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661 lines
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package node
import (
clientService ""
proto_discovery ""
proto_node ""
downloader_pb ""
bft ""
// State is a state of a node.
type State byte
// All constants except the NodeLeader below are for validators only.
const (
NodeInit State = iota // Node just started, before contacting BeaconChain
NodeWaitToJoin // Node contacted BeaconChain, wait to join Shard
NodeNotInSync // Node out of sync, might be just joined Shard or offline for a period of time
NodeOffline // Node is offline
NodeReadyForConsensus // Node is ready for doing consensus
NodeDoingConsensus // Node is already doing consensus
NodeLeader // Node is the leader of some shard.
// Role defines a role of a node.
type Role byte
// All constants for different node roles.
const (
Unknown Role = iota
func (state State) String() string {
switch state {
case NodeInit:
return "NodeInit"
case NodeWaitToJoin:
return "NodeWaitToJoin"
case NodeNotInSync:
return "NodeNotInSync"
case NodeOffline:
return "NodeOffline"
case NodeReadyForConsensus:
return "NodeReadyForConsensus"
case NodeDoingConsensus:
return "NodeDoingConsensus"
case NodeLeader:
return "NodeLeader"
return "Unknown"
// Constants related to doing syncing.
const (
lastMileThreshold = 4
inSyncThreshold = 2
const (
waitBeforeJoinShard = time.Second * 3
timeOutToJoinShard = time.Minute * 10
// ClientServicePortDiff is the positive port diff for client service
ClientServicePortDiff = 5555
maxBroadcastNodes = 10 // broadcast at most maxBroadcastNodes peers that need in sync
broadcastTimeout int64 = 3 * 60 * 1000000000 // 3 mins
// use to push new block to outofsync node
type syncConfig struct {
timestamp int64
client *downloader.Client
// NetworkNode ...
type NetworkNode struct {
SelfPeer p2p.Peer
IDCPeer p2p.Peer
// Node represents a protocol-participating node in the network
type Node struct {
Consensus *bft.Consensus // Consensus object containing all Consensus related data (e.g. committee members, signatures, commits)
BlockChannel chan *types.Block // The channel to receive new blocks from Node
pendingTransactions types.Transactions // All the transactions received but not yet processed for Consensus
transactionInConsensus []*types.Transaction // The transactions selected into the new block and under Consensus process
pendingTxMutex sync.Mutex
blockchain *core.BlockChain // The blockchain for the shard where this node belongs
db *ethdb.LDBDatabase // LevelDB to store blockchain.
ClientPeer *p2p.Peer // The peer for the harmony tx generator client, used for leaders to return proof-of-accept
Client *client.Client // The presence of a client object means this node will also act as a client
SelfPeer p2p.Peer // TODO(minhdoan): it could be duplicated with Self below whose is Alok work.
IDCPeer p2p.Peer
Neighbors sync.Map // All the neighbor nodes, key is the sha256 of Peer IP/Port, value is the p2p.Peer
State State // State of the Node
stateMutex sync.Mutex // mutex for change node state
TxPool *core.TxPool
Worker *worker.Worker
// Client server (for wallet requests)
clientServer *clientService.Server
// Syncing component.
downloaderServer *downloader.Server
stateSync *syncing.StateSync
peerRegistrationRecord map[uint32]*syncConfig // record registration time (unixtime) of peers begin in syncing
// The p2p host used to send/receive p2p messages
host p2p.Host
// Channel to stop sending ping message
StopPing chan struct{}
// Signal channel for lost validators
OfflinePeers chan p2p.Peer
// Action Channel
actionChannel chan *Action
serviceStore *ServiceStore
// Node Role.
Role Role
// For test only
TestBankKeys []*ecdsa.PrivateKey
ContractKeys []*ecdsa.PrivateKey
ContractAddresses []common.Address
// Blockchain returns the blockchain from node
func (node *Node) Blockchain() *core.BlockChain {
return node.blockchain
// Add new transactions to the pending transaction list
func (node *Node) addPendingTransactions(newTxs types.Transactions) {
node.pendingTransactions = append(node.pendingTransactions, newTxs...)
