package main
import (
proto_node "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/api/proto/node"
peerstore "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peerstore"
multiaddr "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
var (
version string
builtBy string
builtAt string
commit string
stateMutex sync.Mutex
func printVersion(me string) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Harmony (C) 2018. %v, version %v-%v (%v %v)\n", path.Base(me), version, commit, builtBy, builtAt)
// The main entrance for the transaction generator program which simulate transactions and send to the network for
// processing.
func main() {
ip := flag.String("ip", "", "IP of the node")
port := flag.String("port", "9999", "port of the node.")
maxNumTxsPerBatch := flag.Int("max_num_txs_per_batch", 20000, "number of transactions to send per message")
logFolder := flag.String("log_folder", "latest", "the folder collecting the logs of this execution")
duration := flag.Int("duration", 10, "duration of the tx generation in second. If it's negative, the experiment runs forever.")
versionFlag := flag.Bool("version", false, "Output version info")
crossShardRatio := flag.Int("cross_shard_ratio", 30, "The percentage of cross shard transactions.")
bcIP := flag.String("bc", "", "IP of the identity chain")
bcPort := flag.String("bc_port", "8081", "port of the identity chain")
bcAddr := flag.String("bc_addr", "", "MultiAddr of the identity chain")
// Key file to store the private key
keyFile := flag.String("key", "./.txgenkey", "the private key file of the txgen")
flag.Var(&utils.BootNodes, "bootnodes", "a list of bootnode multiaddress")
// LibP2P peer discovery integration test
libp2pPD := flag.Bool("libp2p_pd", false, "enable libp2p based peer discovery")
if *versionFlag {
// Add GOMAXPROCS to achieve max performance.
var bcPeer *p2p.Peer
var shardIDLeaderMap map[uint32]p2p.Peer
priKey, err := utils.LoadKeyFromFile(*keyFile)
if err != nil {
if *bcAddr != "" {
// Turn the destination into a multiaddr.
maddr, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(*bcAddr)
if err != nil {
// Extract the peer ID from the multiaddr.
info, err := peerstore.InfoFromP2pAddr(maddr)
if err != nil {
bcPeer = &p2p.Peer{IP: *bcIP, Port: *bcPort, Addrs: info.Addrs, PeerID: info.ID}
} else {
bcPeer = &p2p.Peer{IP: *bcIP, Port: *bcPort}
candidateNode := newnode.New(*ip, *port, priKey)
selfPeer := candidateNode.GetSelfPeer()
selfPeer.PubKey = candidateNode.PubK
shardIDLeaderMap = candidateNode.Leaders
// Do cross shard tx if there are more than one shard
setting := txgen.Settings{
NumOfAddress: 10000,
CrossShard: len(shardIDLeaderMap) > 1,
MaxNumTxsPerBatch: *maxNumTxsPerBatch,
CrossShardRatio: *crossShardRatio,
// TODO(Richard): refactor this chuck to a single method
// Setup a logger to stdout and log file.
logFileName := fmt.Sprintf("./%v/txgen.log", *logFolder)
h := log.MultiHandler(
log.StreamHandler(os.Stdout, log.TerminalFormat(false)),
log.Must.FileHandler(logFileName, log.LogfmtFormat()), // Log to file
// Nodes containing blockchain data to mirror the shards' data in the network
nodes := []*node.Node{}
host, err := p2pimpl.NewHost(&selfPeer, priKey)
if err != nil {
panic("unable to new host in txgen")
for shardID := range shardIDLeaderMap {
node := node.New(host, &consensus.Consensus{ShardID: shardID}, nil)
// Assign many fake addresses so we have enough address to play with at first
nodes = append(nodes, node)
// Client/txgenerator server node setup
consensusObj := consensus.New(host, "0", nil, p2p.Peer{})
clientNode := node.New(host, consensusObj, nil)
clientNode.Client = client.NewClient(clientNode.GetHost(), shardIDLeaderMap)
readySignal := make(chan uint32)
go func() {
for i := range shardIDLeaderMap {
readySignal <- i
// This func is used to update the client's blockchain when new blocks are received from the leaders
updateBlocksFunc := func(blocks []*types.Block) {
log.Info("[Txgen] Received new block", "block", blocks)
for _, block := range blocks {
for _, node := range nodes {
shardID := block.ShardID()
if node.Consensus.ShardID == shardID {
// Add it to blockchain
log.Info("Current Block", "hash", node.Blockchain().CurrentBlock().Hash().Hex())
log.Info("Adding block from leader", "txNum", len(block.Transactions()), "shardID", shardID, "preHash", block.ParentHash().Hex())
readySignal <- shardID
} else {
clientNode.Client.UpdateBlocks = updateBlocksFunc
// Start the client server to listen to leader's message
go clientNode.StartServer()
for _, leader := range shardIDLeaderMap {
log.Debug("Client Join Shard", "leader", leader)
if *libp2pPD {
clientNode.Role = node.NewNode
} else {
go clientNode.JoinShard(leader)
clientNode.State = node.NodeReadyForConsensus
if *libp2pPD {
} else {
// wait for 1 seconds for client to send ping message to leader
clientNode.StopPing <- struct{}{}
clientNode.State = node.NodeReadyForConsensus
// Transaction generation process
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // wait for nodes to be ready
start := time.Now()
totalTime := float64(*duration)
for {
t := time.Now()
if totalTime > 0 && t.Sub(start).Seconds() >= totalTime {
log.Debug("Generator timer ended.", "duration", (int(t.Sub(start))), "startTime", start, "totalTime", totalTime)
select {
case shardID := <-readySignal:
shardIDTxsMap := make(map[uint32]types.Transactions)
lock := sync.Mutex{}
log.Warn("STARTING TX GEN", "gomaxprocs", runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
txs, _ := txgen.GenerateSimulatedTransactionsAccount(int(shardID), nodes, setting)
// Put txs into corresponding shards
shardIDTxsMap[shardID] = append(shardIDTxsMap[shardID], txs...)
for shardID, txs := range shardIDTxsMap { // Send the txs to corresponding shards
go func(shardID uint32, txs types.Transactions) {
SendTxsToLeader(clientNode, shardIDLeaderMap[shardID], txs)
}(shardID, txs)
case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
log.Warn("No new block is received so far")
// Send a stop message to stop the nodes at the end
msg := proto_node.ConstructStopMessage()
clientNode.BroadcastMessage(clientNode.Client.GetLeaders(), msg)
time.Sleep(3000 * time.Millisecond)
// SendTxsToLeader sends txs to leader account.
func SendTxsToLeader(clientNode *node.Node, leader p2p.Peer, txs types.Transactions) {
log.Debug("[Generator] Sending account-based txs to...", "leader", leader, "numTxs", len(txs))
msg := proto_node.ConstructTransactionListMessageAccount(txs)
clientNode.SendMessage(leader, msg)
func debugPrintShardIDLeaderMap(leaderMap map[uint32]p2p.Peer) {
for k, v := range leaderMap {
log.Debug("Leader", "ShardID", k, "Leader", v)