package node
import (
// WaitForConsensusReady listen for the readiness signal from consensus and generate new block for consensus.
func (node *Node) WaitForConsensusReady(readySignal chan struct{}, stopChan chan struct{}, stoppedChan chan struct{}) {
go func() {
// Setup stoppedChan
defer close(stoppedChan)
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("Waiting for Consensus ready", "node", node)
time.Sleep(15 * time.Second) // Wait for other nodes to be ready (test-only)
firstTime := true
var newBlock *types.Block
timeoutCount := 0
for {
// keep waiting for Consensus ready
select {
case <-readySignal:
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // Delay a bit so validator is catched up (test-only).
case <-time.After(200 * time.Second):
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("Consensus timeout, retry!", "count", timeoutCount, "node", node)
case <-stopChan:
for {
// threshold and firstTime are for the test-only built-in smart contract tx. TODO: remove in production
threshold := 1
if firstTime {
threshold = 2
firstTime = false
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("STARTING BLOCK", "threshold", threshold, "pendingTransactions", len(node.pendingTransactions))
if len(node.pendingTransactions) >= threshold {
// Normal tx block consensus
selectedTxs := node.getTransactionsForNewBlock(MaxNumberOfTransactionsPerBlock)
if len(selectedTxs) != 0 {
block, err := node.Worker.Commit()
if err != nil {
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("Failed commiting new block", "Error", err)
} else {
newBlock = block
// If not enough transactions to run Consensus,
// periodically check whether we have enough transactions to package into block.
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Send the new block to Consensus so it can be confirmed.
if newBlock != nil {
node.BlockChannel <- newBlock