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("Got more transactions", "num", len(newTxs), "totalPending", len(node.pendingTransactions))
// Take out a subset of valid transactions from the pending transaction list
// Note the pending transaction list will then contain the rest of the txs
func (node *Node) getTransactionsForNewBlock(maxNumTxs int) types.Transactions {
selected, unselected, invalid := node.Worker.SelectTransactionsForNewBlock(node.pendingTransactions, maxNumTxs)
_ = invalid // invalid txs are discard
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("Invalid transactions discarded", "number", len(invalid))
node.pendingTransactions = unselected
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("Remaining pending transactions", "number", len(node.pendingTransactions))
return selected
// StartServer starts a server and process the requests by a handler.
func (node *Node) StartServer() {
// Count the total number of transactions in the blockchain
// Currently used for stats reporting purpose
func (node *Node) countNumTransactionsInBlockchain() int {
count := 0
for block := node.blockchain.CurrentBlock(); block != nil; block = node.blockchain.GetBlockByHash(block.Header().ParentHash) {
count += len(block.Transactions())
return count
// SerializeNode serializes the node
func (node *Node) SerializeNode(nnode *NetworkNode) []byte {
//Needs to escape the serialization of unexported fields
var result bytes.Buffer
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(&result)
err := encoder.Encode(nnode)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not serialize node")
fmt.Println("ERROR", err)
//utils.GetLogInstance().Error("Could not serialize node")
return result.Bytes()
// DeserializeNode deserializes the node
func DeserializeNode(d []byte) *NetworkNode {
var wn NetworkNode
r := bytes.NewBuffer(d)
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(r)
err := decoder.Decode(&wn)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Could not de-serialize node 1")
return &wn
// New creates a new node.
func New(host p2p.Host, consensus *bft.Consensus, db ethdb.Database) *Node {
node := Node{}
if host != nil {
| = host
node.SelfPeer = host.GetSelfPeer()
if host != nil && consensus != nil {
// Consensus and associated channel to communicate blocks
node.Consensus = consensus
// Initialize genesis block and blockchain
genesisAlloc := node.CreateGenesisAllocWithTestingAddresses(100)
contractKey, _ := ecdsa.GenerateKey(crypto.S256(), strings.NewReader("Test contract key string stream that is fixed so that generated test key are deterministic every time"))
contractAddress := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(contractKey.PublicKey)
contractFunds := big.NewInt(9000000)
contractFunds = contractFunds.Mul(contractFunds, big.NewInt(params.Ether))
genesisAlloc[contractAddress] = core.GenesisAccount{Balance: contractFunds}
node.ContractKeys = append(node.ContractKeys, contractKey)
database := db
if database == nil {
database = ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
chainConfig := params.TestChainConfig
chainConfig.ChainID = big.NewInt(int64(node.Consensus.ShardID)) // Use ChainID as piggybacked ShardID
gspec := core.Genesis{
Config: chainConfig,
Alloc: genesisAlloc,
ShardID: uint32(node.Consensus.ShardID),
_ = gspec.MustCommit(database)
chain, _ := core.NewBlockChain(database, nil, gspec.Config, node.Consensus, vm.Config{}, nil)
node.blockchain = chain
node.BlockChannel = make(chan *types.Block)
node.TxPool = core.NewTxPool(core.DefaultTxPoolConfig, params.TestChainConfig, chain)
node.Worker = worker.New(params.TestChainConfig, chain, node.Consensus, pki.GetAddressFromPublicKey(node.SelfPeer.PubKey), node.Consensus.ShardID)
node.Consensus.ConsensusBlock = make(chan *types.Block)
node.Consensus.VerifiedNewBlock = make(chan *types.Block)
if consensus != nil && consensus.IsLeader {
node.State = NodeLeader
} else {
node.State = NodeInit
// Setup initial state of syncing.
