The core protocol of WoopChain
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package blockchain
import (
7 years ago
7 years ago
// Block keeps block headers, transactions and signature.
type Block struct {
// Header
Timestamp int64
PrevBlockHash [32]byte
Hash [32]byte
NumTransactions int32
TransactionIds [][32]byte
Transactions []*Transaction // Transactions
// Signature...
// Serialize serializes the block
func (b *Block) Serialize() []byte {
var result bytes.Buffer
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(&result)
err := encoder.Encode(b)
if err != nil {
return result.Bytes()
// DeserializeBlock deserializes a block
func DeserializeBlock(d []byte) *Block {
var block Block
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(d))
err := decoder.Decode(&block)
if err != nil {
return &block
// Used for debuging.
func (b *Block) String() string {
res := fmt.Sprintf("Block created at %v\n", b.Timestamp)
for id, tx := range b.Transactions {
res += fmt.Sprintf("Transaction %v: %v\n", id, *tx)
res += fmt.Sprintf("previous blockhash: %v\n", b.PrevBlockHash)
res += fmt.Sprintf("hash: %v\n", b.Hash)
return res
// HashTransactions returns a hash of the transactions in the block
func (b *Block) HashTransactions() []byte {
7 years ago
var txHashes [][]byte
var txHash [32]byte
for _, tx := range b.Transactions {
txHashes = append(txHashes, tx.ID[:])
7 years ago
txHash = sha256.Sum256(bytes.Join(txHashes, []byte{}))
return txHash[:]
// NewBlock creates and returns a neew block.
func NewBlock(transactions []*Transaction, prevBlockHash [32]byte) *Block {
numTxs := int32(len(transactions))
var txIds [][32]byte
for _, tx := range transactions {
txIds = append(txIds, tx.ID)
block := &Block{time.Now().Unix(), prevBlockHash, [32]byte{}, numTxs, txIds, transactions}
copy(block.Hash[:], block.HashTransactions()[:]) // TODO(Minh): the blockhash should be a hash of everything in the block
7 years ago
return block
// NewGenesisBlock creates and returns genesis Block.
func NewGenesisBlock(coinbase *Transaction) *Block {
return NewBlock([]*Transaction{coinbase}, [32]byte{})