package consensus
import (
protobuf ""
msg_pb ""
bls_cosi ""
const (
waitForEnoughValidators = 1000
var (
startTime time . Time
// WaitForNewBlock waits for the next new block to run consensus on
func ( consensus * Consensus ) WaitForNewBlock ( blockChannel chan * types . Block , stopChan chan struct { } , stoppedChan chan struct { } , startChannel chan struct { } ) {
// gensis block is the first block to be processed.
// But we shouldn't start consensus yet, as we need to wait for all validators
// received the leader's pub key which will be propogated via Pong message.
// After we started the first consensus, we will go back to normal case to wait
// for new blocks.
// The signal to start the first consensus right now is the sending of Pong message (SendPongMessage function in node/node_handler.go
// but it can be changed to other conditions later
first := true
go func ( ) {
defer close ( stoppedChan )
for {
select {
default :
if first && startChannel != nil {
// got the signal to start consensus
_ = <- startChannel
first = false
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Waiting for block" , "consensus" , consensus )
// keep waiting for new blocks
newBlock := <- blockChannel
// TODO: think about potential race condition
c := consensus . RemovePeers ( consensus . OfflinePeerList )
if c > 0 {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "WaitForNewBlock" , "removed peers" , c )
if core . IsEpochBlock ( newBlock ) {
// Receive pRnd from DRG protocol
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[DRG] Waiting for pRnd" )
pRndAndBitmap := <- consensus . PRndChannel
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "[DRG] GOT pRnd" , "pRnd" , pRndAndBitmap )
pRnd := [ 32 ] byte { }
copy ( pRnd [ : ] , pRndAndBitmap [ : 32 ] )
bitmap := pRndAndBitmap [ 32 : ]
vrfBitmap , _ := bls_cosi . NewMask ( consensus . PublicKeys , consensus . leader . ConsensusPubKey )
vrfBitmap . SetMask ( bitmap )
// TODO: check validity of pRnd
newBlock . AddRandPreimage ( pRnd )
rnd , blockHash , err := consensus . GetNextRnd ( )
if err == nil {
// Verify the randomness
_ = blockHash
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "Adding randomness into new block" , "rnd" , rnd )
newBlock . AddRandSeed ( rnd )
} else {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "Failed to get randomness" , "error" , err )
startTime = time . Now ( )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "STARTING CONSENSUS" , "numTxs" , len ( newBlock . Transactions ( ) ) , "consensus" , consensus , "startTime" , startTime , "publicKeys" , len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) )
for { // Wait until last consensus is finished
if consensus . state == Finished {
consensus . ResetState ( )
consensus . startConsensus ( newBlock )
time . Sleep ( 500 * time . Millisecond )
case <- stopChan :
} ( )
// ProcessMessageLeader dispatches consensus message for the leader.
func ( consensus * Consensus ) ProcessMessageLeader ( payload [ ] byte ) {
message := & msg_pb . Message { }
err := protobuf . Unmarshal ( payload , message )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "Failed to unmarshal message payload." , "err" , err , "consensus" , consensus )
switch message . Type {
case msg_pb . MessageType_PREPARE :
consensus . processPrepareMessage ( message )
case msg_pb . MessageType_COMMIT :
consensus . processCommitMessage ( message )
default :
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "Unexpected message type" , "msgType" , message . Type , "consensus" , consensus )
// startConsensus starts a new consensus for a block by broadcast a announce message to the validators
func ( consensus * Consensus ) startConsensus ( newBlock * types . Block ) {
// Copy over block hash and block header data
blockHash := newBlock . Hash ( )
copy ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] , blockHash [ : ] )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Start encoding block" )
// prepare message and broadcast to validators
encodedBlock , err := rlp . EncodeToBytes ( newBlock )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Failed encoding block" )
consensus . block = encodedBlock
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Stop encoding block" )
msgToSend := consensus . constructAnnounceMessage ( )
// Set state to AnnounceDone
consensus . state = AnnounceDone
// Leader sign the block hash itself
consensus . prepareSigs [ consensus . nodeID ] = consensus . priKey . SignHash ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] )
// Construct broadcast p2p message
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "[Consensus]" , "sent announce message" , len ( msgToSend ) )
consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . GroupIDBeacon } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) )
// processPrepareMessage processes the prepare message sent from validators
func ( consensus * Consensus ) processPrepareMessage ( message * msg_pb . Message ) {
consensusMsg := message . GetConsensus ( )
validatorID := consensusMsg . SenderId
prepareSig := consensusMsg . Payload
prepareSigs := consensus . prepareSigs
