package availability
import (
staking "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/staking/types"
func TestBlockSigners(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
numSlots int
verified []int
numPayable, numMissing int
{0, []int{}, 0, 0},
{1, []int{}, 0, 1},
{1, []int{0}, 1, 0},
{8, []int{}, 0, 8},
{8, []int{0}, 1, 7},
{8, []int{7}, 1, 7},
{8, []int{1, 3, 5, 7}, 4, 4},
{8, []int{0, 2, 4, 6}, 4, 4},
{8, []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, 8, 0},
{13, []int{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12}, 7, 6},
// TODO: add a real data test case given numSlots of a committee and
// number of payable of a certain block
for i, test := range tests {
cmt := makeTestCommittee(test.numSlots, 0)
bm, err := indexesToBitMap(test.verified, test.numSlots)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test %d: %v", i, err)
pSlots, mSlots, err := BlockSigners(bm, cmt)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test %d: %v", i, err)
if len(pSlots) != test.numPayable || len(mSlots) != test.numMissing {
t.Errorf("test %d: unexpected result: # pSlots %d/%d, # mSlots %d/%d",
i, len(pSlots), test.numPayable, len(mSlots), test.numMissing)
if err := checkPayableAndMissing(cmt, test.verified, pSlots, mSlots); err != nil {
t.Errorf("test %d: %v", i, err)
func checkPayableAndMissing(cmt *shard.Committee, idxs []int, pSlots, mSlots shard.SlotList) error {
if len(pSlots)+len(mSlots) != len(cmt.Slots) {
return fmt.Errorf("slots number not expected: %d(payable) + %d(missings) != %d(committee)",
len(pSlots), len(mSlots), len(cmt.Slots))
pIndex, mIndex, iIndex := 0, 0, 0
for i, slot := range cmt.Slots {
if iIndex >= len(idxs) || i != idxs[iIndex] {
// the slot should be missings and we shall check mSlots[mIndex] == slot
if mIndex >= len(mSlots) || !reflect.DeepEqual(slot, mSlots[mIndex]) {
return fmt.Errorf("addr %v missed from missings slots", slot.EcdsaAddress.String())
} else {
// check pSlots[pIndex] == slot
if pIndex >= len(pSlots) || !reflect.DeepEqual(slot, pSlots[pIndex]) {
return fmt.Errorf("addr %v missed from payable slots", slot.EcdsaAddress.String())
return nil
func TestBlockSigners_BitmapOverflow(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
numSlots int
numBitmap int
err error
{16, 16, nil},
{16, 14, nil},
{16, 8, errors.New("bitmap size too small")},
{16, 24, errors.New("bitmap size too large")},
for i, test := range tests {
cmt := makeTestCommittee(test.numSlots, 0)
bm, _ := indexesToBitMap([]int{}, test.numBitmap)
_, _, err := BlockSigners(bm, cmt)
if (err == nil) != (test.err == nil) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: BlockSigners got err [%v], expect [%v]", i, err, test.err)
func TestBallotResult(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
numStateShards, numShardSlots int
parVerified, chdVerified int
parShardID, chdShardID uint32
parBN, chdBN int64
expNumPayable, expNumMissing int
expErr error
{1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 10, 11, 1, 0, nil},
{5, 16, 10, 12, 3, 4, 100, 101, 12, 4, nil},
{5, 16, 10, 12, 5, 6, 100, 101, 12, 4, errors.New("cannot find shard")},
for i, test := range tests {
sstate := makeTestShardState(test.numStateShards, test.numShardSlots)
parHeader := newTestHeader(test.parBN, test.parShardID, test.numShardSlots, test.parVerified)
chdHeader := newTestHeader(test.chdBN, test.chdShardID, test.numShardSlots, test.chdVerified)
slots, payable, missing, err := BallotResult(parHeader, chdHeader, sstate, chdHeader.ShardID())
if err != nil {
if test.expErr == nil {
t.Errorf("Test %v: unexpected error: %v", i, err)
expCmt, _ := sstate.FindCommitteeByID(test.chdShardID)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(slots, expCmt.Slots) {
t.Errorf("Test %v: Ballot result slots not expected", i)
if len(payable) != test.expNumPayable {
t.Errorf("Test %v: payable size not expected: %v / %v", i, len(payable), test.expNumPayable)
if len(missing) != test.expNumMissing {
t.Errorf("Test %v: missings size not expected: %v / %v", i, len(missing), test.expNumMissing)
func TestIncrementValidatorSigningCounts(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
numHmySlots, numUserSlots int
verified []int
{1, 0, []int{0}},
{0, 1, []int{0}},
{10, 6, []int{0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14}},
{10, 6, []int{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15}},
for _, test := range tests {
ctx, err := makeIncStateTestCtx(test.numHmySlots, test.numUserSlots, test.verified)
if err != nil {
if err := IncrementValidatorSigningCounts(nil, ctx.staked, ctx.state, ctx.signers,
ctx.missings); err != nil {
if err := ctx.checkResult(); err != nil {
func TestComputeCurrentSigning(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
snapSigned, curSigned, diffSigned int64
snapToSign, curToSign, diffToSign int64
pctNum, pctDiv int64
isBelowThreshold bool
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, true},
{0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, false},
{0, 2, 2, 0, 3, 3, 2, 3, true},
{0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 3, 1, 3, true},
{100, 225, 125, 200, 350, 150, 5, 6, false},
{100, 200, 100, 200, 350, 150, 2, 3, true},
{100, 200, 100, 200, 400, 200, 1, 2, true},
for i, test := range tests {
snapWrapper := makeTestWrapper(common.Address{}, test.snapSigned, test.snapToSign)
curWrapper := makeTestWrapper(common.Address{}, test.curSigned, test.curToSign)
computed := ComputeCurrentSigning(&snapWrapper, &curWrapper)
if computed.Signed.Cmp(new(big.Int).SetInt64(test.diffSigned)) != 0 {
t.Errorf("test %v: computed signed not expected: %v / %v",
i, computed.Signed, test.diffSigned)
if computed.ToSign.Cmp(new(big.Int).SetInt64(test.diffToSign)) != 0 {
t.Errorf("test %v: computed to sign not expected: %v / %v",
i, computed.ToSign, test.diffToSign)
expPct := numeric.NewDec(test.pctNum).Quo(numeric.NewDec(test.pctDiv))
if !computed.Percentage.Equal(expPct) {
t.Errorf("test %v: computed percentage not expected: %v / %v",
i, computed.Percentage, expPct)
if computed.IsBelowThreshold != test.isBelowThreshold {
t.Errorf("test %v: computed is below threshold not expected: %v / %v",
i, computed.IsBelowThreshold, test.isBelowThreshold)
func TestComputeAndMutateEPOSStatus(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
ctx *computeEPOSTestCtx
expErr error
expStatus effective.Eligibility
// active node
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Active,
expStatus: effective.Active,
// active -> inactive
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 250,
curEli: effective.Active,
expStatus: effective.Inactive,
// active -> inactive
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curSigned: 100,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Active,
expStatus: effective.Inactive,
// status unchanged: inactive -> inactive
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Inactive,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Inactive,
expStatus: effective.Inactive,
// status unchanged: inactive
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Inactive,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Active,
expStatus: effective.Active,
// nil validator wrapper in state
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curEli: effective.Nil,
expErr: errors.New("nil validator wrapper in state"),
// nil validator wrapper in snapshot
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapEli: effective.Nil,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Active,
expErr: errors.New("nil validator wrapper in snapshot"),
// banned node
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 200,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curSigned: 100,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Banned,
expStatus: effective.Banned,
for i, test := range tests {
ctx := test.ctx
err := ComputeAndMutateEPOSStatus(ctx.reader, ctx.state, ctx.addr)
if err != nil {
if test.expErr == nil {
t.Errorf("Test %v: unexpected error: %v", i, err)
if err := ctx.checkWrapperStatus(test.expStatus); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Test %v: %v", i, err)
// incStateTestCtx is the helper structure for test case TestIncrementValidatorSigningCounts
type incStateTestCtx struct {
// Initialized fields
snapState, state testStateDB
cmt *shard.Committee
staked *shard.StakedSlots
signers, missings shard.SlotList
// computedSlotMap is parsed map for result checking, which maps from Ecdsa address
// to the expected behaviour of the address.
