package consensus
import (
bls_core "github.com/harmony-one/bls/ffi/go/bls"
msg_pb "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/api/proto/message"
bls_cosi "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/crypto/bls"
nodeconfig "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/internal/configs/node"
// MaxViewIDDiff limits the received view ID to only 100 further from the current view ID
const MaxViewIDDiff = 100
// State contains current mode and current viewID
type State struct {
mode Mode
viewID uint64
mux sync.Mutex
// Mode return the current node mode
func (pm *State) Mode() Mode {
return pm.mode
// SetMode set the node mode as required
func (pm *State) SetMode(s Mode) {
defer pm.mux.Unlock()
pm.mode = s
// ViewID return the current viewchanging id
func (pm *State) ViewID() uint64 {
return pm.viewID
// SetViewID sets the viewchanging id accordingly
func (pm *State) SetViewID(viewID uint64) {
defer pm.mux.Unlock()
pm.viewID = viewID
// GetViewID returns the current viewchange viewID
func (pm *State) GetViewID() uint64 {
return pm.viewID
// switchPhase will switch FBFTPhase to nextPhase if the desirePhase equals the nextPhase
func (consensus *Consensus) switchPhase(desired FBFTPhase, override bool) {
if override {
consensus.phase = desired
var nextPhase FBFTPhase
switch consensus.phase {
case FBFTAnnounce:
nextPhase = FBFTPrepare
case FBFTPrepare:
nextPhase = FBFTCommit
case FBFTCommit:
nextPhase = FBFTAnnounce
if nextPhase == desired {
consensus.phase = nextPhase
// GetNextLeaderKey uniquely determine who is the leader for given viewID
func (consensus *Consensus) GetNextLeaderKey() *bls.PublicKeyWrapper {
wasFound, next := consensus.Decider.NextAfter(consensus.LeaderPubKey)
if !wasFound {
Str("key", consensus.LeaderPubKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Msg("GetNextLeaderKey: currentLeaderKey not found")
return next
// ResetViewChangeState reset the state for viewchange
func (consensus *Consensus) ResetViewChangeState() {
Str("Phase", consensus.phase.String()).
Msg("[ResetViewChangeState] Resetting view change state")
consensus.m1Payload = []byte{}
consensus.bhpSigs = map[uint64]map[string]*bls_core.Sign{}
consensus.nilSigs = map[uint64]map[string]*bls_core.Sign{}
consensus.viewIDSigs = map[uint64]map[string]*bls_core.Sign{}
consensus.bhpBitmap = map[uint64]*bls_cosi.Mask{}
consensus.nilBitmap = map[uint64]*bls_cosi.Mask{}
consensus.viewIDBitmap = map[uint64]*bls_cosi.Mask{}
func createTimeout() map[TimeoutType]*utils.Timeout {
timeouts := make(map[TimeoutType]*utils.Timeout)
timeouts[timeoutConsensus] = utils.NewTimeout(phaseDuration)
timeouts[timeoutViewChange] = utils.NewTimeout(viewChangeDuration)
timeouts[timeoutBootstrap] = utils.NewTimeout(bootstrapDuration)
return timeouts
// startViewChange send a new view change
func (consensus *Consensus) startViewChange(viewID uint64) {
if consensus.disableViewChange {
consensus.LeaderPubKey = consensus.GetNextLeaderKey()
diff := int64(viewID - consensus.viewID)
duration := time.Duration(diff * diff * int64(viewChangeDuration))
Uint64("ViewChangingID", viewID).
Dur("timeoutDuration", duration).
Str("NextLeader", consensus.LeaderPubKey.Bytes.Hex()).
for _, key := range consensus.priKey {
if !consensus.IsValidatorInCommittee(key.Pub.Bytes) {
msgToSend := consensus.constructViewChangeMessage(&key)
Uint64("ViewChangingID", consensus.current.ViewID()).
Msg("[startViewChange] start view change timer")
func (consensus *Consensus) onViewChange(msg *msg_pb.Message) {
recvMsg, err := ParseViewChangeMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Warn().Msg("[onViewChange] Unable To Parse Viewchange Message")
// if not leader, noop
newLeaderKey := recvMsg.LeaderPubkey
newLeaderPriKey, err := consensus.GetLeaderPrivateKey(newLeaderKey.Object)
if err != nil {
if consensus.Decider.IsQuorumAchieved(quorum.ViewChange) {
Int64("have", consensus.Decider.SignersCount(quorum.ViewChange)).
Int64("need", consensus.Decider.TwoThirdsSignersCount()).
Str("validatorPubKey", recvMsg.SenderPubkey.Bytes.Hex()).