prepareBitmap := consensus . prepareBitmap
consensus . mutex . Lock ( )
defer consensus . mutex . Unlock ( )
validatorPeer := consensus . getValidatorPeerByID ( validatorID )
if validatorPeer == nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "Invalid validator" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
if err := consensus . checkConsensusMessage ( message , validatorPeer . ConsensusPubKey ) ; err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Failed to check the validator message" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
// proceed only when the message is not received before
_ , ok := prepareSigs [ validatorID ]
if ok {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Already received prepare message from the validator" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
if len ( prepareSigs ) >= ( ( len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) * 2 ) / 3 + 1 ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Received additional prepare message" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
// Check BLS signature for the multi-sig
var sign bls . Sign
err := sign . Deserialize ( prepareSig )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "Failed to deserialize bls signature" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
if ! sign . VerifyHash ( validatorPeer . ConsensusPubKey , consensus . blockHash [ : ] ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "Received invalid BLS signature" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Received new prepare signature" , "numReceivedSoFar" , len ( prepareSigs ) , "validatorID" , validatorID , "PublicKeys" , len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) )
prepareSigs [ validatorID ] = & sign
prepareBitmap . SetKey ( validatorPeer . ConsensusPubKey , true ) // Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
targetState := PreparedDone
if len ( prepareSigs ) >= ( ( len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) * 2 ) / 3 + 1 ) && consensus . state < targetState {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Enough prepares received with signatures" , "num" , len ( prepareSigs ) , "state" , consensus . state )
// Construct and broadcast prepared message
msgToSend , aggSig := consensus . constructPreparedMessage ( )
consensus . aggregatedPrepareSig = aggSig
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "[Consensus]" , "sent prepared message" , len ( msgToSend ) )
consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . GroupIDBeacon } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) )
// Set state to targetState
consensus . state = targetState
// Leader sign the multi-sig and bitmap (for commit phase)
multiSigAndBitmap := append ( aggSig . Serialize ( ) , prepareBitmap . Bitmap ... )
consensus . commitSigs [ consensus . nodeID ] = consensus . priKey . SignHash ( multiSigAndBitmap )
// Processes the commit message sent from validators
func ( consensus * Consensus ) processCommitMessage ( message * msg_pb . Message ) {
consensusMsg := message . GetConsensus ( )
validatorID := consensusMsg . SenderId
commitSig := consensusMsg . Payload
consensus . mutex . Lock ( )
defer consensus . mutex . Unlock ( )
validatorPeer := consensus . getValidatorPeerByID ( validatorID )
if validatorPeer == nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "Invalid validator" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
if err := consensus . checkConsensusMessage ( message , validatorPeer . ConsensusPubKey ) ; err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Failed to check the validator message" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
commitSigs := consensus . commitSigs
commitBitmap := consensus . commitBitmap
// proceed only when the message is not received before
_ , ok := commitSigs [ validatorID ]
if ok {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Already received commit message from the validator" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
if len ( ( commitSigs ) ) >= ( ( len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) * 2 ) / 3 + 1 ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Received additional new commit message" , "validatorID" , strconv . Itoa ( int ( validatorID ) ) )
// Verify the signature on prepare multi-sig and bitmap is correct
var sign bls . Sign
err := sign . Deserialize ( commitSig )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Failed to deserialize bls signature" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
aggSig := bls_cosi . AggregateSig ( consensus . GetPrepareSigsArray ( ) )
if ! sign . VerifyHash ( validatorPeer . ConsensusPubKey , append ( aggSig . Serialize ( ) , consensus . prepareBitmap . Bitmap ... ) ) {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Error ( "Received invalid BLS signature" , "validatorID" , validatorID )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "Received new commit message" , "numReceivedSoFar" , len ( commitSigs ) , "validatorID" , strconv . Itoa ( int ( validatorID ) ) )
commitSigs [ validatorID ] = & sign
// Set the bitmap indicating that this validator signed.
