package consensus
import (
consensus_proto "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/api/consensus"
bls_cosi "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/crypto/bls"
// Constructs the announce message
func (consensus *Consensus) constructAnnounceMessage() []byte {
message := consensus_proto.Message{}
message.Type = consensus_proto.MessageType_ANNOUNCE
// n byte of block header
message.Payload = consensus.block // TODO: send only block header in the announce phase.
marshaledMessage, err := consensus.signAndMarshalConsensusMessage(&message)
if err != nil {
utils.GetLogInstance().Error("Failed to sign and marshal the Announce message", "error", err)
return proto.ConstructConsensusMessage(marshaledMessage)
// Construct the prepared message, returning prepared message in bytes.
func (consensus *Consensus) constructPreparedMessage() ([]byte, *bls.Sign) {
message := consensus_proto.Message{}
message.Type = consensus_proto.MessageType_PREPARED
//// Payload
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
// 48 bytes aggregated signature
aggSig := bls_cosi.AggregateSig(consensus.GetPrepareSigsArray())
// Bitmap
message.Payload = buffer.Bytes()
//// END Payload
marshaledMessage, err := consensus.signAndMarshalConsensusMessage(&message)
if err != nil {
utils.GetLogInstance().Error("Failed to sign and marshal the Prepared message", "error", err)
return proto.ConstructConsensusMessage(marshaledMessage), aggSig
// Construct the committed message, returning committed message in bytes.
func (consensus *Consensus) constructCommittedMessage() ([]byte, *bls.Sign) {
message := consensus_proto.Message{}
message.Type = consensus_proto.MessageType_COMMITTED
//// Payload
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
// 48 bytes aggregated signature
aggSig := bls_cosi.AggregateSig(consensus.GetCommitSigsArray())
// Bitmap
message.Payload = buffer.Bytes()
//// END Payload
marshaledMessage, err := consensus.signAndMarshalConsensusMessage(&message)
if err != nil {
utils.GetLogInstance().Error("Failed to sign and marshal the Committed message", "error", err)
return proto.ConstructConsensusMessage(marshaledMessage), aggSig