package utils import "encoding/hex" // FromHex returns the bytes represented by the hexadecimal string s. // s may be prefixed with "0x". func FromHex(s string) []byte { if len(s) > 1 { if s[0:2] == "0x" || s[0:2] == "0X" { s = s[2:] } } if len(s)%2 == 1 { s = "0" + s } return Hex2Bytes(s) } // CopyBytes returns an exact copy of the provided bytes. func CopyBytes(b []byte) (copiedBytes []byte) { if b == nil { return nil } copiedBytes = make([]byte, len(b)) copy(copiedBytes, b) return } // HasHexPrefix validates str begins with '0x' or '0X'. func HasHexPrefix(str string) bool { return len(str) >= 2 && str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X') } // isHexCharacter returns bool of c being a valid hexadecimal. func isHexCharacter(c byte) bool { return ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') } // IsHex validates whether each byte is valid hexadecimal string. func IsHex(str string) bool { if len(str)%2 != 0 { return false } for _, c := range []byte(str) { if !isHexCharacter(c) { return false } } return true } // Hex2Bytes returns the bytes represented by the hexadecimal string str. func Hex2Bytes(str string) []byte { h, _ := hex.DecodeString(str) return h } // RightPadBytes zero-pads slice to the right up to length l. func RightPadBytes(slice []byte, l int) []byte { if l <= len(slice) { return slice } padded := make([]byte, l) copy(padded, slice) return padded } // LeftPadBytes zero-pads slice to the left up to length l. func LeftPadBytes(slice []byte, l int) []byte { if l <= len(slice) { return slice } padded := make([]byte, l) copy(padded[l-len(slice):], slice) return padded }