package consensus
import (
msg_pb ""
bls_cosi ""
// PbftPhase PBFT phases: pre-prepare, prepare and commit
type PbftPhase int
// Enum for PbftPhase
const (
Announce PbftPhase = iota
// Mode determines whether a node is in normal or viewchanging mode
type Mode int
// Enum for node Mode
const (
Normal Mode = iota
// PbftMode contains mode and viewID of viewchanging
type PbftMode struct {
mode Mode
viewID uint32
mux sync . Mutex
// Mode return the current node mode
func ( pm * PbftMode ) Mode ( ) Mode {
return pm . mode
//String print mode string
func ( mode Mode ) String ( ) string {
if mode == Normal {
return "Normal"
} else if mode == ViewChanging {
return "ViewChanging"
} else if mode == Syncing {
return "Sycning"
return "Unknown"
// String print phase string
func ( phase PbftPhase ) String ( ) string {
if phase == Announce {
return "Announce"
} else if phase == Prepare {
return "Prepare"
} else if phase == Commit {
return "Commit"
return "Unknown"
// SetMode set the node mode as required
func ( pm * PbftMode ) SetMode ( m Mode ) {
pm . mux . Lock ( )
defer pm . mux . Unlock ( )
pm . mode = m
// ViewID return the current viewchanging id
func ( pm * PbftMode ) ViewID ( ) uint32 {
return pm . viewID
// SetViewID sets the viewchanging id accordingly
func ( pm * PbftMode ) SetViewID ( viewID uint32 ) {
pm . mux . Lock ( )
defer pm . mux . Unlock ( )
pm . viewID = viewID
// GetViewID returns the current viewchange viewID
func ( pm * PbftMode ) GetViewID ( ) uint32 {
return pm . viewID
// switchPhase will switch PbftPhase to nextPhase if the desirePhase equals the nextPhase
func ( consensus * Consensus ) switchPhase ( desirePhase PbftPhase , override bool ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "switchPhase: " , "desirePhase" , desirePhase , "myPhase" , consensus . phase , "override" , override )
if override {
consensus . phase = desirePhase
var nextPhase PbftPhase
switch consensus . phase {
case Announce :
nextPhase = Prepare
case Prepare :
nextPhase = Commit
case Commit :
nextPhase = Announce
if nextPhase == desirePhase {
consensus . phase = nextPhase
// GetNextLeaderKey uniquely determine who is the leader for given viewID
func ( consensus * Consensus ) GetNextLeaderKey ( ) * bls . PublicKey {
idx := consensus . getIndexOfPubKey ( consensus . LeaderPubKey )
if idx == - 1 {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "GetNextLeaderKey: currentLeaderKey not found" , "key" , consensus . LeaderPubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) )
idx = ( idx + 1 ) % len ( consensus . PublicKeys )
return consensus . PublicKeys [ idx ]
func ( consensus * Consensus ) getIndexOfPubKey ( pubKey * bls . PublicKey ) int {
for k , v := range consensus . PublicKeys {
if v . IsEqual ( pubKey ) {
return k
return - 1
// ResetViewChangeState reset the state for viewchange
func ( consensus * Consensus ) ResetViewChangeState ( ) {
consensus . mode . SetMode ( Normal )
bhpBitmap , _ := bls_cosi . NewMask ( consensus . PublicKeys , nil )
nilBitmap , _ := bls_cosi . NewMask ( consensus . PublicKeys , nil )
viewIDBitmap , _ := bls_cosi . NewMask ( consensus . PublicKeys , nil )
consensus . bhpBitmap = bhpBitmap
consensus . nilBitmap = nilBitmap
consensus . viewIDBitmap = viewIDBitmap
consensus . m1Payload = [ ] byte { }
consensus . bhpSigs = map [ common . Address ] * bls . Sign { }
consensus . nilSigs = map [ common . Address ] * bls . Sign { }
consensus . viewIDSigs = map [ common . Address ] * bls . Sign { }
func createTimeout ( ) map [ TimeoutType ] * utils . Timeout {
timeouts := make ( map [ TimeoutType ] * utils . Timeout )
timeouts [ timeoutConsensus ] = utils . NewTimeout ( phaseDuration )
timeouts [ timeoutViewChange ] = utils . NewTimeout ( viewChangeDuration )
timeouts [ timeoutBootstrap ] = utils . NewTimeout ( bootstrapDuration )
return timeouts
// startViewChange send a new view change
func ( consensus * Consensus ) startViewChange ( viewID uint32 ) {
if consensus . disableViewChange {
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutConsensus ] . Stop ( )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutBootstrap ] . Stop ( )
consensus . mode . SetMode ( ViewChanging )
consensus . mode . SetViewID ( viewID )
consensus . LeaderPubKey = consensus . GetNextLeaderKey ( )
diff := viewID - consensus . viewID
duration := time . Duration ( int64 ( diff ) * int64 ( viewChangeDuration ) )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "startViewChange" , "viewID" , viewID , "timeoutDuration" , duration , "nextLeader" , consensus . LeaderPubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) [ : 10 ] )
msgToSend := consensus . constructViewChangeMessage ( )
consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutViewChange ] . SetDuration ( duration )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutViewChange ] . Start ( )
