// Package consensus implements the Cosi PBFT consensus
package consensus // consensus
import (
bls_cosi "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/crypto/bls"
const (
vdFAndProofSize = 516 // size of VDF and Proof
vdfAndSeedSize = 548 // size of VDF/Proof and Seed
// Consensus is the main struct with all states and data related to consensus process.
type Consensus struct {
// PbftLog stores the pbft messages and blocks during PBFT process
PbftLog * PbftLog
// phase: different phase of PBFT protocol: pre-prepare, prepare, commit, finish etc
phase PbftPhase
// mode: indicate a node is in normal or viewchanging mode
mode PbftMode
// epoch: current epoch number
epoch uint64
// blockNum: the next blockNumber that PBFT is going to agree on, should be equal to the blockNumber of next block
blockNum uint64
// channel to receive consensus message
MsgChan chan [ ] byte
// How long to delay sending commit messages.
delayCommit time . Duration
// Consensus rounds whose commit phase finished
commitFinishChan chan uint64
// 2 types of timeouts: normal and viewchange
consensusTimeout map [ TimeoutType ] * utils . Timeout
// Commits collected from validators.
prepareSigs map [ string ] * bls . Sign // key is the bls public key
commitSigs map [ string ] * bls . Sign // key is the bls public key
aggregatedPrepareSig * bls . Sign
aggregatedCommitSig * bls . Sign
prepareBitmap * bls_cosi . Mask
commitBitmap * bls_cosi . Mask
// Commits collected from view change
bhpSigs map [ string ] * bls . Sign // bhpSigs: blockHashPreparedSigs is the signature on m1 type message
nilSigs map [ string ] * bls . Sign // nilSigs: there is no prepared message when view change, it's signature on m2 type (i.e. nil) messages
viewIDSigs map [ string ] * bls . Sign // viewIDSigs: every validator sign on |viewID|blockHash| in view changing message
bhpBitmap * bls_cosi . Mask
nilBitmap * bls_cosi . Mask
viewIDBitmap * bls_cosi . Mask
m1Payload [ ] byte // message payload for type m1 := |vcBlockHash|prepared_agg_sigs|prepared_bitmap|, new leader only need one
vcLock sync . Mutex // mutex for view change
// The chain reader for the blockchain this consensus is working on
ChainReader * core . BlockChain
// map of nodeID to validator Peer object
validators sync . Map // key is the hex string of the blsKey, value is p2p.Peer
// Minimal number of peers in the shard
// If the number of validators is less than minPeers, the consensus won't start
MinPeers int
// Leader's address
leader p2p . Peer
// Public keys of the committee including leader and validators
PublicKeys [ ] * bls . PublicKey
CommitteePublicKeys map [ string ] bool
pubKeyLock sync . Mutex
// private/public keys of current node
priKey * bls . SecretKey
PubKey * bls . PublicKey
SelfAddress common . Address
// the publickey of leader
LeaderPubKey * bls . PublicKey
// number of publickeys of previous epoch
numPrevPubKeys int
viewID uint64
// Blockhash - 32 byte
blockHash [ 32 ] byte
// Block to run consensus on
block [ ] byte
// BlockHeader to run consensus on
blockHeader [ ] byte
// Array of block hashes.
blockHashes [ ] [ 32 ] byte
// Shard Id which this node belongs to
ShardID uint32
// whether to ignore viewID check
ignoreViewIDCheck bool
// global consensus mutex
mutex sync . Mutex
// consensus information update mutex
infoMutex sync . Mutex
// Signal channel for starting a new consensus process
ReadySignal chan struct { }
// The post-consensus processing func passed from Node object
// Called when consensus on a new block is done
OnConsensusDone func ( * types . Block )
// The verifier func passed from Node object
BlockVerifier func ( * types . Block ) error
// verified block to state sync broadcast
VerifiedNewBlock chan * types . Block
// will trigger state syncing when blockNum is low
blockNumLowChan chan struct { }
// Channel for DRG protocol to send pRnd (preimage of randomness resulting from combined vrf randomnesses) to consensus. The first 32 bytes are randomness, the rest is for bitmap.
