package syncing
import (
pb ""
// Constants for syncing.
const (
ConsensusRatio = float64 ( 0.66 )
SleepTimeAfterNonConsensusBlockHashes = time . Second * 30
TimesToFail = 5 // Downloadblocks service retry limit
RegistrationNumber = 3
SyncingPortDifference = 3000
inSyncThreshold = 0 // when peerBlockHeight - myBlockHeight <= inSyncThreshold, it's ready to join consensus
// SyncPeerConfig is peer config to sync.
type SyncPeerConfig struct {
ip string
port string
peerHash [ ] byte
client * downloader . Client
blockHashes [ ] [ ] byte // block hashes before node doing sync
newBlocks [ ] * types . Block // blocks after node doing sync
mux sync . Mutex
// GetClient returns client pointer of downloader.Client
func ( peerConfig * SyncPeerConfig ) GetClient ( ) * downloader . Client {
return peerConfig . client
// SyncBlockTask is the task struct to sync a specific block.
type SyncBlockTask struct {
index int
blockHash [ ] byte
// SyncConfig contains an array of SyncPeerConfig.
type SyncConfig struct {
// mtx locks peers, and *SyncPeerConfig pointers in peers.
// SyncPeerConfig itself is guarded by its own mutex.
mtx sync . RWMutex
peers [ ] * SyncPeerConfig
// AddPeer adds the given sync peer.
func ( sc * SyncConfig ) AddPeer ( peer * SyncPeerConfig ) {
sc . mtx . Lock ( )
defer sc . mtx . Unlock ( )
sc . peers = append ( sc . peers , peer )
// ForEachPeer calls the given function with each peer.
// It breaks the iteration iff the function returns true.
func ( sc * SyncConfig ) ForEachPeer ( f func ( peer * SyncPeerConfig ) ( brk bool ) ) {
sc . mtx . RLock ( )
defer sc . mtx . RUnlock ( )
for _ , peer := range sc . peers {
if f ( peer ) {
// CreateStateSync returns the implementation of StateSyncInterface interface.
func CreateStateSync ( ip string , port string , peerHash [ 20 ] byte ) * StateSync {
stateSync := & StateSync { }
stateSync . selfip = ip
stateSync . selfport = port
stateSync . selfPeerHash = peerHash
stateSync . commonBlocks = make ( map [ int ] * types . Block )
stateSync . lastMileBlocks = [ ] * types . Block { }
return stateSync
// StateSync is the struct that implements StateSyncInterface.
type StateSync struct {
selfip string
selfport string
selfPeerHash [ 20 ] byte // hash of ip and address combination
commonBlocks map [ int ] * types . Block
lastMileBlocks [ ] * types . Block // last mile blocks to catch up with the consensus
syncConfig * SyncConfig
stateSyncTaskQueue * queue . Queue
syncMux sync . Mutex
// AddLastMileBlock add the lastest a few block into queue for syncing
func ( ss * StateSync ) AddLastMileBlock ( block * types . Block ) {
ss . syncMux . Lock ( )
defer ss . syncMux . Unlock ( )
ss . lastMileBlocks = append ( ss . lastMileBlocks , block )
// CloseConnections close grpc connections for state sync clients
func ( sc * SyncConfig ) CloseConnections ( ) {
sc . mtx . RLock ( )
defer sc . mtx . RUnlock ( )
for _ , pc := range sc . peers {
pc . client . Close ( )
// FindPeerByHash returns the peer with the given hash, or nil if not found.
func ( sc * SyncConfig ) FindPeerByHash ( peerHash [ ] byte ) * SyncPeerConfig {
sc . mtx . RLock ( )
defer sc . mtx . RUnlock ( )
for _ , pc := range sc . peers {
if bytes . Compare ( pc . peerHash , peerHash ) == 0 {
return pc
return nil
// AddNewBlock will add newly received block into state syncing queue
func ( ss * StateSync ) AddNewBlock ( peerHash [ ] byte , block * types . Block ) {
pc := ss . syncConfig . FindPeerByHash ( peerHash )
if pc == nil {
// Received a block with no active peer; just ignore.
// TODO ek – we shouldn't mess with SyncPeerConfig's mutex.
