The core protocol of WoopChain
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package waitnode
import (
6 years ago
//WaitNode is for nodes waiting to join consensus
type WaitNode struct {
Peer p2p.Peer
ID uint16
// StartServer a server and process the request by a handler.
func (node *WaitNode) StartServer() {
log.Printf("Starting waitnode on server %s and port %s", node.Peer.Ip, node.Peer.Port)
6 years ago
//ConnectIdentityChain connects to identity chain
func (node *WaitNode) ConnectIdentityChain(peer p2p.Peer) {
6 years ago
p2p.SendMessage(peer, identity.ConstructIdentityMessage(identity.REGISTER, node.SerializeWaitNode()))
//Constructs node-id by hashing the IP.
func calculateHash(num string) []byte {
var hashes [][]byte
hashes = append(hashes, utils.ConvertFixedDataIntoByteArray(num))
hash := sha256.Sum256(bytes.Join(hashes, []byte{}))
return hash[:]
//SerializeWaitNode serializes the node
func (node *WaitNode) SerializeWaitNode() []byte {
var result bytes.Buffer
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(&result)
err := encoder.Encode(node)
if err != nil {
return result.Bytes()
// DeserializeWaitNode deserializes the node
func DeserializeWaitNode(d []byte) *WaitNode {
var wn WaitNode
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(d))
err := decoder.Decode(&wn)
if err != nil {
return &wn
// New Create a new Node
6 years ago
func New(Peer p2p.Peer) *WaitNode {
node := WaitNode{}
6 years ago
node.Peer = Peer
node.ID = utils.GetUniqueIdFromPeer(Peer)
return &node