package worker
import (
common2 ""
blockfactory ""
consensus_engine ""
staking ""
// environment is the worker's current environment and holds all of the current state information.
type environment struct {
signer types . Signer
state * state . DB // apply state changes here
gasPool * core . GasPool // available gas used to pack transactions
header * block . Header
txs [ ] * types . Transaction
stakingTxs staking . StakingTransactions
receipts [ ] * types . Receipt
outcxs [ ] * types . CXReceipt // cross shard transaction receipts (source shard)
incxs [ ] * types . CXReceiptsProof // cross shard receipts and its proof (desitinatin shard)
// Worker is the main object which takes care of submitting new work to consensus engine
// and gathering the sealing result.
type Worker struct {
config * params . ChainConfig
factory blockfactory . Factory
chain * core . BlockChain
current * environment // An environment for current running cycle.
engine consensus_engine . Engine
gasFloor uint64
gasCeil uint64
// CommitTransactions commits transactions for new block.
func ( w * Worker ) CommitTransactions ( pendingNormal map [ common . Address ] types . Transactions , pendingStaking staking . StakingTransactions , coinbase common . Address ) error {
if w . current . gasPool == nil {
w . current . gasPool = new ( core . GasPool ) . AddGas ( w . current . header . GasLimit ( ) )
txs := types . NewTransactionsByPriceAndNonce ( w . current . signer , pendingNormal )
var coalescedLogs [ ] * types . Log
for {
// If we don't have enough gas for any further transactions then we're done
if w . current . gasPool . Gas ( ) < params . TxGas {
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Uint64 ( "have" , w . current . gasPool . Gas ( ) ) . Uint64 ( "want" , params . TxGas ) . Msg ( "Not enough gas for further transactions" )
// Retrieve the next transaction and abort if all done
tx := txs . Peek ( )
if tx == nil {
// Error may be ignored here. The error has already been checked
// during transaction acceptance is the transaction pool.
// We use the eip155 signer regardless of the current hf.
from , _ := types . Sender ( w . current . signer , tx )
// Check whether the tx is replay protected. If we're not in the EIP155 hf
// phase, start ignoring the sender until we do.
if tx . Protected ( ) && ! w . config . IsEIP155 ( w . current . header . Number ( ) ) {
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Str ( "hash" , tx . Hash ( ) . Hex ( ) ) . Str ( "eip155Epoch" , w . config . EIP155Epoch . String ( ) ) . Msg ( "Ignoring reply protected transaction" )
txs . Pop ( )
// Start executing the transaction
w . current . state . Prepare ( tx . Hash ( ) , common . Hash { } , len ( w . current . txs ) )
if tx . ShardID ( ) != w . chain . ShardID ( ) {
txs . Shift ( )
logs , err := w . commitTransaction ( tx , coinbase )
sender , _ := common2 . AddressToBech32 ( from )
switch err {
case core . ErrGasLimitReached :
// Pop the current out-of-gas transaction without shifting in the next from the account
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Str ( "sender" , sender ) . Msg ( "Gas limit exceeded for current block" )
txs . Pop ( )
case core . ErrNonceTooLow :
// New head notification data race between the transaction pool and miner, shift
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Str ( "sender" , sender ) . Uint64 ( "nonce" , tx . Nonce ( ) ) . Msg ( "Skipping transaction with low nonce" )
txs . Shift ( )
case core . ErrNonceTooHigh :
// Reorg notification data race between the transaction pool and miner, skip account =
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Str ( "sender" , sender ) . Uint64 ( "nonce" , tx . Nonce ( ) ) . Msg ( "Skipping account with high nonce" )
txs . Pop ( )
case nil :
// Everything ok, collect the logs and shift in the next transaction from the same account
coalescedLogs = append ( coalescedLogs , logs ... )
txs . Shift ( )
default :
// Strange error, discard the transaction and get the next in line (note, the
// nonce-too-high clause will prevent us from executing in vain).