Msg("[onViewChange] Received Enough View Change Messages")
if !consensus.onViewChangeSanityCheck(recvMsg) {
senderKey := recvMsg.SenderPubkey
defer consensus.vcLock.Unlock()
// update the dictionary key if the viewID is first time received
// TODO: remove NIL type message
// add self m1 or m2 type message signature and bitmap
_, ok1 := consensus.nilSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][newLeaderKey.Bytes.Hex()]
_, ok2 := consensus.bhpSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][newLeaderKey.Bytes.Hex()]
if !(ok1 || ok2) {
// add own signature for newview message
preparedMsgs := consensus.FBFTLog.GetMessagesByTypeSeq(
msg_pb.MessageType_PREPARED, recvMsg.BlockNum,
preparedMsg := consensus.FBFTLog.FindMessageByMaxViewID(preparedMsgs)
hasBlock := false
if preparedMsg != nil {
if preparedBlock := consensus.FBFTLog.GetBlockByHash(
); preparedBlock != nil {
if consensus.BlockVerifier(preparedBlock); err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Error().Err(err).Msg("[onViewChange] My own prepared block verification failed")
} else {
hasBlock = true
if hasBlock {
consensus.getLogger().Debug().Msg("[onViewChange] add my M1 type messaage")
msgToSign := append(preparedMsg.BlockHash[:], preparedMsg.Payload...)
for i, key := range consensus.priKey {
if err := consensus.bhpBitmap[recvMsg.ViewID].SetKey(key.Pub.Bytes, true); err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Warn().Msgf("[onViewChange] bhpBitmap setkey failed for key at index %d", i)
consensus.bhpSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][key.Pub.Bytes.Hex()] = key.Pri.SignHash(msgToSign)
// if m1Payload is empty, we just add one
if len(consensus.m1Payload) == 0 {
consensus.m1Payload = append(preparedMsg.BlockHash[:], preparedMsg.Payload...)
} else {
consensus.getLogger().Debug().Msg("[onViewChange] add my M2(NIL) type messaage")
for i, key := range consensus.priKey {
if err := consensus.nilBitmap[recvMsg.ViewID].SetKey(key.Pub.Bytes, true); err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Warn().Msgf("[onViewChange] nilBitmap setkey failed for key at index %d", i)
consensus.nilSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][key.Pub.Bytes.Hex()] = key.Pri.SignHash(NIL)
// add self m3 type message signature and bitmap
_, ok3 := consensus.viewIDSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][newLeaderKey.Bytes.Hex()]
if !ok3 {
viewIDBytes := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(viewIDBytes, recvMsg.ViewID)
for i, key := range consensus.priKey {
if err := consensus.viewIDBitmap[recvMsg.ViewID].SetKey(key.Pub.Bytes, true); err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Warn().Msgf("[onViewChange] viewIDBitmap setkey failed for key at index %d", i)
consensus.viewIDSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][key.Pub.Bytes.Hex()] = key.Pri.SignHash(viewIDBytes)
preparedBlock := &types.Block{}
hasBlock := false
if len(recvMsg.Payload) != 0 && len(recvMsg.Block) != 0 {
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(recvMsg.Block, preparedBlock); err != nil {
Uint64("MsgBlockNum", recvMsg.BlockNum).
Msg("[onViewChange] Unparseable prepared block data")
hasBlock = true
// m2 type message
if !hasBlock {
_, ok := consensus.nilSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][senderKey.Bytes.Hex()]
if ok {
Str("validatorPubKey", senderKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Msg("[onViewChange] Already Received M2 message from validator")
if !recvMsg.ViewchangeSig.VerifyHash(senderKey.Object, NIL) {
consensus.getLogger().Warn().Msg("[onViewChange] Failed To Verify Signature For M2 Type Viewchange Message")
Str("validatorPubKey", senderKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Msg("[onViewChange] Add M2 (NIL) type message")
consensus.nilSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][senderKey.Bytes.Hex()] = recvMsg.ViewchangeSig
consensus.nilBitmap[recvMsg.ViewID].SetKey(recvMsg.SenderPubkey.Bytes, true) // Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
} else { // m1 type message
if consensus.BlockVerifier(preparedBlock); err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Error().Err(err).Msg("[onViewChange] Prepared block verification failed")
_, ok := consensus.bhpSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][senderKey.Bytes.Hex()]
if ok {
Str("validatorPubKey", senderKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Msg("[onViewChange] Already Received M1 Message From the Validator")
if !recvMsg.ViewchangeSig.VerifyHash(recvMsg.SenderPubkey.Object, recvMsg.Payload) {
consensus.getLogger().Warn().Msg("[onViewChange] Failed to Verify Signature for M1 Type Viewchange Message")
// first time receive m1 type message, need verify validity of prepared message
if len(consensus.m1Payload) == 0 || !bytes.Equal(consensus.m1Payload, recvMsg.Payload) {
if len(recvMsg.Payload) <= 32 {
Int("len", len(recvMsg.Payload)).
