The core protocol of WoopChain
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package harmony
import (
nodeconfig ""
// HarmonyConfig contains all the configs user can set for running harmony binary. Served as the bridge
// from user set flags to internal node configs. Also user can persist this structure to a toml file
// to avoid inputting all arguments.
type HarmonyConfig struct {
Version string
General GeneralConfig
Network NetworkConfig
P2P P2pConfig
HTTP HttpConfig
WS WsConfig
RPCOpt RpcOptConfig
BLSKeys BlsConfig
TxPool TxPoolConfig
Pprof PprofConfig
Log LogConfig
Sync SyncConfig
Sys *SysConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Consensus *ConsensusConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Devnet *DevnetConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Revert *RevertConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Legacy *LegacyConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
Prometheus *PrometheusConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
TiKV *TiKVConfig `toml:",omitempty"`
DNSSync DnsSync
ShardData ShardDataConfig
GPO GasPriceOracleConfig
func (hc HarmonyConfig) ToRPCServerConfig() nodeconfig.RPCServerConfig {
readTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(hc.HTTP.ReadTimeout)
if err != nil {
readTimeout, _ = time.ParseDuration(nodeconfig.DefaultHTTPTimeoutRead)
Str("provided", hc.HTTP.ReadTimeout).
Dur("updated", readTimeout).
Msg("Sanitizing invalid http read timeout")
writeTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(hc.HTTP.WriteTimeout)
if err != nil {
writeTimeout, _ = time.ParseDuration(nodeconfig.DefaultHTTPTimeoutWrite)
Str("provided", hc.HTTP.WriteTimeout).
Dur("updated", writeTimeout).
Msg("Sanitizing invalid http write timeout")
idleTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(hc.HTTP.IdleTimeout)
if err != nil {
idleTimeout, _ = time.ParseDuration(nodeconfig.DefaultHTTPTimeoutIdle)
Str("provided", hc.HTTP.IdleTimeout).
Dur("updated", idleTimeout).
Msg("Sanitizing invalid http idle timeout")
evmCallTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(hc.RPCOpt.EvmCallTimeout)
if err != nil {
evmCallTimeout, _ = time.ParseDuration(nodeconfig.DefaultEvmCallTimeout)
Str("provided", hc.RPCOpt.EvmCallTimeout).
Dur("updated", evmCallTimeout).
Msg("Sanitizing invalid evm_call timeout")
return nodeconfig.RPCServerConfig{
HTTPEnabled: hc.HTTP.Enabled,
HTTPPort: hc.HTTP.Port,
HTTPAuthPort: hc.HTTP.AuthPort,
HTTPTimeoutRead: readTimeout,
HTTPTimeoutWrite: writeTimeout,
HTTPTimeoutIdle: idleTimeout,
WSEnabled: hc.WS.Enabled,
WSIp: hc.WS.IP,
WSPort: hc.WS.Port,
WSAuthPort: hc.WS.AuthPort,
DebugEnabled: hc.RPCOpt.DebugEnabled,
EthRPCsEnabled: hc.RPCOpt.EthRPCsEnabled,
StakingRPCsEnabled: hc.RPCOpt.StakingRPCsEnabled,
LegacyRPCsEnabled: hc.RPCOpt.LegacyRPCsEnabled,
RpcFilterFile: hc.RPCOpt.RpcFilterFile,
RateLimiterEnabled: hc.RPCOpt.RateLimterEnabled,
RequestsPerSecond: hc.RPCOpt.RequestsPerSecond,
EvmCallTimeout: evmCallTimeout,
type DnsSync struct {
Port int // replaces: Network.DNSSyncPort
Zone string // replaces: Network.DNSZone
Client bool // replaces: Sync.LegacyClient
Server bool // replaces: Sync.LegacyServer
ServerPort int
type NetworkConfig struct {
NetworkType string
BootNodes []string
type P2pConfig struct {
Port int
IP string
KeyFile string
DHTDataStore *string `toml:",omitempty"`
DiscConcurrency int // Discovery Concurrency value
MaxConnsPerIP int
DisablePrivateIPScan bool
MaxPeers int64
// In order to disable Connection Manager, it only needs to
// set both the high and low watermarks to zero. In this way,
// using Connection Manager will be an optional feature.
ConnManagerLowWatermark int
ConnManagerHighWatermark int
WaitForEachPeerToConnect bool
type GeneralConfig struct {
NodeType string
NoStaking bool
ShardID int
IsArchival bool
IsBackup bool
IsBeaconArchival bool
IsOffline bool
DataDir string
TraceEnable bool
EnablePruneBeaconChain bool
RunElasticMode bool
TriesInMemory int
type TiKVConfig struct {
Debug bool
PDAddr []string
Role string
StateDBCacheSizeInMB uint32
StateDBCachePersistencePath string
StateDBRedisServerAddr []string
StateDBRedisLRUTimeInDay uint32
type ShardDataConfig struct {
EnableShardData bool
DiskCount int
ShardCount int
CacheTime int
CacheSize int
type GasPriceOracleConfig struct {
// the number of blocks to sample
Blocks int
// the number of transactions to sample, per block
Transactions int
// the percentile to pick from there
Percentile int
// the default gas price, if the above data is not available
DefaultPrice int64
// the maximum suggested gas price
MaxPrice int64
// when block usage (gas) for last `Blocks` blocks is below `LowUsageThreshold`,
// we return the Default price
LowUsageThreshold int
// hack: our block header reports an 80m gas limit, but it is actually 30M.
