package consensus
import (
protobuf ""
msg_pb ""
nodeconfig ""
// handleMessageUpdate will update the consensus state according to received message
func ( consensus * Consensus ) handleMessageUpdate ( payload [ ] byte ) {
if len ( payload ) == 0 {
msg := & msg_pb . Message { }
err := protobuf . Unmarshal ( payload , msg )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Error ( "Failed to unmarshal message payload." , "err" , err , "consensus" , consensus )
// when node is in ViewChanging mode, it still accepts normal message into PbftLog to avoid possible trap forever
// but drop PREPARE and COMMIT which are message types for leader
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == ViewChanging && ( msg . Type == msg_pb . MessageType_PREPARE || msg . Type == msg_pb . MessageType_COMMIT ) {
if msg . Type == msg_pb . MessageType_VIEWCHANGE || msg . Type == msg_pb . MessageType_NEWVIEW {
if msg . GetViewchange ( ) != nil && msg . GetViewchange ( ) . ShardId != consensus . ShardID {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "Received view change message from different shard" ,
"myShardId" , consensus . ShardID , "receivedShardId" , msg . GetViewchange ( ) . ShardId )
} else {
if msg . GetConsensus ( ) != nil && msg . GetConsensus ( ) . ShardId != consensus . ShardID {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "Received consensus message from different shard" ,
"myShardId" , consensus . ShardID , "receivedShardId" , msg . GetConsensus ( ) . ShardId )
switch msg . Type {
case msg_pb . MessageType_ANNOUNCE :
consensus . onAnnounce ( msg )
case msg_pb . MessageType_PREPARE :
consensus . onPrepare ( msg )
case msg_pb . MessageType_PREPARED :
consensus . onPrepared ( msg )
case msg_pb . MessageType_COMMIT :
consensus . onCommit ( msg )
case msg_pb . MessageType_COMMITTED :
consensus . onCommitted ( msg )
case msg_pb . MessageType_VIEWCHANGE :
consensus . onViewChange ( msg )
case msg_pb . MessageType_NEWVIEW :
consensus . onNewView ( msg )
// TODO: move to consensus_leader.go later
func ( consensus * Consensus ) announce ( block * types . Block ) {
blockHash := block . Hash ( )
copy ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] , blockHash [ : ] )
// prepare message and broadcast to validators
encodedBlock , err := rlp . EncodeToBytes ( block )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[Announce] Failed encoding block" )
encodedBlockHeader , err := rlp . EncodeToBytes ( block . Header ( ) )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[Announce] Failed encoding block header" )
consensus . block = encodedBlock
consensus . blockHeader = encodedBlockHeader
msgToSend := consensus . constructAnnounceMessage ( )
// save announce message to PbftLog
msgPayload , _ := proto . GetConsensusMessagePayload ( msgToSend )
msg := & msg_pb . Message { }
_ = protobuf . Unmarshal ( msgPayload , msg )
pbftMsg , err := ParsePbftMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[Announce] Unable to parse pbft message" , "error" , err )
consensus . PbftLog . AddMessage ( pbftMsg )
consensus . PbftLog . AddBlock ( block )
// Leader sign the block hash itself
consensus . prepareSigs [ consensus . PubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) ] = consensus . priKey . SignHash ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] )
if err := consensus . prepareBitmap . SetKey ( consensus . PubKey , true ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[Announce] Leader prepareBitmap SetKey failed" , "error" , err )
// Construct broadcast p2p message
if err := consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[Announce] Cannot send announce message" , "groupID" , p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) )
} else {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[Announce] Sent Announce Message!!" , "BlockHash" , block . Hash ( ) , "BlockNum" , block . NumberU64 ( ) )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[Announce] Switching phase" , "From" , consensus . phase , "To" , Prepare )
consensus . switchPhase ( Prepare , true )
func ( consensus * Consensus ) onAnnounce ( msg * msg_pb . Message ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnAnnounce] Receive announce message" )
if consensus . PubKey . IsEqual ( consensus . LeaderPubKey ) && consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal {
senderKey , err := consensus . verifySenderKey ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnAnnounce] VerifySenderKey failed" , "error" , err )