// typeIncSigned - 0: increase both toSign and signed
// typeIncMissing - 1: increase to sign
// typeIncHmyNode - 2: keep the code field unchanged
computedSlotMap map[common.Address]int
const (
typeIncSigned = iota
// makeIncStateTestCtx create and initialize the test context for TestIncrementValidatorSigningCounts
func makeIncStateTestCtx(numHmySlots, numUserSlots int, verified []int) (*incStateTestCtx, error) {
cmt := makeTestMixedCommittee(numHmySlots, numUserSlots, 0)
staked := cmt.StakedValidators()
bitmap, _ := indexesToBitMap(verified, numUserSlots+numHmySlots)
signers, missing, err := BlockSigners(bitmap, cmt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
state := newTestStateDBFromCommittee(cmt)
snapState := state.snapshot()
return &incStateTestCtx{
snapState: snapState,
state: state,
cmt: cmt,
staked: staked,
signers: signers,
missings: missing,
}, nil
// checkResult checks the state change result for incStateTestCtx
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) checkResult() error {
for addr, typeInc := range ctx.computedSlotMap {
if err := ctx.checkAddrIncStateByType(addr, typeInc); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// computeSlotMaps compute for computedSlotMap for incStateTestCtx
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) computeSlotMaps() {
ctx.computedSlotMap = make(map[common.Address]int)
for _, signer := range ctx.signers {
ctx.computedSlotMap[signer.EcdsaAddress] = typeIncSigned
for _, missing := range ctx.missings {
ctx.computedSlotMap[missing.EcdsaAddress] = typeIncMissing
for _, slot := range ctx.cmt.Slots {
if slot.EffectiveStake == nil {
ctx.computedSlotMap[slot.EcdsaAddress] = typeIncHmyNode
// checkAddrIncStateByType checks whether the state behaviour of a given address follows
// the expected state change rule given typeInc
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) checkAddrIncStateByType(addr common.Address, typeInc int) error {
var err error
switch typeInc {
case typeIncSigned:
if err = ctx.checkWrapperChangeByAddr(addr, checkIncWrapperVerified); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("verified address %s: %v", addr, err)
case typeIncMissing:
if err = ctx.checkWrapperChangeByAddr(addr, checkIncWrapperMissing); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("missing address %s: %v", addr, err)
case typeIncHmyNode:
if err = ctx.checkHmyNodeStateChangeByAddr(addr); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("harmony node address %s: %v", addr, err)
err = errors.New("unknown typeInc")
return err
// checkHmyNodeStateChangeByAddr checks the state change for hmy nodes. Since hmy nodes does not
// have wrapper, it is supposed to be unchanged in code field
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) checkHmyNodeStateChangeByAddr(addr common.Address) error {
Release Candidate 2023.2.0 ( dev -> main ) (#4399)
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* activate epoch
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review "--port flag".
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* Commented golangci.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* fix protocol tests
* fix spell
* remove unused struct
* fix rosetta test
* add comments and refactor verify sig
* add comments, remove extra function
* add comment
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* refactor p2p host creation
* fix initsync and host creation
* fix short range hash chain
* fix beacon node detection for p2p protocol
* refactor stream peer cooldown and fix protocol beacon node field
* refactor p2p host and routing
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add MaxAdvertiseWaitTime to handle advertisements interval and address stream connection issue
* terminal print the peer id and proto id
* fix boot complete message when node is shut down
* add new config option ( ForceReachabilityPublic ) to fix local-net consensus issue
* fix self query issue
* fix test NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider
* [testnet] disable leader rotation
* fix discovery issue for legacy sync
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* add test for new conn manager flags
* fix dedent
* add comment to inform about p2p connection manager options
* fix max height issue
* add a separate log for get max height error
* fix log
* feat: triesInMemory flag
* fix: panic if TriesInMemory is 1 to 2
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed timers locks.
* Removed fbft locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional logs.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* Fix formatting.
* Rebased onto dev.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* Set to EpochTBD.
* Fix tests.
* [core] fix state handling of self destruct
If a contract self destructs to self and then receives funds within the
same transaction, it is possible for its stale state to be saved. This
change removes that possibility by checking for deleted state objects
before returning them.
* Fixed race error.
* rpc: add configurable http and `eth_call` timeout
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* fix dedent
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* remove default timeouts
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Fixes.
* Update singleton.go
* evm: don't return extcode for validators
Due to technical debt, validator information is stored in the code field
of the address. The code field can be accessed in Solidity for an
arbitrary address using `extcodesize`, `extcodehash`, and `extcodecopy`
or helper commands (such as `address.code.Length`). The presence of this
field is used by contract developers to (erroneously) deny smart
contract access to other smart contracts (and therefore, validators).
This PR fixes that oversight by returning the same values as other EOAs
for known validator addresses. Obviously, it needs a hard fork that will
be scheduled separately.
* Fix context passing.
* Clean up code.
* Removed engine dependency.
* Fix possible panic.
* Clean up code.
* Network type.
* Fix tests.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency." (#4392)
* Revert "Fix tests."
This reverts commit 597ba2d6f1ed54ff599b9d9b8940c7285ab1277a.
* Revert "Network type."
This reverts commit 5e1878aedca3989dc0f34161dae1833e43ca6a76.
* Revert "Clean up code."
This reverts commit 15885f4c9b9263746827172b4f4f56d0926d18e2.
* Revert "Fix possible panic."
This reverts commit 1a70d5eb66cdbf8a23791806b71a323eed320085.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency."
This reverts commit 8c2ff803f709f944cfc8b1278f35cf5b2cacf859.
* gitignore the cache folder (#4389)
* stable localnet with external validator (#4388)
* stable localnet with external validator
* ignore deploy config file comments
* reduce node launched in localnet
* update makefile
* localnet configuration - add more fn
* fix validator information command typo
* Configurable tx pool. (#4240)
* AccountQueue & GlobalQueue.
* Lifetime duration.
* [pool] make flags configurable
* [pool] use 4096 as default `GlobalSlots`
* [rosetta] update default values of tx pool
* [test] update value to default
* PriceLimit and PriceBump.
* Fix tests.
* Fix price limit & bump.
* Updated, fixed migrate version and tests.
* Rebased.
* Fix go toml version.
Co-authored-by: Konstantin <k.potapov@softpro.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* Upgrade rawdb and statedb codes to add the latest functionalities of ethdb (#4374)
* added bloom filter
* upgrade rawdb and statedb
* change var name and remove extra comments
* return back fake storage in case if we need it for test later
* add the previous change back
* remove some extra entries from go.mod
* fix WritePreimages to use batch
* mark unused functions which are ported over from eth
Co-authored-by: Casey Gardiner <117784577+ONECasey@users.noreply.github.com>
* update all ethereum rawdb pointers to use harmony rawdb (#4395)
* Fix reduce node dependencies. (#4379)
* Fix.
* Fix.
* Fix pool init.
* Clean up.
* add prefix for contract code (#4397)
* Rotate external validators for non-beacon shards. (#4373)
* Rotate only non beacon shards.
* Rotate all shards, but only hmy validators for beacon.
* Fix type.
* Revert "Fix type."
This reverts commit 0a8b506c763d9f8609abff7395ba32b18e43b149.
* Revert "Rotate all shards, but only hmy validators for beacon."
This reverts commit 70b09e2de81aa2cbffae3ccdfd4e334e7d938759.
* Fixed failed test.
* Revert "Revert "Rotate all shards, but only hmy validators for beacon.""
This reverts commit 66cfaa9817488be60ed5b5cfee1fe833ede237c8.
* Frequency by slots count.
* Fix config.
* First validator produce rest blocks.
* Updated.
* Add lock.
* Add prefix for validator wrapper (#4402)
* add separate prefix for validator wrapper
* update comments
* make read/write backward compatible
* add validator codes to stats
* goimports
* goimports accessor_state
* add snapshot feature to state db (#4406)
* Typed cache & Node cleanup. (#4409)
* Channels usage through methods.
* Fix retry count. Removed proposedBlock.
* keysToAddrs rewritten to lrucache.
* core, internal/configs: HIP28-v2 fee collection (#4410)
* core, internal/configs: HIP28-v2 fee collection
Based on the Snapshot vote that has passed, collect 50% of the fee to a
community maintained account and the remainder to an account used to pay
for infrastructure costs. Note that these accounts need to be decided
and set in the code at this moment, and the feature needs to be
activated by setting the `FeeCollectEpoch` of the `ChainConfig` object.
The implementation for devnet is a bit different than compared to
others because the feature was activated on devnet with 100% collection
to an account. I have handled this case separately in `devnet.go`.
* test: add test for StateTransition.ApplyMessage
The objective of this unit test is to check that the fees of a
transaction are appropriately credited to the fee collectors that are
set. This means, for a transaction of 21,000 gas limit and 100 gwei gas
price, two equal fee collectors get 10,500 * 100 gwei each. In addition,
to be clear that the refund mechanism (in case a transaction with extra
gas comes in) works, the tested transaction has a 50,000 gas limit of
which only 21,000 gas limit is actually consumed.