commitBitmap . SetKey ( validatorPeer . ConsensusPubKey , true )
targetState := CommittedDone
if len ( commitSigs ) >= ( ( len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) * 2 ) / 3 + 1 ) && consensus . state != targetState {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "Enough commits received!" , "num" , len ( commitSigs ) , "state" , consensus . state )
// Construct and broadcast committed message
msgToSend , aggSig := consensus . constructCommittedMessage ( )
consensus . aggregatedCommitSig = aggSig
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Warn ( "[Consensus]" , "sent committed message" , len ( msgToSend ) )
consensus . host . SendMessageToGroups ( [ ] p2p . GroupID { p2p . GroupIDBeacon } , host . ConstructP2pMessage ( byte ( 17 ) , msgToSend ) )
var blockObj types . Block
err := rlp . DecodeBytes ( consensus . block , & blockObj )
if err != nil {
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "failed to construct the new block after consensus" )
// Sign the block
copy ( blockObj . Header ( ) . PrepareSignature [ : ] , consensus . aggregatedPrepareSig . Serialize ( ) [ : ] )
copy ( blockObj . Header ( ) . PrepareBitmap [ : ] , consensus . prepareBitmap . Bitmap )
copy ( blockObj . Header ( ) . CommitSignature [ : ] , consensus . aggregatedCommitSig . Serialize ( ) [ : ] )
copy ( blockObj . Header ( ) . CommitBitmap [ : ] , consensus . commitBitmap . Bitmap )
consensus . state = targetState
select {
case consensus . VerifiedNewBlock <- & blockObj :
default :
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "[SYNC] consensus verified block send to chan failed" , "blockHash" , blockObj . Hash ( ) )
consensus . reportMetrics ( blockObj )
// Dump new block into level db.
explorer . GetStorageInstance ( consensus . leader . IP , consensus . leader . Port , true ) . Dump ( & blockObj , consensus . consensusID )
// Reset state to Finished, and clear other data.
consensus . ResetState ( )
consensus . consensusID ++
consensus . OnConsensusDone ( & blockObj )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Debug ( "HOORAY!!!!!!! CONSENSUS REACHED!!!!!!!" , "consensusID" , consensus . consensusID , "numOfSignatures" , len ( commitSigs ) )
// TODO: remove this temporary delay
time . Sleep ( 500 * time . Millisecond )
// Send signal to Node so the new block can be added and new round of consensus can be triggered
consensus . ReadySignal <- struct { } { }
func ( consensus * Consensus ) reportMetrics ( block types . Block ) {
endTime := time . Now ( )
timeElapsed := endTime . Sub ( startTime )
numOfTxs := len ( block . Transactions ( ) )
tps := float64 ( numOfTxs ) / timeElapsed . Seconds ( )
utils . GetLogInstance ( ) . Info ( "TPS Report" ,
"numOfTXs" , numOfTxs ,
"startTime" , startTime ,
"endTime" , endTime ,
"timeElapsed" , timeElapsed ,
"TPS" , tps ,
"consensus" , consensus )
// Post metrics
profiler := profiler . GetProfiler ( )
if profiler . MetricsReportURL == "" {
txHashes := [ ] string { }
for i , end := 0 , len ( block . Transactions ( ) ) ; i < 3 && i < end ; i ++ {
txHash := block . Transactions ( ) [ end - 1 - i ] . Hash ( )
txHashes = append ( txHashes , hex . EncodeToString ( txHash [ : ] ) )
metrics := map [ string ] interface { } {
"key" : hex . EncodeToString ( consensus . PubKey . Serialize ( ) ) ,
"tps" : tps ,
"txCount" : numOfTxs ,
"nodeCount" : len ( consensus . PublicKeys ) + 1 ,
"latestBlockHash" : hex . EncodeToString ( consensus . blockHash [ : ] ) ,
"latestTxHashes" : txHashes ,
"blockLatency" : int ( timeElapsed / time . Millisecond ) ,
profiler . LogMetrics ( metrics )