if ! senderKey . IsEqual ( consensus . LeaderPubKey ) && consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal && ! consensus . ignoreViewIDCheck {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnAnnounce] SenderKey not match leader PubKey" , "senderKey" , senderKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) , "leaderKey" , consensus . LeaderPubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) )
if err = verifyMessageSig ( senderKey , msg ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnAnnounce] Failed to verify leader signature" , "error" , err )
recvMsg , err := ParsePbftMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnAnnounce] Unparseable leader message" , "error" , err , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
// verify validity of block header object
blockHeader := recvMsg . Payload
var headerObj types . Header
err = rlp . DecodeBytes ( blockHeader , & headerObj )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnAnnounce] Unparseable block header data" , "error" , err , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
if recvMsg . BlockNum < consensus . blockNum || recvMsg . BlockNum != headerObj . Number . Uint64 ( ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnAnnounce] BlockNum not match" , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum , "BlockNum" , headerObj . Number )
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal {
if err = consensus . VerifyHeader ( consensus . ChainReader , & headerObj , true ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnAnnounce] Block content is not verified successfully" , "error" , err , "inChain" , consensus . ChainReader . CurrentHeader ( ) . Number , "MsgBlockNum" , headerObj . Number )
logMsgs := consensus . PbftLog . GetMessagesByTypeSeqView ( msg_pb . MessageType_ANNOUNCE , recvMsg . BlockNum , recvMsg . ViewID )
if len ( logMsgs ) > 0 {
if logMsgs [ 0 ] . BlockHash != recvMsg . BlockHash {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnAnnounce] Leader is malicious" , "leaderKey" , consensus . LeaderPubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) )
consensus . startViewChange ( consensus . viewID + 1 )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnAnnounce] Announce message Added" , "MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
consensus . PbftLog . AddMessage ( recvMsg )
consensus . mutex . Lock ( )
defer consensus . mutex . Unlock ( )
consensus . blockHash = recvMsg . BlockHash
// we have already added message and block, skip check viewID and send prepare message if is in ViewChanging mode
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == ViewChanging {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnAnnounce] Still in ViewChanging Mode, Exiting !!" )
if consensus . checkViewID ( recvMsg ) != nil {
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnAnnounce] ViewID check failed" , "MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "msgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
consensus . prepare ( )
// tryPrepare will try to send prepare message
func ( consensus * Consensus ) prepare ( ) {
// Construct and send prepare message
msgToSend := consensus . constructPrepareMessage ( )
// TODO: this will not return immediatey, may block
if err := consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnAnnounce] Cannot send prepare message" )
} else {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[OnAnnounce] Sent Prepare Message!!" , "BlockHash" , hex . EncodeToString ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] ) )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[Announce] Switching Phase" , "From" , consensus . phase , "To" , Prepare )
consensus . switchPhase ( Prepare , true )
// TODO: move to consensus_leader.go later
func ( consensus * Consensus ) onPrepare ( msg * msg_pb . Message ) {
if ! consensus . PubKey . IsEqual ( consensus . LeaderPubKey ) {
senderKey , err := consensus . verifySenderKey ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] VerifySenderKey failed" , "error" , err )
if err = verifyMessageSig ( senderKey , msg ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] Failed to verify sender's signature" , "error" , err )
recvMsg , err := ParsePbftMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] Unparseable validator message" , "error" , err )
if recvMsg . ViewID != consensus . viewID || recvMsg . BlockNum != consensus . blockNum {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] Message ViewId or BlockNum not match" ,
"MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
if ! consensus . PbftLog . HasMatchingViewAnnounce ( consensus . blockNum , consensus . viewID , recvMsg . BlockHash ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] No Matching Announce message" , "MsgblockHash" , recvMsg . BlockHash , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