// Factor this into a method, like pc.AddNewBlock(block)
pc . mux . Lock ( )
defer pc . mux . Unlock ( )
pc . newBlocks = append ( pc . newBlocks , block )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] new block received" , "total" , len ( pc . newBlocks ) , "blockHeight" , block . NumberU64 ( ) )
// CreateTestSyncPeerConfig used for testing.
func CreateTestSyncPeerConfig ( client * downloader . Client , blockHashes [ ] [ ] byte ) * SyncPeerConfig {
return & SyncPeerConfig {
client : client ,
blockHashes : blockHashes ,
// CompareSyncPeerConfigByblockHashes compares two SyncPeerConfig by blockHashes.
func CompareSyncPeerConfigByblockHashes ( a * SyncPeerConfig , b * SyncPeerConfig ) int {
if len ( a . blockHashes ) != len ( b . blockHashes ) {
if len ( a . blockHashes ) < len ( b . blockHashes ) {
return - 1
return 1
for id := range a . blockHashes {
if ! reflect . DeepEqual ( a . blockHashes [ id ] , b . blockHashes [ id ] ) {
return bytes . Compare ( a . blockHashes [ id ] , b . blockHashes [ id ] )
return 0
// GetBlocks gets blocks by calling grpc request to the corresponding peer.
func ( peerConfig * SyncPeerConfig ) GetBlocks ( hashes [ ] [ ] byte ) ( [ ] [ ] byte , error ) {
response := peerConfig . client . GetBlocks ( hashes )
if response == nil {
return nil , ErrGetBlock
return response . Payload , nil
// CreateSyncConfig creates SyncConfig for StateSync object.
func ( ss * StateSync ) CreateSyncConfig ( peers [ ] p2p . Peer , isBeacon bool ) error {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "CreateSyncConfig: len of peers" , "len" , len ( peers ) , "isBeacon" , isBeacon )
if len ( peers ) == 0 {
return ctxerror . New ( "[SYNC] no peers to connect to" )
ss . syncConfig = & SyncConfig { }
var wg sync . WaitGroup
for _ , peer := range peers {
wg . Add ( 1 )
go func ( peer p2p . Peer ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
client := downloader . ClientSetup ( peer . IP , peer . Port )
if client == nil {
peerConfig := & SyncPeerConfig {
ip : peer . IP ,
port : peer . Port ,
client : client ,
ss . syncConfig . AddPeer ( peerConfig )
} ( peer )
wg . Wait ( )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "[SYNC] Finished making connection to peers." , "len" , len ( ss . syncConfig . peers ) , "isBeacon" , isBeacon )
return nil
// GetActivePeerNumber returns the number of active peers
func ( ss * StateSync ) GetActivePeerNumber ( ) int {
if ss . syncConfig == nil {
return 0
// len() is atomic; no need to hold mutex.
return len ( ss . syncConfig . peers )
// getHowManyMaxConsensus returns max number of consensus nodes and the first ID of consensus group.
// Assumption: all peers are sorted by CompareSyncPeerConfigByBlockHashes first.
// Caller shall ensure mtx is locked for reading.
func ( sc * SyncConfig ) getHowManyMaxConsensus ( ) ( int , int ) {
// As all peers are sorted by their blockHashes, all equal blockHashes should come together and consecutively.
curCount := 0
curFirstID := - 1
maxCount := 0
maxFirstID := - 1
for i := range sc . peers {
if curFirstID == - 1 || CompareSyncPeerConfigByblockHashes ( sc . peers [ curFirstID ] , sc . peers [ i ] ) != 0 {
curCount = 1
curFirstID = i
} else {
curCount ++
if curCount > maxCount {
maxCount = curCount
maxFirstID = curFirstID
return maxFirstID , maxCount
// InitForTesting used for testing.
func ( sc * SyncConfig ) InitForTesting ( client * downloader . Client , blockHashes [ ] [ ] byte ) {
sc . mtx . RLock ( )
defer sc . mtx . RUnlock ( )
for i := range sc . peers {
sc . peers [ i ] . blockHashes = blockHashes
sc . peers [ i ] . client = client
// cleanUpPeers cleans up all peers whose blockHashes are not equal to
// consensus block hashes. Caller shall ensure mtx is locked for RW.
func ( sc * SyncConfig ) cleanUpPeers ( maxFirstID int ) {
fixedPeer := sc . peers [ maxFirstID ]
for i := 0 ; i < len ( sc . peers ) ; i ++ {
if CompareSyncPeerConfigByblockHashes ( fixedPeer , sc . peers [ i ] ) != 0 {
// TODO: move it into a util delete func.