node.StopPing = make(chan struct{})
node.peerRegistrationRecord = make(map[uint32]*syncConfig)
node.OfflinePeers = make(chan p2p.Peer)
go node.RemovePeersHandler()
return &node
// IsOutOfSync checks whether the node is out of sync by comparing latest block with consensus block
func (node *Node) IsOutOfSync(consensusBlock *types.Block) bool {
myHeight := node.blockchain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
newHeight := consensusBlock.NumberU64()
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("[SYNC]", "myHeight", myHeight, "newHeight", newHeight)
if newHeight-myHeight <= inSyncThreshold {
return false
// cache latest blocks for last mile catch up
if newHeight-myHeight <= lastMileThreshold && node.stateSync != nil {
return true
// DoSyncing wait for check status and starts syncing if out of sync
func (node *Node) DoSyncing() {
for {
select {
// in current implementation logic, timeout means in sync
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
node.State = NodeReadyForConsensus
case consensusBlock := <-node.Consensus.ConsensusBlock:
// never reached from chao
if !node.IsOutOfSync(consensusBlock) {
if node.State == NodeNotInSync {
utils.GetLogInstance().Info("[SYNC] Node is now IN SYNC!")
node.stateSync = nil
node.State = NodeReadyForConsensus
} else {
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("[SYNC] node is out of sync")
node.State = NodeNotInSync
if node.stateSync == nil {
node.stateSync = syncing.CreateStateSync(node.SelfPeer.IP, node.SelfPeer.Port)
startHash := node.blockchain.CurrentBlock().Hash()
node.stateSync.StartStateSync(startHash[:], node.blockchain, node.Worker)
// AddPeers adds neighbors nodes
func (node *Node) AddPeers(peers []*p2p.Peer) int {
count := 0
for _, p := range peers {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%v", p.PubKey)
_, ok := node.Neighbors.Load(key)
if !ok {
node.Neighbors.Store(key, *p)
if node.SelfPeer.ValidatorID == -1 && p.IP == node.SelfPeer.IP && p.Port == node.SelfPeer.Port {
node.SelfPeer.ValidatorID = p.ValidatorID
if count > 0 {
return count
// GetSyncingPort returns the syncing port.
func GetSyncingPort(nodePort string) string {
if port, err := strconv.Atoi(nodePort); err == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", port-syncing.SyncingPortDifference)
return ""
// GetSyncingPeers returns list of peers.
func (node *Node) GetSyncingPeers() []p2p.Peer {
res := []p2p.Peer{}
node.Neighbors.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
res = append(res, v.(p2p.Peer))
return true
removeID := -1
for i := range res {
if res[i].Port == node.SelfPeer.Port {
removeID = i
res[i].Port = GetSyncingPort(res[i].Port)
if removeID != -1 {
res = append(res[:removeID], res[removeID+1:]...)
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("GetSyncingPeers: ", "res", res, "self", node.SelfPeer)
return res
//AddSmartContractsToPendingTransactions adds the faucet contract the genesis block.
func (node *Node) AddSmartContractsToPendingTransactions() {
// Add a contract deployment transactionv
priKey := node.ContractKeys[0]
contractData := "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"
dataEnc := common.FromHex(contractData)
// Unsigned transaction to avoid the case of transaction address.
contractFunds := big.NewInt(8000000)
contractFunds = contractFunds.Mul(contractFunds, big.NewInt(params.Ether))
mycontracttx, _ := types.SignTx(types.NewContractCreation(uint64(0), node.Consensus.ShardID, contractFunds, params.TxGasContractCreation*10, nil, dataEnc), types.HomesteadSigner{}, priKey)
node.ContractAddresses = append(node.ContractAddresses, crypto.CreateAddress(crypto.PubkeyToAddress(priKey.PublicKey), uint64(0)))
//CallFaucetContract invokes the faucet contract to give the walletAddress initial money
func (node *Node) CallFaucetContract(walletAddress common.Address) common.Hash {
state, err := node.blockchain.State()
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to get chain state", "Error", err)
nonce := state.GetNonce(crypto.PubkeyToAddress(node.ContractKeys[0].PublicKey))
callingFunction := "0x27c78c42000000000000000000000000"
contractData := callingFunction + hex.EncodeToString(walletAddress.Bytes())
dataEnc := common.FromHex(contractData)
tx, _ := types.SignTx(types.NewTransaction(nonce, node.ContractAddresses[0], node.Consensus.ShardID, big.NewInt(0), params.TxGasContractCreation*10, nil, dataEnc), types.HomesteadSigner{}, node.ContractKeys[0])
return tx.Hash()
// JoinShard helps a new node to join a shard.