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Str ( "hash" , tx . Hash ( ) . Hex ( ) ) . AnErr ( "err" , err ) . Msg ( "Transaction failed, account skipped" )
txs . Shift ( )
// STAKING - only beaconchain process staking transaction
if w . chain . ShardID ( ) == shard . BeaconChainShardID {
for _ , tx := range pendingStaking {
logs , err := w . commitStakingTransaction ( tx , coinbase )
if err != nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Str ( "stakingTxId" , tx . Hash ( ) . Hex ( ) ) . Msg ( "Commit staking transaction error" )
} else {
coalescedLogs = append ( coalescedLogs , logs ... )
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Str ( "stakingTxId" , tx . Hash ( ) . Hex ( ) ) . Uint64 ( "txGasLimit" , tx . Gas ( ) ) . Msg ( "StakingTransaction gas limit info" )
utils . Logger ( ) . Info ( ) . Int ( "newTxns" , len ( w . current . txs ) ) . Uint64 ( "blockGasLimit" , w . current . header . GasLimit ( ) ) . Uint64 ( "blockGasUsed" , w . current . header . GasUsed ( ) ) . Msg ( "Block gas limit and usage info" )
return nil
func ( w * Worker ) commitStakingTransaction ( tx * staking . StakingTransaction , coinbase common . Address ) ( [ ] * types . Log , error ) {
snap := w . current . state . Snapshot ( )
gasUsed := w . current . header . GasUsed ( )
receipt , _ , err :=
core . ApplyStakingTransaction ( w . config , w . chain , & coinbase , w . current . gasPool , w . current . state , w . current . header , tx , & gasUsed , vm . Config { } )
w . current . header . SetGasUsed ( gasUsed )
if err != nil {
w . current . state . RevertToSnapshot ( snap )
return nil , err
if receipt == nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "nil staking receipt" )
w . current . stakingTxs = append ( w . current . stakingTxs , tx )
w . current . receipts = append ( w . current . receipts , receipt )
return receipt . Logs , nil
func ( w * Worker ) commitTransaction ( tx * types . Transaction , coinbase common . Address ) ( [ ] * types . Log , error ) {
snap := w . current . state . Snapshot ( )
gasUsed := w . current . header . GasUsed ( )
receipt , cx , _ , err := core . ApplyTransaction ( w . config , w . chain , & coinbase , w . current . gasPool , w . current . state , w . current . header , tx , & gasUsed , vm . Config { } )
w . current . header . SetGasUsed ( gasUsed )
if err != nil {
w . current . state . RevertToSnapshot ( snap )
utils . Logger ( ) . Error ( ) . Err ( err ) . Str ( "stakingTxId" , tx . Hash ( ) . Hex ( ) ) . Msg ( "Offchain ValidatorMap Read/Write Error" )
return nil , err
if receipt == nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Warn ( ) . Interface ( "tx" , tx ) . Interface ( "cx" , cx ) . Msg ( "Receipt is Nil!" )
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "Receipt is Nil" )
w . current . txs = append ( w . current . txs , tx )
w . current . receipts = append ( w . current . receipts , receipt )
if cx != nil {
w . current . outcxs = append ( w . current . outcxs , cx )
return receipt . Logs , nil
// CommitReceipts commits a list of already verified incoming cross shard receipts
func ( w * Worker ) CommitReceipts ( receiptsList [ ] * types . CXReceiptsProof ) error {
if w . current . gasPool == nil {
w . current . gasPool = new ( core . GasPool ) . AddGas ( w . current . header . GasLimit ( ) )
if len ( receiptsList ) == 0 {
w . current . header . SetIncomingReceiptHash ( types . EmptyRootHash )
} else {
w . current . header . SetIncomingReceiptHash ( types . DeriveSha ( types . CXReceiptsProofs ( receiptsList ) ) )
for _ , cx := range receiptsList {
err := core . ApplyIncomingReceipt ( w . config , w . current . state , w . current . header , cx )
if err != nil {
return ctxerror . New ( "cannot apply receiptsList" ) . WithCause ( err )
for _ , cx := range receiptsList {
w . current . incxs = append ( w . current . incxs , cx )
return nil
// UpdateCurrent updates the current environment with the current state and header.
func ( w * Worker ) UpdateCurrent ( ) error {
parent := w . chain . CurrentBlock ( )
num := parent . Number ( )
timestamp := time . Now ( ) . Unix ( )
epoch := w . GetNewEpoch ( )
header := w . factory . NewHeader ( epoch ) . With ( ) .
ParentHash ( parent . Hash ( ) ) .
Number ( num . Add ( num , common . Big1 ) ) .
GasLimit ( core . CalcGasLimit ( parent , w . gasFloor , w . gasCeil ) ) .
Time ( big . NewInt ( timestamp ) ) .
ShardID ( w . chain . ShardID ( ) ) .