// if set to non-zero, this is applied UNCHECKED
BlockGasLimit int
type ConsensusConfig struct {
MinPeers int
AggregateSig bool
type BlsConfig struct {
KeyDir string
KeyFiles []string
MaxKeys int
PassEnabled bool
PassSrcType string
PassFile string
SavePassphrase bool
KMSEnabled bool
KMSConfigSrcType string
KMSConfigFile string
type TxPoolConfig struct {
BlacklistFile string
AllowedTxsFile string
RosettaFixFile string
AccountSlots uint64
AccountQueue uint64
GlobalQueue uint64
LocalAccountsFile string
GlobalSlots uint64
Lifetime time.Duration
PriceLimit PriceLimit
PriceBump uint64
type PprofConfig struct {
Enabled bool
ListenAddr string
Folder string
ProfileNames []string
ProfileIntervals []int
ProfileDebugValues []int
type LogConfig struct {
Console bool
Folder string
FileName string
RotateSize int
RotateCount int
RotateMaxAge int
Verbosity int
VerbosePrints LogVerbosePrints
Context *LogContext `toml:",omitempty"`
type LogVerbosePrints struct {
Config bool
func FlagSliceToLogVerbosePrints(verbosePrintsFlagSlice []string) LogVerbosePrints {
verbosePrints := LogVerbosePrints{}
verbosePrintsReflect := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(&verbosePrints))
for _, verbosePrint := range verbosePrintsFlagSlice {
verbosePrint = strings.Title(verbosePrint)
field := verbosePrintsReflect.FieldByName(verbosePrint)
if field.IsValid() && field.CanSet() {
return verbosePrints
type LogContext struct {
IP string
Port int
type SysConfig struct {
NtpServer string
type HttpConfig struct {
Enabled bool
IP string
Port int
AuthPort int
RosettaEnabled bool
RosettaPort int
ReadTimeout string
WriteTimeout string
IdleTimeout string
type WsConfig struct {
Enabled bool
IP string
Port int
AuthPort int
type RpcOptConfig struct {
DebugEnabled bool // Enables PrivateDebugService APIs, including the EVM tracer
EthRPCsEnabled bool // Expose Eth RPCs
StakingRPCsEnabled bool // Expose Staking RPCs
LegacyRPCsEnabled bool // Expose Legacy RPCs
RpcFilterFile string // Define filters to enable/disable RPC exposure
RateLimterEnabled bool // Enable Rate limiter for RPC
RequestsPerSecond int // for RPC rate limiter
EvmCallTimeout string // Timeout for eth_call
type DevnetConfig struct {
NumShards int
ShardSize int
HmyNodeSize int
SlotsLimit int // HIP-16: The absolute number of maximum effective slots per shard limit for each validator. 0 means no limit.
// TODO: make `revert` to a separate command
type RevertConfig struct {
RevertBeacon bool
RevertTo int
RevertBefore int
type LegacyConfig struct {
WebHookConfig *string `toml:",omitempty"`
TPBroadcastInvalidTxn *bool `toml:",omitempty"`
type PrometheusConfig struct {
Enabled bool
IP string
Port int
EnablePush bool
Gateway string
type SyncConfig struct {
// TODO: Remove this bool after stream sync is fully up.
Enabled bool // enable the stream sync protocol
Downloader bool // start the sync downloader client
StagedSync bool // use staged sync
StagedSyncCfg StagedSyncConfig // staged sync configurations
Concurrency int // concurrency used for stream sync protocol
MinPeers int // minimum streams to start a sync task.
InitStreams int // minimum streams in bootstrap to start sync loop.
MaxAdvertiseWaitTime int // maximum time duration between advertisements
DiscSoftLowCap int // when number of streams is below this value, spin discover during check
DiscHardLowCap int // when removing stream, num is below this value, spin discovery immediately
DiscHighCap int // upper limit of streams in one sync protocol
DiscBatch int // size of each discovery
type StagedSyncConfig struct {
TurboMode bool // turn on turbo mode
DoubleCheckBlockHashes bool // double check all block hashes before download blocks
MaxBlocksPerSyncCycle uint64 // max number of blocks per each sync cycle, if set to zero, all blocks will be synced in one full cycle
MaxBackgroundBlocks uint64 // max number of background blocks in turbo mode
InsertChainBatchSize int // number of blocks to build a batch and insert to chain in staged sync
MaxMemSyncCycleSize uint64 // max number of blocks to use a single transaction for staged sync
VerifyAllSig bool // verify signatures for all blocks regardless of height and batch size
VerifyHeaderBatchSize uint64 // batch size to verify header before insert to chain
UseMemDB bool // it uses memory by default. set it to false to use disk
LogProgress bool // log the full sync progress in console
DebugMode bool // log every single process and error to help to debug syncing issues (DebugMode is not accessible to the end user and is only an aid for development)
type PriceLimit int64
func (s *PriceLimit) UnmarshalTOML(data interface{}) error {
switch v := data.(type) {
case float64:
*s = PriceLimit(v)
case int64:
*s = PriceLimit(v)
case PriceLimit:
*s = v
return fmt.Errorf("PriceLimit.UnmarshalTOML: %T", data)
return nil
func (s PriceLimit) MarshalTOML() ([]byte, error) {
if s > 1_000_000_000 {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%de9", s/1_000_000_000)), nil
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", s)), nil