* sharding/config: clarify local fee collector pk
* sharding/config: set testnet fee collector same as devnet
* test: add test for truncated fee distribution
* sharding/config: set fee collector addresses
* test: hardcode the expected fee collected
* goimports
* params/config: set testnet fee collect epoch
Schedule testnet hard fork epoch to be 1296, which begins around the
time 2023-04-28 07:14:20+00:00
* params/config: schedule devnee fee collection
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* Minor: removed time.Sleep from tests. (#4412)
* Provide current time as argument.
* Fix test.
* Fix naming.
* Mainnet Release Candidate 2023.1.2 (#4376) (#4414)
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0
Bumps [github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go) from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/blob/v1.34.0/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/compare/v1.33.0...v1.34.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go
dependency-type: direct:production
* Bump github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0
Bumps [github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime) from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/compare/v0.9.0...v0.19.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime
dependency-type: indirect
* Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0
Bumps [golang.org/x/net](https://github.com/golang/net) from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/golang/net/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/golang/net/compare/v0.3.0...v0.7.0)
- dependency-name: golang.org/x/net
dependency-type: indirect
* Small fixes.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* activate epoch
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review "--port flag".
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* Commented golangci.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* fix protocol tests
* fix spell
* remove unused struct
* fix rosetta test
* add comments and refactor verify sig
* add comments, remove extra function
* add comment
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* refactor p2p host creation
* fix initsync and host creation
* fix short range hash chain
* fix beacon node detection for p2p protocol
* refactor stream peer cooldown and fix protocol beacon node field
* refactor p2p host and routing
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add MaxAdvertiseWaitTime to handle advertisements interval and address stream connection issue
* terminal print the peer id and proto id
* fix boot complete message when node is shut down
* add new config option ( ForceReachabilityPublic ) to fix local-net consensus issue
* fix self query issue
* fix test NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider
* [testnet] disable leader rotation
* fix discovery issue for legacy sync
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* add test for new conn manager flags
* fix dedent
* add comment to inform about p2p connection manager options
* fix max height issue
* add a separate log for get max height error
* fix log
* feat: triesInMemory flag
* fix: panic if TriesInMemory is 1 to 2
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed timers locks.
* Removed fbft locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional logs.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* Fix formatting.
* Rebased onto dev.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* Set to EpochTBD.
* Fix tests.
* [core] fix state handling of self destruct
If a contract self destructs to self and then receives funds within the
same transaction, it is possible for its stale state to be saved. This
change removes that possibility by checking for deleted state objects
before returning them.
* Fixed race error.
* rpc: add configurable http and `eth_call` timeout
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* fix dedent
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* remove default timeouts
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Fixes.
* Update singleton.go
* evm: don't return extcode for validators
Due to technical debt, validator information is stored in the code field
of the address. The code field can be accessed in Solidity for an
arbitrary address using `extcodesize`, `extcodehash`, and `extcodecopy`
or helper commands (such as `address.code.Length`). The presence of this
field is used by contract developers to (erroneously) deny smart
contract access to other smart contracts (and therefore, validators).
This PR fixes that oversight by returning the same values as other EOAs
for known validator addresses. Obviously, it needs a hard fork that will
be scheduled separately.
* Fix context passing.
* Clean up code.
* Removed engine dependency.
* Fix possible panic.
* Clean up code.
* Network type.
* Fix tests.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency." (#4392)
* Revert "Fix tests."
This reverts commit 597ba2d6f1ed54ff599b9d9b8940c7285ab1277a.
* Revert "Network type."
This reverts commit 5e1878aedca3989dc0f34161dae1833e43ca6a76.
* Revert "Clean up code."
This reverts commit 15885f4c9b9263746827172b4f4f56d0926d18e2.
* Revert "Fix possible panic."
This reverts commit 1a70d5eb66cdbf8a23791806b71a323eed320085.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency."
This reverts commit 8c2ff803f709f944cfc8b1278f35cf5b2cacf859.
* gitignore the cache folder (#4389)
* stable localnet with external validator (#4388)
* stable localnet with external validator
* ignore deploy config file comments
* reduce node launched in localnet
* update makefile
* localnet configuration - add more fn
* fix validator information command typo
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: Casey Gardiner <117784577+ONECasey@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore: merge `main` into `dev` (#4415)
* Mainnet Release Candidate 2023.1.2 (#4376)
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0
Bumps [github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go) from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/blob/v1.34.0/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/compare/v1.33.0...v1.34.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go
dependency-type: direct:production
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0
Bumps [github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime) from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/compare/v0.9.0...v0.19.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0
Bumps [golang.org/x/net](https://github.com/golang/net) from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/golang/net/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/golang/net/compare/v0.3.0...v0.7.0)
- dependency-name: golang.org/x/net
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Small fixes.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* activate epoch
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review "--port flag".
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* Commented golangci.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* fix protocol tests
* fix spell
* remove unused struct
* fix rosetta test
* add comments and refactor verify sig
* add comments, remove extra function
* add comment
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* refactor p2p host creation
* fix initsync and host creation
* fix short range hash chain
* fix beacon node detection for p2p protocol
* refactor stream peer cooldown and fix protocol beacon node field
* refactor p2p host and routing
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add MaxAdvertiseWaitTime to handle advertisements interval and address stream connection issue
* terminal print the peer id and proto id
* fix boot complete message when node is shut down
* add new config option ( ForceReachabilityPublic ) to fix local-net consensus issue
* fix self query issue
* fix test NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider
* [testnet] disable leader rotation
* fix discovery issue for legacy sync
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* add test for new conn manager flags
* fix dedent
* add comment to inform about p2p connection manager options
* fix max height issue
* add a separate log for get max height error
* fix log
* feat: triesInMemory flag
* fix: panic if TriesInMemory is 1 to 2
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed timers locks.
* Removed fbft locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional logs.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* Fix formatting.
* Rebased onto dev.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* Set to EpochTBD.
* Fix tests.
* [core] fix state handling of self destruct
If a contract self destructs to self and then receives funds within the
same transaction, it is possible for its stale state to be saved. This
change removes that possibility by checking for deleted state objects
before returning them.
* Fixed race error.
* rpc: add configurable http and `eth_call` timeout
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* fix dedent
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* remove default timeouts
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Fixes.
* Update singleton.go
* evm: don't return extcode for validators
Due to technical debt, validator information is stored in the code field
of the address. The code field can be accessed in Solidity for an
arbitrary address using `extcodesize`, `extcodehash`, and `extcodecopy`
or helper commands (such as `address.code.Length`). The presence of this
field is used by contract developers to (erroneously) deny smart
contract access to other smart contracts (and therefore, validators).
This PR fixes that oversight by returning the same values as other EOAs
for known validator addresses. Obviously, it needs a hard fork that will
be scheduled separately.
* Fix context passing.
* Clean up code.
* Removed engine dependency.
* Fix possible panic.
* Clean up code.
* Network type.
* Fix tests.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency." (#4392)
* Revert "Fix tests."
This reverts commit 597ba2d6f1ed54ff599b9d9b8940c7285ab1277a.
* Revert "Network type."
This reverts commit 5e1878aedca3989dc0f34161dae1833e43ca6a76.
* Revert "Clean up code."
This reverts commit 15885f4c9b9263746827172b4f4f56d0926d18e2.
* Revert "Fix possible panic."
This reverts commit 1a70d5eb66cdbf8a23791806b71a323eed320085.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency."
This reverts commit 8c2ff803f709f944cfc8b1278f35cf5b2cacf859.
* gitignore the cache folder (#4389)
* stable localnet with external validator (#4388)
* stable localnet with external validator
* ignore deploy config file comments
* reduce node launched in localnet
* update makefile
* localnet configuration - add more fn
* fix validator information command typo
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
* build: update pinned curl version (#4394)
Per the Alpine Linux package repositories, the version for cURL included
with v3.16 has changed to revision 6
* consensus: replace type assert with test (#4398)
If `consensus.finalityCounter` does not have anything stored (for
example in Syncing mode), the `Load()` returns an interface that cannot
be automatically asserted to an `int64`. This results in the node
crashing. This commit fixes that.
* Turn pprof default on with local saved files (#3894)
* Turn pprof default on with local saved files
* [pprof] change interval from 600s to 3600s
* Revert "Turn pprof default on with local saved files (#3894)" (#4400)
This reverts commit 78d26d7910a58ded3bfe689b3de07ea28d95d7d5.