Header ( )
return w . makeCurrent ( parent , header )
// GetCurrentHeader returns the current header to propose
func ( w * Worker ) GetCurrentHeader ( ) * block . Header {
return w . current . header
// makeCurrent creates a new environment for the current cycle.
func ( w * Worker ) makeCurrent ( parent * types . Block , header * block . Header ) error {
state , err := w . chain . StateAt ( parent . Root ( ) )
if err != nil {
return err
env := & environment {
signer : types . NewEIP155Signer ( w . config . ChainID ) ,
state : state ,
header : header ,
w . current = env
return nil
// GetCurrentState gets the current state.
func ( w * Worker ) GetCurrentState ( ) * state . DB {
return w . current . state
// GetNewEpoch gets the current epoch.
func ( w * Worker ) GetNewEpoch ( ) * big . Int {
parent := w . chain . CurrentBlock ( )
epoch := new ( big . Int ) . Set ( parent . Header ( ) . Epoch ( ) )
// TODO: Don't depend on sharding state for epoch change.
if len ( parent . Header ( ) . ShardState ( ) ) > 0 && parent . NumberU64 ( ) != 0 {
// ... except if parent has a resharding assignment it increases by 1.
epoch = epoch . Add ( epoch , common . Big1 )
return epoch
// GetCurrentReceipts get the receipts generated starting from the last state.
func ( w * Worker ) GetCurrentReceipts ( ) [ ] * types . Receipt {
return w . current . receipts
// OutgoingReceipts get the receipts generated starting from the last state.
func ( w * Worker ) OutgoingReceipts ( ) [ ] * types . CXReceipt {
return w . current . outcxs
// IncomingReceipts get incoming receipts in destination shard that is received from source shard
func ( w * Worker ) IncomingReceipts ( ) [ ] * types . CXReceiptsProof {
return w . current . incxs
// SuperCommitteeForNextEpoch assumes only called by consensus leader
func ( w * Worker ) SuperCommitteeForNextEpoch (
shardID uint32 ,
beacon * core . BlockChain ,
) ( shard . State , error ) {
var (
nextCommittee shard . State
err error
switch shardID {
case shard . BeaconChainShardID :
if shard . Schedule . IsLastBlock ( w . current . header . Number ( ) . Uint64 ( ) ) {
nextCommittee , err = committee . WithStakingEnabled . Compute (
new ( big . Int ) . Add ( w . current . header . Epoch ( ) , common . Big1 ) ,
beacon ,
default :
// TODO: needs to make sure beacon chain sync works.
beaconEpoch := beacon . CurrentHeader ( ) . Epoch ( )
nextEpoch := new ( big . Int ) . Add ( w . current . header . Epoch ( ) , common . Big1 )
if w . config . IsStaking ( nextEpoch ) {
// If next epoch is staking epoch, I should wait and listen for beacon chain for epoch changes
switch beaconEpoch . Cmp ( w . current . header . Epoch ( ) ) {
case 1 :
// If beacon chain is bigger than shard chain in epoch, it means I should catch up with beacon chain now
nextCommittee , err = committee . WithStakingEnabled . ReadFromDB (
beaconEpoch , beacon ,
// Set this block's epoch to be beaconEpoch - 1, so the next block will have beaconEpoch
// This shouldn't be exactly beaconEpoch because the next block will have beaconEpoch + 1
blockEpoch := big . NewInt ( 0 ) . Set ( beaconEpoch ) . Sub ( beaconEpoch , big . NewInt ( 1 ) )
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) .
Uint64 ( "blockNum" , w . current . header . Number ( ) . Uint64 ( ) ) .
Uint64 ( "myPrevEpoch" , w . current . header . Epoch ( ) . Uint64 ( ) ) .
Uint64 ( "myCurEpoch" , blockEpoch . Uint64 ( ) ) .
Msg ( "Propose new epoch as beacon chain's epoch" )
w . current . header . SetEpoch ( blockEpoch )
case 0 :
// If it's same epoch, no need to propose new shard state (new epoch change)
case - 1 :
// If beacon chain is behind, shard chain should wait for the beacon chain by not changing epochs.
} else {
if w . config . IsStaking ( beaconEpoch ) {
// If I am not even in the last epoch before staking epoch and beacon chain is already in staking epoch,
// I should just catch up with beacon chain's epoch
nextCommittee , err = committee . WithStakingEnabled . ReadFromDB (
beaconEpoch , beacon ,
blockEpoch := big . NewInt ( 0 ) . Set ( beaconEpoch ) . Sub ( beaconEpoch , big . NewInt ( 1 ) )
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) .