validatorPubKey := recvMsg . SenderPubkey . SerializeToHexStr ( )
prepareSig := recvMsg . Payload
prepareSigs := consensus . prepareSigs
prepareBitmap := consensus . prepareBitmap
consensus . mutex . Lock ( )
defer consensus . mutex . Unlock ( )
if len ( prepareSigs ) >= consensus . Quorum ( ) {
// already have enough signatures
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[OnPrepare] Received Additional Prepare Message" , "ValidatorPubKey" , validatorPubKey )
// proceed only when the message is not received before
_ , ok := prepareSigs [ validatorPubKey ]
if ok {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] Already Received prepare message from the validator" , "ValidatorPubKey" , validatorPubKey )
// Check BLS signature for the multi-sig
var sign bls . Sign
err = sign . Deserialize ( prepareSig )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Error ( "[OnPrepare] Failed to deserialize bls signature" , "ValidatorPubKey" , validatorPubKey )
if ! sign . VerifyHash ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey , consensus . blockHash [ : ] ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Error ( "[OnPrepare] Received invalid BLS signature" , "ValidatorPubKey" , validatorPubKey )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] Received New Prepare Signature" , "NumReceivedSoFar" , len ( prepareSigs ) , "validatorPubKey" , validatorPubKey , "PublicKeys" , len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) )
prepareSigs [ validatorPubKey ] = & sign
// Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
if err := prepareBitmap . SetKey ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey , true ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepare] prepareBitmap.SetKey failed" , "error" , err )
if len ( prepareSigs ) >= consensus . Quorum ( ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] Received Enough Prepare Signatures" , "NumReceivedSoFar" , len ( prepareSigs ) , "PublicKeys" , len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) )
// Construct and broadcast prepared message
msgToSend , aggSig := consensus . constructPreparedMessage ( )
consensus . aggregatedPrepareSig = aggSig
//leader adds prepared message to log
msgPayload , _ := proto . GetConsensusMessagePayload ( msgToSend )
msg := & msg_pb . Message { }
_ = protobuf . Unmarshal ( msgPayload , msg )
pbftMsg , err := ParsePbftMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepare] Unable to parse pbft message" , "error" , err )
consensus . PbftLog . AddMessage ( pbftMsg )
// Leader add commit phase signature
blockNumHash := make ( [ ] byte , 8 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint64 ( blockNumHash , consensus . blockNum )
commitPayload := append ( blockNumHash , consensus . blockHash [ : ] ... )
consensus . commitSigs [ consensus . PubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) ] = consensus . priKey . SignHash ( commitPayload )
if err := consensus . commitBitmap . SetKey ( consensus . PubKey , true ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] Leader commit bitmap set failed" )
if err := consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepare] Cannot send prepared message" )
} else {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] Sent Prepared Message!!" , "BlockHash" , consensus . blockHash , "BlockNum" , consensus . blockNum )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepare] Switching phase" , "From" , consensus . phase , "To" , Commit )
consensus . switchPhase ( Commit , true )
func ( consensus * Consensus ) onPrepared ( msg * msg_pb . Message ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] Received Prepared message" )
if consensus . PubKey . IsEqual ( consensus . LeaderPubKey ) && consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal {
senderKey , err := consensus . verifySenderKey ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] VerifySenderKey failed" , "error" , err )
if ! senderKey . IsEqual ( consensus . LeaderPubKey ) && consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal && ! consensus . ignoreViewIDCheck {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepared] SenderKey not match leader PubKey" )
if err := verifyMessageSig ( senderKey , msg ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] Failed to verify sender's signature" , "error" , err )
recvMsg , err := ParsePbftMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] Unparseable validator message" , "error" , err )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[OnPrepared] Received prepared message" , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum , "MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID )
if recvMsg . BlockNum < consensus . blockNum {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "Old Block Received, ignoring!!" ,
"MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
// check validity of prepared signature
blockHash := recvMsg . BlockHash
aggSig , mask , err := consensus . ReadSignatureBitmapPayload ( recvMsg . Payload , 0 )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Error ( "ReadSignatureBitmapPayload failed!!" , "error" , err )
if count := utils . CountOneBits ( mask . Bitmap ) ; count < consensus . Quorum ( ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "Not enough signatures in the Prepared msg" , "Need" , consensus . Quorum ( ) , "Got" , count )
if ! aggSig . VerifyHash ( mask . AggregatePublic , blockHash [ : ] ) {
myBlockHash := common . Hash { }
myBlockHash . SetBytes ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepared] failed to verify multi signature for prepare phase" , "MsgBlockHash" , recvMsg . BlockHash , "myBlockHash" , myBlockHash )
// check validity of block
block := recvMsg . Block
var blockObj types . Block
err = rlp . DecodeBytes ( block , & blockObj )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepared] Unparseable block header data" , "error" , err , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
if blockObj . NumberU64 ( ) != recvMsg . BlockNum || recvMsg . BlockNum < consensus . blockNum {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepared] BlockNum not match" , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum , "blockNum" , blockObj . NumberU64 ( ) )
if blockObj . Header ( ) . Hash ( ) != recvMsg . BlockHash {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepared] BlockHash not match" , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum , "MsgBlockHash" , recvMsg . BlockHash , "blockObjHash" , blockObj . Header ( ) . Hash ( ) )
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal {
if err := consensus . VerifyHeader ( consensus . ChainReader , blockObj . Header ( ) , true ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepared] Block header is not verified successfully" , "error" , err , "inChain" , consensus . ChainReader . CurrentHeader ( ) . Number , "MsgBlockNum" , blockObj . Header ( ) . Number )
if consensus . BlockVerifier == nil {
// do nothing
} else if err := consensus . BlockVerifier ( & blockObj ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[OnPrepared] Block verification faied" )
consensus . PbftLog . AddBlock ( & blockObj )
recvMsg . Block = [ ] byte { } // save memory space
consensus . PbftLog . AddMessage ( recvMsg )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] Prepared message and block added" , "MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum , "blockHash" , recvMsg . BlockHash )
consensus . mutex . Lock ( )
defer consensus . mutex . Unlock ( )
consensus . tryCatchup ( )
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == ViewChanging {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] Still in ViewChanging mode, Exiting !!" )
if consensus . checkViewID ( recvMsg ) != nil {
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] ViewID check failed" , "MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
if recvMsg . BlockNum > consensus . blockNum {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] Future Block Received, ignoring!!" ,
"MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
// add block field
blockPayload := make ( [ ] byte , len ( block ) )
copy ( blockPayload [ : ] , block [ : ] )
consensus . block = blockPayload
// add preparedSig field
consensus . aggregatedPrepareSig = aggSig
consensus . prepareBitmap = mask
// Optimistically add blockhash field of prepare message
emptyHash := [ 32 ] byte { }
if bytes . Compare ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] , emptyHash [ : ] ) == 0 {
copy ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] , blockHash [ : ] )
// Construct and send the commit message
blockNumBytes := make ( [ ] byte , 8 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint64 ( blockNumBytes , consensus . blockNum )
commitPayload := append ( blockNumBytes , consensus . blockHash [ : ] ... )
msgToSend := consensus . constructCommitMessage ( commitPayload )
// TODO: genesis account node delay for 1 second, this is a temp fix for allows FN nodes to earning reward
if consensus . delayCommit > 0 {
time . Sleep ( consensus . delayCommit )
if err := consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnPrepared] Cannot send commit message!!" )
} else {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] Sent Commit Message!!" , "BlockHash" , consensus . blockHash , "BlockNum" , consensus . blockNum )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnPrepared] Switching phase" , "From" , consensus . phase , "To" , Commit )