Msg("[onViewChange] M1 RecvMsg Payload Not Enough Length")
blockHash := recvMsg.Payload[:32]
aggSig, mask, err := consensus.ReadSignatureBitmapPayload(recvMsg.Payload, 32)
if err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Error().Err(err).Msg("[onViewChange] M1 RecvMsg Payload Read Error")
if !consensus.Decider.IsQuorumAchievedByMask(mask) {
Msgf("[onViewChange] Quorum Not achieved")
// Verify the multi-sig for prepare phase
if !aggSig.VerifyHash(mask.AggregatePublic, blockHash[:]) {
Hex("blockHash", blockHash).
Msg("[onViewChange] failed to verify multi signature for m1 prepared payload")
// if m1Payload is empty, we just add one
if len(consensus.m1Payload) == 0 {
consensus.m1Payload = append(recvMsg.Payload[:0:0], recvMsg.Payload...)
// create prepared message for new leader
preparedMsg := FBFTMessage{
MessageType: msg_pb.MessageType_PREPARED,
ViewID: recvMsg.ViewID,
BlockNum: recvMsg.BlockNum,
preparedMsg.BlockHash = common.Hash{}
copy(preparedMsg.BlockHash[:], recvMsg.Payload[:32])
preparedMsg.Payload = make([]byte, len(recvMsg.Payload)-32)
copy(preparedMsg.Payload[:], recvMsg.Payload[32:])
preparedMsg.SenderPubkey = newLeaderKey
consensus.getLogger().Info().Msg("[onViewChange] New Leader Prepared Message Added")
Str("validatorPubKey", senderKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Msg("[onViewChange] Add M1 (prepared) type message")
consensus.bhpSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][senderKey.Bytes.Hex()] = recvMsg.ViewchangeSig
consensus.bhpBitmap[recvMsg.ViewID].SetKey(recvMsg.SenderPubkey.Bytes, true) // Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
// check and add viewID (m3 type) message signature
if _, ok := consensus.viewIDSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][senderKey.Bytes.Hex()]; ok {
Str("validatorPubKey", senderKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Msg("[onViewChange] Already Received M3(ViewID) message from the validator")
viewIDHash := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(viewIDHash, recvMsg.ViewID)
if !recvMsg.ViewidSig.VerifyHash(recvMsg.SenderPubkey.Object, viewIDHash) {
Uint64("MsgViewID", recvMsg.ViewID).
Msg("[onViewChange] Failed to Verify M3 Message Signature")
Str("validatorPubKey", senderKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Msg("[onViewChange] Add M3 (ViewID) type message")
consensus.viewIDSigs[recvMsg.ViewID][senderKey.Bytes.Hex()] = recvMsg.ViewidSig
// Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
consensus.viewIDBitmap[recvMsg.ViewID].SetKey(recvMsg.SenderPubkey.Bytes, true)
Int("have", len(consensus.viewIDSigs[recvMsg.ViewID])).
Int64("total", consensus.Decider.ParticipantsCount()).
// received enough view change messages, change state to normal consensus
if consensus.Decider.IsQuorumAchievedByMask(consensus.viewIDBitmap[recvMsg.ViewID]) {
consensus.LeaderPubKey = newLeaderKey
if len(consensus.m1Payload) == 0 {
// TODO(Chao): explain why ReadySignal is sent only in this case but not the other case.
// Make sure the newly proposed block have the correct view ID
consensus.viewID = recvMsg.ViewID
go func() {
consensus.ReadySignal <- struct{}{}
} else {
Str("From", consensus.phase.String()).
Str("To", FBFTCommit.String()).
Msg("[OnViewChange] Switching phase")
consensus.switchPhase(FBFTCommit, true)
copy(consensus.blockHash[:], consensus.m1Payload[:32])
aggSig, mask, err := consensus.ReadSignatureBitmapPayload(consensus.m1Payload, 32)
if err != nil {
Msg("[onViewChange] ReadSignatureBitmapPayload Fail")
consensus.aggregatedPrepareSig = aggSig
consensus.prepareBitmap = mask
// Leader sign and add commit message
block := consensus.FBFTLog.GetBlockByHash(consensus.blockHash)
if block == nil {
consensus.getLogger().Debug().Msg("[onViewChange] failed to get prepared block for self commit")
commitPayload := signature.ConstructCommitPayload(consensus.ChainReader,
block.Epoch(), block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), block.Header().ViewID().Uint64())
for i, key := range consensus.priKey {
if err := consensus.commitBitmap.SetKey(key.Pub.Bytes, true); err != nil {
Msgf("[OnViewChange] New Leader commit bitmap set failed for key at index %d", i)
if _, err := consensus.Decider.SubmitVote(
); err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Debug().Msg("submit vote on viewchange commit failed")
msgToSend := consensus.constructNewViewMessage(
recvMsg.ViewID, newLeaderPriKey,
Int("payloadSize", len(consensus.m1Payload)).
Hex("M1Payload", consensus.m1Payload).