// See tip
// Close the client and remove the peer out of the
sc . peers [ i ] . client . Close ( )
copy ( sc . peers [ i : ] , sc . peers [ i + 1 : ] )
sc . peers [ len ( sc . peers ) - 1 ] = nil
sc . peers = sc . peers [ : len ( sc . peers ) - 1 ]
// GetBlockHashesConsensusAndCleanUp chesk if all consensus hashes are equal.
func ( sc * SyncConfig ) GetBlockHashesConsensusAndCleanUp ( ) bool {
sc . mtx . Lock ( )
defer sc . mtx . Unlock ( )
// Sort all peers by the blockHashes.
sort . Slice ( sc . peers , func ( i , j int ) bool {
return CompareSyncPeerConfigByblockHashes ( sc . peers [ i ] , sc . peers [ j ] ) == - 1
} )
maxFirstID , maxCount := sc . getHowManyMaxConsensus ( )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "[SYNC] block consensus hashes" , "maxFirstID" , maxFirstID , "maxCount" , maxCount )
if float64 ( maxCount ) >= ConsensusRatio * float64 ( len ( sc . peers ) ) {
sc . cleanUpPeers ( maxFirstID )
return true
return false
// GetConsensusHashes gets all hashes needed to download.
func ( ss * StateSync ) GetConsensusHashes ( startHash [ ] byte ) bool {
count := 0
for {
var wg sync . WaitGroup
ss . syncConfig . ForEachPeer ( func ( peerConfig * SyncPeerConfig ) ( brk bool ) {
wg . Add ( 1 )
go func ( ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
response := peerConfig . client . GetBlockHashes ( startHash )
if response == nil {
peerConfig . blockHashes = response . Payload
} ( )
} )
wg . Wait ( )
if ss . syncConfig . GetBlockHashesConsensusAndCleanUp ( ) {
if count > TimesToFail {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "GetConsensusHashes: reached retry limit" )
return false
count ++
time . Sleep ( SleepTimeAfterNonConsensusBlockHashes )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "syncing: Finished getting consensus block hashes." )
return true
func ( ss * StateSync ) generateStateSyncTaskQueue ( bc * core . BlockChain ) {
ss . stateSyncTaskQueue = queue . New ( 0 )
ss . syncConfig . ForEachPeer ( func ( configPeer * SyncPeerConfig ) ( brk bool ) {
for id , blockHash := range configPeer . blockHashes {
ss . stateSyncTaskQueue . Put ( SyncBlockTask { index : id , blockHash : blockHash } )
brk = true
} )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "syncing: Finished generateStateSyncTaskQueue" , "length" , ss . stateSyncTaskQueue . Len ( ) )
// downloadBlocks downloads blocks from state sync task queue.
func ( ss * StateSync ) downloadBlocks ( bc * core . BlockChain ) {
// Initialize blockchain
var wg sync . WaitGroup
count := 0
ss . syncConfig . ForEachPeer ( func ( peerConfig * SyncPeerConfig ) ( brk bool ) {
wg . Add ( 1 )
go func ( stateSyncTaskQueue * queue . Queue , bc * core . BlockChain ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
for ! stateSyncTaskQueue . Empty ( ) {
task , err := ss . stateSyncTaskQueue . Poll ( 1 , time . Millisecond )
if err == queue . ErrTimeout || len ( task ) == 0 {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] ss.stateSyncTaskQueue poll timeout" , "error" , err )
syncTask := task [ 0 ] . ( SyncBlockTask )
//id := syncTask.index
payload , err := peerConfig . GetBlocks ( [ ] [ ] byte { syncTask . blockHash } )
if err != nil || len ( payload ) == 0 {
count ++
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] GetBlocks failed" , "failNumber" , count )
if count > TimesToFail {
ss . stateSyncTaskQueue . Put ( syncTask )
var blockObj types . Block
// currently only send one block a time
err = rlp . DecodeBytes ( payload [ 0 ] , & blockObj )
if err != nil {
count ++
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] downloadBlocks: failed to DecodeBytes from received new block" )
if count > TimesToFail {
ss . stateSyncTaskQueue . Put ( syncTask )
ss . syncMux . Lock ( )
ss . commonBlocks [ syncTask . index ] = & blockObj
ss . syncMux . Unlock ( )
} ( ss . stateSyncTaskQueue , bc )
} )
wg . Wait ( )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "[SYNC] Finished downloadBlocks." )
// CompareBlockByHash compares two block by hash, it will be used in sort the blocks
func CompareBlockByHash ( a * types . Block , b * types . Block ) int {
ha := a . Hash ( )
hb := b . Hash ( )
return bytes . Compare ( ha [ : ] , hb [ : ] )
// GetHowManyMaxConsensus will get the most common blocks and the first such blockID
func GetHowManyMaxConsensus ( blocks [ ] * types . Block ) ( int , int ) {
// As all peers are sorted by their blockHashes, all equal blockHashes should come together and consecutively.
