The core protocol of WoopChain
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package availability
import (
staking ""
func TestBlockSigners(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
numSlots int
verified []int
numPayable, numMissing int
{0, []int{}, 0, 0},
{1, []int{}, 0, 1},
{1, []int{0}, 1, 0},
{8, []int{}, 0, 8},
{8, []int{0}, 1, 7},
{8, []int{7}, 1, 7},
{8, []int{1, 3, 5, 7}, 4, 4},
{8, []int{0, 2, 4, 6}, 4, 4},
{8, []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, 8, 0},
{13, []int{0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12}, 7, 6},
// TODO: add a real data test case given numSlots of a committee and
// number of payable of a certain block
for i, test := range tests {
cmt := makeTestCommittee(test.numSlots, 0)
bm, err := indexesToBitMap(test.verified, test.numSlots)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test %d: %v", i, err)
pSlots, mSlots, err := BlockSigners(bm, cmt)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test %d: %v", i, err)
if len(pSlots) != test.numPayable || len(mSlots) != test.numMissing {
t.Errorf("test %d: unexpected result: # pSlots %d/%d, # mSlots %d/%d",
i, len(pSlots), test.numPayable, len(mSlots), test.numMissing)
if err := checkPayableAndMissing(cmt, test.verified, pSlots, mSlots); err != nil {
t.Errorf("test %d: %v", i, err)
func checkPayableAndMissing(cmt *shard.Committee, idxs []int, pSlots, mSlots shard.SlotList) error {
if len(pSlots)+len(mSlots) != len(cmt.Slots) {
return fmt.Errorf("slots number not expected: %d(payable) + %d(missings) != %d(committee)",
len(pSlots), len(mSlots), len(cmt.Slots))
pIndex, mIndex, iIndex := 0, 0, 0
for i, slot := range cmt.Slots {
if iIndex >= len(idxs) || i != idxs[iIndex] {
// the slot should be missings and we shall check mSlots[mIndex] == slot
if mIndex >= len(mSlots) || !reflect.DeepEqual(slot, mSlots[mIndex]) {
return fmt.Errorf("addr %v missed from missings slots", slot.EcdsaAddress.String())
} else {
// check pSlots[pIndex] == slot
if pIndex >= len(pSlots) || !reflect.DeepEqual(slot, pSlots[pIndex]) {
return fmt.Errorf("addr %v missed from payable slots", slot.EcdsaAddress.String())
return nil
func TestBlockSigners_BitmapOverflow(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
numSlots int
numBitmap int
err error
{16, 16, nil},
{16, 14, nil},
{16, 8, errors.New("bitmap size too small")},
{16, 24, errors.New("bitmap size too large")},
for i, test := range tests {
cmt := makeTestCommittee(test.numSlots, 0)
bm, _ := indexesToBitMap([]int{}, test.numBitmap)
_, _, err := BlockSigners(bm, cmt)
if (err == nil) != (test.err == nil) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: BlockSigners got err [%v], expect [%v]", i, err, test.err)
func TestBallotResult(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
numStateShards, numShardSlots int
parVerified, chdVerified int
parShardID, chdShardID uint32
parBN, chdBN int64
expNumPayable, expNumMissing int
expErr error
{1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 10, 11, 1, 0, nil},
{5, 16, 10, 12, 3, 4, 100, 101, 12, 4, nil},
{5, 16, 10, 12, 5, 6, 100, 101, 12, 4, errors.New("cannot find shard")},
for i, test := range tests {
sstate := makeTestShardState(test.numStateShards, test.numShardSlots)
parHeader := newTestHeader(test.parBN, test.parShardID, test.numShardSlots, test.parVerified)
chdHeader := newTestHeader(test.chdBN, test.chdShardID, test.numShardSlots, test.chdVerified)
slots, payable, missing, err := BallotResult(parHeader, chdHeader, sstate, chdHeader.ShardID())
if err != nil {
if test.expErr == nil {
t.Errorf("Test %v: unexpected error: %v", i, err)
expCmt, _ := sstate.FindCommitteeByID(test.chdShardID)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(slots, expCmt.Slots) {
t.Errorf("Test %v: Ballot result slots not expected", i)
if len(payable) != test.expNumPayable {
t.Errorf("Test %v: payable size not expected: %v / %v", i, len(payable), test.expNumPayable)
if len(missing) != test.expNumMissing {
t.Errorf("Test %v: missings size not expected: %v / %v", i, len(missing), test.expNumMissing)
func TestIncrementValidatorSigningCounts(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
numHmySlots, numUserSlots int
verified []int
{1, 0, []int{0}},
{0, 1, []int{0}},