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: Casey Gardiner <117784577+ONECasey@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacky Wang <jackyw.se@gmail.com>
* internal/params: set validator code fix hard forks (#4413)
* internal/params: schedule hard forks
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* internal/params: set localnet fee collect epoch 2
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* internal/params: schedule HIP28v2 + val code fix (#4416)
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* Dev fix conflicts. (#4417)
* Mainnet Release Candidate 2023.1.2 (#4376)
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0
Bumps [github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go) from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/blob/v1.34.0/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/compare/v1.33.0...v1.34.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go
dependency-type: direct:production
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0
Bumps [github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime) from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/compare/v0.9.0...v0.19.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0
Bumps [golang.org/x/net](https://github.com/golang/net) from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/golang/net/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/golang/net/compare/v0.3.0...v0.7.0)
- dependency-name: golang.org/x/net
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Small fixes.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* activate epoch
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review "--port flag".
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* Commented golangci.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* fix protocol tests
* fix spell
* remove unused struct
* fix rosetta test
* add comments and refactor verify sig
* add comments, remove extra function
* add comment
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* refactor p2p host creation
* fix initsync and host creation
* fix short range hash chain
* fix beacon node detection for p2p protocol
* refactor stream peer cooldown and fix protocol beacon node field
* refactor p2p host and routing
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add MaxAdvertiseWaitTime to handle advertisements interval and address stream connection issue
* terminal print the peer id and proto id
* fix boot complete message when node is shut down
* add new config option ( ForceReachabilityPublic ) to fix local-net consensus issue
* fix self query issue
* fix test NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider
* [testnet] disable leader rotation
* fix discovery issue for legacy sync
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* add test for new conn manager flags
* fix dedent
* add comment to inform about p2p connection manager options
* fix max height issue
* add a separate log for get max height error
* fix log
* feat: triesInMemory flag
* fix: panic if TriesInMemory is 1 to 2
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed timers locks.
* Removed fbft locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional logs.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* Fix formatting.
* Rebased onto dev.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* Set to EpochTBD.
* Fix tests.
* [core] fix state handling of self destruct
If a contract self destructs to self and then receives funds within the
same transaction, it is possible for its stale state to be saved. This
change removes that possibility by checking for deleted state objects
before returning them.
* Fixed race error.
* rpc: add configurable http and `eth_call` timeout
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* fix dedent
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* remove default timeouts
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Fixes.
* Update singleton.go
* evm: don't return extcode for validators
Due to technical debt, validator information is stored in the code field
of the address. The code field can be accessed in Solidity for an
arbitrary address using `extcodesize`, `extcodehash`, and `extcodecopy`
or helper commands (such as `address.code.Length`). The presence of this
field is used by contract developers to (erroneously) deny smart
contract access to other smart contracts (and therefore, validators).
This PR fixes that oversight by returning the same values as other EOAs
for known validator addresses. Obviously, it needs a hard fork that will
be scheduled separately.
* Fix context passing.
* Clean up code.
* Removed engine dependency.
* Fix possible panic.
* Clean up code.
* Network type.
* Fix tests.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency." (#4392)
* Revert "Fix tests."
This reverts commit 597ba2d6f1ed54ff599b9d9b8940c7285ab1277a.
* Revert "Network type."
This reverts commit 5e1878aedca3989dc0f34161dae1833e43ca6a76.
* Revert "Clean up code."
This reverts commit 15885f4c9b9263746827172b4f4f56d0926d18e2.
* Revert "Fix possible panic."
This reverts commit 1a70d5eb66cdbf8a23791806b71a323eed320085.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency."
This reverts commit 8c2ff803f709f944cfc8b1278f35cf5b2cacf859.
* gitignore the cache folder (#4389)
* stable localnet with external validator (#4388)
* stable localnet with external validator
* ignore deploy config file comments
* reduce node launched in localnet
* update makefile
* localnet configuration - add more fn
* fix validator information command typo
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
* build: update pinned curl version (#4394)
Per the Alpine Linux package repositories, the version for cURL included
with v3.16 has changed to revision 6
* consensus: replace type assert with test (#4398)
If `consensus.finalityCounter` does not have anything stored (for
example in Syncing mode), the `Load()` returns an interface that cannot
be automatically asserted to an `int64`. This results in the node
crashing. This commit fixes that.
* Turn pprof default on with local saved files (#3894)
* Turn pprof default on with local saved files
* [pprof] change interval from 600s to 3600s
* Revert "Turn pprof default on with local saved files (#3894)" (#4400)
This reverts commit 78d26d7910a58ded3bfe689b3de07ea28d95d7d5.
* go mod tidy.
* Increased wait time.
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: Casey Gardiner <117784577+ONECasey@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacky Wang <jackyw.se@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Konstantin <k.potapov@softpro.com>
Co-authored-by: Gheis Mohammadi <Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacky Wang <jackyw.se@gmail.com>
2 years ago
snapCode := ctx.snapState.GetCode(addr, false)
curCode := ctx.state.GetCode(addr, false)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(snapCode, curCode) {
return errors.New("code not expected")
return nil
// checkWrapperChangeByAddr checks whether the wrapper of a given address
// before and after the state change is expected defined by compare function f.
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) checkWrapperChangeByAddr(addr common.Address,
f func(w1, w2 *staking.ValidatorWrapper) bool) error {
Resolve harmony-one/bounties#90: Add revert mechanism for UpdateValidatorWrapper (#3939)
* Add revert mechanism for UpdateValidatorWrapper
Closes harmony-one/bounties#90
(1) Use LRU for ValidatorWrapper objects in stateDB to plug a potential
memory leak
(2) Merge ValidatorWrapper and ValidatorWrapperCopy to let callers ask
for either a copy, or a pointer to the cached object. Additionally,
give callers the option to not deep copy delegations (which is a
heavy process). Copies need to be explicitly committed (and thus
can be reverted), while the pointers are committed when Finalise
is called.
(3) Add a UpdateValidatorWrapperWithRevert function, which is used by
staking txs `Delegate`, `Undelegate`, and `CollectRewards`. Other
2 types of staking txs and `db.Finalize` continue to use
UpdateValidateWrapper without revert, again, to save memoery
(4) Add unit tests which check
a) Revert goes through
b) Wrapper is as expected after revert
c) State is as expected after revert
* Change back to dictionary for stateValidators
Since the memory / CPU usage saved is not significantly different when
using an LRU + map structure, go back to the original dictionary
structure to keep code easy to read and have limited modifications.
* Add tests for validator wrapper reverts
As requested by @rlan35, add tests beyond just adding and reverting a
delegation. The tests are successive in the sense that we do multiple
modifications to the wrapper, save a snapshot before each modification
and revert to each of them to confirm everything works well. This change
improves test coverage of statedb.go to 66.7% from 64.8% and that of
core/state to 71.9% from 70.8%, and covers all the code that has been
modified by this PR in statedb.go.
For clarity, the modifications to the wrapper include (1) creation of
wrapper in state, (2) adding a delegation to the wrapper, (3)
increasing the blocks signed, and (4) a change in the validator Name and
the BlockReward. Two additional tests have been added to cover the
`panic` and the `GetCode` cases.
3 years ago
snapWrapper, err := ctx.snapState.ValidatorWrapper(addr, true, false)
if err != nil {
return err
Resolve harmony-one/bounties#90: Add revert mechanism for UpdateValidatorWrapper (#3939)
* Add revert mechanism for UpdateValidatorWrapper
Closes harmony-one/bounties#90
(1) Use LRU for ValidatorWrapper objects in stateDB to plug a potential
memory leak
(2) Merge ValidatorWrapper and ValidatorWrapperCopy to let callers ask
for either a copy, or a pointer to the cached object. Additionally,
give callers the option to not deep copy delegations (which is a
heavy process). Copies need to be explicitly committed (and thus
can be reverted), while the pointers are committed when Finalise
is called.
(3) Add a UpdateValidatorWrapperWithRevert function, which is used by
staking txs `Delegate`, `Undelegate`, and `CollectRewards`. Other
2 types of staking txs and `db.Finalize` continue to use
UpdateValidateWrapper without revert, again, to save memoery
(4) Add unit tests which check
a) Revert goes through
b) Wrapper is as expected after revert
c) State is as expected after revert
* Change back to dictionary for stateValidators
Since the memory / CPU usage saved is not significantly different when
using an LRU + map structure, go back to the original dictionary
structure to keep code easy to read and have limited modifications.
* Add tests for validator wrapper reverts
As requested by @rlan35, add tests beyond just adding and reverting a
delegation. The tests are successive in the sense that we do multiple
modifications to the wrapper, save a snapshot before each modification
and revert to each of them to confirm everything works well. This change
improves test coverage of statedb.go to 66.7% from 64.8% and that of
core/state to 71.9% from 70.8%, and covers all the code that has been
modified by this PR in statedb.go.