curCount := 0
curFirstID := - 1
maxCount := 0
maxFirstID := - 1
for i := range blocks {
if curFirstID == - 1 || CompareBlockByHash ( blocks [ curFirstID ] , blocks [ i ] ) != 0 {
curCount = 1
curFirstID = i
} else {
curCount ++
if curCount > maxCount {
maxCount = curCount
maxFirstID = curFirstID
return maxFirstID , maxCount
func ( ss * StateSync ) getMaxConsensusBlockFromParentHash ( parentHash common . Hash ) * types . Block {
candidateBlocks := [ ] * types . Block { }
ss . syncMux . Lock ( )
ss . syncConfig . ForEachPeer ( func ( peerConfig * SyncPeerConfig ) ( brk bool ) {
for _ , block := range peerConfig . newBlocks {
ph := block . ParentHash ( )
if bytes . Compare ( ph [ : ] , parentHash [ : ] ) == 0 {
candidateBlocks = append ( candidateBlocks , block )
} )
ss . syncMux . Unlock ( )
if len ( candidateBlocks ) == 0 {
return nil
// Sort by blockHashes.
sort . Slice ( candidateBlocks , func ( i , j int ) bool {
return CompareBlockByHash ( candidateBlocks [ i ] , candidateBlocks [ j ] ) == - 1
} )
maxFirstID , maxCount := GetHowManyMaxConsensus ( candidateBlocks )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] Find block with matching parenthash" , "parentHash" , parentHash , "hash" , candidateBlocks [ maxFirstID ] . Hash ( ) , "maxCount" , maxCount )
return candidateBlocks [ maxFirstID ]
func ( ss * StateSync ) getBlockFromOldBlocksByParentHash ( parentHash common . Hash ) * types . Block {
for _ , block := range ss . commonBlocks {
ph := block . ParentHash ( )
if bytes . Compare ( ph [ : ] , parentHash [ : ] ) == 0 {
return block
return nil
func ( ss * StateSync ) getBlockFromLastMileBlocksByParentHash ( parentHash common . Hash ) * types . Block {
for _ , block := range ss . lastMileBlocks {
ph := block . ParentHash ( )
if bytes . Compare ( ph [ : ] , parentHash [ : ] ) == 0 {
return block
return nil
func ( ss * StateSync ) updateBlockAndStatus ( block * types . Block , bc * core . BlockChain , worker * worker . Worker ) bool {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "[SYNC] Current Block" , "blockHex" , bc . CurrentBlock ( ) . Hash ( ) . Hex ( ) )
_ , err := bc . InsertChain ( [ ] * types . Block { block } )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Error adding new block to blockchain" , "Error" , err )
return false
ss . syncMux . Lock ( )
worker . UpdateCurrent ( )
ss . syncMux . Unlock ( )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "[SYNC] new block added to blockchain" , "blockHeight" , bc . CurrentBlock ( ) . NumberU64 ( ) , "blockHex" , bc . CurrentBlock ( ) . Hash ( ) . Hex ( ) )
return true
// generateNewState will construct most recent state from downloaded blocks
func ( ss * StateSync ) generateNewState ( bc * core . BlockChain , worker * worker . Worker ) {
// update blocks created before node start sync
parentHash := bc . CurrentBlock ( ) . Hash ( )
for {
block := ss . getBlockFromOldBlocksByParentHash ( parentHash )
if block == nil {
ok := ss . updateBlockAndStatus ( block , bc , worker )
if ! ok {
parentHash = block . Hash ( )
ss . syncMux . Lock ( )
ss . commonBlocks = make ( map [ int ] * types . Block )
ss . syncMux . Unlock ( )
// update blocks after node start sync
parentHash = bc . CurrentBlock ( ) . Hash ( )
for {
block := ss . getMaxConsensusBlockFromParentHash ( parentHash )
if block == nil {
ok := ss . updateBlockAndStatus ( block , bc , worker )
if ! ok {
parentHash = block . Hash ( )
// TODO ek – Do we need to hold syncMux now that syncConfig has its onw
// mutex?