PRndChannel chan [ ] byte
// Channel for DRG protocol to send VDF. The first 516 bytes are the VDF/Proof and the last 32 bytes are the seed for deriving VDF
RndChannel chan [ vdfAndSeedSize ] byte
pendingRnds [ ] [ vdfAndSeedSize ] byte // A list of pending randomness
uniqueIDInstance * utils . UniqueValidatorID
// The p2p host used to send/receive p2p messages
host p2p . Host
// MessageSender takes are of sending consensus message and the corresponding retry logic.
msgSender * MessageSender
// Staking information finder
stakeInfoFinder StakeInfoFinder
// Used to convey to the consensus main loop that block syncing has finished.
syncReadyChan chan struct { }
// Used to convey to the consensus main loop that node is out of sync
syncNotReadyChan chan struct { }
// If true, this consensus will not propose view change.
disableViewChange bool
// last node block reward for metrics
lastBlockReward * big . Int
// SetCommitDelay sets the commit message delay. If set to non-zero,
// validator delays commit message by the amount.
func ( consensus * Consensus ) SetCommitDelay ( delay time . Duration ) {
consensus . delayCommit = delay
// StakeInfoFinder returns the stake information finder instance this
// consensus uses, e.g. for block reward distribution.
func ( consensus * Consensus ) StakeInfoFinder ( ) StakeInfoFinder {
return consensus . stakeInfoFinder
// SetStakeInfoFinder sets the stake information finder instance this
// consensus uses, e.g. for block reward distribution.
func ( consensus * Consensus ) SetStakeInfoFinder ( stakeInfoFinder StakeInfoFinder ) {
consensus . stakeInfoFinder = stakeInfoFinder
// DisableViewChangeForTestingOnly makes the receiver not propose view
// changes when it should, e.g. leader timeout.
// As the name implies, this is intended for testing only,
// and should not be used on production network.
// This is also not part of the long-term consensus API and may go away later.
func ( consensus * Consensus ) DisableViewChangeForTestingOnly ( ) {
consensus . disableViewChange = true
// BlocksSynchronized lets the main loop know that block synchronization finished
// thus the blockchain is likely to be up to date.
func ( consensus * Consensus ) BlocksSynchronized ( ) {
consensus . syncReadyChan <- struct { } { }
// BlocksNotSynchronized lets the main loop know that block is not synchronized
func ( consensus * Consensus ) BlocksNotSynchronized ( ) {
consensus . syncNotReadyChan <- struct { } { }
// WaitForSyncing informs the node syncing service to start syncing
func ( consensus * Consensus ) WaitForSyncing ( ) {
<- consensus . blockNumLowChan
// Quorum returns the consensus quorum of the current committee (2f+1).
func ( consensus * Consensus ) Quorum ( ) int {
return len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) * 2 / 3 + 1
// PreviousQuorum returns the quorum size of previous epoch
func ( consensus * Consensus ) PreviousQuorum ( ) int {
return consensus . numPrevPubKeys * 2 / 3 + 1
// VdfSeedSize returns the number of VRFs for VDF computation
func ( consensus * Consensus ) VdfSeedSize ( ) int {
return len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) * 2 / 3
// RewardThreshold returns the threshold to stop accepting commit messages
// when leader receives enough signatures for block reward
func ( consensus * Consensus ) RewardThreshold ( ) int {
return len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) * 9 / 10
// GetBlockReward returns last node block reward
func ( consensus * Consensus ) GetBlockReward ( ) * big . Int {
return consensus . lastBlockReward
// StakeInfoFinder finds the staking account for the given consensus key.
type StakeInfoFinder interface {
// FindStakeInfoByNodeKey returns a list of staking information matching
// the given node key. Caller may modify the returned slice of StakeInfo
// struct pointers, but must not modify the StakeInfo structs themselves.
FindStakeInfoByNodeKey ( key * bls . PublicKey ) [ ] * structs . StakeInfo
// FindStakeInfoByAccount returns a list of staking information matching
// the given account. Caller may modify the returned slice of StakeInfo
// struct pointers, but must not modify the StakeInfo structs themselves.
