package rawdb
import (
staking "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/staking/types"
// ReadShardState retrieves shard state of a specific epoch.
func ReadShardState(
db DatabaseReader, epoch *big.Int,
) (*shard.State, error) {
data, err := db.Get(shardStateKey(epoch))
if err != nil {
return nil, ctxerror.New(MsgNoShardStateFromDB,
"epoch", epoch,
ss, err2 := shard.DecodeWrapper(data)
if err2 != nil {
return nil, ctxerror.New("cannot decode sharding state",
"epoch", epoch,
return ss, nil
// WriteShardStateBytes stores sharding state into database.
func WriteShardStateBytes(db DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, data []byte) (err error) {
if err = db.Put(shardStateKey(epoch), data); err != nil {
return ctxerror.New("cannot write sharding state",
"epoch", epoch,
utils.Logger().Info().Str("epoch", epoch.String()).Int("size", len(data)).Msg("wrote sharding state")
return nil
// ReadLastCommits retrieves the commit signatures on the current block of blockchain.
func ReadLastCommits(db DatabaseReader) ([]byte, error) {
var data []byte
data, err := db.Get(lastCommitsKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, ctxerror.New("cannot read last commits from rawdb").WithCause(err)
return data, nil
// WriteLastCommits stores the commit signatures collected on the newly confirmed block into database.
func WriteLastCommits(
db DatabaseWriter, data []byte,
) (err error) {
if err = db.Put(lastCommitsKey, data); err != nil {
return ctxerror.New("cannot write last commits").WithCause(err)
Int("size", len(data)).
Msg("wrote last commits")
return nil
// ReadCrossLinkShardBlock retrieves the blockHash given shardID and blockNum
func ReadCrossLinkShardBlock(db DatabaseReader, shardID uint32, blockNum uint64) ([]byte, error) {
return db.Get(crosslinkKey(shardID, blockNum))
// WriteCrossLinkShardBlock stores the blockHash given shardID and blockNum
func WriteCrossLinkShardBlock(db DatabaseWriter, shardID uint32, blockNum uint64, data []byte) error {
return db.Put(crosslinkKey(shardID, blockNum), data)
// DeleteCrossLinkShardBlock deletes the blockHash given shardID and blockNum
func DeleteCrossLinkShardBlock(db DatabaseDeleter, shardID uint32, blockNum uint64) error {
return db.Delete(crosslinkKey(shardID, blockNum))
// ReadShardLastCrossLink read the last cross link of a shard
func ReadShardLastCrossLink(db DatabaseReader, shardID uint32) ([]byte, error) {
return db.Get(shardLastCrosslinkKey(shardID))
// WriteShardLastCrossLink stores the last cross link of a shard
func WriteShardLastCrossLink(db DatabaseWriter, shardID uint32, data []byte) error {
return db.Put(shardLastCrosslinkKey(shardID), data)
// ReadPendingCrossLinks retrieves last pending crosslinks.
func ReadPendingCrossLinks(db DatabaseReader) ([]byte, error) {
return db.Get(pendingCrosslinkKey)
// WritePendingCrossLinks stores last pending crosslinks into database.
func WritePendingCrossLinks(db DatabaseWriter, bytes []byte) error {
return db.Put(pendingCrosslinkKey, bytes)
// DeletePendingCrossLinks stores last pending crosslinks into database.
func DeletePendingCrossLinks(db DatabaseDeleter) error {
return db.Delete(pendingCrosslinkKey)
// ReadPendingSlashingCandidates retrieves last pending slashing candidates
func ReadPendingSlashingCandidates(db DatabaseReader) ([]byte, error) {
return db.Get(pendingSlashingKey)
// WritePendingSlashingCandidates stores last pending slashing candidates into database.