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "start view change timeout" , "viewID" , consensus . viewID , "block" , consensus . blockNum , "viewChangingID" , consensus . mode . ViewID ( ) )
// new leader send new view message
func ( consensus * Consensus ) startNewView ( ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "startNewView" , "viewID" , consensus . mode . GetViewID ( ) )
consensus . mode . SetMode ( Normal )
consensus . switchPhase ( Announce , false )
msgToSend := consensus . constructNewViewMessage ( )
consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) )
func ( consensus * Consensus ) onViewChange ( msg * msg_pb . Message ) {
senderKey , validatorAddress , err := consensus . verifyViewChangeSenderKey ( msg )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "onViewChange verifySenderKey failed" , "error" , err )
recvMsg , err := ParseViewChangeMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onViewChange unable to parse viewchange message" )
newLeaderKey := recvMsg . LeaderPubkey
if ! consensus . PubKey . IsEqual ( newLeaderKey ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onViewChange received" , "viewChangeID" , recvMsg . ViewID , "myCurrentID" , consensus . viewID , "ValidatorAddress" , consensus . SelfAddress )
if consensus . blockNum > recvMsg . BlockNum {
if consensus . blockNum < recvMsg . BlockNum {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Warn ( "new leader has lower blocknum" , "have" , consensus . blockNum , "got" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
if consensus . mode . Mode ( ) == ViewChanging && consensus . mode . GetViewID ( ) > recvMsg . ViewID {
if err = verifyMessageSig ( senderKey , msg ) ; err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "onViewChange Failed to verify sender's signature" , "error" , err )
consensus . vcLock . Lock ( )
defer consensus . vcLock . Unlock ( )
// add self m1 or m2 type message signature and bitmap
_ , ok1 := consensus . nilSigs [ consensus . SelfAddress ]
_ , ok2 := consensus . bhpSigs [ consensus . SelfAddress ]
if ! ( ok1 || ok2 ) {
// add own signature for newview message
preparedMsgs := consensus . pbftLog . GetMessagesByTypeSeq ( msg_pb . MessageType_PREPARED , recvMsg . BlockNum )
preparedMsg := consensus . pbftLog . FindMessageByMaxViewID ( preparedMsgs )
if preparedMsg == nil {
sign := consensus . priKey . SignHash ( NIL )
consensus . nilSigs [ consensus . SelfAddress ] = sign
consensus . nilBitmap . SetKey ( consensus . PubKey , true )
} else {
msgToSign := append ( preparedMsg . BlockHash [ : ] , preparedMsg . Payload ... )
consensus . bhpSigs [ consensus . SelfAddress ] = consensus . priKey . SignHash ( msgToSign )
consensus . bhpBitmap . SetKey ( consensus . PubKey , true )
// add self m3 type message signature and bitmap
_ , ok3 := consensus . viewIDSigs [ consensus . SelfAddress ]
if ! ok3 {
viewIDHash := make ( [ ] byte , 4 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint32 ( viewIDHash , recvMsg . ViewID )
sign := consensus . priKey . SignHash ( viewIDHash )
consensus . viewIDSigs [ consensus . SelfAddress ] = sign
consensus . viewIDBitmap . SetKey ( consensus . PubKey , true )
if len ( consensus . viewIDSigs ) >= consensus . Quorum ( ) {
// m2 type message
if len ( recvMsg . Payload ) == 0 {
_ , ok := consensus . nilSigs [ validatorAddress ]
if ok {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "onViewChange already received m2 message from the validator" , "validatorAddress" , validatorAddress )
if ! recvMsg . ViewchangeSig . VerifyHash ( senderKey , NIL ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onViewChange failed to verify signature for m2 type viewchange message" )
consensus . nilSigs [ validatorAddress ] = recvMsg . ViewchangeSig
consensus . nilBitmap . SetKey ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey , true ) // Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
} else { // m1 type message
_ , ok := consensus . bhpSigs [ validatorAddress ]
if ok {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "onViewChange already received m1 message from the validator" , "validatorAddress" , validatorAddress )
if ! recvMsg . ViewchangeSig . VerifyHash ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey , recvMsg . Payload ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onViewChange failed to verify signature for m1 type viewchange message" )
// first time receive m1 type message, need verify validity of prepared message
if len ( consensus . m1Payload ) == 0 || ! bytes . Equal ( consensus . m1Payload , recvMsg . Payload ) {
if len ( recvMsg . Payload ) <= 32 {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "m1 recvMsg payload not enough length" , "len" , len ( recvMsg . Payload ) )