consensus . switchPhase ( Commit , true )
// TODO: move it to consensus_leader.go later
func ( consensus * Consensus ) onCommit ( msg * msg_pb . Message ) {
if ! consensus . PubKey . IsEqual ( consensus . LeaderPubKey ) {
senderKey , err := consensus . verifySenderKey ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] VerifySenderKey Failed" , "error" , err )
if err = verifyMessageSig ( senderKey , msg ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] Failed to verify sender's signature" , "error" , err )
recvMsg , err := ParsePbftMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] Parse pbft message failed" , "error" , err )
if recvMsg . ViewID != consensus . viewID || recvMsg . BlockNum != consensus . blockNum {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] BlockNum/viewID not match" , "MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum , "ValidatorPubKey" , recvMsg . SenderPubkey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) )
if ! consensus . PbftLog . HasMatchingAnnounce ( consensus . blockNum , recvMsg . BlockHash ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] Cannot find matching blockhash" , "MsgBlockHash" , recvMsg . BlockHash , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
if ! consensus . PbftLog . HasMatchingPrepared ( consensus . blockNum , recvMsg . BlockHash ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] Cannot find matching prepared message" , "blockHash" , recvMsg . BlockHash )
validatorPubKey := recvMsg . SenderPubkey . SerializeToHexStr ( )
commitSig := recvMsg . Payload
consensus . mutex . Lock ( )
defer consensus . mutex . Unlock ( )
if ! consensus . IsValidatorInCommittee ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Error ( "[OnCommit] Invalid validator" , "validatorPubKey" , validatorPubKey )
commitSigs := consensus . commitSigs
commitBitmap := consensus . commitBitmap
// proceed only when the message is not received before
_ , ok := commitSigs [ validatorPubKey ]
if ok {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[OnCommit] Already received commit message from the validator" , "validatorPubKey" , validatorPubKey )
quorumWasMet := len ( commitSigs ) >= consensus . Quorum ( )
// Verify the signature on commitPayload is correct
var sign bls . Sign
err = sign . Deserialize ( commitSig )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] Failed to deserialize bls signature" , "validatorPubKey" , validatorPubKey )
blockNumHash := make ( [ ] byte , 8 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint64 ( blockNumHash , recvMsg . BlockNum )
commitPayload := append ( blockNumHash , recvMsg . BlockHash [ : ] ... )
if ! sign . VerifyHash ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey , commitPayload ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Error ( "[OnCommit] Cannot verify commit message" , "MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] Received new commit message" , "numReceivedSoFar" , len ( commitSigs ) , "MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum , "validatorPubKey" , validatorPubKey )
commitSigs [ validatorPubKey ] = & sign
// Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
if err := commitBitmap . SetKey ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey , true ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnCommit] commitBitmap.SetKey failed" , "error" , err )
quorumIsMet := len ( commitSigs ) >= consensus . Quorum ( )
rewardThresholdIsMet := len ( commitSigs ) >= consensus . RewardThreshold ( )
if ! quorumWasMet && quorumIsMet {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[OnCommit] 2/3 Enough commits received" , "NumCommits" , len ( commitSigs ) )
go func ( viewID uint64 ) {
time . Sleep ( 2 * time . Second )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] Commit Grace Period Ended" , "NumCommits" , len ( commitSigs ) )
consensus . commitFinishChan <- viewID
} ( consensus . viewID )
if rewardThresholdIsMet {
go func ( viewID uint64 ) {
consensus . commitFinishChan <- viewID
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommit] 90% Enough commits received" , "NumCommits" , len ( commitSigs ) )
} ( consensus . viewID )
func ( consensus * Consensus ) finalizeCommits ( ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[Finalizing] Finalizing Block" , "NumCommits" , len ( consensus . commitSigs ) )
beforeCatchupNum := consensus . blockNum
beforeCatchupViewID := consensus . viewID
// Construct committed message
msgToSend , aggSig := consensus . constructCommittedMessage ( )
consensus . aggregatedCommitSig = aggSig // this may not needed