{10, 6, []int{0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14}},
{10, 6, []int{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15}},
for _, test := range tests {
ctx, err := makeIncStateTestCtx(test.numHmySlots, test.numUserSlots, test.verified)
if err != nil {
if err := IncrementValidatorSigningCounts(nil, ctx.staked, ctx.state, ctx.signers,
ctx.missings); err != nil {
if err := ctx.checkResult(); err != nil {
func TestComputeCurrentSigning(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
snapSigned, curSigned, diffSigned int64
snapToSign, curToSign, diffToSign int64
pctNum, pctDiv int64
isBelowThreshold bool
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, true},
{0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, false},
{0, 2, 2, 0, 3, 3, 2, 3, true},
{0, 1, 1, 0, 3, 3, 1, 3, true},
{100, 225, 125, 200, 350, 150, 5, 6, false},
{100, 200, 100, 200, 350, 150, 2, 3, true},
{100, 200, 100, 200, 400, 200, 1, 2, true},
for i, test := range tests {
snapWrapper := makeTestWrapper(common.Address{}, test.snapSigned, test.snapToSign)
curWrapper := makeTestWrapper(common.Address{}, test.curSigned, test.curToSign)
computed := ComputeCurrentSigning(&snapWrapper, &curWrapper)
if computed.Signed.Cmp(new(big.Int).SetInt64(test.diffSigned)) != 0 {
t.Errorf("test %v: computed signed not expected: %v / %v",
i, computed.Signed, test.diffSigned)
if computed.ToSign.Cmp(new(big.Int).SetInt64(test.diffToSign)) != 0 {
t.Errorf("test %v: computed to sign not expected: %v / %v",
i, computed.ToSign, test.diffToSign)
expPct := numeric.NewDec(test.pctNum).Quo(numeric.NewDec(test.pctDiv))
if !computed.Percentage.Equal(expPct) {
t.Errorf("test %v: computed percentage not expected: %v / %v",
i, computed.Percentage, expPct)
if computed.IsBelowThreshold != test.isBelowThreshold {
t.Errorf("test %v: computed is below threshold not expected: %v / %v",
i, computed.IsBelowThreshold, test.isBelowThreshold)
func TestComputeAndMutateEPOSStatus(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
ctx *computeEPOSTestCtx
expErr error
expStatus effective.Eligibility
// active node
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Active,
expStatus: effective.Active,
// active -> inactive
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 250,
curEli: effective.Active,
expStatus: effective.Inactive,
// active -> inactive
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curSigned: 100,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Active,
expStatus: effective.Inactive,
// status unchanged: inactive -> inactive
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Inactive,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Inactive,
expStatus: effective.Inactive,
// status unchanged: inactive
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Inactive,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Active,
expStatus: effective.Active,
// nil validator wrapper in state
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 100,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curEli: effective.Nil,
expErr: errors.New("nil validator wrapper in state"),
// nil validator wrapper in snapshot
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapEli: effective.Nil,
curSigned: 200,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Active,
expErr: errors.New("nil validator wrapper in snapshot"),
// banned node
ctx: &computeEPOSTestCtx{
addr: common.Address{20, 20},
snapSigned: 100,
snapToSign: 200,
snapEli: effective.Active,
curSigned: 100,
curToSign: 200,
curEli: effective.Banned,
expStatus: effective.Banned,
for i, test := range tests {
ctx := test.ctx
err := ComputeAndMutateEPOSStatus(ctx.reader, ctx.state, ctx.addr)
if err != nil {
if test.expErr == nil {
t.Errorf("Test %v: unexpected error: %v", i, err)
if err := ctx.checkWrapperStatus(test.expStatus); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Test %v: %v", i, err)
// incStateTestCtx is the helper structure for test case TestIncrementValidatorSigningCounts
type incStateTestCtx struct {
// Initialized fields
snapState, state testStateDB
cmt *shard.Committee
staked *shard.StakedSlots
signers, missings shard.SlotList
// computedSlotMap is parsed map for result checking, which maps from Ecdsa address
// to the expected behaviour of the address.