func WritePendingSlashingCandidates(db DatabaseWriter, bytes []byte) error {
return db.Put(pendingSlashingKey, bytes)
// ReadCXReceipts retrieves all the transactions of receipts given destination shardID, number and blockHash
func ReadCXReceipts(db DatabaseReader, shardID uint32, number uint64, hash common.Hash) (types.CXReceipts, error) {
data, err := db.Get(cxReceiptKey(shardID, number, hash))
if err != nil || len(data) == 0 {
utils.Logger().Info().Err(err).Uint64("number", number).Int("dataLen", len(data)).Msg("ReadCXReceipts")
return nil, err
cxReceipts := types.CXReceipts{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, &cxReceipts); err != nil {
return nil, err
return cxReceipts, nil
// WriteCXReceipts stores all the transaction receipts given destination shardID, blockNumber and blockHash
func WriteCXReceipts(db DatabaseWriter, shardID uint32, number uint64, hash common.Hash, receipts types.CXReceipts) error {
bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(receipts)
if err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[WriteCXReceipts] Failed to encode cross shard tx receipts")
// Store the receipt slice
if err := db.Put(cxReceiptKey(shardID, number, hash), bytes); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[WriteCXReceipts] Failed to store cxreceipts")
return err
// ReadCXReceiptsProofSpent check whether a CXReceiptsProof is unspent
func ReadCXReceiptsProofSpent(db DatabaseReader, shardID uint32, number uint64) (byte, error) {
data, err := db.Get(cxReceiptSpentKey(shardID, number))
if err != nil || len(data) == 0 {
return NAByte, ctxerror.New("[ReadCXReceiptsProofSpent] Cannot find the key", "shardID", shardID, "number", number).WithCause(err)
return data[0], nil
// WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent write CXReceiptsProof as spent into database
func WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent(dbw DatabaseWriter, cxp *types.CXReceiptsProof) error {
shardID := cxp.MerkleProof.ShardID
blockNum := cxp.MerkleProof.BlockNum.Uint64()
return dbw.Put(cxReceiptSpentKey(shardID, blockNum), []byte{SpentByte})
// DeleteCXReceiptsProofSpent removes unspent indicator of a given blockHash
func DeleteCXReceiptsProofSpent(db DatabaseDeleter, shardID uint32, number uint64) {
if err := db.Delete(cxReceiptSpentKey(shardID, number)); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("Failed to delete receipts unspent indicator")
// ReadValidatorSnapshot retrieves validator's snapshot by its address
func ReadValidatorSnapshot(
db DatabaseReader, addr common.Address, epoch *big.Int,
) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error) {
data, err := db.Get(validatorSnapshotKey(addr, epoch))
if err != nil || len(data) == 0 {
return nil, err
v := staking.ValidatorWrapper{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, &v); err != nil {
Str("address", addr.Hex()).
Msg("Unable to decode validator snapshot from database")
return nil, err
return &v, nil
// WriteValidatorSnapshot stores validator's snapshot by its address
func WriteValidatorSnapshot(batch DatabaseWriter, v *staking.ValidatorWrapper, epoch *big.Int) error {
bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(v)
if err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[WriteValidatorSnapshot] Failed to encode")
return err
if err := batch.Put(validatorSnapshotKey(v.Address, epoch), bytes); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[WriteValidatorSnapshot] Failed to store to database")
return err
return err
// DeleteValidatorSnapshot removes the validator's snapshot by its address
func DeleteValidatorSnapshot(db DatabaseDeleter, addr common.Address, epoch *big.Int) {
if err := db.Delete(validatorSnapshotKey(addr, epoch)); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("Failed to delete snapshot of a validator")
// ReadValidatorStats retrieves validator's stats by its address
func ReadValidatorStats(
db DatabaseReader, addr common.Address,
) (*staking.ValidatorStats, error) {
data, err := db.Get(validatorStatsKey(addr))
if err != nil || len(data) == 0 {
return nil, err
stats := staking.ValidatorStats{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, &stats); err != nil {
Str("address", addr.Hex()).