ss . syncMux . Lock ( )
ss . syncConfig . ForEachPeer ( func ( peer * SyncPeerConfig ) ( brk bool ) {
peer . newBlocks = [ ] * types . Block { }
} )
ss . syncMux . Unlock ( )
// update last mile blocks if any
parentHash = bc . CurrentBlock ( ) . Hash ( )
for {
block := ss . getBlockFromLastMileBlocksByParentHash ( parentHash )
if block == nil {
ok := ss . updateBlockAndStatus ( block , bc , worker )
if ! ok {
parentHash = block . Hash ( )
// ProcessStateSync processes state sync from the blocks received but not yet processed so far
func ( ss * StateSync ) ProcessStateSync ( startHash [ ] byte , bc * core . BlockChain , worker * worker . Worker , isBeacon bool ) {
if ! isBeacon {
ss . RegisterNodeInfo ( )
// Gets consensus hashes.
if ! ss . GetConsensusHashes ( startHash ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] ProcessStateSync unable to reach consensus on ss.GetConsensusHashes" )
ss . generateStateSyncTaskQueue ( bc )
// Download blocks.
if ss . stateSyncTaskQueue . Len ( ) > 0 {
ss . downloadBlocks ( bc )
ss . generateNewState ( bc , worker )
func ( peerConfig * SyncPeerConfig ) registerToBroadcast ( peerHash [ ] byte , ip , port string ) error {
response := peerConfig . client . Register ( peerHash , ip , port )
if response == nil || response . Type == pb . DownloaderResponse_FAIL {
return ErrRegistrationFail
} else if response . Type == pb . DownloaderResponse_SUCCESS {
return nil
return ErrRegistrationFail
// RegisterNodeInfo will register node to peers to accept future new block broadcasting
// return number of successful registration
func ( ss * StateSync ) RegisterNodeInfo ( ) int {
registrationNumber := RegistrationNumber
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] node registration to peers" ,
"registrationNumber" , registrationNumber ,
"activePeerNumber" , len ( ss . syncConfig . peers ) )
count := 0
ss . syncConfig . ForEachPeer ( func ( peerConfig * SyncPeerConfig ) ( brk bool ) {
if count >= registrationNumber {
brk = true
if peerConfig . ip == ss . selfip && peerConfig . port == GetSyncingPort ( ss . selfport ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] skip self" , "peerport" , peerConfig . port , "selfport" , ss . selfport , "selfsyncport" , GetSyncingPort ( ss . selfport ) )
err := peerConfig . registerToBroadcast ( ss . selfPeerHash [ : ] , ss . selfip , ss . selfport )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] register failed to peer" , "ip" , peerConfig . ip , "port" , peerConfig . port , "selfPeerHash" , ss . selfPeerHash )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] register success" , "ip" , peerConfig . ip , "port" , peerConfig . port )
count ++
} )
return count
// getMaxPeerHeight gets the maximum blockchain heights from peers
func ( ss * StateSync ) getMaxPeerHeight ( ) uint64 {
maxHeight := uint64 ( 0 )
var wg sync . WaitGroup
ss . syncConfig . ForEachPeer ( func ( peerConfig * SyncPeerConfig ) ( brk bool ) {
wg . Add ( 1 )
go func ( ) {
defer wg . Done ( )
response := peerConfig . client . GetBlockChainHeight ( )
ss . syncMux . Lock ( )
if response != nil && maxHeight < response . BlockHeight {
maxHeight = response . BlockHeight
ss . syncMux . Unlock ( )
} ( )
} )
wg . Wait ( )
return maxHeight
// IsOutOfSync checks whether the node is out of sync from other peers
func ( ss * StateSync ) IsOutOfSync ( bc * core . BlockChain ) bool {
otherHeight := ss . getMaxPeerHeight ( )
currentHeight := bc . CurrentBlock ( ) . NumberU64 ( )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[SYNC] IsOutOfSync" , "otherHeight" , otherHeight , "myHeight" , currentHeight )
return currentHeight + inSyncThreshold < otherHeight
// SyncLoop will keep syncing with peers until catches up
func ( ss * StateSync ) SyncLoop ( bc * core . BlockChain , worker * worker . Worker , willJoinConsensus bool , isBeacon bool ) {
for {
if ! ss . IsOutOfSync ( bc ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "[SYNC] Node is now IN SYNC!" )
startHash := bc . CurrentBlock ( ) . Hash ( )
ss . ProcessStateSync ( startHash [ : ] , bc , worker , isBeacon )
// GetSyncingPort returns the syncing port.
func GetSyncingPort ( nodePort string ) string {
if port , err := strconv . Atoi ( nodePort ) ; err == nil {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "%d" , port - SyncingPortDifference )
return ""