#!/bin/bash unset -v progname progname="${0##*/}" unset -f msg err msg() { case $# in [1-9]*) echo "${progname}: $*" >&2 ;; esac } err() { local code code="${1}" shift 1 msg "$@" exit "${code}" } # https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/validating-ip-address-bash-script function valid_ip() { local ip=$1 local stat=1 if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then OIFS=$IFS IFS='.' ip=($ip) IFS=$OIFS [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 \ && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]] stat=$? fi return $stat } function myip() { # get ipv4 address only, right now only support ipv4 addresses PUB_IP=$(dig -4 @resolver1.opendns.com ANY myip.opendns.com +short) if valid_ip $PUB_IP; then msg "public IP address autodetected: $PUB_IP" else err 1 "NO valid public IP found: $PUB_IP" fi } function check_root { if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then msg "this script must be run as root to setup environment" msg please use \"sudo ${progname}\" exit 1 fi } function add_env { filename=$1 shift grep -qxF "$@" $filename || echo "$@" >> $filename } function setup_env { check_root # setup environment variables, may not be nessary sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=1024 sysctl -w net.core.netdev_max_backlog=65536 sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1 sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem='4096 65536 16777216' sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem='4096 65536 16777216' sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_mem='65536 131072 262144' add_env /etc/security/limits.conf "* soft nproc 65535" add_env /etc/security/limits.conf "* hard nproc 65535" add_env /etc/security/limits.conf "* soft nofile 65535" add_env /etc/security/limits.conf "* hard nofile 65535" add_env /etc/security/limits.conf "root soft nproc 65535" add_env /etc/security/limits.conf "root hard nproc 65535" add_env /etc/security/limits.conf "root soft nofile 65535" add_env /etc/security/limits.conf "root hard nofile 65535" add_env /etc/pam.d/common-session "session required pam_limits.so" } ######## main ######### print_usage() { cat <<- ENDEND usage: ${progname} [-1ch] [-k KEYFILE] -c back up database/logs and start clean (use only when directed by Harmony) -1 do not loop; run once and exit -h print this help and exit -k KEYFILE use the given BLS key file (default: autodetect) -s run setup env only (must run as root) -S run the ${progname} as non-root user (default: run as root) -p passfile use the given BLS passphrase file -D do not download Harmony binaries (default: download when start) -m collect and upload node metrics to harmony prometheus + grafana -N network join the given network (main, beta, pangaea; default: main) example: ${progname} -S -k mybls.key ENDEND } usage() { msg "$@" print_usage >&2 exit 64 # EX_USAGE } unset start_clean loop run_as_root blspass do_not_download metrics network start_clean=false loop=true run_as_root=true do_not_download=false metrics=false network=main ${BLSKEYFILE=} unset OPTIND OPTARG opt OPTIND=1 while getopts :1chk:sSp:DmN: opt do case "${opt}" in '?') usage "unrecognized option -${OPTARG}";; ':') usage "missing argument for -${OPTARG}";; c) start_clean=true;; 1) loop=false;; h) print_usage; exit 0;; k) BLSKEYFILE="${OPTARG}";; s) setup_env; exit 0;; S) run_as_root=false ;; p) blspass="${OPTARG}";; D) do_not_download=true;; m) metrics=true;; N) network="${OPTARG}";; *) err 70 "unhandled option -${OPTARG}";; # EX_SOFTWARE esac done shift $((${OPTIND} - 1)) unset -v bootnodes REL case "${network}" in main) bootnodes=( /ip4/ /ip4/ /ip4/ /ip4/ ) REL=r3 ;; beta) err 69 "${network}: unsupported yet" ;; pangaea) bootnodes=( /ip4/ /ip4/ /ip4/ /ip4/ ) REL=master ;; *) err 64 "${network}: invalid network" ;; esac case $# in [1-9]*) usage "extra arguments at the end ($*)" ;; esac if ${run_as_root}; then check_root fi case "${BLSKEYFILE}" in "") unset -v f for f in \ ~/*--????-??-??T??-??-??.*Z--bls_???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? \ ~/????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.key \ *--????-??-??T??-??-??.*Z--bls_???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? \ ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.key do [ -f "${f}" ] || continue case "${BLSKEYFILE}" in "") BLSKEYFILE="${f}" ;; *) [ "${f}" -ef "${BLSKEYFILE}" ] || \ err 69 "multiple key files found (${f}, ${BLSKEYFILE}); please use -k to specify" ;; esac done case "${BLSKEYFILE}" in "") err 69 "could not autodetect BLS key file; please use -k to specify";; esac msg "autodetected BLS key file: ${BLSKEYFILE}" ;; *) msg "using manually specified BLS key file: ${BLSKEYFILE}" ;; esac BUCKET=pub.harmony.one OS=$(uname -s) if [ "$OS" == "Darwin" ]; then FOLDER=release/darwin-x86_64/$REL/ BIN=( harmony libbls384_256.dylib libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib libgmp.10.dylib libgmpxx.4.dylib libmcl.dylib ) fi if [ "$OS" == "Linux" ]; then FOLDER=release/linux-x86_64/$REL/ BIN=( harmony libbls384_256.so libcrypto.so.10 libgmp.so.10 libgmpxx.so.4 libmcl.so ) fi # clean up old files for bin in "${BIN[@]}"; do ${do_not_download} || rm -f ${bin} done download_binaries() { local outdir ${do_not_download} && return 0 outdir="${1:-.