The core protocol of WoopChain
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// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package tracers
import (
type action struct {
op vm.OpCode
from common.Address
to common.Address
input []byte
output []byte
gasIn uint64
gasCost uint64
gas uint64
gasUsed uint64
outOff int64
outLen int64
value *big.Int
err error
revert []byte
subCalls []*action
func (c *action) push(ac *action) {
c.subCalls = append(c.subCalls, ac)
func (c *action) fromStorage(blockStorage *TraceBlockStorage, acStorage *ActionStorage) {
c.op = vm.OpCode(acStorage.readByte())
errByte := acStorage.readByte()
if errByte != 0 {
revertIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
c.revert = blockStorage.getData(revertIndex)
c.err = errors.New("Reverted")
if c.op == vm.CREATE || c.op == vm.CREATE2 {
fromIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
toIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
c.value = acStorage.readNumber()
inputIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
outputIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
c.gas = acStorage.readNumber().Uint64()
c.gasUsed = acStorage.readNumber().Uint64()
c.from = blockStorage.getAddress(fromIndex) = blockStorage.getAddress(toIndex)
c.input = blockStorage.getData(inputIndex)
c.output = blockStorage.getData(outputIndex)
if c.op == vm.CALL || c.op == vm.CALLCODE || c.op == vm.DELEGATECALL || c.op == vm.STATICCALL {
fromIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
toIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
c.value = acStorage.readNumber()
inputIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
outputIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
c.gas = acStorage.readNumber().Uint64()
c.gasUsed = acStorage.readNumber().Uint64()
c.from = blockStorage.getAddress(fromIndex) = blockStorage.getAddress(toIndex)
c.input = blockStorage.getData(inputIndex)
c.output = blockStorage.getData(outputIndex)
if c.op == vm.SELFDESTRUCT {
fromIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
toIndex := int(acStorage.readNumber().Int64())
c.from = blockStorage.getAddress(fromIndex) = blockStorage.getAddress(toIndex)
c.value = acStorage.readNumber()
func (c action) toStorage(blockStorage *TraceBlockStorage) *ActionStorage {
acStorage := &ActionStorage{
TraceData: make([]byte, 0, 1024),
var errByte byte
if c.err != nil {
errByte = 1
if errByte != 0 {
revertIndex := blockStorage.indexData(c.revert)
if c.op == vm.CREATE || c.op == vm.CREATE2 {
fromIndex := blockStorage.indexAddress(c.from)
toIndex := blockStorage.indexAddress(
inputIndex := blockStorage.indexData(c.input)
outputIndex := blockStorage.indexData(c.output)
return acStorage
if c.op == vm.CALL || c.op == vm.CALLCODE || c.op == vm.DELEGATECALL || c.op == vm.STATICCALL {
if c.value == nil {
c.value = big.NewInt(0)
fromIndex := blockStorage.indexAddress(c.from)
toIndex := blockStorage.indexAddress(
inputIndex := blockStorage.indexData(c.input)
outputIndex := blockStorage.indexData(c.output)
return acStorage
if c.op == vm.SELFDESTRUCT {
fromIndex := blockStorage.indexAddress(c.from)
toIndex := blockStorage.indexAddress(
return acStorage
return nil
func (c action) toJsonStr() (string, *string, *string) {
callType := strings.ToLower(c.op.String())
if c.op == vm.CREATE || c.op == vm.CREATE2 {
action := fmt.Sprintf(
c.from, c.gas, c.input, c.value.Text(16),
output := fmt.Sprintf(
`{"address":"0x%x","code":"0x%x","gasUsed":"0x%x"}`,, c.output, c.gasUsed,
return "create", &action, &output
if c.op == vm.CALL || c.op == vm.CALLCODE || c.op == vm.DELEGATECALL || c.op == vm.STATICCALL {
if c.value == nil {
c.value = big.NewInt(0)
var valueStr string
if c.op != vm.STATICCALL && c.op != vm.DELEGATECALL {
3 years ago
valueStr = fmt.Sprintf(`,"value":"0x%s"`, c.value.Text(16))
action := fmt.Sprintf(
callType, valueStr,, c.gas, c.from, c.input,
output := fmt.Sprintf(
c.output, c.gasUsed,
return "call", &action, &output
if c.op == vm.SELFDESTRUCT {
action := fmt.Sprintf(
`{"refundAddress":"0x%x","balance":"0x%s","address":"0x%x"}`,, c.value.Text(16), c.from,
return "suicide", &action, nil
return "unkonw", nil, nil
type ParityTxTracer struct {
blockNumber uint64
blockHash common.Hash
transactionPosition uint64
transactionHash common.Hash
descended bool
calls []*action
type ParityBlockTracer struct {
Hash common.Hash
Number uint64
cur *ParityTxTracer
tracers []*ParityTxTracer
func (ptt *ParityTxTracer) push(ac *action) {
ptt.calls = append(ptt.calls, ac)
func (ptt *ParityTxTracer) pop() *action {
popIndex := len(ptt.calls) - 1
ac := ptt.calls[popIndex]
ptt.calls = ptt.calls[:popIndex]
return ac
func (ptt *ParityTxTracer) last() *action {
return ptt.calls[len(ptt.calls)-1]
func (ptt *ParityTxTracer) len() int {
return len(ptt.calls)
// CaptureStart implements the ParityBlockTracer interface to initialize the tracing operation.
