refactoring to multibls package to avoid cyclic dependency and better structure
fixing import issue
fixing more imports
fixing a bug that causes nil pointer for explorer node
fixing a bug in the super majority vote
changing config to have same epoch for cross link and staking
fixing the compilation error
addressing PR comments
leaving todo for assuming order between pub/pri keys pairs
fixing goimports
removing unwanted warning message
* [slash] Remove dead interface, associated piping
* [slash] Expand out structs
* [consensus] Write to a chan when find a case of double-signing, remove dead code
* [slash] Broadcast the noticing of a double signing
* [rawdb] CRUD for slashing candidates
* [slashing][node][proto] Broadcast the slash record after receive from consensus, handle received proto message, persist in off-chain db while pending
* [slash][node][propose-block] Add verified slashes proposed into the header in block proposal
* [slash][shard] Factor out external validator as method on shard state, add double-signature field
* [slash][engine] Apply slash, name boolean expression for sorts, use stable sort
* [slash] Abstract Ballot results so keep track of both pre and post double sign event
* [slash] Fix type errors on test code
* [slash] Read from correct rawdb
* [slash] Add epoch based guards in CRUD of slashing
* [slash] Write to correct cache for slashing candidates
* [shard] Use explicit named type of BLS Signature, use convention
* [slash] Fix mistake done in refactor, improper header used. Factor out fromSlice to set
* [slash][node] Restore newblock to master, try again minimial change
* [cx-receipts] Break up one-liner, use SliceStable, not Slice
* [network] Finish refactor that makes network message headers once
* [network] Simplify creation further of headers write
* [slash] Adjust data structure of slash after offline discussion with RJ, Chao
* [slash] Still did need signature of the double signature
* [consensus] Prepare message does not have block header
* [consensus] Soft reset three files to 968517d~1
* [consensus] Begin factor consensus network intended message out with prepare first
* [consensus] Factor out Prepared message
* [consensus] Factor out announce message creation
* [consensus] Committed Message, branch on verify sender key for clearer log
* [consensus] Committed Message Factor out
* [consensus] Do jenkins MVP of signatures adjustment
* [main][slash] Provide YAML config as webhook config for double sign event
* [consensus] Adjust signatures, whitespace, lessen GC pressure
* [consensus] Remove dead code
* [consensus] Factor out commit overloaded message, give commit payload override in construct
* [consensus] Fix travis tests
* [consensus] Provide block bytes in SubmitVote(quorum.Commit)
* [consensus] Factor out noisy sanity checks in BFT, move existing commit check earlier as was before
* [quorum] Adjust signatures in quorum
* [staking] Adjust after merge from master
* [consensus] Finish refactor of consensus
* [node] Fix import
* [consensus] Fix travis
* [consensus] Use origin/master copy of block, fix mistake of pointer to empty byte
* [consensus] Less verbose bools
* [consensus] Remove unused trailing mutation hook in message construct
* [consensus] Address some TODOs on err, comment out double sign
* [quorum] Add interface method to check if I am in committee, implement in both concrete types
* [quorum] Only handle message when I am in committee
* [quorum][consensus] Let non-member still get onCommitted messages
* [staking][reward] Give out block reward for cross links
* [staking][reward] Wrap reward logic based on epoch
* [votepower] Factor out votepower b/c need to compute elsewhere as well
* [reward][votepower] Award beaconchain committee members their percent due
* [reward] Only reward non-harmony slots
* [reward] Factor out only signers by commit bitmap
* [reward][votepower] Fix leftover merge based naming changes, fix nil pointer map
* [reward] Handle cross link payment succicently
* [reward] Remove unnecessary helper
* [reward] Handle legacy case of one-node-one-vote block reward (pre-staking)
* [reward] Incorrect log of reward
* [reward] Adjust back to big.Int for legacy rewarding
* [reward] Add +1 for i nonce
* [reward] Abandon formula for nonce, sizes not reliable, easier to do explicit bucketing
* [reward] Remove Prints, fix mistake on using wrong header
* [quorum] Adjust log print out for IsQuorumAchieved
* [reward] Redundant check in code path that only runs in >= staking-epoch
* [reward] Fix mistake on staked block undoing effect of voting power-sharing
* [staking] Fix mistake on QurorumThreshold, change Harmony share to 68
* [staking] Use dec instead of big.Int for easier use
* [staking] Adjust one-vote quorum to account for usage of decimal
* [staking] Replace threshold with TwoThirdExplicit signer count, quorum threshold was becoming overloaded
* [staking] Count plain case of quorum achieved for one-node-one-vote
* [staking] Staked vote TODO
* [staking] Implement Quorum in staked case while taking into account hmySlots
* [staking] Reset hmySlotCount, stakedTotal on UpdateVotingPower
* [staking] Implement staked reward threshold
* [staking] Checkpoint - finish in morning
* [staking] Use percentages for voting power instead of derived values
* [staking] Check for mistakes on staked vote percentage, hold onto vote tally, produce in logs
* [reward] Factor out interface for block-reward
* [reward] Use factored out block rewarder which is actually same object as quorum.Decider
* [quorum] Fix type error because of silly internal/common.Address vs common.Address of ethereum
* [testing] Somehow this port being in tandem with previously used one fixes a build timing issue
* [quorum] Factor out single vote & provide for staked quorum vote
* [quorum] Pass ShardID to decider via cb
* [quorum] Move ShardIDProvider higher, fix nil mistake
* [quorum] ReadAllSignatures optimization
* [quorum] Safer way to read over map, then to slice
* [quorum] Address PR comments - naming changes