The core protocol of WoopChain
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

269 lines
8.6 KiB

package main
import (
msg_pb ""
blockfactory ""
common2 ""
bls_core ""
protobuf ""
staking ""
var (
validatorAddress = common2.Address(common.MustBech32ToAddress("one1pdv9lrdwl0rg5vglh4xtyrv3wjk3wsqket7zxy"))
testBLSPubKey = "30b2c38b1316da91e068ac3bd8751c0901ef6c02a1d58bc712104918302c6ed03d5894671d0c816dad2b4d303320f202"
testBLSPrvKey = "c6d7603520311f7a4e6aac0b26701fc433b75b38df504cd416ef2b900cd66205"
postStakingEpoch = big.NewInt(200)
func init() {
func generateBLSKeySigPair() (bls.SerializedPublicKey, bls.SerializedSignature) {
p := &bls_core.PublicKey{}
pub := bls.SerializedPublicKey{}
messageBytes := []byte(staking.BLSVerificationStr)
privateKey := &bls_core.SecretKey{}
msgHash := hash.Keccak256(messageBytes)
signature := privateKey.SignHash(msgHash[:])
var sig bls.SerializedSignature
copy(sig[:], signature.Serialize())
return pub, sig
func createValidator() *staking.CreateValidator {
desc := staking.Description{
Name: "SuperHero",
Identity: "YouWouldNotKnow",
Website: "Secret Website",
SecurityContact: "LicenseToKill",
Details: "blah blah blah",
rate, _ := numeric.NewDecFromStr("0.1")
maxRate, _ := numeric.NewDecFromStr("0.5")
maxChangeRate, _ := numeric.NewDecFromStr("0.05")
commission := staking.CommissionRates{
Rate: rate,
MaxRate: maxRate,
MaxChangeRate: maxChangeRate,
minSelfDel := new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(5e18), big.NewInt(2000))
maxTotalDel := new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(5e18), big.NewInt(100000))
pubKey, pubSig := generateBLSKeySigPair()
slotPubKeys := []bls.SerializedPublicKey{pubKey}
slotKeySigs := []bls.SerializedSignature{pubSig}
amount := new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(5e18), big.NewInt(2000))
v := staking.CreateValidator{
ValidatorAddress: validatorAddress,
Description: desc,
CommissionRates: commission,
MinSelfDelegation: minSelfDel,
MaxTotalDelegation: maxTotalDel,
SlotPubKeys: slotPubKeys,
SlotKeySigs: slotKeySigs,
Amount: amount,
return &v
func main() {
key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
gspec := core.Genesis{
Config: params.TestChainConfig,
Factory: blockfactory.ForTest,
Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key.PublicKey): {
Balance: big.NewInt(8000000000000000000),
GasLimit: 1e18,
ShardID: 0,
database := rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()
genesis := gspec.MustCommit(database)
_ = genesis
engine := chain.NewEngine()
bc, _ := core.NewBlockChain(database, state.NewDatabase(database), nil, nil, gspec.Config, engine, vm.Config{})
statedb, _ := state.New(common2.Hash{}, state.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewMemoryDatabase()), nil)
msg := createValidator()
statedb.AddBalance(msg.ValidatorAddress, new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(5e18), big.NewInt(2000)))
validator, err := core.VerifyAndCreateValidatorFromMsg(
statedb, bc, postStakingEpoch, big.NewInt(0), msg,
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ {
validator.Delegations = append(validator.Delegations, staking.Delegation{
Amount: big.NewInt(int64(rand.Intn(100))),
Reward: big.NewInt(0),
statedb.UpdateValidatorWrapper(msg.ValidatorAddress, validator)
startTime := time.Now()
validator, _ = statedb.ValidatorWrapper(msg.ValidatorAddress, true, false)
endTime := time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Time required to read validator: %f seconds\n", endTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds())
startTime = time.Now()
shares, _ := lookupDelegatorShares(validator)
endTime = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Time required to calc percentage %d delegations: %f seconds\n", len(validator.Delegations), endTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds())
startTime = time.Now()
statedb.AddReward(validator, big.NewInt(1000), shares)
endTime = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Time required to reward a validator with %d delegations: %f seconds\n", len(validator.Delegations), endTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds())