func (jst *ParityBlockTracer) CaptureStart(env *vm.EVM, from common.Address, to common.Address, create bool, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) error {
jst.cur = &ParityTxTracer{}
jst.cur.op = vm.CALL // vritual call
if create {
jst.cur.op = vm.CREATE // virtual create
jst.cur.from = from = to
jst.cur.input = input
jst.cur.gas = gas
jst.cur.value = (&big.Int{}).Set(value)
jst.cur.blockHash = env.StateDB.BlockHash()
jst.cur.transactionPosition = uint64(env.StateDB.TxIndex())
jst.cur.transactionHash = env.StateDB.TxHashETH()
jst.cur.blockNumber = env.BlockNumber.Uint64()
jst.cur.descended = false
return nil
// CaptureState implements the ParityBlockTracer interface to trace a single step of VM execution.
func (jst *ParityBlockTracer) CaptureState(env *vm.EVM, pc uint64, op vm.OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *vm.Memory, stack *vm.Stack, contract *vm.Contract, depth int, err error) (vm.HookAfter, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, jst.CaptureFault(env, pc, op, gas, cost, memory, stack, contract, depth, err)
var retErr error
stackPeek := func(n int) *big.Int {
if n >= len(stack.Data()) {
retErr = errors.New("tracer bug:stack overflow")
return big.NewInt(0)
return stack.Back(n)
memoryCopy := func(off, size int64) []byte {
if off+size > int64(memory.Len()) {
retErr = errors.New("tracer bug:memory leak")
return nil
return memory.GetCopy(off, size)
3 years ago
switch op {
case vm.CREATE, vm.CREATE2:
inOff := stackPeek(1).Int64()
inSize := stackPeek(2).Int64()
op: op,
from: contract.Address(),
input: memoryCopy(inOff, inSize),
gasIn: gas,
gasCost: cost,
value: (&big.Int{}).Set(stackPeek(0)),
jst.cur.descended = true
return nil, retErr
3 years ago
ac := jst.cur.last()
op: op,
from: contract.Address(),
to: common.BigToAddress(stackPeek(0)),
gasIn: gas,
gasCost: cost,
value: env.StateDB.GetBalance(contract.Address()),
return nil, retErr
3 years ago
to := common.BigToAddress(stackPeek(1))
precompiles := vm.PrecompiledContractsVRF
if _, exist := precompiles[to]; exist {
return nil, nil
off := 1
if op == vm.DELEGATECALL || op == vm.STATICCALL {
off = 0
inOff := stackPeek(2 + off).Int64()
inSize := stackPeek(3 + off).Int64()
callObj := &action{
op: op,
from: contract.Address(),
to: to,
input: memoryCopy(inOff, inSize),
gasIn: gas,
gasCost: cost,
outOff: stackPeek(4 + off).Int64(),
outLen: stackPeek(5 + off).Int64(),
if op != vm.DELEGATECALL && op != vm.STATICCALL {
callObj.value = (&big.Int{}).Set(stackPeek(2))
jst.cur.descended = true
return nil, retErr
3 years ago
if jst.cur.descended {
jst.cur.descended = false
if depth >= jst.cur.len() { // >= to >
jst.cur.last().gas = gas
if op == vm.REVERT {
last := jst.cur.last()
last.err = errors.New("execution reverted")
revertOff := stackPeek(0).Int64()
revertLen := stackPeek(1).Int64()
last.revert = memoryCopy(revertOff, revertLen)
return nil, retErr
if depth == jst.cur.len()-1 { // depth == len - 1
call := jst.cur.pop()
if call.op == vm.CREATE || call.op == vm.CREATE2 {
call.gasUsed = call.gasIn - call.gasCost - gas
ret := stackPeek(0)
if ret.Sign() != 0 { = common.BigToAddress(ret)
call.output = env.StateDB.GetCode(, false)
} else if call.err == nil {
call.err = errors.New("internal failure")
} else {
if call.gas != 0 {
call.gasUsed = call.gasIn - call.gasCost + call.gas - gas
ret := stackPeek(0)
if ret.Sign() != 0 {
call.output = memoryCopy(call.outOff, call.outLen)
} else if call.err == nil {
call.err = errors.New("internal failure")
return nil, retErr
// CaptureFault implements the ParityBlockTracer interface to trace an execution fault
// while running an opcode.