For clarity, the modifications to the wrapper include (1) creation of
wrapper in state, (2) adding a delegation to the wrapper, (3)
increasing the blocks signed, and (4) a change in the validator Name and
the BlockReward. Two additional tests have been added to cover the
`panic` and the `GetCode` cases.
3 years ago
curWrapper, err := ctx.state.ValidatorWrapper(addr, true, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if isExpected := f(snapWrapper, curWrapper); !isExpected {
return errors.New("validatorWrapper not expected")
return nil
// checkIncWrapperVerified is the compare function to check whether validator wrapper
// is expected for nodes who has verified a block.
func checkIncWrapperVerified(snapWrapper, curWrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper) bool {
snapSigned := snapWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned
curSigned := curWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned
if curSigned.Cmp(new(big.Int).Add(snapSigned, common.Big1)) != 0 {
return false
snapToSign := snapWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign
curToSign := curWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign
return curToSign.Cmp(new(big.Int).Add(snapToSign, common.Big1)) == 0
// checkIncWrapperMissing is the compare function to check whether validator wrapper
// is expected for nodes who has missed a block.
func checkIncWrapperMissing(snapWrapper, curWrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper) bool {
snapSigned := snapWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned
curSigned := curWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned
if curSigned.Cmp(snapSigned) != 0 {
return false
snapToSign := snapWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign
curToSign := curWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign
return curToSign.Cmp(new(big.Int).Add(snapToSign, common.Big1)) == 0
type computeEPOSTestCtx struct {
// input arguments
addr common.Address
snapSigned, snapToSign int64
snapEli effective.Eligibility
curSigned, curToSign int64
curEli effective.Eligibility
// computed fields
state testStateDB
reader testReader
// makeStateAndReader compute for state and reader given the input arguments
func (ctx *computeEPOSTestCtx) makeStateAndReader() {
ctx.reader = newTestReader()
if ctx.snapEli != effective.Nil {
wrapper := makeTestWrapper(ctx.addr, ctx.snapSigned, ctx.snapToSign)
wrapper.Status = ctx.snapEli
ctx.reader.updateValidatorWrapper(ctx.addr, &wrapper)
ctx.state = newTestStateDB()
if ctx.curEli != effective.Nil {
wrapper := makeTestWrapper(ctx.addr, ctx.curSigned, ctx.curToSign)
wrapper.Status = ctx.curEli
ctx.state.UpdateValidatorWrapper(ctx.addr, &wrapper)
func (ctx *computeEPOSTestCtx) checkWrapperStatus(expStatus effective.Eligibility) error {
Resolve harmony-one/bounties#90: Add revert mechanism for UpdateValidatorWrapper (#3939)
* Add revert mechanism for UpdateValidatorWrapper
Closes harmony-one/bounties#90
(1) Use LRU for ValidatorWrapper objects in stateDB to plug a potential
memory leak
(2) Merge ValidatorWrapper and ValidatorWrapperCopy to let callers ask
for either a copy, or a pointer to the cached object. Additionally,
give callers the option to not deep copy delegations (which is a
heavy process). Copies need to be explicitly committed (and thus
can be reverted), while the pointers are committed when Finalise
is called.
(3) Add a UpdateValidatorWrapperWithRevert function, which is used by
staking txs `Delegate`, `Undelegate`, and `CollectRewards`. Other
2 types of staking txs and `db.Finalize` continue to use
UpdateValidateWrapper without revert, again, to save memoery
(4) Add unit tests which check
a) Revert goes through
b) Wrapper is as expected after revert
c) State is as expected after revert
* Change back to dictionary for stateValidators
Since the memory / CPU usage saved is not significantly different when
using an LRU + map structure, go back to the original dictionary
structure to keep code easy to read and have limited modifications.
* Add tests for validator wrapper reverts
As requested by @rlan35, add tests beyond just adding and reverting a
delegation. The tests are successive in the sense that we do multiple
modifications to the wrapper, save a snapshot before each modification
and revert to each of them to confirm everything works well. This change
improves test coverage of statedb.go to 66.7% from 64.8% and that of
core/state to 71.9% from 70.8%, and covers all the code that has been
modified by this PR in statedb.go.
For clarity, the modifications to the wrapper include (1) creation of
wrapper in state, (2) adding a delegation to the wrapper, (3)
increasing the blocks signed, and (4) a change in the validator Name and
the BlockReward. Two additional tests have been added to cover the
`panic` and the `GetCode` cases.
3 years ago
wrapper, err := ctx.state.ValidatorWrapper(ctx.addr, true, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if wrapper.Status != expStatus {
return fmt.Errorf("wrapper status unexpected: %v / %v", wrapper.Status, expStatus)
return nil
// testHeader is the fake Header for testing
type testHeader struct {
number *big.Int
shardID uint32
lastCommitBitmap []byte
func newTestHeader(number int64, shardID uint32, numSlots, numVerified int) *testHeader {
indexes := make([]int, 0, numVerified)
for i := 0; i != numVerified; i++ {
indexes = append(indexes, i)
bitmap, _ := indexesToBitMap(indexes, numSlots)
return &testHeader{
number: new(big.Int).SetInt64(number),
shardID: shardID,
lastCommitBitmap: bitmap,
func (th *testHeader) Number() *big.Int {
return th.number
func (th *testHeader) ShardID() uint32 {
return th.shardID
func (th *testHeader) LastCommitBitmap() []byte {
return th.lastCommitBitmap
// testStateDB is the fake state db for testing
type testStateDB map[common.Address]*staking.ValidatorWrapper
// newTestStateDB return an empty testStateDB
func newTestStateDB() testStateDB {
state := make(testStateDB)
return state
// newTestStateDBFromCommittee creates a testStateDB given a shard committee.
// The validator wrappers are only set for user nodes.
func newTestStateDBFromCommittee(cmt *shard.Committee) testStateDB {
state := make(testStateDB)
for _, slot := range cmt.Slots {
if slot.EffectiveStake == nil {
var wrapper staking.ValidatorWrapper
wrapper.Address = slot.EcdsaAddress
wrapper.SlotPubKeys = []bls.SerializedPublicKey{slot.BLSPublicKey}
wrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned = new(big.Int).SetInt64(1)
wrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign = new(big.Int).SetInt64(1)
state[slot.EcdsaAddress] = &wrapper
return state
// snapshot returns a deep copy of the current test state
func (state testStateDB) snapshot() testStateDB {
res := make(map[common.Address]*staking.ValidatorWrapper)
for addr, wrapper := range state {
wrapperCpy := staking.ValidatorWrapper{
Validator: staking.Validator{
Address: addr,
SlotPubKeys: make([]bls.SerializedPublicKey, 1),
copy(wrapperCpy.SlotPubKeys, wrapper.SlotPubKeys)
wrapperCpy.Counters.NumBlocksToSign = new(big.Int).Set(wrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign)
wrapperCpy.Counters.NumBlocksSigned = new(big.Int).Set(wrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned)
res[addr] = &wrapperCpy
return res
Resolve harmony-one/bounties#90: Add revert mechanism for UpdateValidatorWrapper (#3939)
* Add revert mechanism for UpdateValidatorWrapper
Closes harmony-one/bounties#90
(1) Use LRU for ValidatorWrapper objects in stateDB to plug a potential
memory leak
(2) Merge ValidatorWrapper and ValidatorWrapperCopy to let callers ask
for either a copy, or a pointer to the cached object. Additionally,
give callers the option to not deep copy delegations (which is a
heavy process). Copies need to be explicitly committed (and thus
can be reverted), while the pointers are committed when Finalise
is called.
(3) Add a UpdateValidatorWrapperWithRevert function, which is used by
staking txs `Delegate`, `Undelegate`, and `CollectRewards`. Other
2 types of staking txs and `db.Finalize` continue to use
UpdateValidateWrapper without revert, again, to save memoery
(4) Add unit tests which check
a) Revert goes through
b) Wrapper is as expected after revert
c) State is as expected after revert
* Change back to dictionary for stateValidators
Since the memory / CPU usage saved is not significantly different when
using an LRU + map structure, go back to the original dictionary
structure to keep code easy to read and have limited modifications.
* Add tests for validator wrapper reverts
As requested by @rlan35, add tests beyond just adding and reverting a
delegation. The tests are successive in the sense that we do multiple
modifications to the wrapper, save a snapshot before each modification
and revert to each of them to confirm everything works well. This change
improves test coverage of statedb.go to 66.7% from 64.8% and that of
core/state to 71.9% from 70.8%, and covers all the code that has been
modified by this PR in statedb.go.
For clarity, the modifications to the wrapper include (1) creation of
wrapper in state, (2) adding a delegation to the wrapper, (3)
increasing the blocks signed, and (4) a change in the validator Name and
the BlockReward. Two additional tests have been added to cover the
`panic` and the `GetCode` cases.