FindStakeInfoByAccount ( addr common . Address ) [ ] * structs . StakeInfo
// New creates a new Consensus object
// TODO: put shardId into chain reader's chain config
func New ( host p2p . Host , ShardID uint32 , leader p2p . Peer , blsPriKey * bls . SecretKey ) ( * Consensus , error ) {
consensus := Consensus { }
consensus . host = host
consensus . msgSender = NewMessageSender ( host )
consensus . blockNumLowChan = make ( chan struct { } )
// pbft related
consensus . PbftLog = NewPbftLog ( )
consensus . phase = Announce
consensus . mode = PbftMode { mode : Normal }
// pbft timeout
consensus . consensusTimeout = createTimeout ( )
consensus . prepareSigs = map [ string ] * bls . Sign { }
consensus . commitSigs = map [ string ] * bls . Sign { }
consensus . CommitteePublicKeys = make ( map [ string ] bool )
consensus . validators . Store ( leader . ConsensusPubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) , leader )
if blsPriKey != nil {
consensus . priKey = blsPriKey
consensus . PubKey = blsPriKey . GetPublicKey ( )
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Str ( "publicKey" , consensus . PubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) ) . Msg ( "My Public Key" )
} else {
utils . Logger ( ) . Error ( ) . Msg ( "the bls key is nil" )
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "nil bls key, aborting" )
// viewID has to be initialized as the height of the blockchain during initialization
// as it was displayed on explorer as Height right now
consensus . viewID = 0
consensus . ShardID = ShardID
consensus . MsgChan = make ( chan [ ] byte )
consensus . syncReadyChan = make ( chan struct { } )
consensus . syncNotReadyChan = make ( chan struct { } )
consensus . commitFinishChan = make ( chan uint64 )
consensus . ReadySignal = make ( chan struct { } )
consensus . lastBlockReward = big . NewInt ( 0 )
// channel for receiving newly generated VDF
consensus . RndChannel = make ( chan [ vdfAndSeedSize ] byte )
consensus . uniqueIDInstance = utils . GetUniqueValidatorIDInstance ( )
memprofiling . GetMemProfiling ( ) . Add ( "consensus.pbftLog" , consensus . PbftLog )
return & consensus , nil
// GenesisStakeInfoFinder is a stake info finder implementation using only
// genesis accounts.
// When used for block reward, it rewards only foundational nodes.
type GenesisStakeInfoFinder struct {
byNodeKey map [ types . BlsPublicKey ] [ ] * structs . StakeInfo
byAccount map [ common . Address ] [ ] * structs . StakeInfo
// FindStakeInfoByNodeKey returns the genesis account matching the given node
// key, as a single-item StakeInfo list.
// It returns nil if the key is not a genesis node key.
func ( f * GenesisStakeInfoFinder ) FindStakeInfoByNodeKey (
key * bls . PublicKey ,
) [ ] * structs . StakeInfo {
var pk types . BlsPublicKey
if err := pk . FromLibBLSPublicKey ( key ) ; err != nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Warn ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "cannot convert BLS public key" )
return nil
l , _ := f . byNodeKey [ pk ]
return l
// FindStakeInfoByAccount returns the genesis account matching the given
// address, as a single-item StakeInfo list.
// It returns nil if the address is not a genesis account.
func ( f * GenesisStakeInfoFinder ) FindStakeInfoByAccount (
addr common . Address ,
) [ ] * structs . StakeInfo {
l , _ := f . byAccount [ addr ]
return l
// NewGenesisStakeInfoFinder returns a stake info finder that can look up
// genesis nodes.
func NewGenesisStakeInfoFinder ( ) ( * GenesisStakeInfoFinder , error ) {
f := & GenesisStakeInfoFinder {
byNodeKey : make ( map [ types . BlsPublicKey ] [ ] * structs . StakeInfo ) ,
byAccount : make ( map [ common . Address ] [ ] * structs . StakeInfo ) ,
for idx , account := range genesis . HarmonyAccounts {
pub := & bls . PublicKey { }
pub . DeserializeHexStr ( account . BlsPublicKey )
var blsPublicKey types . BlsPublicKey
if err := blsPublicKey . FromLibBLSPublicKey ( pub ) ; err != nil {
return nil , ctxerror . New ( "cannot convert BLS public key" ,
"accountIndex" , idx ,
) . WithCause ( err )
addressBytes , err := hexutil . Decode ( account . Address )
if err != nil {
return nil , ctxerror . New ( "cannot decode account address" ,
"accountIndex" , idx ,
) . WithCause ( err )
var address common . Address
address . SetBytes ( addressBytes )
stakeInfo := & structs . StakeInfo {
Account : address ,
BlsPublicKey : blsPublicKey ,
BlockNum : common . Big0 ,
LockPeriodCount : big . NewInt ( 0x7fffffffffffffff ) ,
Amount : common . Big0 ,
f . byNodeKey [ blsPublicKey ] = append ( f . byNodeKey [ blsPublicKey ] , stakeInfo )
f . byAccount [ address ] = append ( f . byAccount [ address ] , stakeInfo )
return f , nil