TOP:=$(realpath ..) export CGO_CFLAGS:=-I$(TOP)/bls/include -I$(TOP)/mcl/include -I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include export CGO_LDFLAGS:=-L$(TOP)/bls/lib -L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH:=$(TOP)/bls/lib:$(TOP)/mcl/lib:/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib export LIBRARY_PATH:=$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH:=$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) export GO111MODULE:=on .PHONY: all help libs exe race trace-pointer debug debug-kill test test-go test-api test-api-attach linux_static all: libs bash ./scripts/ -S help: @echo "all - build the harmony binary & bootnode along with the MCL & BLS libs (if necessary)" @echo "libs - build only the MCL & BLS libs (if necessary) " @echo "exe - build the harmony binary & bootnode" @echo "race - build the harmony binary & bootnode with race condition checks" @echo "trace-pointer - build the harmony binary & bootnode with pointer analysis" @echo "debug - start a localnet with 2 shards (s0 rpc endpoint = localhost:9599; s1 rpc endpoint = localhost:9598)" @echo "debug-kill - force kill the localnet" @echo "clean - remove node files & logs created by localnet" @echo "test - run the entire test suite (go test & Node API test)" @echo "test-go - run the go test (with go lint, fmt, imports, mod, and generate checks)" @echo "test-api - run the Node API test" @echo "test-api-attach - attach onto the Node API testing docker container for inspection" @echo "linux_static - static build the harmony binary & bootnode along with the MCL & BLS libs (for linux)" libs: make -C $(TOP)/mcl -j8 make -C $(TOP)/bls BLS_SWAP_G=1 -j8 exe: bash ./scripts/ -S race: bash ./scripts/ -r trace-pointer: bash ./scripts/ -t debug: bash ./test/ debug-kill: bash ./test/ clean: rm -rf ./tmp_log* rm -rf ./.dht* rm -rf ./db-* rm -rf ./latest rm -f ./*.rlp test: bash ./test/ test-go: bash ./test/ test-api: bash ./test/ run test-api-attach: bash ./test/ attach linux_static: make -C $(TOP)/mcl -j8 make -C $(TOP)/bls minimised_static BLS_SWAP_G=1 -j8 bash ./scripts/ -s