Msg("[onViewChange] Sent NewView Message")
[double-sign] Provide proof of double sign in slash record sent to beaconchain (#2253)
* [double-sign] Commit changes in consensus needed for double-sign
* [double-sign] Leader captures when valdator double signs, broadcasts to beaconchain
* [slash] Add quick iteration tool for testing double-signing
* [slash] Add webhook example
* [slash] Add http server for hook to trigger double sign behavior
* [double-sign] Use bin/trigger-double-sign to cause a double-sign
* [double-sign] Full feedback loop working
* [slash] Thread through the slash records in the block proposal step
* [slash] Compute the slashing rate
* [double-sign] Generalize yaml malicious for many keys
* [double-sign][slash] Modify data structures, verify via webhook handler
* [slash][double-sign] Find one address of bls public key signer, seemingly settle on data structures
* [slash] Apply to state slashing for double signing
* [slash][double-sign] Checkpoint for working code that slashes on beaconchain
* [slash] Keep track of the total slash and total reporters reward
* [slash] Dump account state before and after the slash
* [slash] Satisfy Travis
* [slash][state] Apply slash to the snapshot at beginning of epoch, now need to capture also the new delegates
* [slash] Capture the unique new delegations since snapshot as well
* [slash] Filter undelegation by epoch of double sign
* [slash] Add TODO of correctness needed in slash needs on off-chain data
* [rpc] Fix closure issue on shardID
* [slash] Add delegator to double-sign testing script
* [slash] Expand crt-validator.sh with commenting printfs and make delegation
* [slash] Finish track payment of leftover slash debt after undelegation runs out
* [slash] Now be explicit about error wrt delegatorSlashApply
* [slash] Capture specific sanity check on slash paidoff
* [slash] Track slash from undelegation piecemeal
* [slash][delegation] Named slice types, .String()
* [slash] Do no RLP encode twice, once is enough
* [slash] Remove special case of validators own delegation
* [slash] Refactor approach to slash state application
* [slash] Begin expanding out Verify
* [slash] Slash on snapshot delegations, not current
* [slash] Fix Epoch Cmp
* [slash] Third iteration on slash logic
* [slash] Use full slash amount
* [slash] More log, whitespace
* [slash] Remove Println, add log
* [slash] Remove debug Println
* [slash] Add record in unit test
* [slash] Build Validator snapshot, current. Fill out slash record
* [slash] Need to get RLP dump of a header to use in test
* [slash] Factor out double sign test constants
* [slash] Factor out common for validator, stub out slash application, finish out deserialization setup
* [slash] Factor out data structure creation because of var lexical scoping
* [slash] Seem to have pipeline of unit test e2e executing
* [slash] Add expected snitch, slash amounts
* [slash] Checkpoint
* [slash] Unit test correctly checks case of validator own stake which could drop below 1 ONE in slashing
* [config] add double-sign testnet config (#1)
Signed-off-by: Leo Chen <leo@harmony.one>
* [slash] Commit for as is code & data of current dump.json
* [slash] Order of state operation not correct in test, hence bad results, thank you dlv
* [slash] Add snapshot state dump
* [slash] Pay off slash of validator own delegation correctly
* [slash] Pay off slash debt with special case for min-self
* [slash] Pass first scenario conclusively
* [slash] 2% slash passes unit test for own delegation and external
* [slash] Parameterize unit test to easily test .02 vs .80 slash
* [slash] Handle own delegation correctly at 80% slash
* [slash] Have 80% slash working with external delegator
* [slash] Remove debug code from slash
* [slash] Adjust Apply signature, test again for 2% slash
* [slash] Factor out scenario in testing so can test 2% and 80% at same time
* [slash] Correct balance deduction on plan delegation
* [slash] Mock out ChainReader for TestVerify
* [slash] Small surface area interface, now feedback loop for verify
* [slash] Remove development json
* [slash] trigger-double-sign consumes yaml
* [slash] Remove dead code
* [slash][test] Factor ValidatorWrapper into scenario
* [slash][test] Add example from local-testing dump - caution might be off
* [slash] Factor out mutation of slashDebt
* [slash][test] Factor out tests so can easily load test-case from bytes
* [slash] Fix payment mistake in validator own delegation wrt min-self-delgation respected
* [slash] Satisfy Travis
* [slash] Begin cleanup of PR
* [slash] Apply slash from header to Finalize via state processor
* [slash] Productionize code, Println => logs; adjust slash picked in newblock
* [slash] Need pointer for rlp.Decode
* [slash] ValidatorInformation use full wrapper
* Fix median stake
* [staking] Adjust MarshalJSON for Validator, Wrapper
* Refactor offchain data commit; Make block onchain/offchain commit atomic (#2279)
* Refactor offchain data; Add epoch to ValidatorSnapshot
* Make block onchain/offchain data commit atomically
* [slash][committee] Set .Active to false on double sign, do not consider banned or inactive for committee assignment
* [effective] VC eligible.go
* [consensus] Redundant field in printf
* [docker] import-ks for a dev account
* [slash] Create BLS key for dockerfile and crt-validator.sh
* [slash][docker] Easy deployment of double-sign testing
* [docker] Have slash work as single docker command
* [rpc] Fix median-stake RPC
* [slash] Update webhook with default docker BLS key
* [docker][slash] Fresh yaml copy for docker build, remove dev code in main.go
* [slash] Remove helper binary, commented out code, change to local config
* [params] Factor out test genesis value
* Add shard checking to Tx-Pool & correct blacklist (#2301)
* [core] Fix blacklist & add shardID check
* [staking + node + cmd] Fix blacklist & add shardID check
* [slash] Adjust to PR comments part 1
* [docker] Use different throw away funded account
* [docker] Create easier testing for delegation with private keys
* [docker] Update yaml
* [slash] Remove special case for slashing validator own delegation wrt min-self-delegate
* [docker] Install nano as well
* [slash] Early error if banned
* [quorum] Expose earning account in decider marshal json
* Revert "Refactor offchain data commit; Make block onchain/offchain commit atomic (#2279)"
This reverts commit 9ffbf682c075b49188923c65a0bbf39ac188be00.