// typeIncSigned - 0: increase both toSign and signed
// typeIncMissing - 1: increase to sign
// typeIncHmyNode - 2: keep the code field unchanged
computedSlotMap map[common.Address]int
const (
typeIncSigned = iota
// makeIncStateTestCtx create and initialize the test context for TestIncrementValidatorSigningCounts
func makeIncStateTestCtx(numHmySlots, numUserSlots int, verified []int) (*incStateTestCtx, error) {
cmt := makeTestMixedCommittee(numHmySlots, numUserSlots, 0)
staked := cmt.StakedValidators()
bitmap, _ := indexesToBitMap(verified, numUserSlots+numHmySlots)
signers, missing, err := BlockSigners(bitmap, cmt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
state := newTestStateDBFromCommittee(cmt)
snapState := state.snapshot()
return &incStateTestCtx{
snapState: snapState,
state: state,
cmt: cmt,
staked: staked,
signers: signers,
missings: missing,
}, nil
// checkResult checks the state change result for incStateTestCtx
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) checkResult() error {
for addr, typeInc := range ctx.computedSlotMap {
if err := ctx.checkAddrIncStateByType(addr, typeInc); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// computeSlotMaps compute for computedSlotMap for incStateTestCtx
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) computeSlotMaps() {
ctx.computedSlotMap = make(map[common.Address]int)
for _, signer := range ctx.signers {
ctx.computedSlotMap[signer.EcdsaAddress] = typeIncSigned
for _, missing := range ctx.missings {
ctx.computedSlotMap[missing.EcdsaAddress] = typeIncMissing
for _, slot := range ctx.cmt.Slots {
if slot.EffectiveStake == nil {
ctx.computedSlotMap[slot.EcdsaAddress] = typeIncHmyNode
// checkAddrIncStateByType checks whether the state behaviour of a given address follows
// the expected state change rule given typeInc
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) checkAddrIncStateByType(addr common.Address, typeInc int) error {
var err error
switch typeInc {
case typeIncSigned:
if err = ctx.checkWrapperChangeByAddr(addr, checkIncWrapperVerified); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("verified address %s: %v", addr, err)
case typeIncMissing:
if err = ctx.checkWrapperChangeByAddr(addr, checkIncWrapperMissing); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("missing address %s: %v", addr, err)
case typeIncHmyNode:
if err = ctx.checkHmyNodeStateChangeByAddr(addr); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("harmony node address %s: %v", addr, err)
err = errors.New("unknown typeInc")
return err
// checkHmyNodeStateChangeByAddr checks the state change for hmy nodes. Since hmy nodes does not
// have wrapper, it is supposed to be unchanged in code field
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) checkHmyNodeStateChangeByAddr(addr common.Address) error {
snapCode := ctx.snapState.GetCode(addr)
curCode := ctx.state.GetCode(addr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(snapCode, curCode) {
return errors.New("code not expected")
return nil
// checkWrapperChangeByAddr checks whether the wrapper of a given address
// before and after the state change is expected defined by compare function f.
func (ctx *incStateTestCtx) checkWrapperChangeByAddr(addr common.Address,
f func(w1, w2 *staking.ValidatorWrapper) bool) error {
snapWrapper, err := ctx.snapState.ValidatorWrapper(addr)
if err != nil {
return err
curWrapper, err := ctx.state.ValidatorWrapper(addr)
if err != nil {
return err
if isExpected := f(snapWrapper, curWrapper); !isExpected {
return errors.New("validatorWrapper not expected")
return nil
// checkIncWrapperVerified is the compare function to check whether validator wrapper
// is expected for nodes who has verified a block.