3 years ago
func (state testStateDB) ValidatorWrapper(addr common.Address, readOnly bool, copyDelegations bool) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error) {
wrapper, ok := state[addr]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("addr not exist in validator wrapper: %v", addr.String())
return wrapper, nil
func (state testStateDB) UpdateValidatorWrapper(addr common.Address, wrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper) error {
state[addr] = wrapper
return nil
Release Candidate 2023.2.0 ( dev -> main ) (#4399)
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* activate epoch
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review "--port flag".
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* Commented golangci.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* fix protocol tests
* fix spell
* remove unused struct
* fix rosetta test
* add comments and refactor verify sig
* add comments, remove extra function
* add comment
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* refactor p2p host creation
* fix initsync and host creation
* fix short range hash chain
* fix beacon node detection for p2p protocol
* refactor stream peer cooldown and fix protocol beacon node field
* refactor p2p host and routing
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add MaxAdvertiseWaitTime to handle advertisements interval and address stream connection issue
* terminal print the peer id and proto id
* fix boot complete message when node is shut down
* add new config option ( ForceReachabilityPublic ) to fix local-net consensus issue
* fix self query issue
* fix test NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider
* [testnet] disable leader rotation
* fix discovery issue for legacy sync
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* add test for new conn manager flags
* fix dedent
* add comment to inform about p2p connection manager options
* fix max height issue
* add a separate log for get max height error
* fix log
* feat: triesInMemory flag
* fix: panic if TriesInMemory is 1 to 2
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed timers locks.
* Removed fbft locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional logs.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* Fix formatting.
* Rebased onto dev.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* Set to EpochTBD.
* Fix tests.
* [core] fix state handling of self destruct
If a contract self destructs to self and then receives funds within the
same transaction, it is possible for its stale state to be saved. This
change removes that possibility by checking for deleted state objects
before returning them.
* Fixed race error.
* rpc: add configurable http and `eth_call` timeout
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* fix dedent
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* remove default timeouts
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Fixes.
* Update singleton.go
* evm: don't return extcode for validators
Due to technical debt, validator information is stored in the code field
of the address. The code field can be accessed in Solidity for an
arbitrary address using `extcodesize`, `extcodehash`, and `extcodecopy`
or helper commands (such as `address.code.Length`). The presence of this
field is used by contract developers to (erroneously) deny smart
contract access to other smart contracts (and therefore, validators).
This PR fixes that oversight by returning the same values as other EOAs
for known validator addresses. Obviously, it needs a hard fork that will
be scheduled separately.
* Fix context passing.
* Clean up code.
* Removed engine dependency.
* Fix possible panic.
* Clean up code.
* Network type.
* Fix tests.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency." (#4392)
* Revert "Fix tests."
This reverts commit 597ba2d6f1ed54ff599b9d9b8940c7285ab1277a.
* Revert "Network type."
This reverts commit 5e1878aedca3989dc0f34161dae1833e43ca6a76.
* Revert "Clean up code."
This reverts commit 15885f4c9b9263746827172b4f4f56d0926d18e2.
* Revert "Fix possible panic."
This reverts commit 1a70d5eb66cdbf8a23791806b71a323eed320085.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency."
This reverts commit 8c2ff803f709f944cfc8b1278f35cf5b2cacf859.
* gitignore the cache folder (#4389)
* stable localnet with external validator (#4388)
* stable localnet with external validator
* ignore deploy config file comments
* reduce node launched in localnet
* update makefile
* localnet configuration - add more fn
* fix validator information command typo
* Configurable tx pool. (#4240)
* AccountQueue & GlobalQueue.
* Lifetime duration.
* [pool] make flags configurable
* [pool] use 4096 as default `GlobalSlots`
* [rosetta] update default values of tx pool
* [test] update value to default
* PriceLimit and PriceBump.
* Fix tests.
* Fix price limit & bump.
* Updated, fixed migrate version and tests.
* Rebased.
* Fix go toml version.
Co-authored-by: Konstantin <k.potapov@softpro.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* Upgrade rawdb and statedb codes to add the latest functionalities of ethdb (#4374)
* added bloom filter
* upgrade rawdb and statedb
* change var name and remove extra comments
* return back fake storage in case if we need it for test later
* add the previous change back
* remove some extra entries from go.mod
* fix WritePreimages to use batch
* mark unused functions which are ported over from eth
Co-authored-by: Casey Gardiner <117784577+ONECasey@users.noreply.github.com>
* update all ethereum rawdb pointers to use harmony rawdb (#4395)
* Fix reduce node dependencies. (#4379)
* Fix.
* Fix.
* Fix pool init.
* Clean up.
* add prefix for contract code (#4397)
* Rotate external validators for non-beacon shards. (#4373)
* Rotate only non beacon shards.
* Rotate all shards, but only hmy validators for beacon.
* Fix type.
* Revert "Fix type."
This reverts commit 0a8b506c763d9f8609abff7395ba32b18e43b149.
* Revert "Rotate all shards, but only hmy validators for beacon."
This reverts commit 70b09e2de81aa2cbffae3ccdfd4e334e7d938759.
* Fixed failed test.
* Revert "Revert "Rotate all shards, but only hmy validators for beacon.""
This reverts commit 66cfaa9817488be60ed5b5cfee1fe833ede237c8.
* Frequency by slots count.
* Fix config.
* First validator produce rest blocks.
* Updated.
* Add lock.
* Add prefix for validator wrapper (#4402)
* add separate prefix for validator wrapper
* update comments
* make read/write backward compatible
* add validator codes to stats
* goimports
* goimports accessor_state
* add snapshot feature to state db (#4406)
* Typed cache & Node cleanup. (#4409)
* Channels usage through methods.
* Fix retry count. Removed proposedBlock.
* keysToAddrs rewritten to lrucache.
* core, internal/configs: HIP28-v2 fee collection (#4410)
* core, internal/configs: HIP28-v2 fee collection
Based on the Snapshot vote that has passed, collect 50% of the fee to a
community maintained account and the remainder to an account used to pay
for infrastructure costs. Note that these accounts need to be decided
and set in the code at this moment, and the feature needs to be
activated by setting the `FeeCollectEpoch` of the `ChainConfig` object.
The implementation for devnet is a bit different than compared to
others because the feature was activated on devnet with 100% collection
to an account. I have handled this case separately in `devnet.go`.
* test: add test for StateTransition.ApplyMessage
The objective of this unit test is to check that the fees of a
transaction are appropriately credited to the fee collectors that are
set. This means, for a transaction of 21,000 gas limit and 100 gwei gas
price, two equal fee collectors get 10,500 * 100 gwei each. In addition,
to be clear that the refund mechanism (in case a transaction with extra
gas comes in) works, the tested transaction has a 50,000 gas limit of
which only 21,000 gas limit is actually consumed.
* sharding/config: clarify local fee collector pk
* sharding/config: set testnet fee collector same as devnet
* test: add test for truncated fee distribution
* sharding/config: set fee collector addresses
* test: hardcode the expected fee collected
* goimports
* params/config: set testnet fee collect epoch
Schedule testnet hard fork epoch to be 1296, which begins around the
time 2023-04-28 07:14:20+00:00
* params/config: schedule devnee fee collection
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* Minor: removed time.Sleep from tests. (#4412)
* Provide current time as argument.
* Fix test.
* Fix naming.
* Mainnet Release Candidate 2023.1.2 (#4376) (#4414)
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0
Bumps [github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go) from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/blob/v1.34.0/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/compare/v1.33.0...v1.34.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go
dependency-type: direct:production
* Bump github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0
Bumps [github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime) from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/compare/v0.9.0...v0.19.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime
dependency-type: indirect
* Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0
Bumps [golang.org/x/net](https://github.com/golang/net) from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/golang/net/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/golang/net/compare/v0.3.0...v0.7.0)
- dependency-name: golang.org/x/net
dependency-type: indirect
* Small fixes.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* activate epoch
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review "--port flag".
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* Commented golangci.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* fix protocol tests
* fix spell
* remove unused struct
* fix rosetta test
* add comments and refactor verify sig
* add comments, remove extra function
* add comment
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* refactor p2p host creation
* fix initsync and host creation
* fix short range hash chain
* fix beacon node detection for p2p protocol
* refactor stream peer cooldown and fix protocol beacon node field
* refactor p2p host and routing
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add MaxAdvertiseWaitTime to handle advertisements interval and address stream connection issue
* terminal print the peer id and proto id
* fix boot complete message when node is shut down
* add new config option ( ForceReachabilityPublic ) to fix local-net consensus issue
* fix self query issue
* fix test NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider
* [testnet] disable leader rotation
* fix discovery issue for legacy sync
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* add test for new conn manager flags
* fix dedent
* add comment to inform about p2p connection manager options
* fix max height issue
* add a separate log for get max height error
* fix log
* feat: triesInMemory flag
* fix: panic if TriesInMemory is 1 to 2
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed timers locks.