* [slash] Add non-sanity check way to update validator
* [reward] Increase percision on percentage in schedule
* [slash] Adjust logs
* [committee] Check eligibility of validator before doing sanity check
* [slash] Update docker
* [slash] Move create validator script to test
* [slash] More log
* [param] Make things faster
* [slash][off-chain] Clear out slashes from pending in writeblockwithstate
* [cross-link] Log is not error, just info
* [blockchain] Not necessary to guard DeletePendingSlashingCandidates
* [slash][consensus] Use plain []byte for signature b/c bls.Sign has private impl fields, rlp does not encode that
* [slash][test] Use faucet as sender, assume user imported
* [slash] Test setup
* [slash] reserve error for real error in logs
* [slash][availability] Apply availability correct, bump signing count each block
* [slash][staking] Consider banned field in sanity check, pay snitch only half of what was actually slashed
* [slash] Pay as much as can
* [slash] use right nowAmt
* [slash] Take away from rewards as well
* [slash] iterate faster
* [slash] Remove dev based timing
* [slash] Add more log, sanity check incoming slash records, only count external for slash rate
* [availability][state] Adjust signature of ValidatorWrapper wrt state, filter out for staked validators, correct availaibility measure on running counters
* [availability] More log
* [slash] Simply pre slash erra slashing
* [slash] Remove development code
* [slash] Use height from recvMsg, todo on epoch
* [staking] Not necessary to touch LastEpochInCommittee in staking_verifier
* [slash] Undo ds in endpoint pattern config
* [slash] Add TODO and log when delegation becomes 0 b/c slash debt payment
* [slash] Abstract staked validators from shard.State into type, set slash rate based BLSKey count
Co-authored-by: Leo Chen <leo@harmony.one>
Co-authored-by: flicker-harmony <52401354+flicker-harmony@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Rongjian Lan <rongjian@harmony.one>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Van Der Maden <daniel@harmony.one>
5 years ago
if err := consensus.msgSender.SendWithRetry(
[double-sign] Provide proof of double sign in slash record sent to beaconchain (#2253)
* [double-sign] Commit changes in consensus needed for double-sign
* [double-sign] Leader captures when valdator double signs, broadcasts to beaconchain
* [slash] Add quick iteration tool for testing double-signing
* [slash] Add webhook example
* [slash] Add http server for hook to trigger double sign behavior
* [double-sign] Use bin/trigger-double-sign to cause a double-sign
* [double-sign] Full feedback loop working
* [slash] Thread through the slash records in the block proposal step
* [slash] Compute the slashing rate
* [double-sign] Generalize yaml malicious for many keys
* [double-sign][slash] Modify data structures, verify via webhook handler
* [slash][double-sign] Find one address of bls public key signer, seemingly settle on data structures
* [slash] Apply to state slashing for double signing
* [slash][double-sign] Checkpoint for working code that slashes on beaconchain
* [slash] Keep track of the total slash and total reporters reward
* [slash] Dump account state before and after the slash
* [slash] Satisfy Travis
* [slash][state] Apply slash to the snapshot at beginning of epoch, now need to capture also the new delegates
* [slash] Capture the unique new delegations since snapshot as well
* [slash] Filter undelegation by epoch of double sign
* [slash] Add TODO of correctness needed in slash needs on off-chain data
* [rpc] Fix closure issue on shardID
* [slash] Add delegator to double-sign testing script
* [slash] Expand crt-validator.sh with commenting printfs and make delegation
* [slash] Finish track payment of leftover slash debt after undelegation runs out
* [slash] Now be explicit about error wrt delegatorSlashApply
* [slash] Capture specific sanity check on slash paidoff
* [slash] Track slash from undelegation piecemeal
* [slash][delegation] Named slice types, .String()
* [slash] Do no RLP encode twice, once is enough
* [slash] Remove special case of validators own delegation
* [slash] Refactor approach to slash state application
* [slash] Begin expanding out Verify
