy.BlockChain.ReadShardState(thenE)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stakedSlotsNow, stakedSlotsThen :=
then, now :=
quorum.NewRegistry(stakedSlotsThen, int(thenE.Int64())),
quorum.NewRegistry(stakedSlotsNow, int(nowE.Int64()))
rawStakes := []effective.SlotPurchase{}
validatorSpreads := map[common.Address]numeric.Dec{}
for _, comm := range prevCommittee.Shards {
decider := quorum.NewDecider(quorum.SuperMajorityStake, comm.ShardID)
// before staking skip computing
if hmy.BlockChain.Config().IsStaking(prevCommittee.Epoch) {
if _, err := decider.SetVoters(&comm, prevCommittee.Epoch); err != nil {
return nil, err
rawStakes = hmy.readAndUpdateRawStakes(thenE, decider, comm, rawStakes, validatorSpreads)
then.Deciders[fmt.Sprintf("shard-%d", comm.ShardID)] = decider
then.MedianStake = effective.Median(rawStakes)
rawStakes = []effective.SlotPurchase{}
validatorSpreads = map[common.Address]numeric.Dec{}
for _, comm := range nowCommittee.Shards {
decider := quorum.NewDecider(quorum.SuperMajorityStake, comm.ShardID)
if _, err := decider.SetVoters(&comm, nowCommittee.Epoch); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(
"committee is only available from staking epoch: %v, current epoch: %v",
rawStakes = hmy.readAndUpdateRawStakes(nowE, decider, comm, rawStakes, validatorSpreads)
now.Deciders[fmt.Sprintf("shard-%d", comm.ShardID)] = decider
now.MedianStake = effective.Median(rawStakes)
return &quorum.Transition{Previous: then, Current: now}, nil
// IsStakingEpoch ...
func (hmy *Harmony) IsStakingEpoch(epoch *big.Int) bool {
return hmy.BlockChain.Config().IsStaking(epoch)
// IsPreStakingEpoch ...
func (hmy *Harmony) IsPreStakingEpoch(epoch *big.Int) bool {
return hmy.BlockChain.Config().IsPreStaking(epoch)
// IsNoEarlyUnlockEpoch ...
func (hmy *Harmony) IsNoEarlyUnlockEpoch(epoch *big.Int) bool {
return hmy.BlockChain.Config().IsNoEarlyUnlock(epoch)
// IsCommitteeSelectionBlock checks if the given block is the committee selection block
func (hmy *Harmony) IsCommitteeSelectionBlock(header *block.Header) bool {
return chain.IsCommitteeSelectionBlock(hmy.BlockChain, header)
// GetDelegationLockingPeriodInEpoch ...
func (hmy *Harmony) GetDelegationLockingPeriodInEpoch(epoch *big.Int) int {
return chain.GetLockPeriodInEpoch(hmy.BlockChain, epoch)
// SendStakingTx adds a staking transaction
func (hmy *Harmony) SendStakingTx(ctx context.Context, signedStakingTx *staking.StakingTransaction) error {
stx, _, _, _ := rawdb.ReadStakingTransaction(hmy.chainDb, signedStakingTx.Hash())
if stx == nil {
return hmy.NodeAPI.AddPendingStakingTransaction(signedStakingTx)
return ErrFinalizedTransaction
// GetStakingTransactionsHistory returns list of staking transactions hashes of address.
func (hmy *Harmony) GetStakingTransactionsHistory(address, txType, order string) ([]common.Hash, error) {
return hmy.NodeAPI.GetStakingTransactionsHistory(address, txType, order)
// GetStakingTransactionsCount returns the number of staking transactions of address.
func (hmy *Harmony) GetStakingTransactionsCount(address, txType string) (uint64, error) {
return hmy.NodeAPI.GetStakingTransactionsCount(address, txType)
// GetSuperCommittees ..