// leader adds committed message to log
msgPayload , _ := proto . GetConsensusMessagePayload ( msgToSend )
msg := & msg_pb . Message { }
_ = protobuf . Unmarshal ( msgPayload , msg )
pbftMsg , err := ParsePbftMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[FinalizeCommits] Unable to parse pbft message" , "error" , err )
consensus . PbftLog . AddMessage ( pbftMsg )
// find correct block content
block := consensus . PbftLog . GetBlockByHash ( consensus . blockHash )
if block == nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[FinalizeCommits] Cannot find block by hash" , "blockHash" , hex . EncodeToString ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] ) )
consensus . tryCatchup ( )
if consensus . blockNum - beforeCatchupNum != 1 {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[FinalizeCommits] Leader cannot provide the correct block for committed message" , "beforeCatchupBlockNum" , beforeCatchupNum )
// if leader success finalize the block, send committed message to validators
if err := consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[Finalizing] Cannot send committed message" , "error" , err )
} else {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[Finalizing] Sent Committed Message" , "BlockHash" , consensus . blockHash , "BlockNum" , consensus . blockNum )
consensus . reportMetrics ( * block )
// Dump new block into level db
// In current code, we add signatures in block in tryCatchup, the block dump to explorer does not contains signatures
// but since explorer doesn't need signatures, it should be fine
// in future, we will move signatures to next block
explorer . GetStorageInstance ( consensus . leader . IP , consensus . leader . Port , true ) . Dump ( block , beforeCatchupNum )
if consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutBootstrap ] . IsActive ( ) {
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutBootstrap ] . Stop ( )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[Finalizing] Start consensus timer; stop bootstrap timer only once" )
} else {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[Finalizing] Start consensus timer" )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutConsensus ] . Start ( )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "HOORAY!!!!!!! CONSENSUS REACHED!!!!!!!" , "BlockNum" , beforeCatchupNum , "ViewId" , beforeCatchupViewID , "BlockHash" , block . Hash ( ) , "index" , consensus . getIndexOfPubKey ( consensus . PubKey ) )
// Send signal to Node so the new block can be added and new round of consensus can be triggered
consensus . ReadySignal <- struct { } { }
func ( consensus * Consensus ) onCommitted ( msg * msg_pb . Message ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommitted] Receive committed message" )
if consensus . PubKey . IsEqual ( consensus . LeaderPubKey ) && consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal {
senderKey , err := consensus . verifySenderKey ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnCommitted] verifySenderKey failed" , "error" , err )
if ! senderKey . IsEqual ( consensus . LeaderPubKey ) && consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Normal && ! consensus . ignoreViewIDCheck {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnCommitted] senderKey not match leader PubKey" )
if err = verifyMessageSig ( senderKey , msg ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnCommitted] Failed to verify sender's signature" , "error" , err )
recvMsg , err := ParsePbftMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnCommitted] unable to parse msg" , "error" , err )
if recvMsg . BlockNum < consensus . blockNum {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[OnCommitted] Received Old Blocks!!" , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
aggSig , mask , err := consensus . ReadSignatureBitmapPayload ( recvMsg . Payload , 0 )
if err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Error ( "[OnCommitted] readSignatureBitmapPayload failed" , "error" , err )
// check has 2f+1 signatures
if count := utils . CountOneBits ( mask . Bitmap ) ; count < consensus . Quorum ( ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Warn ( "[OnCommitted] Not enough signature in committed msg" , "need" , consensus . Quorum ( ) , "got" , count )
blockNumBytes := make ( [ ] byte , 8 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint64 ( blockNumBytes , recvMsg . BlockNum )
commitPayload := append ( blockNumBytes , recvMsg . BlockHash [ : ] ... )
if ! aggSig . VerifyHash ( mask . AggregatePublic , commitPayload ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Error ( "[OnCommitted] Failed to verify the multi signature for commit phase" , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