message := &msg_pb.Message{
ServiceType: msg_pb.ServiceType_CONSENSUS,
Type: msg_pb.MessageType_PREPARE,
Request: &msg_pb.Message_Consensus{
Consensus: &msg_pb.ConsensusRequest{},
blsPriKey := bls.RandPrivateKey()
pubKeyWrapper := bls.PublicKeyWrapper{Object: blsPriKey.GetPublicKey()}
request := message.GetConsensus()
request.ViewId = 5
request.BlockNum = 5
request.ShardId = 1
// 32 byte block hash
request.BlockHash = []byte("stasdlkfjsadlkjfkdsljflksadjf")
// sender address
request.SenderPubkey = pubKeyWrapper.Bytes[:]
message.Signature = nil
// TODO: use custom serialization method rather than protobuf
marshaledMessage, err := protobuf.Marshal(message)
// 64 byte of signature on previous data
hash1 := hash.Keccak256(marshaledMessage)
startTime = time.Now()
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
endTime = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Time required to sign: %f seconds\n", endTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds())
sig := blsPriKey.SignHash(hash1[:])
message.Signature = sig.Serialize()
marshaledMessage2, _ := protobuf.Marshal(message)
message = &msg_pb.Message{}
if err := protobuf.Unmarshal(marshaledMessage2, message); err != nil {
startTime = time.Now()
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
if err := protobuf.Unmarshal(marshaledMessage2, message); err != nil {
endTime = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Time required to unmarshall: %f seconds\n", endTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds())
signature := message.Signature
message.Signature = nil
startTime = time.Now()
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
endTime = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Time required to marshal: %f seconds\n", endTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds())
messageBytes, err := protobuf.Marshal(message)
msgSig := bls_core.Sign{}
err = msgSig.Deserialize(signature)
startTime = time.Now()
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
endTime = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Time required to deserialize sig: %f seconds\n", endTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds())
msgHash := hash.Keccak256(messageBytes)
if !msgSig.VerifyHash(pubKeyWrapper.Object, msgHash[:]) {
startTime = time.Now()
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
endTime = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Time required to hash message: %f seconds\n", endTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds())
startTime = time.Now()
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
msgSig.VerifyHash(pubKeyWrapper.Object, msgHash[:])
endTime = time.Now()
fmt.Printf("Time required to verify sig: %f seconds\n", endTime.Sub(startTime).Seconds())
message.Signature = signature
// A example result of a single run:
//Time required to calc percentage 100001 delegations: 0.058205 seconds
//Time required to reward a validator with 100001 delegations: 0.015543 seconds
//Time required to sign: 0.479827 seconds
//Time required to unmarshall: 0.000662 seconds
//Time required to marshal: 0.000453 seconds
//Time required to deserialize sig: 0.517965 seconds
//Time required to hash message: 0.001191 seconds
//Time required to verify sig: 1.444604 seconds
func lookupDelegatorShares(
snapshot *staking.ValidatorWrapper,
) (result map[common2.Address]numeric.Dec, err error) {
result = map[common2.Address]numeric.Dec{}
totalDelegationDec := numeric.NewDecFromBigInt(snapshot.TotalDelegation())
for i := range snapshot.Delegations {
delegation := snapshot.Delegations[i]
// NOTE percentage = <this_delegator_amount>/<total_delegation>
if totalDelegationDec.IsZero() {
RawJSON("validator-snapshot", []byte(snapshot.String())).
Msg("zero total delegation during AddReward delegation payout")
return nil, nil
percentage := numeric.NewDecFromBigInt(delegation.Amount).Quo(totalDelegationDec)
result[delegation.DelegatorAddress] = percentage
return result, nil