* [slash] Slash on snapshot delegations, not current
* [slash] Fix Epoch Cmp
* [slash] Third iteration on slash logic
* [slash] Use full slash amount
* [slash] More log, whitespace
* [slash] Remove Println, add log
* [slash] Remove debug Println
* [slash] Add record in unit test
* [slash] Build Validator snapshot, current. Fill out slash record
* [slash] Need to get RLP dump of a header to use in test
* [slash] Factor out double sign test constants
* [slash] Factor out common for validator, stub out slash application, finish out deserialization setup
* [slash] Factor out data structure creation because of var lexical scoping
* [slash] Seem to have pipeline of unit test e2e executing
* [slash] Add expected snitch, slash amounts
* [slash] Checkpoint
* [slash] Unit test correctly checks case of validator own stake which could drop below 1 ONE in slashing
* [config] add double-sign testnet config (#1)
Signed-off-by: Leo Chen <leo@harmony.one>
* [slash] Commit for as is code & data of current dump.json
* [slash] Order of state operation not correct in test, hence bad results, thank you dlv
* [slash] Add snapshot state dump
* [slash] Pay off slash of validator own delegation correctly
* [slash] Pay off slash debt with special case for min-self
* [slash] Pass first scenario conclusively
* [slash] 2% slash passes unit test for own delegation and external
* [slash] Parameterize unit test to easily test .02 vs .80 slash
* [slash] Handle own delegation correctly at 80% slash
* [slash] Have 80% slash working with external delegator
* [slash] Remove debug code from slash
* [slash] Adjust Apply signature, test again for 2% slash
* [slash] Factor out scenario in testing so can test 2% and 80% at same time
* [slash] Correct balance deduction on plan delegation
* [slash] Mock out ChainReader for TestVerify
* [slash] Small surface area interface, now feedback loop for verify
* [slash] Remove development json
* [slash] trigger-double-sign consumes yaml
* [slash] Remove dead code
* [slash][test] Factor ValidatorWrapper into scenario
* [slash][test] Add example from local-testing dump - caution might be off
* [slash] Factor out mutation of slashDebt
* [slash][test] Factor out tests so can easily load test-case from bytes
* [slash] Fix payment mistake in validator own delegation wrt min-self-delgation respected
* [slash] Satisfy Travis
* [slash] Begin cleanup of PR
* [slash] Apply slash from header to Finalize via state processor
* [slash] Productionize code, Println => logs; adjust slash picked in newblock
* [slash] Need pointer for rlp.Decode
* [slash] ValidatorInformation use full wrapper
* Fix median stake
* [staking] Adjust MarshalJSON for Validator, Wrapper
* Refactor offchain data commit; Make block onchain/offchain commit atomic (#2279)
* Refactor offchain data; Add epoch to ValidatorSnapshot
* Make block onchain/offchain data commit atomically
* [slash][committee] Set .Active to false on double sign, do not consider banned or inactive for committee assignment
* [effective] VC eligible.go
* [consensus] Redundant field in printf
* [docker] import-ks for a dev account
* [slash] Create BLS key for dockerfile and crt-validator.sh
* [slash][docker] Easy deployment of double-sign testing
* [docker] Have slash work as single docker command
* [rpc] Fix median-stake RPC
* [slash] Update webhook with default docker BLS key
* [docker][slash] Fresh yaml copy for docker build, remove dev code in main.go
* [slash] Remove helper binary, commented out code, change to local config
* [params] Factor out test genesis value
* Add shard checking to Tx-Pool & correct blacklist (#2301)
* [core] Fix blacklist & add shardID check
* [staking + node + cmd] Fix blacklist & add shardID check
* [slash] Adjust to PR comments part 1
* [docker] Use different throw away funded account
* [docker] Create easier testing for delegation with private keys
* [docker] Update yaml
* [slash] Remove special case for slashing validator own delegation wrt min-self-delegate
* [docker] Install nano as well
* [slash] Early error if banned
* [quorum] Expose earning account in decider marshal json
* Revert "Refactor offchain data commit; Make block onchain/offchain commit atomic (#2279)"
This reverts commit 9ffbf682c075b49188923c65a0bbf39ac188be00.