func (jst *ParityBlockTracer) CaptureFault(env *vm.EVM, pc uint64, op vm.OpCode, gas, cost uint64, memory *vm.Memory, stack *vm.Stack, contract *vm.Contract, depth int, err error) error {
if jst.cur.last().err != nil {
return nil
call := jst.cur.pop()
call.err = err
// Consume all available gas and clean any leftovers
if call.gas != 0 {
3 years ago
call.gas = gas
call.gasUsed = call.gas
// Flatten the failed call into its parent
if jst.cur.len() > 0 {
return nil
return nil
// CaptureEnd is called after the call finishes to finalize the tracing.
func (jst *ParityBlockTracer) CaptureEnd(output []byte, gasUsed uint64, t time.Duration, err error) error {
jst.cur.output = output
jst.cur.gasUsed = gasUsed
if err != nil {
jst.cur.err = err
jst.tracers = append(jst.tracers, jst.cur)
return nil
// get TraceBlockStorage from tracer, then store it to db
func (jst *ParityBlockTracer) GetStorage() *TraceBlockStorage {
blockStorage := &TraceBlockStorage{
Hash: jst.Hash,
Number: jst.Number,
addressIndex: make(map[common.Address]int),
dataIndex: make(map[common.Hash]int),
txStorage := &TxStorage{
Storages: make([]*ActionStorage, 0, 1024),
var finalize func(ac *action, traceAddress []uint)
finalize = func(ac *action, traceAddress []uint) {
acStorage := ac.toStorage(blockStorage)
acStorage.Subtraces = uint(len(ac.subCalls))
acStorage.TraceAddress = make([]uint, len(traceAddress))
copy(acStorage.TraceAddress, traceAddress)
txStorage.Storages = append(txStorage.Storages, acStorage)
for i, subAc := range ac.subCalls {
finalize(subAc, append(traceAddress[:], uint(i)))
for _, curTx := range jst.tracers {
root := &curTx.action
txStorage.Hash = curTx.transactionHash
txStorage.Storages = txStorage.Storages[:0]
finalize(root, make([]uint, 0))
b, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(txStorage)
blockStorage.TraceStorages = append(blockStorage.TraceStorages, b)
return blockStorage
// GetResult calls the Javascript 'result' function and returns its value, or any accumulated error
func (jst *ParityBlockTracer) GetResult() ([]json.RawMessage, error) {
var results []json.RawMessage
var err error
var headPiece string
var finalize func(ac *action, traceAddress []int)
finalize = func(ac *action, traceAddress []int) {
typStr, acStr, outStr := ac.toJsonStr()
if acStr == nil {
err = errors.New("tracer internal failure")
traceStr, _ := json.Marshal(traceAddress)
bodyPiece := fmt.Sprintf(
len(ac.subCalls), string(traceStr), typStr, *acStr,
var resultPiece string
if ac.err != nil {
resultPiece = fmt.Sprintf(`,"error":"Reverted","revert":"0x%x"`, ac.revert)
} else if outStr != nil {
resultPiece = fmt.Sprintf(`,"result":%s`, *outStr)
} else {
resultPiece = `,"result":null`
jstr := "{" + headPiece + bodyPiece + resultPiece + "}"
results = append(results, json.RawMessage(jstr))
for i, subAc := range ac.subCalls {
finalize(subAc, append(traceAddress[:], i))
for _, curTx := range jst.tracers {
root := &curTx.action
headPiece = fmt.Sprintf(
curTx.blockNumber, curTx.blockHash.Hex(), curTx.transactionHash.Hex(), curTx.transactionPosition,
finalize(root, make([]int, 0))
return results, err