func (node *Node) JoinShard(leader p2p.Peer) {
// try to join the shard, send ping message every 1 second, with a 10 minutes time-out
tick := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
timeout := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Minute)
defer tick.Stop()
defer timeout.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-tick.C:
ping := proto_discovery.NewPingMessage(node.SelfPeer)
if node.Client != nil { // assume this is the client node
ping.Node.Role = proto_node.ClientRole
buffer := ping.ConstructPingMessage()
// Talk to leader.
node.SendMessage(leader, buffer)
case <-timeout.C:
utils.GetLogInstance().Info("JoinShard timeout")
case <-node.StopPing:
utils.GetLogInstance().Info("Stopping JoinShard")
// SupportClient initializes and starts the client service
func (node *Node) SupportClient() {
// InitClientServer initializes client server.
func (node *Node) InitClientServer() {
node.clientServer = clientService.NewServer(node.blockchain.State, node.CallFaucetContract)
// StartClientServer starts client server.
func (node *Node) StartClientServer() {
port, _ := strconv.Atoi(node.SelfPeer.Port)
utils.GetLogInstance().Info("support_client: StartClientServer on port:", "port", port+ClientServicePortDiff)
node.clientServer.Start(node.SelfPeer.IP, strconv.Itoa(port+ClientServicePortDiff))
// SupportSyncing keeps sleeping until it's doing consensus or it's a leader.
func (node *Node) SupportSyncing() {
go node.DoSyncing()
go node.SendNewBlockToUnsync()
// InitSyncingServer starts downloader server.
func (node *Node) InitSyncingServer() {
node.downloaderServer = downloader.NewServer(node)
// StartSyncingServer starts syncing server.
func (node *Node) StartSyncingServer() {
utils.GetLogInstance().Info("support_sycning: StartSyncingServer")
node.downloaderServer.Start(node.SelfPeer.IP, GetSyncingPort(node.SelfPeer.Port))
// CalculateResponse implements DownloadInterface on Node object.
func (node *Node) CalculateResponse(request *downloader_pb.DownloaderRequest) (*downloader_pb.DownloaderResponse, error) {
response := &downloader_pb.DownloaderResponse{}
switch request.Type {
case downloader_pb.DownloaderRequest_HEADER:
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("[SYNC] CalculateResponse DownloaderRequest_HEADER", "request.BlockHash", request.BlockHash)
var startHeaderHash []byte
if request.BlockHash == nil {
tmp := node.blockchain.Genesis().Hash()
startHeaderHash = tmp[:]
} else {
startHeaderHash = request.BlockHash
for block := node.blockchain.CurrentBlock(); block != nil; block = node.blockchain.GetBlockByHash(block.Header().ParentHash) {
blockHash := block.Hash()
if bytes.Compare(blockHash[:], startHeaderHash) == 0 {
response.Payload = append(response.Payload, blockHash[:])
case downloader_pb.DownloaderRequest_BLOCK:
for _, bytes := range request.Hashes {
var hash common.Hash
block := node.blockchain.GetBlockByHash(hash)
encodedBlock, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(block)
if err == nil {
response.Payload = append(response.Payload, encodedBlock)
case downloader_pb.DownloaderRequest_NEWBLOCK:
if node.State != NodeNotInSync {
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("[SYNC] new block received, but state is", "state", node.State.String())
response.Type = downloader_pb.DownloaderResponse_INSYNC
return response, nil
var blockObj types.Block
err := rlp.DecodeBytes(request.BlockHash, &blockObj)
if err != nil {
utils.GetLogInstance().Warn("[SYNC] unable to decode received new block")
return response, err
node.stateSync.AddNewBlock(request.PeerHash, &blockObj)
case downloader_pb.DownloaderRequest_REGISTER:
peerID := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(request.PeerHash)
if _, ok := node.peerRegistrationRecord[peerID]; ok {
response.Type = downloader_pb.DownloaderResponse_FAIL
return response, nil
} else if len(node.peerRegistrationRecord) >= maxBroadcastNodes {
response.Type = downloader_pb.DownloaderResponse_FAIL
return response, nil
} else {
peer, ok := node.Consensus.GetPeerFromID(peerID)
if !ok {
utils.GetLogInstance().Warn("[SYNC] unable to get peer from peerID", "peerID", peerID)
client := downloader.ClientSetup(peer.IP, GetSyncingPort(peer.Port))
if client == nil {
utils.GetLogInstance().Warn("[SYNC] unable to setup client")
return response, nil
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("[SYNC] client setup correctly", "client", client)
config := &syncConfig{timestamp: time.Now().UnixNano(), client: client}
node.peerRegistrationRecord[peerID] = config
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("[SYNC] register peerID success", "peerID", peerID)
response.Type = downloader_pb.DownloaderResponse_SUCCESS
case downloader_pb.DownloaderRequest_REGISTERTIMEOUT:
if node.State == NodeNotInSync {
count := node.stateSync.RegisterNodeInfo()
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("[SYNC] extra node registered", "number", count)
return response, nil
// SendNewBlockToUnsync send latest verified block to unsync, registered nodes
func (node *Node) SendNewBlockToUnsync() {
for {
block := <-node.Consensus.VerifiedNewBlock
blockHash, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(block)
if err != nil {
utils.GetLogInstance().Warn("[SYNC] unable to encode block to hashes")
// really need to have a unique id independent of ip/port
selfPeerID := utils.GetUniqueIDFromIPPort(node.SelfPeer.IP, node.SelfPeer.Port)
utils.GetLogInstance().Debug("[SYNC] peerRegistration Record", "peerID", selfPeerID, "number", len(node.peerRegistrationRecord))
for peerID, config := range node.peerRegistrationRecord {
elapseTime := time.Now().UnixNano() - config.timestamp
if elapseTime > broadcastTimeout {
utils.GetLogInstance().Warn("[SYNC] SendNewBlockToUnsync to peer timeout", "peerID", peerID)
// send last time and delete
config.client.PushNewBlock(selfPeerID, blockHash, true)
delete(node.peerRegistrationRecord, peerID)
response := config.client.PushNewBlock(selfPeerID, blockHash, false)
if response != nil && response.Type == downloader_pb.DownloaderResponse_INSYNC {
delete(node.peerRegistrationRecord, peerID)
// RemovePeersHandler is a goroutine to wait on the OfflinePeers channel
// and remove the peers from validator list
func (node *Node) RemovePeersHandler() {
for {
select {
case p := <-node.OfflinePeers:
node.Consensus.OfflinePeerList = append(node.Consensus.OfflinePeerList, p)
// ServiceManagerSetup setups service store.
func (node *Node) ServiceManagerSetup() {
node.serviceStore = &ServiceStore{}
// AddAndRunServices manually adds certain services and start them.
func (node *Node) AddAndRunServices() {
// TODO: add it later
// node.AddCommonServices()
switch node.Role {
case ShardLeader:
// Add and run explorer.
node.RegisterService(SupportExplorer, explorer.New(&node.SelfPeer))
node.actionChannel <- &Action{action: Start, serviceType: SupportExplorer}
node.RegisterService(Consensus, service.NewConsensusService(node.BlockChannel, node.Consensus))
node.actionChannel <- &Action{action: Start, serviceType: Consensus}
// node.RegisterService(SupportClient, service.NewSupportClient(node.blockchain.State, node.CallFaucetContract, node.SelfPeer.IP, node.SelfPeer.Port))
// node.actionChannel <- &Action{action: Start, serviceType: SupportClient}
case Unknown:
utils.GetLogInstance().Info("Running node services")