* Removed fbft locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional logs.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* Fix formatting.
* Rebased onto dev.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* Set to EpochTBD.
* Fix tests.
* [core] fix state handling of self destruct
If a contract self destructs to self and then receives funds within the
same transaction, it is possible for its stale state to be saved. This
change removes that possibility by checking for deleted state objects
before returning them.
* Fixed race error.
* rpc: add configurable http and `eth_call` timeout
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* fix dedent
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* remove default timeouts
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Fixes.
* Update singleton.go
* evm: don't return extcode for validators
Due to technical debt, validator information is stored in the code field
of the address. The code field can be accessed in Solidity for an
arbitrary address using `extcodesize`, `extcodehash`, and `extcodecopy`
or helper commands (such as `address.code.Length`). The presence of this
field is used by contract developers to (erroneously) deny smart
contract access to other smart contracts (and therefore, validators).
This PR fixes that oversight by returning the same values as other EOAs
for known validator addresses. Obviously, it needs a hard fork that will
be scheduled separately.
* Fix context passing.
* Clean up code.
* Removed engine dependency.
* Fix possible panic.
* Clean up code.
* Network type.
* Fix tests.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency." (#4392)
* Revert "Fix tests."
This reverts commit 597ba2d6f1ed54ff599b9d9b8940c7285ab1277a.
* Revert "Network type."
This reverts commit 5e1878aedca3989dc0f34161dae1833e43ca6a76.
* Revert "Clean up code."
This reverts commit 15885f4c9b9263746827172b4f4f56d0926d18e2.
* Revert "Fix possible panic."
This reverts commit 1a70d5eb66cdbf8a23791806b71a323eed320085.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency."
This reverts commit 8c2ff803f709f944cfc8b1278f35cf5b2cacf859.
* gitignore the cache folder (#4389)
* stable localnet with external validator (#4388)
* stable localnet with external validator
* ignore deploy config file comments
* reduce node launched in localnet
* update makefile
* localnet configuration - add more fn
* fix validator information command typo
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: Casey Gardiner <117784577+ONECasey@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
* chore: merge `main` into `dev` (#4415)
* Mainnet Release Candidate 2023.1.2 (#4376)
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0
Bumps [github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go) from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/blob/v1.34.0/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/compare/v1.33.0...v1.34.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go
dependency-type: direct:production
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0
Bumps [github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime) from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/compare/v0.9.0...v0.19.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0
Bumps [golang.org/x/net](https://github.com/golang/net) from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/golang/net/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/golang/net/compare/v0.3.0...v0.7.0)
- dependency-name: golang.org/x/net
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Small fixes.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* activate epoch
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review "--port flag".
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* Commented golangci.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* fix protocol tests
* fix spell
* remove unused struct
* fix rosetta test
* add comments and refactor verify sig
* add comments, remove extra function
* add comment
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* refactor p2p host creation
* fix initsync and host creation
* fix short range hash chain
* fix beacon node detection for p2p protocol
* refactor stream peer cooldown and fix protocol beacon node field
* refactor p2p host and routing
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add MaxAdvertiseWaitTime to handle advertisements interval and address stream connection issue
* terminal print the peer id and proto id
* fix boot complete message when node is shut down
* add new config option ( ForceReachabilityPublic ) to fix local-net consensus issue
* fix self query issue
* fix test NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider
* [testnet] disable leader rotation
* fix discovery issue for legacy sync
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* add test for new conn manager flags
* fix dedent
* add comment to inform about p2p connection manager options
* fix max height issue
* add a separate log for get max height error
* fix log
* feat: triesInMemory flag
* fix: panic if TriesInMemory is 1 to 2
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed timers locks.
* Removed fbft locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional logs.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* Fix formatting.
* Rebased onto dev.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* Set to EpochTBD.
* Fix tests.
* [core] fix state handling of self destruct
If a contract self destructs to self and then receives funds within the
same transaction, it is possible for its stale state to be saved. This
change removes that possibility by checking for deleted state objects
before returning them.
* Fixed race error.
* rpc: add configurable http and `eth_call` timeout
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* fix dedent
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* remove default timeouts
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Fixes.
* Update singleton.go
* evm: don't return extcode for validators
Due to technical debt, validator information is stored in the code field
of the address. The code field can be accessed in Solidity for an
arbitrary address using `extcodesize`, `extcodehash`, and `extcodecopy`
or helper commands (such as `address.code.Length`). The presence of this
field is used by contract developers to (erroneously) deny smart
contract access to other smart contracts (and therefore, validators).
This PR fixes that oversight by returning the same values as other EOAs
for known validator addresses. Obviously, it needs a hard fork that will
be scheduled separately.
* Fix context passing.
* Clean up code.
* Removed engine dependency.
* Fix possible panic.
* Clean up code.
* Network type.
* Fix tests.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency." (#4392)
* Revert "Fix tests."
This reverts commit 597ba2d6f1ed54ff599b9d9b8940c7285ab1277a.
* Revert "Network type."
This reverts commit 5e1878aedca3989dc0f34161dae1833e43ca6a76.
* Revert "Clean up code."
This reverts commit 15885f4c9b9263746827172b4f4f56d0926d18e2.
* Revert "Fix possible panic."
This reverts commit 1a70d5eb66cdbf8a23791806b71a323eed320085.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency."
This reverts commit 8c2ff803f709f944cfc8b1278f35cf5b2cacf859.
* gitignore the cache folder (#4389)
* stable localnet with external validator (#4388)
* stable localnet with external validator
* ignore deploy config file comments
* reduce node launched in localnet
* update makefile
* localnet configuration - add more fn
* fix validator information command typo
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
* build: update pinned curl version (#4394)
Per the Alpine Linux package repositories, the version for cURL included
with v3.16 has changed to revision 6
* consensus: replace type assert with test (#4398)
If `consensus.finalityCounter` does not have anything stored (for
example in Syncing mode), the `Load()` returns an interface that cannot
be automatically asserted to an `int64`. This results in the node
crashing. This commit fixes that.
* Turn pprof default on with local saved files (#3894)
* Turn pprof default on with local saved files
* [pprof] change interval from 600s to 3600s
* Revert "Turn pprof default on with local saved files (#3894)" (#4400)
This reverts commit 78d26d7910a58ded3bfe689b3de07ea28d95d7d5.
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: Casey Gardiner <117784577+ONECasey@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacky Wang <jackyw.se@gmail.com>
* internal/params: set validator code fix hard forks (#4413)
* internal/params: schedule hard forks
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* internal/params: set localnet fee collect epoch 2
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* internal/params: schedule HIP28v2 + val code fix (#4416)
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
* Dev fix conflicts. (#4417)
* Mainnet Release Candidate 2023.1.2 (#4376)
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0
Bumps [github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go) from 1.33.0 to 1.34.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/blob/v1.34.0/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/compare/v1.33.0...v1.34.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go
dependency-type: direct:production
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0
Bumps [github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime) from 0.9.0 to 0.19.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/compare/v0.9.0...v0.19.0)
- dependency-name: github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0
Bumps [golang.org/x/net](https://github.com/golang/net) from 0.3.0 to 0.7.0.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/golang/net/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/golang/net/compare/v0.3.0...v0.7.0)
- dependency-name: golang.org/x/net
dependency-type: indirect
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
* Small fixes.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* activate epoch
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review "--port flag".
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* Commented golangci.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* fix protocol tests
* fix spell
* remove unused struct
* fix rosetta test
* add comments and refactor verify sig
* add comments, remove extra function
* add comment
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* refactor p2p host creation
* fix initsync and host creation
* fix short range hash chain
* fix beacon node detection for p2p protocol
* refactor stream peer cooldown and fix protocol beacon node field
* refactor p2p host and routing
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add MaxAdvertiseWaitTime to handle advertisements interval and address stream connection issue
* terminal print the peer id and proto id
* fix boot complete message when node is shut down
* add new config option ( ForceReachabilityPublic ) to fix local-net consensus issue
* fix self query issue
* fix test NewDNSSyncingPeerProvider
* [testnet] disable leader rotation
* fix discovery issue for legacy sync
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* add test for new conn manager flags
* fix dedent
* add comment to inform about p2p connection manager options
* fix max height issue
* add a separate log for get max height error
* fix log
* feat: triesInMemory flag
* fix: panic if TriesInMemory is 1 to 2
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed timers locks.
