package beaconchain
import (
proto_identity "github.com/harmony-one/harmony/api/proto/identity"
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"
//BCState keeps track of the state the beaconchain is in
type BCState int
var mutex sync.Mutex
var identityPerBlock = 100000
// BeaconchainServicePortDiff is the positive port diff from beacon chain's self port
const BeaconchainServicePortDiff = 4444
//BCInfo is the information that needs to be stored on the disk in order to allow for a restart.
type BCInfo struct {
Leaders []*node.Info `json:"leaders"`
ShardLeaderMap map[int]*node.Info `json:"shardLeaderMap"`
NumberOfShards int `json:"numShards"`
NumberOfNodesAdded int `json:"numNodesAdded"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
Port string `json:"port"`
// BeaconChain (Blockchain) keeps Identities per epoch, currently centralized!
type BeaconChain struct {
BCInfo BCInfo
log log.Logger
ShardLeaderMap map[int]*node.Info
PubKey kyber.Point
host p2p.Host
state BCState
rpcServer *beaconchain.Server
Peer p2p.Peer
Self p2p.Peer // self Peer
//SaveFile is to store the file in which beaconchain info will be stored.
var SaveFile string
// Followings are the set of states of that beaconchain can be in.
const (
NodeInfoReceived BCState = iota
// SupportRPC initializes and starts the rpc service
func (bc *BeaconChain) SupportRPC() {
// InitRPCServer initializes Rpc server.
func (bc *BeaconChain) InitRPCServer() {
bc.rpcServer = beaconchain.NewServer(bc.GetShardLeaderMap)
// StartRPCServer starts Rpc server.
func (bc *BeaconChain) StartRPCServer() {
port, err := strconv.Atoi(bc.BCInfo.Port)
if err != nil {
port = 0
bc.log.Info("support_client: StartRpcServer on port:", "port", strconv.Itoa(port+BeaconchainServicePortDiff))
bc.rpcServer.Start(bc.BCInfo.IP, strconv.Itoa(port+BeaconchainServicePortDiff))
// GetShardLeaderMap returns the map from shard id to leader.
func (bc *BeaconChain) GetShardLeaderMap() map[int]*node.Info {
result := make(map[int]*node.Info)
for i, leader := range bc.BCInfo.Leaders {
result[i] = leader
return result
//New beaconchain initialization
func New(numShards int, ip, port string) *BeaconChain {
bc := BeaconChain{}
bc.log = log.New()
bc.PubKey = generateBCKey()
bc.Self = p2p.Peer{IP: ip, Port: port}
bc.host, _ = p2pimpl.NewHost(&bc.Self)
bcinfo := &BCInfo{NumberOfShards: numShards, NumberOfNodesAdded: 0,
IP: ip,
Port: port,
ShardLeaderMap: make(map[int]*node.Info)}
bc.BCInfo = *bcinfo
return &bc
func generateBCKey() kyber.Point {
r := rand.Intn(1000)
priKey := pki.GetPrivateKeyFromInt(r)
pubkey := pki.GetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(priKey)
return pubkey
//AcceptNodeInfo deserializes node information received via beaconchain handler
func (bc *BeaconChain) AcceptNodeInfo(b []byte) *node.Info {
Node := bcconn.DeserializeNodeInfo(b)
bc.log.Info("New Node Connection", "IP", Node.IP, "Port", Node.Port, "PeerID", Node.PeerID)
bc.Peer = p2p.Peer{IP: Node.IP, Port: Node.Port, PeerID: Node.PeerID}
bc.BCInfo.NumberOfNodesAdded = bc.BCInfo.NumberOfNodesAdded + 1
shardNum, isLeader := utils.AllocateShard(bc.BCInfo.NumberOfNodesAdded, bc.BCInfo.NumberOfShards)
if isLeader {
bc.BCInfo.Leaders = append(bc.BCInfo.Leaders, Node)
bc.BCInfo.ShardLeaderMap[shardNum] = Node
go SaveBeaconChainInfo(SaveFile, bc)
bc.state = NodeInfoReceived
return Node
//RespondRandomness sends a randomness beacon to the node inorder for it process what shard it will be in
func (bc *BeaconChain) RespondRandomness(Node *node.Info) {
bci := bc.BCInfo
response := bcconn.ResponseRandomNumber{NumberOfShards: bci.NumberOfShards, NumberOfNodesAdded: bci.NumberOfNodesAdded, Leaders: bci.Leaders}
msg := bcconn.SerializeRandomInfo(response)
msgToSend := proto_identity.ConstructIdentityMessage(proto_identity.Acknowledge, msg)
bc.log.Info("Sent Out Msg", "# Nodes", response.NumberOfNodesAdded)
host.SendMessage(bc.host, bc.Peer, msgToSend, nil)
bc.state = RandomInfoSent
//AcceptConnections welcomes new connections
func (bc *BeaconChain) AcceptConnections(b []byte) {
node := bc.AcceptNodeInfo(b)
//StartServer a server and process the request by a handler.
func (bc *BeaconChain) StartServer() {
//SaveBeaconChainInfo to disk
func SaveBeaconChainInfo(filePath string, bc *BeaconChain) error {
bci := BCtoBCI(bc)
err := utils.Save(filePath, bci)
return err
//LoadBeaconChainInfo from disk
func LoadBeaconChainInfo(path string) (*BeaconChain, error) {
bci := &BCInfo{}
var err error
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
return nil, err
err = utils.Load(path, bci)
var bc *BeaconChain
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bc = BCItoBC(bci)
return bc, err
// BCtoBCI converts beaconchain into beaconchaininfo
func BCtoBCI(bc *BeaconChain) *BCInfo {
bci := &BCInfo{Leaders: bc.BCInfo.Leaders, ShardLeaderMap: bc.BCInfo.ShardLeaderMap, NumberOfShards: bc.BCInfo.NumberOfShards, NumberOfNodesAdded: bc.BCInfo.NumberOfNodesAdded, IP: bc.BCInfo.IP, Port: bc.BCInfo.Port}
return bci
//BCItoBC converts beconchaininfo to beaconchain
func BCItoBC(bci *BCInfo) *BeaconChain {
bc := &BeaconChain{BCInfo: *bci}
return bc
//SetSaveFile sets the filepath where beaconchain will be saved
func SetSaveFile(path string) {
SaveFile = path
//GetID return ID
func (bc *BeaconChain) GetID() peer.ID {
return bc.host.GetID()