Uint64 ( "blockNum" , w . current . header . Number ( ) . Uint64 ( ) ) .
Uint64 ( "myPrevEpoch" , w . current . header . Epoch ( ) . Uint64 ( ) ) .
Uint64 ( "myCurEpoch" , blockEpoch . Uint64 ( ) ) .
Msg ( "Propose one-time catch up with beacon chain's epoch" )
// Set this block's epoch to be beaconEpoch - 1, so the next block will have beaconEpoch
w . current . header . SetEpoch ( blockEpoch )
} else {
// If I are not in staking nor has beacon chain proposed a staking-based shard state,
// do pre-staking committee calculation
if shard . Schedule . IsLastBlock ( w . current . header . Number ( ) . Uint64 ( ) ) {
nextCommittee , err = committee . WithStakingEnabled . Compute (
new ( big . Int ) . Add ( w . current . header . Epoch ( ) , common . Big1 ) ,
w . chain ,
return nextCommittee , err
// FinalizeNewBlock generate a new block for the next consensus round.
func ( w * Worker ) FinalizeNewBlock ( sig [ ] byte , signers [ ] byte , viewID uint64 , coinbase common . Address , crossLinks types . CrossLinks , shardState shard . State ) ( * types . Block , error ) {
if len ( sig ) > 0 && len ( signers ) > 0 {
sig2 := w . current . header . LastCommitSignature ( )
copy ( sig2 [ : ] , sig [ : ] )
w . current . header . SetLastCommitSignature ( sig2 )
w . current . header . SetLastCommitBitmap ( signers )
w . current . header . SetCoinbase ( coinbase )
w . current . header . SetViewID ( new ( big . Int ) . SetUint64 ( viewID ) )
// Cross Links
if crossLinks != nil && len ( crossLinks ) != 0 {
crossLinks . Sort ( )
crossLinkData , err := rlp . EncodeToBytes ( crossLinks )
if err == nil {
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) .
Uint64 ( "blockNum" , w . current . header . Number ( ) . Uint64 ( ) ) .
Int ( "numCrossLinks" , len ( crossLinks ) ) .
Msg ( "Successfully proposed cross links into new block" )
w . current . header . SetCrossLinks ( crossLinkData )
} else {
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Failed to encode proposed cross links" )
return nil , err
} else {
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) . Msg ( "Zero crosslinks to finalize" )
// Shard State
if shardState != nil && len ( shardState ) != 0 {
w . current . header . SetShardStateHash ( shardState . Hash ( ) )
shardStateData , err := rlp . EncodeToBytes ( shardState )
if err == nil {
w . current . header . SetShardState ( shardStateData )
} else {
utils . Logger ( ) . Debug ( ) . Err ( err ) . Msg ( "Failed to encode proposed shard state" )
return nil , err
state := w . current . state . Copy ( )
copyHeader := types . CopyHeader ( w . current . header )
// TODO: feed coinbase into here so the proposer gets extra rewards.
block , err := w . engine . Finalize ( w . chain , copyHeader , state , w . current . txs , w . current . receipts , w . current . outcxs , w . current . incxs , w . current . stakingTxs )
if err != nil {
return nil , ctxerror . New ( "cannot finalize block" ) . WithCause ( err )
return block , nil
// New create a new worker object.
func New ( config * params . ChainConfig , chain * core . BlockChain , engine consensus_engine . Engine ) * Worker {
worker := & Worker {
config : config ,
factory : blockfactory . NewFactory ( config ) ,
chain : chain ,
engine : engine ,
worker . gasFloor = 80000000
worker . gasCeil = 120000000
parent := worker . chain . CurrentBlock ( )
num := parent . Number ( )
timestamp := time . Now ( ) . Unix ( )
epoch := worker . GetNewEpoch ( )
header := worker . factory . NewHeader ( epoch ) . With ( ) .
ParentHash ( parent . Hash ( ) ) .
Number ( num . Add ( num , common . Big1 ) ) .
GasLimit ( core . CalcGasLimit ( parent , worker . gasFloor , worker . gasCeil ) ) .
Time ( big . NewInt ( timestamp ) ) .
ShardID ( worker . chain . ShardID ( ) ) .
Header ( )
worker . makeCurrent ( parent , header )
return worker