* Removed fbft locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional logs.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* Fix formatting.
* Rebased onto dev.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* comment activation
* 295 epoch
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* Set to EpochTBD.
* Fix tests.
* [core] fix state handling of self destruct
If a contract self destructs to self and then receives funds within the
same transaction, it is possible for its stale state to be saved. This
change removes that possibility by checking for deleted state objects
before returning them.
* Fixed race error.
* rpc: add configurable http and `eth_call` timeout
* remove default timeouts
* store the evm call timeout in rosetta object
* [cmd] actually apply ToRPCServerConfig
* Removed unused method.
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Returned locks in rotateLeader.
* Rebased onto dev.
* staged stream sync v1.0
* refactor errors, rename metrics
* fix p2p discovery test issue
* add watermark low/high options for p2p connection manager
* fix dedent
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* fix
* activate epoch
* EpochTBD for leader rotation epoch.
* 295 epoch
* Decider no longer requires public keys as a dependency. (#4289)
* Consensus doesn't require anymore `Node` as a circular dependency.
* Proper blockchain initialization.
* Rwlock consensus.
* Removed channels.
* Removed view change locks.
* Removed multiSigMutex locks.
* Removed leader locks.
* Removed additional locks and isViewChange.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Added locks detected by race.
* Locks for start.
* Removed additional locks.
* Removed additional locks.
* Make func private.
* Make VerifyBlock private.
* Make IsLeader private.
* Make ParseFBFTMessage private.
* Fix remove locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added additional locks.
* Added readSignatureBitmapPayload locks.
* Added HandleMessageUpdate locks.
* Added LastMile locks.
* Locks for IsValidatorInCommittee.
* Fixed locks.
* Fixed tests.
* Fixed lock.
* Rebased over leader rotation.
* in progress.
* consensus check is forked
* update master
* fix leader
* check leader for N blocks
* fix
* fix
* Cleanup and fix update pub keys.
* Rotate leader.
* fix
* Cleaned.
* Cache for `GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase`, removed `NthNextHmyExt`.
* Fix failed tests.
* Fixed code review.
* Fix review comments.
* Merged leader rotation.
* Rebased on dev.
* Rebased on dev.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Fix usage of private methods.
* Removed deadcode, LockedFBFTPhase.
* Fix review comment.
* Go mod tidy.
* remove default timeouts
* Rotate external leaders on non-beacon chains.
* Fix nil panic.
* Fixes.
* Update singleton.go
* evm: don't return extcode for validators
Due to technical debt, validator information is stored in the code field
of the address. The code field can be accessed in Solidity for an
arbitrary address using `extcodesize`, `extcodehash`, and `extcodecopy`
or helper commands (such as `address.code.Length`). The presence of this
field is used by contract developers to (erroneously) deny smart
contract access to other smart contracts (and therefore, validators).
This PR fixes that oversight by returning the same values as other EOAs
for known validator addresses. Obviously, it needs a hard fork that will
be scheduled separately.
* Fix context passing.
* Clean up code.
* Removed engine dependency.
* Fix possible panic.
* Clean up code.
* Network type.
* Fix tests.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency." (#4392)
* Revert "Fix tests."
This reverts commit 597ba2d6f1ed54ff599b9d9b8940c7285ab1277a.
* Revert "Network type."
This reverts commit 5e1878aedca3989dc0f34161dae1833e43ca6a76.
* Revert "Clean up code."
This reverts commit 15885f4c9b9263746827172b4f4f56d0926d18e2.
* Revert "Fix possible panic."
This reverts commit 1a70d5eb66cdbf8a23791806b71a323eed320085.
* Revert "Removed engine dependency."
This reverts commit 8c2ff803f709f944cfc8b1278f35cf5b2cacf859.
* gitignore the cache folder (#4389)
* stable localnet with external validator (#4388)
* stable localnet with external validator
* ignore deploy config file comments
* reduce node launched in localnet
* update makefile
* localnet configuration - add more fn
* fix validator information command typo
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
* build: update pinned curl version (#4394)
Per the Alpine Linux package repositories, the version for cURL included
with v3.16 has changed to revision 6
* consensus: replace type assert with test (#4398)
If `consensus.finalityCounter` does not have anything stored (for
example in Syncing mode), the `Load()` returns an interface that cannot
be automatically asserted to an `int64`. This results in the node
crashing. This commit fixes that.
* Turn pprof default on with local saved files (#3894)
* Turn pprof default on with local saved files
* [pprof] change interval from 600s to 3600s
* Revert "Turn pprof default on with local saved files (#3894)" (#4400)
This reverts commit 78d26d7910a58ded3bfe689b3de07ea28d95d7d5.
* go mod tidy.
* Increased wait time.
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: Casey Gardiner <117784577+ONECasey@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacky Wang <jackyw.se@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: frozen <355847+Frozen@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <“Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com”>
Co-authored-by: “GheisMohammadi” <36589218+GheisMohammadi@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: MaxMustermann2 <82761650+MaxMustermann2@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sun Hyuk Ahn <sunhyukahn@Suns-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: Soph <35721420+sophoah@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Konstantin <k.potapov@softpro.com>
Co-authored-by: Gheis Mohammadi <Gheis.Mohammadi@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacky Wang <jackyw.se@gmail.com>
2 years ago
func (state testStateDB) GetCode(addr common.Address, isValidatorCode bool) []byte {
wrapper, ok := state[addr]
if !ok {
return nil
b, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(wrapper)
return b
// testReader is the fake Reader for testing
type testReader map[common.Address]staking.ValidatorWrapper
// newTestReader creates an empty test reader
func newTestReader() testReader {
reader := make(testReader)
return reader
func (reader testReader) ReadValidatorSnapshot(addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorSnapshot, error) {
wrapper, ok := reader[addr]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not a valid validator address")
return &staking.ValidatorSnapshot{
Validator: &wrapper,
}, nil
func (reader testReader) updateValidatorWrapper(addr common.Address, val *staking.ValidatorWrapper) {
reader[addr] = *val
func makeTestShardState(numShards, numSlots int) *shard.State {
state := &shard.State{
Epoch: new(big.Int).SetInt64(0),
Shards: make([]shard.Committee, 0, numShards),
for shardID := uint32(0); shardID != uint32(numShards); shardID++ {
cmt := makeTestCommittee(numSlots, shardID)
state.Shards = append(state.Shards, *cmt)
return state
func makeTestCommittee(n int, shardID uint32) *shard.Committee {
slots := make(shard.SlotList, 0, n)
for i := 0; i != n; i++ {
slots = append(slots, makeHmySlot(i, shardID))
return &shard.Committee{
ShardID: shardID,
Slots: slots,
func makeHmySlot(seed int, shardID uint32) shard.Slot {
addr := common.BigToAddress(new(big.Int).SetInt64(int64(seed) + int64(shardID*1000000)))
var blsKey bls.SerializedPublicKey
copy(blsKey[:], bls.RandPrivateKey().GetPublicKey().Serialize())
return shard.Slot{
EcdsaAddress: addr,
BLSPublicKey: blsKey,
const testStake = int64(100000000000)
// makeTestMixedCommittee makes a committee with both harmony nodes and user nodes
func makeTestMixedCommittee(numHmySlots, numUserSlots int, shardID uint32) *shard.Committee {
slots := make(shard.SlotList, 0, numHmySlots+numUserSlots)
for i := 0; i != numHmySlots; i++ {
slots = append(slots, makeHmySlot(i, shardID))
for i := numHmySlots; i != numHmySlots+numUserSlots; i++ {
slots = append(slots, makeUserSlot(i, shardID))
return &shard.Committee{
ShardID: shardID,
Slots: slots,
func makeUserSlot(seed int, shardID uint32) shard.Slot {
slot := makeHmySlot(seed, shardID)
stake := numeric.NewDec(testStake)
slot.EffectiveStake = &stake
return slot
// indexesToBitMap convert the indexes to bitmap. The conversion follows the little-
// endian order.
func indexesToBitMap(idxs []int, n int) ([]byte, error) {
bSize := (n + 7) >> 3
res := make([]byte, bSize)
for _, idx := range idxs {
byt := idx >> 3
if byt >= bSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("overflow index when converting to bitmap: %v/%v", byt, bSize)
msk := byte(1) << uint(idx&7)
res[byt] ^= msk
return res, nil
func makeTestWrapper(addr common.Address, numSigned, numToSign int64) staking.ValidatorWrapper {
var val staking.ValidatorWrapper
val.Address = addr
val.Counters.NumBlocksToSign = new(big.Int).SetInt64(numToSign)
val.Counters.NumBlocksSigned = new(big.Int).SetInt64(numSigned)
return val