TOP:=$(realpath ..) export CGO_CFLAGS:=-I$(TOP)/bls/include -I$(TOP)/mcl/include -I/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/include export CGO_LDFLAGS:=-L$(TOP)/bls/lib -L/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH:=$(TOP)/bls/lib:$(TOP)/mcl/lib:/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib:/opt/homebrew/opt/gmp/lib/:/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/lib export LIBRARY_PATH:=$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH:=$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) export GO111MODULE:=on PKGNAME=woop VERSION?=$(shell git tag -l --sort=-v:refname | head -n 1 | tr -d v) RELEASE?=$(shell git describe --long | cut -f2 -d-) RPMBUILD=$(HOME)/rpmbuild DEBBUILD=$(HOME)/debbuild SHELL := bash .PHONY: all help libs exe race trace-pointer debug debug-ext debug-kill test test-go test-api test-api-attach linux_static deb_init deb_build deb debpub_dev debpub_prod rpm_init rpm_build rpm rpmpub_dev rpmpub_prod clean distclean docker all: libs bash ./scripts/ -S help: @echo "all - build the woop binary & bootnode along with the MCL & BLS libs (if necessary)" @echo "libs - build only the MCL & BLS libs (if necessary) " @echo "exe - build the woop binary & bootnode" @echo "race - build the woop binary & bootnode with race condition checks" @echo "trace-pointer - build the woop binary & bootnode with pointer analysis" @echo "debug - start a localnet with 2 shards (s0 rpc endpoint = localhost:9700; s1 rpc endpoint = localhost:9800)" @echo "debug-kill - force kill the localnet" @echo "debug-ext - start a localnet with 2 shards and external (s0 rpc endpoint = localhost:9598; s1 rpc endpoint = localhost:9596)" @echo "clean - remove node files & logs created by localnet" @echo "distclean - remove node files & logs created by localnet, and all libs" @echo "test - run the entire test suite (go test & Node API test)" @echo "test-go - run the go test (with go lint, fmt, imports, mod, and generate checks)" @echo "test-rpc - run the rpc tests" @echo "test-rpc-attach - attach onto the rpc testing docker container for inspection" @echo "test-rosetta - run the rosetta tests" @echo "test-rosetta-attach - attach onto the rosetta testing docker container for inspection" @echo "linux_static - static build the woop binary & bootnode along with the MCL & BLS libs (for linux)" @echo "rpm - build a woop RPM pacakge" @echo "rpmpub_dev - publish woop RPM package to development repo" @echo "rpmpub_prod - publish woop RPM package to production repo" @echo "deb - build a woop Debian pacakge" @echo "debpub_dev - publish woop Debian package to development repo" @echo "debpub_prod - publish woop Debian package to production repo" libs: make -C $(TOP)/mcl -j8 make -C $(TOP)/bls BLS_SWAP_G=1 -j8 exe: bash ./scripts/ -S race: bash ./scripts/ -r trace-pointer: bash ./scripts/ -t debug: rm -rf .dht-* bash ./test/ debug-kill: bash ./test/ debug-ext: bash ./test/ clean: rm -rf ./tmp_log* rm -rf ./.dht* rm -rf ./db-* rm -rf ./latest rm -f ./*.rlp rm -rf ~/rpmbuild rm -f coverage.txt distclean: clean make -C $(TOP)/mcl clean make -C $(TOP)/bls clean go-get: source ./scripts/ go get -v ./... test: bash ./test/ test-go: bash ./test/ test-rpc: bash ./test/ run test-rpc-attach: bash ./test/ attach test-rosetta: bash ./test/ run test-rosetta-attach: bash ./test/ attach linux_static: make -C $(TOP)/mcl -j8 make -C $(TOP)/bls minimised_static BLS_SWAP_G=1 -j8 bash ./scripts/ -s deb_init: rm -rf $(DEBBUILD) mkdir -p $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/{etc/systemd/system,usr/sbin,etc/sysctl.d,etc/woop} cp -f bin/woop $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/usr/sbin/ bin/woop dumpconfig $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/etc/woop/woop.conf cp -f scripts/package/rclone.conf $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/etc/woop/ cp -f scripts/package/woop.service $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/etc/systemd/system/ cp -f scripts/package/ $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/usr/sbin/ cp -f scripts/package/ $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/usr/sbin/ cp -f scripts/package/woop-sysctl.conf $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/etc/sysctl.d/99-woop.conf cp -r scripts/package/deb/DEBIAN $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) VER=$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) scripts/package/ scripts/package/deb/DEBIAN/control > $(DEBBUILD)/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/DEBIAN/control deb_build: (cd $(DEBBUILD); dpkg-deb --build $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)/) deb: deb_init deb_build debpub_dev: deb cp scripts/package/deb/dev.aptly.conf ~/.aptly.conf ./scripts/package/ -p dev -n deb -s $(DEBBUILD) debpub_prod: deb cp scripts/package/deb/prod.aptly.conf ~/.aptly.conf ./scripts/package/ -p prod -n deb -s $(DEBBUILD) rpm_init: rm -rf $(RPMBUILD) mkdir -p $(RPMBUILD)/{SOURCES,SPECS,BUILD,RPMS,BUILDROOT,SRPMS} mkdir -p $(RPMBUILD)/SOURCES/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) cp -f bin/woop $(RPMBUILD)/SOURCES/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) bin/woop dumpconfig $(RPMBUILD)/SOURCES/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)/woop.conf cp -f scripts/package/woop.service $(RPMBUILD)/SOURCES/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) cp -f scripts/package/ $(RPMBUILD)/SOURCES/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) cp -f scripts/package/ $(RPMBUILD)/SOURCES/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) cp -f scripts/package/rclone.conf $(RPMBUILD)/SOURCES/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) cp -f scripts/package/woop-sysctl.conf $(RPMBUILD)/SOURCES/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION) VER=$(VERSION) REL=$(RELEASE) scripts/package/ scripts/package/rpm/woop.spec > $(RPMBUILD)/SPECS/woop.spec (cd $(RPMBUILD)/SOURCES; tar cvf $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION).tar $(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)) rpm_build: rpmbuild --target x86_64 -bb $(RPMBUILD)/SPECS/woop.spec rpm: rpm_init rpm_build rpm --addsign $(RPMBUILD)/RPMS/x86_64/$(PKGNAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).x86_64.rpm rpmpub_dev: rpm ./scripts/package/ -p dev -n rpm -s $(RPMBUILD) rpmpub_prod: rpm ./scripts/package/ -p prod -n rpm -s $(RPMBUILD) go-vet: go vet ./... go-test: go test -vet=all -race ./... docker: docker build --pull -t woopchain/$(PKGNAME):latest -f scripts/docker/Dockerfile . travis_go_checker: bash ./scripts/ travis_rpc_checker: bash ./scripts/ travis_rosetta_checker: bash ./scripts/ debug_external: clean bash test/ build_localnet_validator: bash test/