func (hmy *Harmony) GetSuperCommittees() (*quorum.Transition, error) {
nowE := hmy.BlockChain.CurrentHeader().Epoch()
key := fmt.Sprintf("sc-%s", nowE.String())
res, err := hmy.SingleFlightRequest(
key, func() (interface{}, error) {
thenE := new(big.Int).Sub(nowE, common.Big1)
thenKey := fmt.Sprintf("sc-%s", thenE.String())
return hmy.getSuperCommittees()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.(*quorum.Transition), err
// GetValidators returns validators for a particular epoch.
func (hmy *Harmony) GetValidators(epoch *big.Int) (*shard.Committee, error) {
state, err := hmy.BlockChain.ReadShardState(epoch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, cmt := range state.Shards {
if cmt.ShardID == hmy.ShardID {
return &cmt, nil
return nil, nil
// GetValidatorSelfDelegation returns the amount of staking after applying all delegated stakes
func (hmy *Harmony) GetValidatorSelfDelegation(addr common.Address) *big.Int {
wrapper, err := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorInformation(addr)
if err != nil || wrapper == nil {
return nil
if len(wrapper.Delegations) == 0 {
return nil
return wrapper.Delegations[0].Amount
// GetElectedValidatorAddresses returns the address of elected validators for current epoch
func (hmy *Harmony) GetElectedValidatorAddresses() []common.Address {
list, _ := hmy.BlockChain.ReadShardState(hmy.BlockChain.CurrentBlock().Epoch())
return list.StakedValidators().Addrs
// GetAllValidatorAddresses returns the up to date validator candidates for next epoch
func (hmy *Harmony) GetAllValidatorAddresses() []common.Address {
return hmy.BlockChain.ValidatorCandidates()
var (
epochBlocksMap = map[common.Address]map[uint64]staking.EpochSigningEntry{}
mapLock = sync.Mutex{}
func (hmy *Harmony) getEpochSigning(epoch *big.Int, addr common.Address) (staking.EpochSigningEntry, error) {
entry := staking.EpochSigningEntry{}
defer mapLock.Unlock()
if validatorMap, ok := epochBlocksMap[addr]; ok {
if val, ok := validatorMap[epoch.Uint64()]; ok {
return val, nil
snapshot, err := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch(epoch, addr)
if err != nil {
return entry, err
// the signing information is for the previous epoch
prevEpoch := big.NewInt(0).Sub(epoch, common.Big1)
entry.Epoch = prevEpoch
entry.Blocks = snapshot.Validator.Counters
// subtract previous epoch counters if exists
prevEpochSnap, err := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch(prevEpoch, addr)
if err == nil {
// update map when adding new entry, also remove an entry beyond last 30
if _, ok := epochBlocksMap[addr]; !ok {
epochBlocksMap[addr] = map[uint64]staking.EpochSigningEntry{}
epochBlocksMap[addr][epoch.Uint64()] = entry
epochMinus30 := big.NewInt(0).Sub(epoch, big.NewInt(staking.SigningHistoryLength))
delete(epochBlocksMap[addr], epochMinus30.Uint64())
return entry, nil
// GetValidatorInformation returns the information of validator
func (hmy *Harmony) GetValidatorInformation(
addr common.Address, block *types.Block,
) (*staking.ValidatorRPCEnhanced, error) {
bc := hmy.BlockChain
wrapper, err := bc.ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot(addr, block.Root())
if err != nil {
s, _ := internalCommon.AddressToBech32(addr)
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "not found address in current state %s", s)
now := block.Epoch()
// At the last block of epoch, block epoch is e while val.LastEpochInCommittee
// is already updated to e+1. So need the >= check rather than ==
inCommittee := wrapper.LastEpochInCommittee.Cmp(now) >= 0
defaultReply := &staking.ValidatorRPCEnhanced{