func checkIncWrapperVerified(snapWrapper, curWrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper) bool {
snapSigned := snapWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned
curSigned := curWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned
if curSigned.Cmp(new(big.Int).Add(snapSigned, common.Big1)) != 0 {
return false
snapToSign := snapWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign
curToSign := curWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign
return curToSign.Cmp(new(big.Int).Add(snapToSign, common.Big1)) == 0
// checkIncWrapperMissing is the compare function to check whether validator wrapper
// is expected for nodes who has missed a block.
func checkIncWrapperMissing(snapWrapper, curWrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper) bool {
snapSigned := snapWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned
curSigned := curWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned
if curSigned.Cmp(snapSigned) != 0 {
return false
snapToSign := snapWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign
curToSign := curWrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign
return curToSign.Cmp(new(big.Int).Add(snapToSign, common.Big1)) == 0
type computeEPOSTestCtx struct {
// input arguments
addr common.Address
snapSigned, snapToSign int64
snapEli effective.Eligibility
curSigned, curToSign int64
curEli effective.Eligibility
// computed fields
state testStateDB
reader testReader
// makeStateAndReader compute for state and reader given the input arguments
func (ctx *computeEPOSTestCtx) makeStateAndReader() {
ctx.reader = newTestReader()
if ctx.snapEli != effective.Nil {
wrapper := makeTestWrapper(ctx.addr, ctx.snapSigned, ctx.snapToSign)
wrapper.Status = ctx.snapEli
ctx.reader.updateValidatorWrapper(ctx.addr, &wrapper)
ctx.state = newTestStateDB()
if ctx.curEli != effective.Nil {
wrapper := makeTestWrapper(ctx.addr, ctx.curSigned, ctx.curToSign)
wrapper.Status = ctx.curEli
ctx.state.UpdateValidatorWrapper(ctx.addr, &wrapper)
func (ctx *computeEPOSTestCtx) checkWrapperStatus(expStatus effective.Eligibility) error {
wrapper, err := ctx.state.ValidatorWrapper(ctx.addr)
if err != nil {
return err
if wrapper.Status != expStatus {
return fmt.Errorf("wrapper status unexpected: %v / %v", wrapper.Status, expStatus)
return nil
// testHeader is the fake Header for testing
type testHeader struct {
number *big.Int
shardID uint32
lastCommitBitmap []byte
func newTestHeader(number int64, shardID uint32, numSlots, numVerified int) *testHeader {
indexes := make([]int, 0, numVerified)
for i := 0; i != numVerified; i++ {
indexes = append(indexes, i)
bitmap, _ := indexesToBitMap(indexes, numSlots)
return &testHeader{
number: new(big.Int).SetInt64(number),
shardID: shardID,
lastCommitBitmap: bitmap,
func (th *testHeader) Number() *big.Int {
return th.number
func (th *testHeader) ShardID() uint32 {
return th.shardID
func (th *testHeader) LastCommitBitmap() []byte {
return th.lastCommitBitmap
// testStateDB is the fake state db for testing
type testStateDB map[common.Address]*staking.ValidatorWrapper
// newTestStateDB return an empty testStateDB
func newTestStateDB() testStateDB {
state := make(testStateDB)
return state
// newTestStateDBFromCommittee creates a testStateDB given a shard committee.
// The validator wrappers are only set for user nodes.