consensus . PbftLog . AddMessage ( recvMsg )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommitted] Committed message added" , "MsgViewID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
consensus . mutex . Lock ( )
defer consensus . mutex . Unlock ( )
consensus . aggregatedCommitSig = aggSig
consensus . commitBitmap = mask
if recvMsg . BlockNum - consensus . blockNum > consensusBlockNumBuffer {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommitted] out of sync" , "MsgBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
go func ( ) {
select {
case consensus . blockNumLowChan <- struct { } { } :
consensus . mode . SetMode ( Syncing )
for _ , v := range consensus . consensusTimeout {
v . Stop ( )
case <- time . After ( 1 * time . Second ) :
} ( )
// if consensus.checkViewID(recvMsg) != nil {
// consensus.getLogger().Debug("viewID check failed", "viewID", recvMsg.ViewID, "myViewID", consensus.viewID)
// return
// }
consensus . tryCatchup ( )
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == ViewChanging {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommitted] Still in ViewChanging mode, Exiting !!" )
if consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutBootstrap ] . IsActive ( ) {
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutBootstrap ] . Stop ( )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommitted] Start consensus timer; stop bootstrap timer only once" )
} else {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[OnCommitted] Start consensus timer" )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutConsensus ] . Start ( )
// LastCommitSig returns the byte array of aggregated commit signature and bitmap of last block
func ( consensus * Consensus ) LastCommitSig ( ) ( [ ] byte , [ ] byte , error ) {
if consensus . blockNum <= 1 {
return nil , nil , nil
msgs := consensus . PbftLog . GetMessagesByTypeSeq ( msg_pb . MessageType_COMMITTED , consensus . blockNum - 1 )
if len ( msgs ) != 1 {
return nil , nil , ctxerror . New ( "SetLastCommitSig failed with wrong number of committed message" , "numCommittedMsg" , len ( msgs ) )
//#### Read payload data from committed msg
aggSig := make ( [ ] byte , 96 )
bitmap := make ( [ ] byte , len ( msgs [ 0 ] . Payload ) - 96 )
offset := 0
copy ( aggSig [ : ] , msgs [ 0 ] . Payload [ offset : offset + 96 ] )
offset += 96
copy ( bitmap [ : ] , msgs [ 0 ] . Payload [ offset : ] )
//#### END Read payload data from committed msg
return aggSig , bitmap , nil
// try to catch up if fall behind
func ( consensus * Consensus ) tryCatchup ( ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[TryCatchup] commit new blocks" )
// if consensus.phase != Commit && consensus.mode.Mode() == Normal {
// return
// }
currentBlockNum := consensus . blockNum
for {
msgs := consensus . PbftLog . GetMessagesByTypeSeq ( msg_pb . MessageType_COMMITTED , consensus . blockNum )
if len ( msgs ) == 0 {
if len ( msgs ) > 1 {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Error ( "[TryCatchup] DANGER!!! we should only get one committed message for a given blockNum" , "numMsgs" , len ( msgs ) )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[TryCatchup] committed message found" )
block := consensus . PbftLog . GetBlockByHash ( msgs [ 0 ] . BlockHash )
if block == nil {
if consensus . BlockVerifier == nil {
// do nothing
} else if err := consensus . BlockVerifier ( block ) ; err != nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[TryCatchup]block verification faied" )
if block . ParentHash ( ) != consensus . ChainReader . CurrentHeader ( ) . Hash ( ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[TryCatchup] parent block hash not match" )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[TryCatchup] block found to commit" )
preparedMsgs := consensus . PbftLog . GetMessagesByTypeSeqHash ( msg_pb . MessageType_PREPARED , msgs [ 0 ] . BlockNum , msgs [ 0 ] . BlockHash )
msg := consensus . PbftLog . FindMessageByMaxViewID ( preparedMsgs )
if msg == nil {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[TryCatchup] prepared message found to commit" )
consensus . blockHash = [ 32 ] byte { }
consensus . blockNum = consensus . blockNum + 1
consensus . viewID = msgs [ 0 ] . ViewID + 1
consensus . LeaderPubKey = msgs [ 0 ] . SenderPubkey
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[TryCatchup] Adding block to chain" )
consensus . OnConsensusDone ( block )
consensus . ResetState ( )
select {
case consensus . VerifiedNewBlock <- block :
default :
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[TryCatchup] consensus verified block send to chan failed" , "blockHash" , block . Hash ( ) )