CurrentlyInCommittee: inCommittee,
Wrapper: *wrapper,
Performance: nil,
ComputedMetrics: nil,
TotalDelegated: wrapper.TotalDelegation(),
EPoSStatus: effective.ValidatorStatus(
inCommittee, wrapper.Status,
EPoSWinningStake: nil,
BootedStatus: nil,
ActiveStatus: wrapper.Validator.Status.String(),
Lifetime: &staking.AccumulatedOverLifetime{
BlockReward: wrapper.BlockReward,
Signing: wrapper.Counters,
APR: zero,
snapshot, err := bc.ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch(
now, addr,
if err != nil {
return defaultReply, nil
computed := availability.ComputeCurrentSigning(
snapshot.Validator, wrapper,
lastBlockOfEpoch := shard.Schedule.EpochLastBlock(hmy.BeaconChain.CurrentBlock().Header().Epoch().Uint64())
computed.BlocksLeftInEpoch = lastBlockOfEpoch - hmy.BeaconChain.CurrentBlock().Header().Number().Uint64()
if defaultReply.CurrentlyInCommittee {
defaultReply.Performance = &staking.CurrentEpochPerformance{
CurrentSigningPercentage: *computed,
stats, err := bc.ReadValidatorStats(addr)
if err != nil {
// when validator has no stats, default boot-status to not booted
notBooted := effective.NotBooted.String()
defaultReply.BootedStatus = ¬Booted
return defaultReply, nil
latestAPR := numeric.ZeroDec()
l := len(stats.APRs)
if l > 0 {
latestAPR = stats.APRs[l-1].Value
defaultReply.Lifetime.APR = latestAPR
defaultReply.Lifetime.EpochAPRs = stats.APRs
// average apr cache keys
// key := fmt.Sprintf("apr-%s-%d", addr.Hex(), now.Uint64())
// prevKey := fmt.Sprintf("apr-%s-%d", addr.Hex(), now.Uint64()-1)
// delete entry for previous epoch
// b.apiCache.Forget(prevKey)
// calculate last APRHistoryLength epochs for averaging APR
// epochFrom := bc.GasPriceConfig().StakingEpoch
// nowMinus := big.NewInt(0).Sub(now, big.NewInt(staking.APRHistoryLength))
// if nowMinus.Cmp(epochFrom) > 0 {
// epochFrom = nowMinus
// }
// if len(stats.APRs) > 0 && stats.APRs[0].Epoch.Cmp(epochFrom) > 0 {
// epochFrom = stats.APRs[0].Epoch
// }
// epochToAPRs := map[int64]numeric.Dec{}
// for i := 0; i < len(stats.APRs); i++ {
// entry := stats.APRs[i]
// epochToAPRs[entry.Epoch.Int64()] = entry.Value
// }
// at this point, validator is active and has apr's for the recent 100 epochs
// compute average apr over history
// if avgAPR, err := b.SingleFlightRequest(
// key, func() (interface{}, error) {
// total := numeric.ZeroDec()
// count := 0
// for i := epochFrom.Int64(); i < now.Int64(); i++ {
// if apr, ok := epochToAPRs[i]; ok {
// total = total.Add(apr)
// }
// count++
// }
// if count == 0 {
// return nil, errors.New("no apr snapshots available")
// }
// return total.QuoInt64(int64(count)), nil
// },
// ); err != nil {
// // could not compute average apr from snapshot
// // assign the latest apr available from stats
// defaultReply.Lifetime.APR = numeric.ZeroDec()
// } else {
// defaultReply.Lifetime.APR = avgAPR.(numeric.Dec)
// }
epochBlocks := []staking.EpochSigningEntry{}
epochFrom := bc.Config().StakingEpoch
nowMinus := big.NewInt(0).Sub(now, big.NewInt(staking.SigningHistoryLength))
if nowMinus.Cmp(epochFrom) > 0 {
epochFrom = nowMinus
for i := now.Int64(); i > epochFrom.Int64(); i-- {
epoch := big.NewInt(i)
entry, err := hmy.getEpochSigning(epoch, addr)
if err != nil {
epochBlocks = append(epochBlocks, entry)
defaultReply.Lifetime.EpochBlocks = epochBlocks
if defaultReply.CurrentlyInCommittee {
defaultReply.ComputedMetrics = stats
defaultReply.EPoSWinningStake = &stats.TotalEffectiveStake
if !defaultReply.CurrentlyInCommittee {
reason := stats.BootedStatus.String()
defaultReply.BootedStatus = &reason
return defaultReply, nil
// GetMedianRawStakeSnapshot ..
