import boto3 import argparse import sys import json import time import datetime from threading import Thread from Queue import Queue import base64 class InstanceResource: ON_DEMAND = 1 SPOT_INSTANCE = 2 SPOT_FLEET = 3 REGION_NAME = 'region_name' REGION_KEY = 'region_key' REGION_SECURITY_GROUP = 'region_security_group' REGION_HUMAN_NAME = 'region_human_name' INSTANCE_TYPE = 't2.micro' REGION_AMI = 'region_ami' with open("", "r") as userdata_file: USER_DATA = # UserData must be base64 encoded for spot instances. USER_DATA_BASE64 = base64.b64encode(USER_DATA) IAM_INSTANCE_PROFILE = 'BenchMarkCodeDeployInstanceProfile' REPO = "simple-rules/harmony-benchmark" APPLICATION_NAME = 'benchmark-experiments' time_stamp = time.time() CURRENT_SESSION = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time_stamp).strftime('%H-%M-%S-%Y-%m-%d') PLACEMENT_GROUP = "PLACEMENT-" + CURRENT_SESSION NODE_NAME_SUFFIX = "NODE-" + CURRENT_SESSION """ TODO: Build (argparse,functions) support for 1. run only create instance (multiple times) 2. run only codedeploy (multiple times) 3. run create instance followed by codedeploy """ ### CREATE INSTANCES ### def run_one_region_instances(config, region_number, number_of_instances, instance_resource=InstanceResource.ON_DEMAND): #todo: explore the use ec2 resource and not client. e.g. create_instances -- Might make for better code. """ e.g. ec2.create_instances """ region_name = config[region_number][REGION_NAME] session = boto3.Session(region_name=region_name) ec2_client = session.client('ec2') if instance_resource == InstanceResource.ON_DEMAND: NODE_NAME = create_instances( config, ec2_client, region_number, int(number_of_instances)) print("Created %s in region %s"%(NODE_NAME,region_number)) ##REPLACE ALL print with logger elif instance_resource == InstanceResource.SPOT_INSTANCE: response = request_spot_instances( config, ec2_client, region_number, int(number_of_instances)) else: response = request_spot_fleet( config, ec2_client, region_number, int(number_of_instances)) return session def create_instances(config, ec2_client, region_number, number_of_instances): NODE_NAME = region_number + "-" + NODE_NAME_SUFFIX response = ec2_client.run_instances( MinCount=number_of_instances, MaxCount=number_of_instances, ImageId=config[region_number][REGION_AMI], Placement={ 'AvailabilityZone': get_one_availability_zone(ec2_client), }, SecurityGroups=[config[region_number][REGION_SECURITY_GROUP]], IamInstanceProfile={ 'Name': IAM_INSTANCE_PROFILE }, KeyName=config[region_number][REGION_KEY], UserData=USER_DATA, InstanceType=INSTANCE_TYPE, TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType': 'instance', 'Tags': [ { 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': NODE_NAME }, ] }, ], # We can also request spot instances this way but this way will block the # process until spot requests are fulfilled, otherwise it will throw exception # after 4 failed re-try. # InstanceMarketOptions= { # 'MarketType': 'spot', # 'SpotOptions': { # 'SpotInstanceType': 'one-time', # 'BlockDurationMinutes': 60, # } # } ) return NODE_NAME def request_spot_instances(config, ec2_client, region_number, number_of_instances): NODE_NAME = region_number + "-" + NODE_NAME_SUFFIX response = ec2_client.request_spot_instances( # DryRun=True, BlockDurationMinutes=60, InstanceCount=number_of_instances, LaunchSpecification={ 'SecurityGroups': [config[region_number][REGION_SECURITY_GROUP]], 'IamInstanceProfile': { 'Name': IAM_INSTANCE_PROFILE }, 'UserData': USER_DATA_BASE64, 'ImageId': config[region_number][REGION_AMI], 'InstanceType': INSTANCE_TYPE, 'KeyName': config[region_number][REGION_KEY], 'Placement': { 'AvailabilityZone': get_one_availability_zone(ec2_client) } } ) return response def request_spot_fleet(config, ec2_client, region_number, number_of_instances): NODE_NAME = region_number + "-" + NODE_NAME_SUFFIX # response = ec2_client.request_spot_fleet( # DryRun=True, SpotFleetRequestConfig={ # 'AllocationStrategy': 'diversified', # 'IamFleetRole': IAM_INSTANCE_PROFILE, // TODO@ricl, create fleet role. 