blockHash := recvMsg . Payload [ : 32 ]
aggSig , mask , err := consensus . readSignatureBitmapPayload ( recvMsg . Payload , 32 )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Error ( "m1 recvMsg payload read error" , "error" , err )
// check has 2f+1 signature in m1 type message
if count := utils . CountOneBits ( mask . Bitmap ) ; count < consensus . Quorum ( ) {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "not have enough signature" , "need" , consensus . Quorum ( ) , "have" , count )
// Verify the multi-sig for prepare phase
if ! aggSig . VerifyHash ( mask . AggregatePublic , blockHash [ : ] ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onViewChange failed to verify multi signature for m1 prepared payload" , "blockHash" , blockHash )
if len ( consensus . m1Payload ) == 0 {
consensus . m1Payload = append ( recvMsg . Payload [ : 0 : 0 ] , recvMsg . Payload ... )
consensus . bhpSigs [ validatorAddress ] = recvMsg . ViewchangeSig
consensus . bhpBitmap . SetKey ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey , true ) // Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
// check and add viewID (m3 type) message signature
_ , ok := consensus . viewIDSigs [ validatorAddress ]
if ok {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "onViewChange already received m3 viewID message from the validator" , "validatorAddress" , validatorAddress )
viewIDHash := make ( [ ] byte , 4 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint32 ( viewIDHash , recvMsg . ViewID )
if ! recvMsg . ViewidSig . VerifyHash ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey , viewIDHash ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onViewChange failed to verify viewID signature" , "viewID" , recvMsg . ViewID )
consensus . viewIDSigs [ validatorAddress ] = recvMsg . ViewidSig
consensus . viewIDBitmap . SetKey ( recvMsg . SenderPubkey , true ) // Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
if len ( consensus . viewIDSigs ) >= consensus . Quorum ( ) {
consensus . mode . SetMode ( Normal )
consensus . LeaderPubKey = consensus . PubKey
consensus . ResetState ( )
if len ( consensus . m1Payload ) == 0 {
go func ( ) {
consensus . ReadySignal <- struct { } { }
} ( )
} else {
consensus . switchPhase ( Commit , true )
copy ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] , consensus . m1Payload [ : 32 ] )
aggSig , mask , err := consensus . readSignatureBitmapPayload ( recvMsg . Payload , 32 )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Error ( "readSignatureBitmapPayload fail" , "error" , err )
consensus . aggregatedPrepareSig = aggSig
consensus . prepareBitmap = mask
// Leader sign commit message
blockNumHash := make ( [ ] byte , 8 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint64 ( blockNumHash , consensus . blockNum )
commitPayload := append ( blockNumHash , consensus . blockHash [ : ] ... )
consensus . commitSigs [ consensus . SelfAddress ] = consensus . priKey . SignHash ( commitPayload )
consensus . mode . SetViewID ( recvMsg . ViewID )
msgToSend := consensus . constructNewViewMessage ( )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onViewChange" , "sent newview message" , len ( msgToSend ) )
consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) )
consensus . viewID = recvMsg . ViewID
consensus . ResetViewChangeState ( )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutViewChange ] . Stop ( )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutConsensus ] . Start ( )
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "new leader start consensus timeout and stop view change timeout" , "viewID" , consensus . viewID , "block" , consensus . blockNum , "viewChangingID" , consensus . mode . ViewID ( ) )
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "I am the new leader" , "myKey" , consensus . PubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) [ : 20 ] , "viewID" , consensus . viewID , "block" , consensus . blockNum )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "onViewChange" , "numSigs" , len ( consensus . viewIDSigs ) , "needed" , consensus . Quorum ( ) )
// TODO: move to consensus_leader.go later
func ( consensus * Consensus ) onNewView ( msg * msg_pb . Message ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "onNewView received new view message" )
senderKey , _ , err := consensus . verifyViewChangeSenderKey ( msg )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onNewView verifySenderKey failed" , "error" , err )
recvMsg , err := consensus . ParseNewViewMessage ( msg )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onViewChange unable to parse viewchange message" )
if err = verifyMessageSig ( senderKey , msg ) ; err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "onNewView failed to verify new leader's signature" , "error" , err )