func (hmy *Harmony) GetMedianRawStakeSnapshot() (
*committee.CompletedEPoSRound, error,
) {
blockNum := hmy.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
key := fmt.Sprintf("median-%d", blockNum)
// delete cache for previous block
prevKey := fmt.Sprintf("median-%d", blockNum-1)
res, err := hmy.SingleFlightRequest(
func() (interface{}, error) {
// Compute for next epoch
epoch := big.NewInt(0).Add(hmy.CurrentBlock().Epoch(), big.NewInt(1))
return committee.NewEPoSRound(epoch, hmy.BlockChain, hmy.BlockChain.Config().IsEPoSBound35(epoch))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.(*committee.CompletedEPoSRound), nil
// GetDelegationsByValidator returns all delegation information of a validator
func (hmy *Harmony) GetDelegationsByValidator(validator common.Address) []*staking.Delegation {
wrapper, err := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorInformation(validator)
if err != nil || wrapper == nil {
return nil
delegations := []*staking.Delegation{}
for i := range wrapper.Delegations {
delegations = append(delegations, &wrapper.Delegations[i])
return delegations
// GetDelegationsByValidatorAtBlock returns all delegation information of a validator at the given block
func (hmy *Harmony) GetDelegationsByValidatorAtBlock(
validator common.Address, block *types.Block,
) []*staking.Delegation {
wrapper, err := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot(validator, block.Root())
if err != nil || wrapper == nil {
return nil
delegations := []*staking.Delegation{}
for i := range wrapper.Delegations {
delegations = append(delegations, &wrapper.Delegations[i])
return delegations
// GetDelegationsByDelegator returns all delegation information of a delegator
func (hmy *Harmony) GetDelegationsByDelegator(
delegator common.Address,
) ([]common.Address, []*staking.Delegation) {
block := hmy.BlockChain.CurrentBlock()
return hmy.GetDelegationsByDelegatorByBlock(delegator, block)
// GetDelegationsByDelegatorByBlock returns all delegation information of a delegator
func (hmy *Harmony) GetDelegationsByDelegatorByBlock(
delegator common.Address, block *types.Block,
) ([]common.Address, []*staking.Delegation) {
addresses := []common.Address{}
delegations := []*staking.Delegation{}
delegationIndexes, err := hmy.BlockChain.
ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt(delegator, block.Number())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
for i := range delegationIndexes {
wrapper, err := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot(
delegationIndexes[i].ValidatorAddress, block.Root(),
if err != nil || wrapper == nil {
return nil, nil
if uint64(len(wrapper.Delegations)) > delegationIndexes[i].Index {
delegations = append(delegations, &wrapper.Delegations[delegationIndexes[i].Index])
} else {
delegations = append(delegations, nil)
addresses = append(addresses, delegationIndexes[i].ValidatorAddress)
return addresses, delegations
// UndelegationPayouts ..
type UndelegationPayouts struct {
Data map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*big.Int
func NewUndelegationPayouts() *UndelegationPayouts {
return &UndelegationPayouts{
Data: make(map[common.Address]map[common.Address]*big.Int),
func (u *UndelegationPayouts) SetPayoutByDelegatorAddrAndValidatorAddr(
delegator, validator common.Address, amount *big.Int,
) {
if u.Data[delegator] == nil {
u.Data[delegator] = make(map[common.Address]*big.Int)
if totalPayout, ok := u.Data[delegator][validator]; ok {
u.Data[delegator][validator] = new(big.Int).Add(totalPayout, amount)
} else {
u.Data[delegator][validator] = amount
// GetUndelegationPayouts returns the undelegation payouts for each delegator
// Due to in-memory caching, it is possible to get undelegation payouts for a state / epoch
// that has been pruned but have it be lost (and unable to recompute) after the node restarts.