'LaunchSpecifications': [ { 'SecurityGroups': [ { 'GroupName': config[region_number][REGION_SECURITY_GROUP] } ], 'IamInstanceProfile': { 'Name': IAM_INSTANCE_PROFILE }, 'ImageId': config[region_number][REGION_AMI], 'InstanceType': INSTANCE_TYPE, 'KeyName': config[region_number][REGION_KEY], 'Placement': { 'AvailabilityZone': get_one_availability_zone(ec2_client) }, 'UserData': USER_DATA_BASE64, # 'WeightedCapacity': 123.0, 'TagSpecifications': [ { 'ResourceType': 'instance', 'Tags': [ { 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': NODE_NAME }, ] } ] }, ], # 'SpotPrice': 'string', # The maximum price per unit hour that you are willing to pay for a Spot Instance. The default is the On-Demand price. 'TargetCapacity': 1, 'OnDemandTargetCapacity': 0, 'Type': 'maintain', } ) return response def get_availability_zones(ec2_client): response = ec2_client.describe_availability_zones() all_zones = [] if response.get('AvailabilityZones', None): region_info = response.get('AvailabilityZones') for info in region_info: if info['State'] == 'available': all_zones.append(info['ZoneName']) return all_zones def get_one_availability_zone(ec2_client): all_zones = get_availability_zones(ec2_client) if len(all_zones) > 0: return all_zones[0] else: print("No availability zone for this region") sys.exit() #### CODEDEPLOY ### def run_one_region_codedeploy(region_number, commitId): #todo: explore the use ec2 resource and not client. e.g. create_instances -- Might make for better code. """ for getting instance ids:--- ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=region_name]) result = ec2.instances.filter(Filters=[{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running']}]) for instance in result: instances.append( for getting public ips : -- ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2') instance """ region_name = config[region_number][REGION_NAME] NODE_NAME = region_number + "-" + NODE_NAME_SUFFIX session = boto3.Session(region_name=region_name) ec2_client = session.client('ec2') filters = [{'Name': 'tag:Name','Values': [NODE_NAME]}] instance_ids = get_instance_ids(ec2_client.describe_instances(Filters=filters)) print("Number of instances: %d" % len(instance_ids)) print("Waiting for all %d instances in region %s to start running"%(len(instance_ids),region_number)) waiter = ec2_client.get_waiter('instance_running') waiter.wait(InstanceIds=instance_ids) print("Waiting for all %d instances in region %s to be INSTANCE STATUS OK"%(len(instance_ids),region_number)) waiter = ec2_client.get_waiter('instance_status_ok') waiter.wait(InstanceIds=instance_ids) print("Waiting for all %d instances in region %s to be SYSTEM STATUS OK"%(len(instance_ids),region_number)) waiter = ec2_client.get_waiter('system_status_ok') waiter.wait(InstanceIds=instance_ids) codedeploy = session.client('codedeploy') application_name = APPLICATION_NAME deployment_group = APPLICATION_NAME + "-" + str(commitId)[6] + "-" + CURRENT_SESSION repo = REPO print("Setting up to deploy commitId %s on region %s"%(commitId,region_number)) response = get_application(codedeploy, application_name) deployment_group = get_deployment_group( codedeploy, region_number, application_name, deployment_group) depId = deploy(codedeploy, application_name, deployment_group, repo, commitId) return region_number, depId def get_deployment_group(codedeploy, region_number,application_name, deployment_group): NODE_NAME = region_number + "-" + NODE_NAME_SUFFIX response = codedeploy.create_deployment_group( applicationName=application_name, deploymentGroupName=deployment_group, deploymentConfigName='CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce', serviceRoleArn='arn:aws:iam::656503231766:role/BenchMarkCodeDeployServiceRole', deploymentStyle={ 'deploymentType': 'IN_PLACE', 'deploymentOption': 'WITHOUT_TRAFFIC_CONTROL' }, ec2TagFilters = [ { 'Key': 'Name', 'Value': NODE_NAME, 'Type': 'KEY_AND_VALUE' } ] ) return deployment_group def get_application(codedeploy, application_name): response = codedeploy.list_applications() if application_name in response['applications']: return response else: response = codedeploy.create_application( applicationName=application_name, computePlatform='Server' ) return response def deploy(codedeploy, application_name, deployment_group, repo, commitId): """Deploy new code at specified revision to instance. arguments: - repo: GitHub repository path from which to get the code - commitId: commit ID to be deployed - wait: wait until the CodeDeploy finishes """ print("Launching CodeDeploy with commit " + commitId) res = codedeploy.create_deployment( applicationName=application_name, deploymentGroupName=deployment_group, deploymentConfigName='CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce', description='benchmark experiments', revision={ 'revisionType': 'GitHub', 'gitHubLocation': { 'repository': repo, 'commitId': commitId, } } ) depId = res["deploymentId"] print("Deployment ID: " + depId) # The deployment is launched at this point, so exit unless asked to wait # until it finishes info = {'status': 'Created'} start = time.time() while info['status'] not in ('Succeeded', 'Failed', 'Stopped',) and (time.time() - start < 600.0): info = codedeploy.get_deployment(deploymentId=depId)['deploymentInfo'] print(info['status']) time.sleep(15) if info['status'] == 'Succeeded': print("\nDeploy Succeeded") return depId else: print("\nDeploy Failed") print(info) return depId def run_one_region_codedeploy_wrapper(region_number, commitId, queue): region_number, depId = run_one_region_codedeploy(region_number, commitId) queue.put((region_number, depId)) def launch_code_deploy(region_list, commitId): queue = Queue() jobs = [] for i in range(len(region_list)): region_number = region_list[i] my_thread = Thread(target=run_one_region_codedeploy_wrapper, args=( region_number, commitId, queue)) my_thread.start() jobs.append(my_thread) for my_thread in jobs: my_thread.join() results = [queue.get() for job in jobs] return results ##### UTILS #### def get_instance_ids(describe_instances_response): instance_ids = [] for reservation in describe_instances_response["Reservations"]: for instance in reservation["Instances"]: instance_ids.append(instance["InstanceId"]) return instance_ids def read_configuration_file(filename): config = {} with open(filename, 'r') as f: for myline in f: mylist = myline.strip().split(',') region_num = mylist[0] config[region_num] = {} config[region_num][REGION_NAME] = mylist[1] config[region_num][REGION_KEY] = mylist[2] config[region_num][REGION_SECURITY_GROUP] = mylist[3] config[region_num][REGION_HUMAN_NAME] = mylist[4] config[region_num][REGION_AMI] = mylist[5] return config def get_commitId(commitId): if commitId is None: commitId = run("git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD", hide=True).stdout.strip() print("Got newest commitId as " + commitId) return commitId ##### UTILS #### if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='This script helps you start instances across multiple regions') parser.add_argument('--regions', type=str, dest='regions', default='3', help="Supply a csv list of all regions") parser.add_argument('--instances', type=str, dest='numInstances', default='1', help='number of instances') parser.add_argument('--configuration', type=str, dest='config', default='configuration.txt') parser.add_argument('--commitId', type=str, dest='commitId', default='1f7e6e7ca7cf1c1190cedec10e791c01a29971cf') args = parser.parse_args() config = read_configuration_file(args.config) region_list = args.regions.split(',') instances_list = args.numInstances.split(',') assert len(region_list) == len(instances_list), "number of regions: %d != number of instances per region: %d" % ( len(region_list), len(instances_list)) commitId = args.commitId for i in range(len(region_list)): region_number = region_list[i] number_of_instances = instances_list[i] session = run_one_region_instances( config, region_number, number_of_instances) results = launch_code_deploy(region_list, commitId,InstanceResource.ON_DEMAND) print(results)