if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo "Please provide # of instances, # of shards, # of clients" exit 1 fi INSTANCE_NUM=$1 SHARD_NUM=$2 CLIENT_NUM=$3 SLEEP_TIME=10 echo "Creating $INSTANCE_NUM instances at 8 regions" python create_solider_instances.py --regions 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 --instances $INSTANCE_NUM,$INSTANCE_NUM,$INSTANCE_NUM,$INSTANCE_NUM,$INSTANCE_NUM,$INSTANCE_NUM,$INSTANCE_NUM,$INSTANCE_NUM echo "Sleep for $SLEEP_TIME seconds" sleep $SLEEP_TIME echo "Rung collecting raw ips" python collect_public_ips.py --instance_output instance_output.txt # sleep 10 echo "Generate distribution_config" python generate_distribution_config.py --ip_list_file raw_ip.txt --shard_number $SHARD_NUM --client_number $CLIENT_NUM echo "Run commander prepare" python commander_prepare.py aws s3 cp distribution_config.txt s3://unique-bucket-bin/distribution_config.txt --acl public-read-write