Msg("Unable to decode validator stats from database")
return nil, err
return &stats, nil
// WriteValidatorStats stores validator's stats by its address
func WriteValidatorStats(
batch DatabaseWriter, addr common.Address, stats *staking.ValidatorStats,
) error {
bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(stats)
if err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[WriteValidatorStats] Failed to encode")
return err
if err := batch.Put(validatorStatsKey(addr), bytes); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[WriteValidatorStats] Failed to store to database")
return err
return err
// ReadValidatorList retrieves staking validator by its address
// Return only elected validators if electedOnly==true, otherwise, return all validators
func ReadValidatorList(db DatabaseReader, electedOnly bool) ([]common.Address, error) {
key := validatorListKey
if electedOnly {
key = electedValidatorListKey
data, err := db.Get(key)
if err != nil || len(data) == 0 {
return []common.Address{}, nil
addrs := []common.Address{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, &addrs); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Err(err).Msg("Unable to Decode validator List from database")
return nil, err
return addrs, nil
// WriteValidatorList stores staking validator's information by its address
// Writes only for elected validators if electedOnly==true, otherwise, writes for all validators
func WriteValidatorList(db DatabaseWriter, addrs []common.Address, electedOnly bool) error {
key := validatorListKey
if electedOnly {
key = electedValidatorListKey
bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(addrs)
if err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[WriteValidatorList] Failed to encode")
if err := db.Put(key, bytes); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[WriteValidatorList] Failed to store to database")
return err
// ReadDelegationsByDelegator retrieves the list of validators delegated by a delegator
func ReadDelegationsByDelegator(db DatabaseReader, delegator common.Address) ([]staking.DelegationIndex, error) {
data, err := db.Get(delegatorValidatorListKey(delegator))
if err != nil || len(data) == 0 {
return []staking.DelegationIndex{}, nil
addrs := []staking.DelegationIndex{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, &addrs); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Err(err).Msg("Unable to Decode delegations from database")
return nil, err
return addrs, nil
// WriteDelegationsByDelegator stores the list of validators delegated by a delegator
func WriteDelegationsByDelegator(db DatabaseWriter, delegator common.Address, indices []staking.DelegationIndex) error {
bytes, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(indices)
if err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[writeDelegationsByDelegator] Failed to encode")
if err := db.Put(delegatorValidatorListKey(delegator), bytes); err != nil {
utils.Logger().Error().Msg("[writeDelegationsByDelegator] Failed to store to database")
return err
// ReadBlockRewardAccumulator ..
func ReadBlockRewardAccumulator(db DatabaseReader, number uint64) (*big.Int, error) {
data, err := db.Get(blockRewardAccumKey(number))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return new(big.Int).SetBytes(data), nil
// WriteBlockRewardAccumulator ..
func WriteBlockRewardAccumulator(db DatabaseWriter, newAccum *big.Int, number uint64) error {
return db.Put(blockRewardAccumKey(number), newAccum.Bytes())
//// Resharding ////
// ReadEpochBlockNumber retrieves the epoch block number for the given epoch,
// or nil if the given epoch is not found in the database.
func ReadEpochBlockNumber(db DatabaseReader, epoch *big.Int) (*big.Int, error) {
data, err := db.Get(epochBlockNumberKey(epoch))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return new(big.Int).SetBytes(data), nil
// WriteEpochBlockNumber stores the given epoch-number-to-epoch-block-number in the database.
func WriteEpochBlockNumber(db DatabaseWriter, epoch, blockNum *big.Int) error {
return db.Put(epochBlockNumberKey(epoch), blockNum.Bytes())
// ReadEpochVrfBlockNums retrieves the VRF block numbers for the given epoch
func ReadEpochVrfBlockNums(db DatabaseReader, epoch *big.Int) ([]byte, error) {
return db.Get(epochVrfBlockNumbersKey(epoch))
// WriteEpochVrfBlockNums stores the VRF block numbers for the given epoch
func WriteEpochVrfBlockNums(db DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, data []byte) error {
return db.Put(epochVrfBlockNumbersKey(epoch), data)
// ReadEpochVdfBlockNum retrieves the VDF block number for the given epoch
func ReadEpochVdfBlockNum(db DatabaseReader, epoch *big.Int) ([]byte, error) {
return db.Get(epochVdfBlockNumberKey(epoch))
// WriteEpochVdfBlockNum stores the VDF block number for the given epoch
func WriteEpochVdfBlockNum(db DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, data []byte) error {
return db.Put(epochVdfBlockNumberKey(epoch), data)
//// Resharding ////