}" mkdir -p "${outdir}" for bin in "${BIN[@]}"; do curl http://${BUCKET}.s3.amazonaws.com/${FOLDER}${bin} -o "${outdir}/${bin}" || return $? done chmod +x "${outdir}/harmony" (cd "${outdir}" && exec openssl sha256 "${BIN[@]}") > "${outdir}/harmony-checksums.txt" } download_binaries || err 69 "initial node software update failed" NODE_PORT=9000 PUB_IP= METRICS= PUSHGATEWAY_IP= PUSHGATEWAY_PORT= if [ "$OS" == "Linux" ]; then if ${run_as_root}; then setup_env fi # Kill existing soldier/node fuser -k -n tcp $NODE_PORT fi # find my public ip address myip unset -v BN_MA bn for bn in "${bootnodes[@]}" do BN_MA="${BN_MA+"${BN_MA},"}${bn}" done if ${start_clean} then msg "backing up old database/logs (-c)" unset -v backup_dir now now=$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ) mkdir -p backups backup_dir=$(mktemp -d "backups/${now}.XXXXXX") mv harmony_db_* latest "${backup_dir}/" || : rm -rf latest fi mkdir -p latest unset -v check_update_pid cleanup() { local trap_sig kill_sig trap_sig="${1:-EXIT}" kill_sig="${trap_sig}" case "${kill_sig}" in 0|EXIT|2|INT) kill_sig=TERM;; esac case "${check_update_pid+set}" in set) msg "terminating update checker (pid ${check_update_pid})" kill -${kill_sig} "${check_update_pid}" ;; esac } unset -v trap_sigs trap_sig trap_sigs="EXIT HUP INT TERM" trap_func() { local trap_sig="${1-EXIT}" case "${trap_sig}" in 0|EXIT) msg "exiting";; *) msg "received SIG${trap_sig}";; esac trap - ${trap_sigs} cleanup "${trap_sig}" case "${trap_sig}" in ""|0|EXIT) ;; *) kill -"${trap_sig}" "$$";; esac } for trap_sig in ${trap_sigs} do trap "trap_func ${trap_sig}" ${trap_sig} done # Kill the given PID, ensuring that it is a child of this script ($$). kill_child() { local pid pid="${1}" case $(($(ps -oppid= -p"${pid}" || :) + 0)) in $$) ;; *) return 1;; esac msg "killing pid ${pid}" kill "${pid}" } # Kill nodes that are direct child of this script (pid $$), # i.e. run directly from main loop. kill_node() { local pids pid delay msg "finding node processes that are our children" pids=$( ps axcwwo "pid=,ppid=,command=" | awk -v me=$$ '$2 == me && $3 == "harmony" { print $1; }' ) msg "found node processes: ${pids:-""}" for pid in ${pids} do delay=0 while kill_child ${pid} do sleep ${delay} delay=1 done msg "pid ${pid} no longer running" done } { while : do msg "re-downloading binaries in 5m" sleep 300 while ! download_binaries staging do msg "staging download failed; retrying in 30s" sleep 30 done if diff staging/harmony-checksums.txt harmony-checksums.txt then msg "binaries did not change" continue fi msg "binaries changed; moving from staging into main" (cd staging; exec mv harmony-checksums.txt "${BIN[@]}" ..) || continue msg "binaries updated, killing node to restart" kill_node done } > harmony-update.out 2>&1 & check_update_pid=$! if [ -z "${blspass}" ]; then unset -v passphrase read -rsp "Enter passphrase for the BLS key file ${BLSKEYFILE}: " passphrase echo elif [ ! -f "${blspass}" ]; then err 10 "can't find the ${blspass} file" fi while : do msg "############### Running Harmony Process ###############" if [ "$OS" == "Linux" ]; then # Run Harmony Node if [ -z "${blspass}" ]; then echo -n "${passphrase}" | LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd) ./harmony -bootnodes $BN_MA -ip $PUB_IP -port $NODE_PORT -is_genesis -blskey_file "${BLSKEYFILE}" -blspass stdin -metrics $METRICS -pushgateway_ip $PUSHGATEWAY_IP -pushgateway_port $PUSHGATEWAY_PORT else LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd) ./harmony -bootnodes $BN_MA -ip $PUB_IP -port $NODE_PORT -is_genesis -blskey_file "${BLSKEYFILE}" -blspass file:${blspass} -metrics $METRICS -pushgateway_ip $PUSHGATEWAY_IP -pushgateway_port $PUSHGATEWAY_PORT fi else if [ -z "${blspass}" ]; then echo -n "${passphrase}" | DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd) ./harmony -bootnodes $BN_MA -ip $PUB_IP -port $NODE_PORT -is_genesis -blskey_file "${BLSKEYFILE}" -blspass stdin -metrics $METRICS -pushgateway_ip $PUSHGATEWAY_IP -pushgateway_port $PUSHGATEWAY_PORT else DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd) ./harmony -bootnodes $BN_MA -ip $PUB_IP -port $NODE_PORT -is_genesis -blskey_file "${BLSKEYFILE}" -blspass file:${blspass} -metrics $METRICS -pushgateway_ip $PUSHGATEWAY_IP -pushgateway_port $PUSHGATEWAY_PORT fi fi || msg "node process finished with status $?" ${loop} || break msg "restarting in 10s..." sleep 10 done