package bls
import (
// Test the basic functionality of a BLS multi-sig mask.
func TestNewMask(test *testing.T) {
_, pubKey1 := utils.GenKey("", "5555")
_, pubKey2 := utils.GenKey("", "6666")
_, pubKey3 := utils.GenKey("", "7777")
mask, err := NewMask([]*bls.PublicKey{pubKey1, pubKey2, pubKey3}, pubKey1)
if err != nil {
test.Errorf("Failed to create a new Mask: %s", err)
if mask.Len() != 1 {
test.Errorf("Mask created with wrong size: %d", mask.Len())
enabled, err := mask.KeyEnabled(pubKey1)
if !enabled || err != nil {
test.Errorf("My key pubKey1 should have been enabled: %s", err)
if mask.CountEnabled() != 1 {
test.Error("Only one key should have been enabled")
if mask.CountTotal() != 3 {
test.Error("Should have a total of 3 keys")
func TestNewMaskWithAbsentPublicKey(test *testing.T) {
_, pubKey1 := utils.GenKey("", "5555")
_, pubKey2 := utils.GenKey("", "6666")
_, pubKey3 := utils.GenKey("", "7777")
_, pubKey4 := utils.GenKey("", "8190")
mask, err := NewMask([]*bls.PublicKey{pubKey1, pubKey2, pubKey3}, pubKey4)
if err == nil {
test.Errorf("Failed to create a new Mask: %s", err)
if mask != nil {
test.Errorf("Expected failure to create a new mask")
func TestThreshHoldPolicy(test *testing.T) {
_, pubKey1 := utils.GenKey("", "5555")
_, pubKey2 := utils.GenKey("", "6666")
_, pubKey3 := utils.GenKey("", "7777")
mask, err := NewMask([]*bls.PublicKey{pubKey1, pubKey2, pubKey3}, pubKey1)
if err != nil {
test.Errorf("Failed to create a new Mask: %s", err)
if mask.Len() != 1 {
test.Errorf("Mask created with wrong size: %d", mask.Len())
threshHoldPolicy := *NewThresholdPolicy(1)
mask.SetKey(pubKey1, true)
mask.SetKey(pubKey2, true)
if mask.CountEnabled() != 2 {
test.Errorf("Number of enabled nodes: %d , expected count = 2 ", mask.CountEnabled())
if !threshHoldPolicy.Check(mask) {
test.Error("Number of enabled nodes less than threshold")
mask.SetKey(pubKey1, false)
mask.SetKey(pubKey2, false)
if threshHoldPolicy.Check(mask) {
test.Error("Number of enabled nodes more than equal to threshold")
func TestCompletePolicy(test *testing.T) {
_, pubKey1 := utils.GenKey("", "5555")
_, pubKey2 := utils.GenKey("", "6666")
_, pubKey3 := utils.GenKey("", "7777")
mask, err := NewMask([]*bls.PublicKey{pubKey1, pubKey2, pubKey3}, pubKey1)
if err != nil {
test.Errorf("Failed to create a new Mask: %s", err)
if mask.Len() != 1 {
test.Errorf("Mask created with wrong size: %d", mask.Len())
completePolicy := CompletePolicy{}
mask.SetKey(pubKey1, true)
mask.SetKey(pubKey2, true)
mask.SetKey(pubKey3, true)
if mask.CountEnabled() != 3 {
test.Errorf("Number of enabled nodes: %d , expected count = 3 ", mask.CountEnabled())
if !completePolicy.Check(mask) {
test.Error("Number of enabled nodes not equal to total count")
mask.SetKey(pubKey1, false)
if completePolicy.Check(mask) {
test.Error("Number of enabled nodes equal to total count")
func TestAggregatedSignature(test *testing.T) {
var sec bls.SecretKey
signs := []*bls.Sign{sec.Sign("message1"), sec.Sign("message2")}
multiSignature := AggregateSig(signs)
str := multiSignature.GetHexString()
if strings.Compare(multiSignature.GetHexString(), "0") == 0 {
test.Error("Error creating multisignature", str)
func TestAggregateMasks(test *testing.T) {
message := []byte("message")
newMessage := []byte("message")
emptyMessage := []byte("")
aggMask, err := AggregateMasks(message, emptyMessage)
if aggMask != nil {
test.Error("Expected mismatching bitmap lengths")
if err == nil {
test.Error("Expected error thrown because of bitmap length mismatch")
if _, err := AggregateMasks(message, newMessage); err != nil {
test.Error("Error thrown in aggregating masks")
func TestEnableKeyFunctions(test *testing.T) {
_, pubKey1 := utils.GenKey("", "5555")
_, pubKey2 := utils.GenKey("", "6666")
_, pubKey3 := utils.GenKey("", "7777")
_, pubKey4 := utils.GenKey("", "1234")
mask, err := NewMask([]*bls.PublicKey{pubKey1, pubKey2, pubKey3}, pubKey1)
if err != nil {
test.Errorf("Failed to create a new Mask: %s", err)
length := mask.Len()
_ = length
if mask.Len() != 1 {
test.Errorf("Mask created with wrong size: %d", mask.Len())
mask.SetBit(0, true)
mask.SetBit(1, false)
mask.SetBit(0, true)
if err := mask.SetBit(5, true); err == nil {
test.Error("Expected index out of range error")
enabledKeys := mask.GetPubKeyFromMask(true)
disabledKeys := mask.GetPubKeyFromMask(false)
if len(enabledKeys) != 1 {
test.Error("Count of enabled keys doesn't match")
if len(disabledKeys) != 2 {
test.Error("Count of disabled keys don't match")
if _, error := mask.KeyEnabled(pubKey4); error == nil {
test.Error("Expected key not found error")
if _, error := mask.IndexEnabled(5); error == nil {
test.Error("Expected index out of range error")
if err := mask.SetKey(pubKey4, true); err == nil {
test.Error("Expected key nout found error")
func TestCopyParticipatingMask(test *testing.T) {
_, pubKey1 := utils.GenKey("", "5555")
_, pubKey2 := utils.GenKey("", "6666")
mask, _ := NewMask([]*bls.PublicKey{pubKey1, pubKey2}, pubKey1)
clonedMask := mask.Mask()
if len(clonedMask) != 1 {
test.Error("Length of clonedMask doesn't match")
func TestSetMask(test *testing.T) {
_, pubKey1 := utils.GenKey("", "5555")
_, pubKey2 := utils.GenKey("", "6666")
mask, _ := NewMask([]*bls.PublicKey{pubKey1, pubKey2}, pubKey1)
_ = mask
maskBytes := []byte{3}
if mask.CountEnabled() != 2 {
test.Error("Count of Enabled nodes doesn't match")
newMaskBytes := []byte{3, 2}
if err := mask.SetMask(newMaskBytes); err == nil {
test.Error("Expected mismatching Bitmap lengths")