* [slash] Add non-sanity check way to update validator
* [reward] Increase percision on percentage in schedule
* [slash] Adjust logs
* [committee] Check eligibility of validator before doing sanity check
* [slash] Update docker
* [slash] Move create validator script to test
* [slash] More log
* [param] Make things faster
* [slash][off-chain] Clear out slashes from pending in writeblockwithstate
* [cross-link] Log is not error, just info
* [blockchain] Not necessary to guard DeletePendingSlashingCandidates
* [slash][consensus] Use plain []byte for signature b/c bls.Sign has private impl fields, rlp does not encode that
* [slash][test] Use faucet as sender, assume user imported
* [slash] Test setup
* [slash] reserve error for real error in logs
* [slash][availability] Apply availability correct, bump signing count each block
* [slash][staking] Consider banned field in sanity check, pay snitch only half of what was actually slashed
* [slash] Pay as much as can
* [slash] use right nowAmt
* [slash] Take away from rewards as well
* [slash] iterate faster
* [slash] Remove dev based timing
* [slash] Add more log, sanity check incoming slash records, only count external for slash rate
* [availability][state] Adjust signature of ValidatorWrapper wrt state, filter out for staked validators, correct availaibility measure on running counters
* [availability] More log
* [slash] Simply pre slash erra slashing
* [slash] Remove development code
* [slash] Use height from recvMsg, todo on epoch
* [staking] Not necessary to touch LastEpochInCommittee in staking_verifier
* [slash] Undo ds in endpoint pattern config
* [slash] Add TODO and log when delegation becomes 0 b/c slash debt payment
* [slash] Abstract staked validators from shard.State into type, set slash rate based BLSKey count
Co-authored-by: Leo Chen <leo@harmony.one>
Co-authored-by: flicker-harmony <52401354+flicker-harmony@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Rongjian Lan <rongjian@harmony.one>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Van Der Maden <daniel@harmony.one>
5 years ago
); err != nil {
Msg("could not send out the NEWVIEW message")
consensus.viewID = recvMsg.ViewID
Uint64("viewChangingID", consensus.current.ViewID()).
Msg("[onViewChange] New Leader Start Consensus Timer and Stop View Change Timer")
Str("myKey", newLeaderKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Uint64("viewID", consensus.viewID).
Uint64("block", consensus.blockNum).
Msg("[onViewChange] I am the New Leader")
// TODO: move to consensus_leader.go later
func (consensus *Consensus) onNewView(msg *msg_pb.Message) {
consensus.getLogger().Debug().Msg("[onNewView] Received NewView Message")
recvMsg, err := consensus.ParseNewViewMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Warn().Err(err).Msg("[onNewView] Unable to Parse NewView Message")
if !consensus.onNewViewSanityCheck(recvMsg) {
senderKey := recvMsg.SenderPubkey
defer consensus.vcLock.Unlock()
if recvMsg.M3AggSig == nil || recvMsg.M3Bitmap == nil {
consensus.getLogger().Error().Msg("[onNewView] M3AggSig or M3Bitmap is nil")
m3Sig := recvMsg.M3AggSig
m3Mask := recvMsg.M3Bitmap
viewIDBytes := make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(viewIDBytes, recvMsg.ViewID)
if !consensus.Decider.IsQuorumAchievedByMask(m3Mask) {
Msgf("[onNewView] Quorum Not achieved")
if !m3Sig.VerifyHash(m3Mask.AggregatePublic, viewIDBytes) {
Str("m3Sig", m3Sig.SerializeToHexStr()).
Hex("m3Mask", m3Mask.Bitmap).
Uint64("MsgViewID", recvMsg.ViewID).
Msg("[onNewView] Unable to Verify Aggregated Signature of M3 (ViewID) payload")
m2Mask := recvMsg.M2Bitmap
if recvMsg.M2AggSig != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Debug().Msg("[onNewView] M2AggSig (NIL) is Not Empty")
m2Sig := recvMsg.M2AggSig
if !m2Sig.VerifyHash(m2Mask.AggregatePublic, NIL) {
Msg("[onNewView] Unable to Verify Aggregated Signature of M2 (NIL) payload")
// check when M3 sigs > M2 sigs, then M1 (recvMsg.Payload) should not be empty
preparedBlock := &types.Block{}
hasBlock := false
if len(recvMsg.Payload) != 0 && len(recvMsg.Block) != 0 {
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(recvMsg.Block, preparedBlock); err != nil {
Uint64("MsgBlockNum", recvMsg.BlockNum).
Msg("[onNewView] Unparseable prepared block data")
blockHash := recvMsg.Payload[:32]
preparedBlockHash := preparedBlock.Hash()
if !bytes.Equal(preparedBlockHash[:], blockHash) {
Str("blockHash", preparedBlock.Hash().Hex()).
Str("payloadBlockHash", hex.EncodeToString(blockHash)).
Msg("[onNewView] Prepared block hash doesn't match msg block hash.")