consensus . vcLock . Lock ( )
defer consensus . vcLock . Unlock ( )
if recvMsg . M3AggSig == nil || recvMsg . M3Bitmap == nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "onNewView M3AggSig or M3Bitmap is nil" )
m3Sig := recvMsg . M3AggSig
m3Mask := recvMsg . M3Bitmap
viewIDHash := make ( [ ] byte , 4 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint32 ( viewIDHash , recvMsg . ViewID )
// check total number of sigs >= 2f+1
if count := utils . CountOneBits ( m3Mask . Bitmap ) ; count < consensus . Quorum ( ) {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "not have enough signature" , "need" , consensus . Quorum ( ) , "have" , count )
if ! m3Sig . VerifyHash ( m3Mask . AggregatePublic , viewIDHash ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onNewView unable to verify aggregated signature of m3 payload" , "m3Sig" , m3Sig . SerializeToHexStr ( ) [ : 10 ] , "m3Mask" , m3Mask . Bitmap , "viewID" , recvMsg . ViewID )
m2Mask := recvMsg . M2Bitmap
if recvMsg . M2AggSig != nil {
m2Sig := recvMsg . M2AggSig
if ! m2Sig . VerifyHash ( m2Mask . AggregatePublic , NIL ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onNewView unable to verify aggregated signature of m2 payload" )
if m3Mask == nil || m2Mask == nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "onNewView m3Mask or m2Mask is nil" )
// check when M3 sigs > M2 sigs, then M1 (recvMsg.Payload) should not be empty
if utils . CountOneBits ( m3Mask . Bitmap ) > utils . CountOneBits ( m2Mask . Bitmap ) {
if len ( recvMsg . Payload ) <= 32 {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "we should have m1 message payload non-empty and valid" )
// check validity of m1 type payload
if len ( recvMsg . Payload ) > 32 {
blockHash := recvMsg . Payload [ : 32 ]
aggSig , mask , err := consensus . readSignatureBitmapPayload ( recvMsg . Payload , 32 )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Error ( "unable to read signature/bitmap" , "error" , err )
if ! aggSig . VerifyHash ( mask . AggregatePublic , blockHash ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "onNewView failed to verify signature for prepared message" )
copy ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] , blockHash )
consensus . aggregatedPrepareSig = aggSig
consensus . prepareBitmap = mask
// create prepared message from newview
preparedMsg := PbftMessage { MessageType : msg_pb . MessageType_PREPARED , ViewID : recvMsg . ViewID , BlockNum : recvMsg . BlockNum }
preparedMsg . BlockHash = common . Hash { }
copy ( preparedMsg . BlockHash [ : ] , blockHash [ : ] )
preparedMsg . Payload = make ( [ ] byte , len ( recvMsg . Payload ) - 32 )
copy ( preparedMsg . Payload [ : ] , recvMsg . Payload [ 32 : ] )
preparedMsg . SenderPubkey = senderKey
consensus . pbftLog . AddMessage ( & preparedMsg )
// newView message verified success, override my state
consensus . viewID = recvMsg . ViewID
consensus . mode . SetViewID ( recvMsg . ViewID )
consensus . LeaderPubKey = senderKey
consensus . ResetViewChangeState ( )
// change view and leaderKey to keep in sync with network
if consensus . blockNum != recvMsg . BlockNum {
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "new leader changed" , "newLeaderKey" , consensus . LeaderPubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) [ : 20 ] , "viewID" , consensus . viewID , "myBlock" , consensus . blockNum , "newViewBlockNum" , recvMsg . BlockNum )
if len ( recvMsg . Payload ) > 32 {
// Construct and send the commit message
blockNumHash := make ( [ ] byte , 8 )
binary . LittleEndian . PutUint64 ( blockNumHash , consensus . blockNum )
commitPayload := append ( blockNumHash , consensus . blockHash [ : ] ... )
msgToSend := consensus . constructCommitMessage ( commitPayload )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "onNewView === commit" , "sent commit message" , len ( msgToSend ) , "viewID" , consensus . viewID )
consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . NewGroupIDByShardID ( p2p . ShardID ( consensus . ShardID ) ) } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) )
consensus . switchPhase ( Commit , true )
} else {
consensus . ResetState ( )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "onNewView === announce" )
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "new leader changed" , "newLeaderKey" , consensus . LeaderPubKey . SerializeToHexStr ( ) [ : 20 ] , "viewID" , consensus . viewID , "block" , consensus . blockNum )
utils . GetLogger ( ) . Debug ( "validator start consensus timeout and stop view change timeout" , "viewID" , consensus . viewID , "block" , consensus . blockNum )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutConsensus ] . Start ( )
consensus . consensusTimeout [ timeoutViewChange ] . Stop ( )