func newTestStateDBFromCommittee(cmt *shard.Committee) testStateDB {
state := make(testStateDB)
for _, slot := range cmt.Slots {
if slot.EffectiveStake == nil {
var wrapper staking.ValidatorWrapper
wrapper.Address = slot.EcdsaAddress
wrapper.SlotPubKeys = []shard.BLSPublicKey{slot.BLSPublicKey}
wrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned = new(big.Int).SetInt64(1)
wrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign = new(big.Int).SetInt64(1)
state[slot.EcdsaAddress] = &wrapper
return state
// snapshot returns a deep copy of the current test state
func (state testStateDB) snapshot() testStateDB {
res := make(map[common.Address]*staking.ValidatorWrapper)
for addr, wrapper := range state {
wrapperCpy := staking.ValidatorWrapper{
Validator: staking.Validator{
Address: addr,
SlotPubKeys: make([]shard.BLSPublicKey, 1),
copy(wrapperCpy.SlotPubKeys, wrapper.SlotPubKeys)
wrapperCpy.Counters.NumBlocksToSign = new(big.Int).Set(wrapper.Counters.NumBlocksToSign)
wrapperCpy.Counters.NumBlocksSigned = new(big.Int).Set(wrapper.Counters.NumBlocksSigned)
res[addr] = &wrapperCpy
return res
func (state testStateDB) ValidatorWrapper(addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error) {
wrapper, ok := state[addr]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("addr not exist in validator wrapper: %v", addr.String())
return wrapper, nil
func (state testStateDB) UpdateValidatorWrapper(addr common.Address, wrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper) error {
state[addr] = wrapper
return nil
func (state testStateDB) GetCode(addr common.Address) []byte {
wrapper, ok := state[addr]
if !ok {
return nil
b, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(wrapper)
return b
// testReader is the fake Reader for testing
type testReader map[common.Address]staking.ValidatorWrapper
// newTestReader creates an empty test reader
func newTestReader() testReader {
reader := make(testReader)
return reader
func (reader testReader) ReadValidatorSnapshot(addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorSnapshot, error) {
wrapper, ok := reader[addr]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("not a valid validator address")
return &staking.ValidatorSnapshot{
Validator: &wrapper,
}, nil
func (reader testReader) updateValidatorWrapper(addr common.Address, val *staking.ValidatorWrapper) {
reader[addr] = *val
func makeTestShardState(numShards, numSlots int) *shard.State {
state := &shard.State{
Epoch: new(big.Int).SetInt64(0),
Shards: make([]shard.Committee, 0, numShards),
for shardID := uint32(0); shardID != uint32(numShards); shardID++ {
cmt := makeTestCommittee(numSlots, shardID)
state.Shards = append(state.Shards, *cmt)
return state
func makeTestCommittee(n int, shardID uint32) *shard.Committee {
slots := make(shard.SlotList, 0, n)
for i := 0; i != n; i++ {
slots = append(slots, makeHmySlot(i, shardID))
return &shard.Committee{
ShardID: shardID,
Slots: slots,
func makeHmySlot(seed int, shardID uint32) shard.Slot {
addr := common.BigToAddress(new(big.Int).SetInt64(int64(seed) + int64(shardID*1000000)))
var blsKey shard.BLSPublicKey
copy(blsKey[:], bls.RandPrivateKey().GetPublicKey().Serialize())
return shard.Slot{
EcdsaAddress: addr,
BLSPublicKey: blsKey,
const testStake = int64(100000000000)
// makeTestMixedCommittee makes a committee with both harmony nodes and user nodes
func makeTestMixedCommittee(numHmySlots, numUserSlots int, shardID uint32) *shard.Committee {
slots := make(shard.SlotList, 0, numHmySlots+numUserSlots)
for i := 0; i != numHmySlots; i++ {
slots = append(slots, makeHmySlot(i, shardID))
for i := numHmySlots; i != numHmySlots+numUserSlots; i++ {
slots = append(slots, makeUserSlot(i, shardID))
return &shard.Committee{
ShardID: shardID,
Slots: slots,
func makeUserSlot(seed int, shardID uint32) shard.Slot {
slot := makeHmySlot(seed, shardID)
stake := numeric.NewDec(testStake)
slot.EffectiveStake = &stake
return slot
// indexesToBitMap convert the indexes to bitmap. The conversion follows the little-
// endian order.
func indexesToBitMap(idxs []int, n int) ([]byte, error) {
bSize := (n + 7) >> 3
res := make([]byte, bSize)
for _, idx := range idxs {
byt := idx >> 3
if byt >= bSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("overflow index when converting to bitmap: %v/%v", byt, bSize)
msk := byte(1) << uint(idx&7)
res[byt] ^= msk
return res, nil
func makeTestWrapper(addr common.Address, numSigned, numToSign int64) staking.ValidatorWrapper {
var val staking.ValidatorWrapper
val.Address = addr
val.Counters.NumBlocksToSign = new(big.Int).SetInt64(numToSign)
val.Counters.NumBlocksSigned = new(big.Int).SetInt64(numSigned)
return val