hasBlock = true
if consensus.BlockVerifier(preparedBlock); err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Error().Err(err).Msg("[onNewView] Prepared block verification failed")
if m2Mask == nil || m2Mask.Bitmap == nil ||
(m2Mask != nil && m2Mask.Bitmap != nil &&
utils.CountOneBits(m3Mask.Bitmap) > utils.CountOneBits(m2Mask.Bitmap)) {
if len(recvMsg.Payload) <= 32 {
Msg("[onNewView] M1 (prepared) Type Payload Not Have Enough Length")
// m1 is not empty, check it's valid
blockHash := recvMsg.Payload[:32]
aggSig, mask, err := consensus.ReadSignatureBitmapPayload(recvMsg.Payload, 32)
if err != nil {
Msg("[onNewView] ReadSignatureBitmapPayload Failed")
if !aggSig.VerifyHash(mask.AggregatePublic, blockHash) {
Msg("[onNewView] Failed to Verify Signature for M1 (prepare) message")
copy(consensus.blockHash[:], blockHash)
consensus.aggregatedPrepareSig = aggSig
consensus.prepareBitmap = mask
// create prepared message from newview
preparedMsg := FBFTMessage{
MessageType: msg_pb.MessageType_PREPARED,
ViewID: recvMsg.ViewID,
BlockNum: recvMsg.BlockNum,
preparedMsg.BlockHash = common.Hash{}
copy(preparedMsg.BlockHash[:], blockHash[:])
preparedMsg.Payload = make([]byte, len(recvMsg.Payload)-32)
copy(preparedMsg.Payload[:], recvMsg.Payload[32:])
preparedMsg.SenderPubkey = senderKey
if hasBlock {
// newView message verified success, override my state
consensus.viewID = recvMsg.ViewID
consensus.LeaderPubKey = senderKey
// change view and leaderKey to keep in sync with network
if consensus.blockNum != recvMsg.BlockNum {
Str("newLeaderKey", consensus.LeaderPubKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Uint64("MsgBlockNum", recvMsg.BlockNum).
Msg("[onNewView] New Leader Changed")
// NewView message is verified, change state to normal consensus
if hasBlock {
// Construct and send the commit message
commitPayload := signature.ConstructCommitPayload(consensus.ChainReader,
preparedBlock.Epoch(), preparedBlock.Hash(), preparedBlock.NumberU64(), preparedBlock.Header().ViewID().Uint64())
groupID := []nodeconfig.GroupID{
for _, key := range consensus.priKey {
if !consensus.IsValidatorInCommittee(key.Pub.Bytes) {
network, err := consensus.construct(
if err != nil {
consensus.getLogger().Err(err).Msg("could not create commit message")
msgToSend := network.Bytes
consensus.getLogger().Info().Msg("onNewView === commit")
[slash][consensus] Notice double sign & broadcast, factor out tech debt of consensus (#2152)
* [slash] Remove dead interface, associated piping
* [slash] Expand out structs
* [consensus] Write to a chan when find a case of double-signing, remove dead code
* [slash] Broadcast the noticing of a double signing
* [rawdb] CRUD for slashing candidates
* [slashing][node][proto] Broadcast the slash record after receive from consensus, handle received proto message, persist in off-chain db while pending
* [slash][node][propose-block] Add verified slashes proposed into the header in block proposal
* [slash][shard] Factor out external validator as method on shard state, add double-signature field
* [slash][engine] Apply slash, name boolean expression for sorts, use stable sort
* [slash] Abstract Ballot results so keep track of both pre and post double sign event
* [slash] Fix type errors on test code
* [slash] Read from correct rawdb
* [slash] Add epoch based guards in CRUD of slashing
* [slash] Write to correct cache for slashing candidates
* [shard] Use explicit named type of BLS Signature, use convention
* [slash] Fix mistake done in refactor, improper header used. Factor out fromSlice to set
* [slash][node] Restore newblock to master, try again minimial change
* [cx-receipts] Break up one-liner, use SliceStable, not Slice
* [network] Finish refactor that makes network message headers once
* [network] Simplify creation further of headers write
* [slash] Adjust data structure of slash after offline discussion with RJ, Chao
* [slash] Still did need signature of the double signature
* [consensus] Prepare message does not have block header
* [consensus] Soft reset three files to 968517d~1
* [consensus] Begin factor consensus network intended message out with prepare first
* [consensus] Factor out Prepared message
* [consensus] Factor out announce message creation
* [consensus] Committed Message, branch on verify sender key for clearer log
* [consensus] Committed Message Factor out
* [consensus] Do jenkins MVP of signatures adjustment
* [main][slash] Provide YAML config as webhook config for double sign event
* [consensus] Adjust signatures, whitespace, lessen GC pressure
* [consensus] Remove dead code
* [consensus] Factor out commit overloaded message, give commit payload override in construct
* [consensus] Fix travis tests
* [consensus] Provide block bytes in SubmitVote(quorum.Commit)
* [consensus] Factor out noisy sanity checks in BFT, move existing commit check earlier as was before
* [quorum] Adjust signatures in quorum
* [staking] Adjust after merge from master
* [consensus] Finish refactor of consensus
* [node] Fix import
* [consensus] Fix travis
* [consensus] Use origin/master copy of block, fix mistake of pointer to empty byte
* [consensus] Less verbose bools
* [consensus] Remove unused trailing mutation hook in message construct
* [consensus] Address some TODOs on err, comment out double sign
5 years ago
Str("From", consensus.phase.String()).
Str("To", FBFTCommit.String()).
Msg("[OnViewChange] Switching phase")
consensus.switchPhase(FBFTCommit, true)
} else {
consensus.getLogger().Info().Msg("onNewView === announce")
Str("newLeaderKey", consensus.LeaderPubKey.Bytes.Hex()).
Msg("new leader changed")
Msg("validator start consensus timer and stop view change timer")