// This not a problem if a full (archival) DB is used.
func (hmy *Harmony) GetUndelegationPayouts(
ctx context.Context, epoch *big.Int,
) (*UndelegationPayouts, error) {
if !hmy.IsPreStakingEpoch(epoch) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not pre-staking epoch or later")
payouts, ok := hmy.undelegationPayoutsCache.Get(epoch.Uint64())
if ok {
return payouts.(*UndelegationPayouts), nil
undelegationPayouts := NewUndelegationPayouts()
// require second to last block as saved undelegations are AFTER undelegations are payed out
blockNumber := shard.Schedule.EpochLastBlock(epoch.Uint64()) - 1
undelegationPayoutBlock, err := hmy.BlockByNumber(ctx, rpc.BlockNumber(blockNumber))
if err != nil || undelegationPayoutBlock == nil {
// Block not found, so no undelegationPayouts (not an error)
return undelegationPayouts, nil
lockingPeriod := hmy.GetDelegationLockingPeriodInEpoch(undelegationPayoutBlock.Epoch())
for _, validator := range hmy.GetAllValidatorAddresses() {
wrapper, err := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot(validator, undelegationPayoutBlock.Root())
if err != nil || wrapper == nil {
continue // Not a validator at this epoch or unable to fetch validator info because of pruned state.
noEarlyUnlock := hmy.IsNoEarlyUnlockEpoch(epoch)
for _, delegation := range wrapper.Delegations {
withdraw := delegation.RemoveUnlockedUndelegations(epoch, wrapper.LastEpochInCommittee, lockingPeriod, noEarlyUnlock)
if withdraw.Cmp(bigZero) == 1 {
undelegationPayouts.SetPayoutByDelegatorAddrAndValidatorAddr(validator, delegation.DelegatorAddress, withdraw)
hmy.undelegationPayoutsCache.Add(epoch.Uint64(), undelegationPayouts)
return undelegationPayouts, nil
// GetTotalStakingSnapshot ..
func (hmy *Harmony) GetTotalStakingSnapshot() *big.Int {
if stake := hmy.totalStakeCache.pop(hmy.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()); stake != nil {
return stake
currHeight := hmy.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
candidates := hmy.BlockChain.ValidatorCandidates()
if len(candidates) == 0 {
stake := big.NewInt(0)
hmy.totalStakeCache.push(currHeight, stake)
return stake
stakes := big.NewInt(0)
for i := range candidates {
snapshot, _ := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorSnapshot(candidates[i])
validator, _ := hmy.BlockChain.ReadValidatorInformation(candidates[i])
if !committee.IsEligibleForEPoSAuction(
snapshot, validator,
) {
for i := range validator.Delegations {
stakes.Add(stakes, validator.Delegations[i].Amount)
hmy.totalStakeCache.push(currHeight, stakes)
return stakes
// GetCurrentStakingErrorSink ..
func (hmy *Harmony) GetCurrentStakingErrorSink() types.TransactionErrorReports {
return hmy.NodeAPI.ReportStakingErrorSink()
// totalStakeCache ..
type totalStakeCache struct {
cachedBlockHeight uint64
stake *big.Int
// duration is in blocks
duration uint64
// newTotalStakeCache ..
func newTotalStakeCache(duration uint64) *totalStakeCache {
return &totalStakeCache{
cachedBlockHeight: 0,
stake: nil,
duration: duration,
func (c *totalStakeCache) push(currBlockHeight uint64, stake *big.Int) {
defer c.Unlock()
c.cachedBlockHeight = currBlockHeight
c.stake = stake
func (c *totalStakeCache) pop(currBlockHeight uint64) *big.Int {
if currBlockHeight > c.cachedBlockHeight+c.duration {
return nil
return c.stake