if currentBlockNum < consensus . blockNum {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[TryCatchup] Catched up!" , "From" , currentBlockNum , "To" , consensus . blockNum )
consensus . switchPhase ( Announce , true )
// catup up and skip from view change trap
if currentBlockNum < consensus . blockNum && consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == ViewChanging {
consensus . mode . SetMode ( Normal )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutViewChange ] . Stop ( )
// clean up old log
consensus . PbftLog . DeleteBlocksLessThan ( consensus . blockNum - 1 )
consensus . PbftLog . DeleteMessagesLessThan ( consensus . blockNum - 1 )
// Start waits for the next new block and run consensus
func ( consensus * Consensus ) Start ( blockChannel chan * types . Block , stopChan chan struct { } , stoppedChan chan struct { } , startChannel chan struct { } ) {
go func ( ) {
if nodeconfig . GetDefaultConfig ( ) . IsLeader ( ) {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[ConsensusMainLoop] Waiting for consensus start" , "time" , time . Now ( ) )
<- startChannel
if nodeconfig . GetDefaultConfig ( ) . IsLeader ( ) {
// send a signal to indicate it's ready to run consensus
// this signal is consumed by node object to create a new block and in turn trigger a new consensus on it
go func ( ) {
consensus . ReadySignal <- struct { } { }
} ( )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[ConsensusMainLoop] Consensus started" , "time" , time . Now ( ) )
defer close ( stoppedChan )
ticker := time . NewTicker ( 3 * time . Second )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutBootstrap ] . Start ( )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[ConsensusMainLoop] Start bootstrap timeout (only once)" , "viewID" , consensus . viewID , "block" , consensus . blockNum )
for {
select {
case <- ticker . C :
for k , v := range consensus . consensusTimeout {
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == Syncing {
v . Stop ( )
if ! v . CheckExpire ( ) {
if k != timeoutViewChange {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[ConsensusMainLoop] Ops Consensus Timeout!!!" )
consensus . startViewChange ( consensus . viewID + 1 )
} else {
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[ConsensusMainLoop] Ops View Change Timeout!!!" )
viewID := consensus . mode . ViewID ( )
consensus . startViewChange ( viewID + 1 )
case <- consensus . syncReadyChan :
consensus . SetBlockNum ( consensus . ChainReader . CurrentHeader ( ) . Number . Uint64 ( ) + 1 )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "Node is in sync" )
consensus . ignoreViewIDCheck = true
case <- consensus . syncNotReadyChan :
consensus . SetBlockNum ( consensus . ChainReader . CurrentHeader ( ) . Number . Uint64 ( ) + 1 )
consensus . mode . SetMode ( Syncing )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "Node is out of sync" )
case newBlock := <- blockChannel :
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[ConsensusMainLoop] Received Proposed New Block!" , "MsgBlockNum" , newBlock . NumberU64 ( ) )
if consensus . ShardID == 0 {
// TODO ek/rj - re-enable this after fixing DRand
//if core.IsEpochBlock(newBlock) { // Only beacon chain do randomness generation
// // Receive pRnd from DRG protocol
// consensus.getLogger().Debug("[DRG] Waiting for pRnd")
// pRndAndBitmap := <-consensus.PRndChannel
// consensus.getLogger().Debug("[DRG] Got pRnd", "pRnd", pRndAndBitmap)
// pRnd := [32]byte{}
// copy(pRnd[:], pRndAndBitmap[:32])
// bitmap := pRndAndBitmap[32:]
// vrfBitmap, _ := bls_cosi.NewMask(consensus.PublicKeys, consensus.leader.ConsensusPubKey)
// vrfBitmap.SetMask(bitmap)
// // TODO: check validity of pRnd
// newBlock.AddVrf(pRnd)
rnd , blockHash , err := consensus . GetNextRnd ( )
if err == nil {
// Verify the randomness
_ = blockHash
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Info ( "[ConsensusMainLoop] Adding randomness into new block" , "rnd" , rnd )
// newBlock.AddVdf([258]byte{}) // TODO(HB): add real vdf
} else {
//consensus.getLogger().Info("Failed to get randomness", "error", err)
startTime = time . Now ( )
consensus . getLogger ( ) . Debug ( "[ConsensusMainLoop] STARTING CONSENSUS" , "numTxs" , len ( newBlock . Transactions ( ) ) , "consensus" , consensus , "startTime" , startTime , "publicKeys" , len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) )
consensus . announce ( newBlock )
case msg := <- consensus . MsgChan :
consensus . handleMessageUpdate ( msg )
case viewID := <- consensus . commitFinishChan :
func ( ) {
consensus . mutex . Lock ( )
defer consensus . mutex . Unlock ( )
if viewID == consensus . viewID {
consensus . finalizeCommits ( )
} ( )
case <- stopChan :
} ( )